Thanks to Chrome for all his help with the drops list! Check his website for the list of Eldarya markables! :3
Dovreste trovare una dark potion nel vostro inventario a compensazione dei bug di ieri (grasso che cola, eh, ma meglio di niente). Se è la stessa del 2016, questa pozione RIEMPIE COMPLETAMENTE l’energia del famiglio, quindi accertatevi di non avere residui prima di usarla.
La tabella è pressoché completa.
- Data: L’evento sarà accessibile dalle 11:00 del 28/10/2021, fino al 3/11/2021, 23:59:59 per quanto riguarda la storia e le ricompense 2021, la mappa resterà a nostra disposizione fino al 7/11/2021 23:59:59.
Trovate la versione “Lite” della tabella [qui]
Troubleshooting & Bugs:
I dialoghi costano 2 Maana,Risolto!La pagina della storia si blocca.Risolto!Le esplorazioni portano un oggetto per volta.Risolto!Alcune versioni non hanno l’opzione per cambiare storiaIl costo di alcune esche è spropositatoDovrebbero essere date 2 fiammelle al giorno per la storia, ma il primo giorno ce n’è solo unaRisolto!
Dovrebbe essere possibile continuare a giocare l’evento ora
Come funziona l’evento? Guida e consigli:
L’evento è composto principalmente da quattro parti:
1 – La mappa per le esplorazioni
che potete trovare qui:
Mandando il famiglio in esplorazione qui potrete trovare diverse tenute degli anni precedenti:
- Bloody Countess (2015)
- Lost Bride (2015)
- Black Widow (2015)
- Wolf Druid (2015)
- Frankenstein (2015)
- Evil Succubus (2015)
- Santa Muerte (2015)
- Queen Spider (2016)
- Mysterious Enchantress (2016)
- Sweet Mourne (2016)
- Spirited Away (2016)
- Blood-Cloaked soldier (2016)
- Lost Soul (2016)
- Stealth Crow (2016)
- Magician (2016)
- Skeleton Witch (2016)
- Petrifying Empress (2017)
- Evil Baroness (2017)
- Voodoo Priestess (2017)
- Mad Scientist (2017)
- Soul Sentinel (2017)
- Naga (2017)
- Twisted Harpy (2018)
- Veiled Claws (2018)
- Nightmare Chivalry (2018)
- Fortune Teller (2019)
- Necromancer (2019)
- Rag Doll (2020)
- Skel Mermaid (2020)
Oltre ad 1 nuova tenuta 2021:
Mischievious Trickster (2021) – 11 Pezzi
2- La pagina evento,
Nella pagina evento potrete ascoltare le terrificanti storie dei 4 ragazzi e controllare i vostri progressi.
Dopo l’introduzione verrà selezionato un ragazzo a caso col quale comincerete (ma li farete comunque tutti); Cambiare storia richiede 40 mo ma visto che l’ordine in cui otterrete gli oggetti è sempre lo stesso, non vi consiglio di sprecarli. Ogni storia ha tre scelte da fare (più la storia finale di Erika, che ne ha una) che si sbagli o si scelga la risposta corretta, una volta finite le due fiammelle (una per scelta fatta), si può riprovare/continuare pagando monete d’oro (25 per ogni azione extra) o il giorno successivo. Se farete la scelta sbagliata, dovrete usare un’altra fiammella per riprovare. Per ogni scelta corretta vincerete un pezzo della tenuta Lava Child, nell’ordine:
- Guanti
- Occhiali
- Atmosfera (ceneri)
- Accessorio a mano (lava)
- (in aggiornamento)
- I would have checked out the Pyramid of Doom. It’s full of traps, probably to protect something important…
- You knew how to keep a cool head!
- I’m usually wary of orders given by Purral.
- Straight? Neither the crying nor the ringing could have been good signs…
- Running as quickly as possible seems like a good idea, right?
- You hid in the tunnel from which you came, and waited for it to pass?
- Arcane Pits are huge nuts with a rune engraved on them…
- Vanoe libera la prigioniera e gli altri due attaccano
- Vanhoe saved the damsel in distress, Gerrod brought down the monster… You’re jealous!
- I agree with Leiftan… The thing with the long neck.
- You came calmly out of your hiding spot so that she would see you.
- And you lied to her. Telling her that you had seen the Alicanto.
- Non ce la posso fare, sentite, questa storia è falsa.
Ogni risposta data ed esplorazione fatta contribuisce a riempire la barra collettiva del server. Quando sarà piena tutte le partecipanti vinceranno un uovo leggendario: Sleipnhorz
3 – La boutique
Nella sezione speciale della boutique di Purriry, e in quella di Purreru sono presenti uova e tenute di Halloween.
- Mischievous Trickster (2021)
- Demonika (2020)
- Fallen angel (2019)
- Stained-Glass Widow (2018)
- Twisted Harpy (2018)
- Veiled Claws (2018)
- Starry Witch (2017)
- Youth Seeker (2016)
- Sfondi
Esclusive Boutique:
- Stained-Glass Widow (bug?)
- Fallen Angel (bug? solo se l’avete comprata nel 2019 o nel negozio di monete antiche)
- Demonika (solo se l’avete comprata l’anno passato o nel negozio di monete antiche)
- Starry Witch
- Youth Seeker
La tenuta della banca (Origins Villain) è disponibile in boutique se l’avete già sbloccata.
4 – La banca
E’ inoltre disponibile una tenuta bonus banca: Origins Villain (2021) (potrete scegliere tra 10 colorazioni + parrucca scelta a parte). Potrete ottenerla comprando maana o monete d’oro per un totale di 1500 punti (ogni moneta d’oro vale 3 punti e ogni maana 1)
L’illustrazione 2021 puo’ essere ottenuta completando le 4 storie del terrore dei ragazzi e la propria.
Sono disponibili i seguenti famigli evento:
Area | Year /Anno | ||
Bakhrahell (Bezoar) | Lost Souls Labyrinth | 2018 | |
Bhemoth (Spectral Lamp) | Odessa Opera | 2020 | |
Chead (Haunted Harp) | Thorny Forest | 2016 | |
Ciralak (Fabric Mouse) | Witch's Cauldron | 2016 | |
Globulosaurus (Patchwork Blanket) | Doll Island | 2017 | |
Greifmar (Moonstone*) | Well of Souls | 2019 | |
Hydracarys (Red Gem) | Hangman's Tree | 2017 | |
Kreafire (Mahogany Obsidian ) | Lava Cracks | 2016 | |
Mohmiaû (Ball of Bandages ) | Pyramid of Doom | 2018 | |
Osstoplasm (Haunted Rune) | Ghost Ship | 2017 | |
Pirnomnom (Shining Hook) | Laboratory Manor | 2020 | |
Pterocorvus (Centipede's Soul) | Pumpkin Alley | 2019 | |
Rawist (Glowing Iron) | Abandoned Cemetery | 2015 | |
Sgarkellogy (Very Special Fork) | Demonic Altar | 2018 | |
Spadel (Radioactive Silk) | Haunted Forest | 2016 |
Costo: -No- Non venduto in negozio
Qui potrete trovare le esche:
Area | Year /Anno | ||
Ball of Bandages (Mohmiaù) | Village of the Damned | 2018 | |
Bezoar (Bakharhell) | Laboratory Manor | 2018 | |
Centipede's Soul (Pterocorvus) | Doll Island | 2019 | |
Fabric Mouse (Ciralak) | Lost Souls Labyrinth | 2016* | |
Glowing Iron (Rawist) | Pyramid of Doom | 2015* | |
Haunted Harp (Chead) | Witch's Cauldron | 2016 | |
Haunted Rune (Osstoplasm) | Pumpkin Alley | 2017* | |
Mahogany Obsidian (Kreafire) | Abandoned Cemetery | 2021* | |
Moonstone (Greifmar) | Haunted Forest | 2018 | |
Patchwork Blanket (Globulosaurus) | Demonic Altar | 2017* | |
Radioactive Silk (Spadel) | Ghost Ship | 2016 | |
Red Gem (Hydracarys) | Odessa Opera | 2017* | |
Shining Hook (Pirnomnom) | Thorny Forest | 2020* | |
Spectral Lamp (Bhemoth) | Phoenix Castle | 2020 | |
Very Special Fork (Sgarkellogy) | Well of Souls | 2015 |
Costo: -No- Non venduto in negozio
Per maggiori informazioni consultate la pagina dei famigli
Oggetti in esplorazione:
Tabella interattiva con filtri; potete cercare per oggetto, disponibilità in negozio, area, categoria etc etc
Potete trovare la lista di tutti gli oggetti disponibili durante questo evento qua sotto.
- – No – Non puo’ essere comprato in boutique
- Area: Boutique Puo’ solo essere trovato in boutique.
- Le esche e i famigli hanno il nome della rispettiva esca/famiglio tra parentesi.
Cat. | Sub. C. | Costo | Price | Area | Year /Anno | ||
Adella | Equip. | Capelli/ Hair | -No- | Lost Souls Labyrinth | 2020 | |
Alchemist Belt | Equip. | Cinture /Belts | -No- | Abandoned Cemetery | 2016 | |
Angel Smile | Equip. | Acc. viso/ Face Acc. | -No- | Doll Island | 2016 | |
Annabelle | Equip. | Capelli/ Hair | -No- | Abandoned Cemetery | 2020 | |
Assassin Eyes | Equip. | Occhi/ Eyes | -No- | Thorny Forest | 2016 | |
Atmosphere Mad Scientist | Equip. | Atmosfere/ Atmospheres | -No- | Hangman's Tree | 2017 | |
Augustine | Equip. | Capelli/ Hair | -(150) | Laboratory Manor | 2018 | |
Bakhrahell (Bezoar) | Uova/Eggs | - | -(450) | Lost Souls Labyrinth | 2018 | |
Ball of Bandages (Mohmiaù) | Esche/Bait | - | 450(75) | Village of the Damned | 2018 | |
Basilisk Tattoo | Equip. | Tatuaggi/ Tattoos | -No- | Village of the Damned | 2016 | |
Bat Thigh-Highs | Equip. | Calze/ Socks | -No- | Village of the Damned | 2017 | |
Bat Tights | Equip. | Calze/ Socks | -No- | Odessa Opera | 2018 | |
Bathory | Equip. | Capelli/ Hair | -No- | Pyramid of Doom | 2015 | |
Bezoar (Bakharhell) | Esche/Bait | - | 600(100) | Laboratory Manor | 2018 | |
Bhemoth (Spectral Lamp) | Uova/Eggs | - | -No- | Odessa Opera | 2020 | |
Black Widow Dress | Equip. | Abiti/ Dresses | -No- | Village of the Damned | 2015 | |
Black Widow Necklace | Equip. | Collane/ Necklaces | -No- | Haunted Forest | 2015 | |
Black Widow Shoes | Equip. | Scarpe/ Shoes | -No- | Demonic Altar | 2015 | |
Black Widow Stockings | Equip. | Calze/ Socks | -No- | Pumpkin Alley | 2015 | |
Bloodstained Cape | Equip. | Cappotti /Coats | -No- | Laboratory Manor | 2015 | |
Bloody Countess Belt | Equip. | Cinture /Belts | -No- | Well of Souls | 2015 | |
Bloody Countess Bolero | Equip. | Cappotti /Coats | -No- | Pyramid of Doom | 2015 | |
Bloody Countess Boots | Equip. | Scarpe/ Shoes | -No- | Lost Souls Labyrinth | 2015 | |
Bloody Countess Cape | Equip. | Cappotti /Coats | -No- | Lava Cracks | 2015 | |
Bloody Countess Corset | Equip. | Cinture /Belts | -No- | Pumpkin Alley | 2015 | |
Bloody Countess Glass | Equip. | Acc. a mano/ Hand Acc. | -No- | Pyramid of Doom | 2015 | |
Bloody Countess Gloves | Equip. | Guanti/ Gloves | -No- | Abandoned Cemetery | 2015 | |
Bloody Countess Gown | Equip. | Abiti/ Dresses | -No- | Odessa Opera | 2015 | |
Bubbling Cauldron | Equip. | Acc. a mano/ Hand Acc. | -No- | Witch's Cauldron | 2016 | |
Campfire | Equip. | Sfondi/ Backgrounds | -No- | Witch's Cauldron | 2021 | |
Candy Corn | Cibo/Food | - | 30(5) | Boutique | 2015 | |
Cassandre | Equip. | Capelli/ Hair | -No- | Hangman's Tree | 2017 | |
Censored | Equip. | Bocche/ Mouths | -No- | Doll Island | 2017 | |
Centipede's Soul (Pterocorvus) | Esche/Bait | - | 480(80) | Doll Island | 2019 | |
Chead (Haunted Harp) | Uova/Eggs | - | -No- | Thorny Forest | 2016 | |
Ciralak (Fabric Mouse) | Uova/Eggs | - | -No- | Witch's Cauldron | 2016 | |
De La Muerte Crown | Equip. | Cappelli/ Hats | -No- | Lost Souls Labyrinth | 2015 | |
De La Muerte Mask | Equip. | Acc. viso/ Face Acc. | -No- | Ghost Ship | 2015 | |
De La Muerte Skin | Equip. | Pelle/ Skins | -No- | Odessa Opera | 2015 | |
Deadly Flowers | Equip. | Atmosfere/ Atmospheres | -No- | Ghost Ship | 2018 | |
Decorative Underwear | Equip. | Lingerie/ Underwear | -No- | Doll Island | 2017 | |
Demon Eyes | Equip. | Occhi/ Eyes | -No- | Lava Cracks | 2015 | |
Demonic Altar | Equip. | Sfondi/ Backgrounds | 300(50) | Boutique | 2019 | |
Demonic Antlers | Equip. | Cappelli/ Hats | -No- | Demonic Altar | 2018 | |
Demonic Hat | Equip. | Cappelli/ Hats | -No- | Demonic Altar | 2016 | |
Disenchanted Forest | Equip. | Sfondi/ Backgrounds | 300(50) | Boutique | 2019 | |
Dizzy Lingerie | Equip. | Lingerie/ Underwear | -No- | Abandoned Cemetery | 2018 | |
Don't be afraid of the dark | Equip. | Sfondi/ Backgrounds | -No- | Demonic Altar | 2017 | |
Double View Earrings | Equip. | Acc. viso/ Face Acc. | -No- | Phoenix Castle | 2018 | |
Empty eyes | Equip. | Occhi/ Eyes | -No- | Doll Island | 2015 | |
Empty Teary Eyes | Equip. | Occhi/ Eyes | -No- | Haunted Forest | 2015 | |
Evil Baroness Corset | Equip. | Top/s | -No- | Lost Souls Labyrinth | 2017 | |
Evil Baroness Dress | Equip. | Abiti/ Dresses | -No- | Odessa Opera | 2017 | |
Evil Baroness Horns | Equip. | Cappelli/ Hats | -No- | Odessa Opera | 2017 | |
Evil Baroness Hoves | Equip. | Scarpe/ Shoes | -No- | Lava Cracks | 2017 | |
Evil Baroness Necklace | Equip. | Collane/ Necklaces | -No- | Ghost Ship | 2017 | |
Evil Baroness Scepter | Equip. | Acc. a mano/ Hand Acc. | -No- | Pumpkin Alley | 2017 | |
Evil Baroness Tail | Equip. | Cinture /Belts | -No- | Lava Cracks | 2017 | |
Evil Baroness Thigh-Highs | Equip. | Calze/ Socks | -No- | Ghost Ship | 2017 | |
Evil Succubus Body Blouse | Equip. | Lingerie/ Underwear | -No- | Odessa Opera | 2015 | |
Evil Succubus Necklace | Equip. | Collane/ Necklaces | -No- | Pyramid of Doom | 2015 | |
Evil Succubus Stockings | Equip. | Calze/ Socks | -No- | Ghost Ship | 2015 | |
Evil Succubus Wings | Equip. | Cappotti /Coats | -No- | Lost Souls Labyrinth | 2015 | |
Fabric Mouse (Ciralak) | Esche/Bait | - | 600(100) | Lost Souls Labyrinth | 2016* | |
Fake Blood-Cloaked Soldier Boots | Equip. | Scarpe/ Shoes | -No- | Well of Souls | 2016 | |
Fake Blood-Cloaked Soldier Coat | Equip. | Cappotti /Coats | -No- | Odessa Opera | 2016 | |
Fake Blood-Cloaked Soldier Gloves | Equip. | Guanti/ Gloves | -No- | Hangman's Tree | 2016 | |
Fake Blood-Cloaked Soldier Jewelry | Equip. | Collane/ Necklaces | -No- | Doll Island | 2016 | |
Fake Blood-Cloaked Soldier Pants | Equip. | Calze/ Socks | -No- | Demonic Altar | 2016 | |
Fake Blood-cloaked Soldier Teddy | Equip. | Lingerie/ Underwear | -No- | Hangman's Tree | 2016 | |
Feather Pelerine | Equip. | Cappotti /Coats | -No- | Hangman's Tree | 2017 | |
Flames | Equip. | Atmosfere/ Atmospheres | -No- | Pumpkin Alley | 2015 | |
Floating Candles | Equip. | Atmosfere/ Atmospheres | -No- | Thorny Forest | 2017 | |
Fortune Teller Athame | Equip. | Calze/ Socks | -No- | Haunted Forest | 2019 | |
Fortune Teller Cape | Equip. | Cappotti /Coats | -No- | Thorny Forest | 2019 | |
Fortune Teller Cards | Equip. | Acc. a mano/ Hand Acc. | -No- | Village of the Damned | 2019 | |
Fortune Teller Coat | Equip. | Cappotti /Coats | -No- | Haunted Forest | 2019 | |
Fortune Teller Dress | Equip. | Abiti/ Dresses | -No- | Laboratory Manor | 2019 | |
Fortune Teller Earrings | Equip. | Acc. viso/ Face Acc. | -No- | Hangman's Tree | 2019 | |
Fortune Teller Headband | Equip. | Cappelli/ Hats | -No- | Pyramid of Doom | 2019 | |
Fortune Teller Heels | Equip. | Scarpe/ Shoes | -No- | Odessa Opera | 2019 | |
Fortune Teller Necklace | Equip. | Collane/ Necklaces | -No- | Lava Cracks | 2019 | |
Fortune Teller Rings | Equip. | Acc. a mano/ Hand Acc. | -No- | Odessa Opera | 2019 | |
Fortune Teller Sage Stick | Equip. | Acc. a mano/ Hand Acc. | -No- | Thorny Forest | 2019 | |
Fran | Equip. | Capelli/ Hair | -No- | Ghost Ship | 2017 | |
Frankenstein Dress | Equip. | Abiti/ Dresses | -No- | Odessa Opera | 2015 | |
Frankenstein Leather Ankle Cuffs | Equip. | Scarpe/ Shoes | -No- | Thorny Forest | 2015 | |
Frankenstein Leather Cuffs | Equip. | Acc. a mano/ Hand Acc. | -No- | Well of Souls | 2015 | |
Frankenstein Necklace | Equip. | Collane/ Necklaces | -No- | Ghost Ship | 2015 | |
Frankenstein Skin | Equip. | Pelle/ Skins | -No- | Lava Cracks | 2015 | |
Ghost Ship | Equip. | Sfondi/ Backgrounds | 300(50) | Boutique | 2018 | |
Globulosaurus (Patchwork Blanket) | Uova/Eggs | - | -No- | Doll Island | 2017 | |
Glowing Iron (Rawist) | Esche/Bait | - | 600(100) | Pyramid of Doom | 2015* | |
Googly Eyes | Equip. | Occhi/ Eyes | -No- | Village of the Damned | 2016 | |
Gothic Choker | Equip. | Collane/ Necklaces | -No- | Lava Cracks | 2018 | |
Greifmar (Moonstone*) | Uova/Eggs | - | -(450) | Well of Souls | 2019 | |
Harpy Headdress | Equip. | Cappelli/ Hats | -No- | Ghost Ship | 2015 | |
Haunted Harp (Chead) | Esche/Bait | - | 450(75) | Witch's Cauldron | 2016 | |
Haunted Rune (Osstoplasm) | Esche/Bait | - | 450(75) | Pumpkin Alley | 2017* | |
Horrifying | Equip. | Bocche/ Mouths | -No- | Haunted Forest | 2015 | |
Hydracarys (Red Gem) | Uova/Eggs | - | -No- | Hangman's Tree | 2017 | |
Inari | Equip. | Capelli/ Hair | -No- | Doll Island | 2016 | |
Insane | Equip. | Bocche/ Mouths | -No- | Village of the Damned | 2016 | |
Invasive Thorns | Equip. | Atmosfere/ Atmospheres | -No- | Thorny Forest | 2016 | |
Kathleen | Equip. | Capelli/ Hair | -(175) | Boutique | 2018 | |
Kreafire (Mahogany Obsidian ) | Uova/Eggs | - | 2040(340) | Lava Cracks | 2016 | |
Laure | Equip. | Capelli/ Hair | -(125) | Haunted Forest | 2018 | |
Lena | Equip. | Capelli/ Hair | -No- | Thorny Forest | 2016 | |
Living Hat | Equip. | Cappelli/ Hats | -No- | Phoenix Castle | 2015 | |
Loptr | Equip. | Capelli/ Hair | 570(95) | Well of Souls | 2021 | |
Lost Bride Bustier | Equip. | Top/s | -No- | Doll Island | 2015 | |
Lost Bride Garter | Equip. | Calze/ Socks | -No- | Laboratory Manor | 2015 | |
Lost Bride Sandals | Equip. | Scarpe/ Shoes | -No- | Thorny Forest | 2015 | |
Lost Bride Skirt | Equip. | Pantaloni/ Bottoms | -No- | Doll Island | 2015 | |
Lost Bride Splatters | Equip. | Acc. viso/ Face Acc. | -No- | Lost Souls Labyrinth | 2015 | |
Lost Bride Veil | Equip. | Cappelli/ Hats | -No- | Well of Souls | 2015 | |
Lost Soul Camisole | Equip. | Top/s | -No- | Well of Souls | 2016 | |
Lost Soul Eye Patch | Equip. | Acc. viso/ Face Acc. | -No- | Village of the Damned | 2016 | |
Lost Soul Gloves | Equip. | Guanti/ Gloves | -No- | Hangman's Tree | 2016 | |
Lost Soul Pants | Equip. | Calze/ Socks | -No- | Demonic Altar | 2016 | |
Lost Soul Pants | Equip. | Pantaloni/ Bottoms | -No- | Witch's Cauldron | 2016 | |
Lost Soul Underwear | Equip. | Lingerie/ Underwear | -No- | Pumpkin Alley | 2016 | |
Low-cut Fluid Dress | Equip. | Abiti/ Dresses | -No- | Odessa Opera | 2018 | |
Luminous Spectral Skin | Equip. | Pelle/ Skins | -No- | Well of Soul | 2016 | |
Mad Scientist Boots | Equip. | Scarpe/ Shoes | -No- | Abandoned Cemetery | 2017 | |
Mad Scientist Coat | Equip. | Cappotti /Coats | -No- | Haunted Forest | 2017 | |
Mad Scientist Glasses | Equip. | Acc. viso/ Face Acc. | -No- | Pumpkin Alley | 2017 | |
Mad Scientist Gloves | Equip. | Guanti/ Gloves | -No- | Odessa Opera | 2017 | |
Mad Scientist Pants | Equip. | Pantaloni/ Bottoms | -No- | Phoenix Castle | 2017 | |
Mad Scientist Socks | Equip. | Calze/ Socks | -No- | Abandoned Cemetery | 2017 | |
Mad Scientist Top | Equip. | Top/s | -No- | Haunted Forest | 2017 | |
Magician Shoes | Equip. | Scarpe/ Shoes | -No- | Haunted Forest | 2016 | |
Magician Skirt | Equip. | Pantaloni/ Bottoms | -No- | Odessa Opera | 2016 | |
Magician Sweater | Equip. | Cappotti /Coats | -No- | Odessa Opera | 2016 | |
Magician Top | Equip. | Top/s | -No- | Well of Souls | 2016 | |
Mahogany Obsidian (Kreafire) | Esche/Bait | - | 420(70) | Abandoned Cemetery | 2021* | |
Mary | Equip. | Capelli/ Hair | -No- | Phoenix Castle | 2016 | |
Melissa | Equip. | Capelli/ Hair | -(175) | Boutique | 2017 | |
Mischievous Trickster Belt | Equip. | Cinture /Belts | 180(30) | Hangman's Tree | 2016 | |
Mischievous Trickster Boots | Equip. | Scarpe/ Shoes | 300(50) | Phoenix Castle | 2015 | |
Mischievous Trickster Cape | Equip. | Cappotti /Coats | 468(78) | Witch's Cauldron | 2021 | |
Mischievous Trickster Coat | Equip. | Cappotti /Coats | 420(70) | Thorny Forest | 2021 | |
Mischievous Trickster Gloves | Equip. | Guanti/ Gloves | 132(22) | Phoenix Castle | 2021 | |
Mischievous Trickster Helmet | Equip. | Cappelli/ Hats | 420(70) | Thorny Forest | 2021 | |
Mischievous Trickster Pants | Equip. | Pantaloni/ Bottoms | 300(50) | Lava Cracks | 2021 | |
Mischievous Trickster Staff | Equip. | Acc. a mano/ Hand Acc. | 480(80) | Demonic Altar | 2021 | |
Mischievous Trickster Top | Equip. | Top/s | 330(55) | Pyramid of Doom | 2021 | |
Mohmiaû (Ball of Bandages ) | Uova/Eggs | - | -(350) | Pyramid of Doom | 2018 | |
Moonstone (Greifmar) | Esche/Bait | - | 420(70) | Haunted Forest | 2018 | |
Morgane | Equip. | Capelli/ Hair | -No- | Witch's Cauldron | 2017 | |
Mowa | Equip. | Capelli/ Hair | -No- | Lava Cracks | 2017 | |
Mummy Bandages | Equip. | Abiti/ Dresses | -No- | Pyramid of Doom | 2015 | |
Munak Hat | Equip. | Cappelli/ Hats | -No- | Lava Cracks | 2015 | |
Mysterious Enchantress Dress | Equip. | Abiti/ Dresses | -No- | Doll Island | 2016 | |
Mysterious Enchantress Mask | Equip. | Acc. viso/ Face Acc. | -No- | Demonic Altar | 2016 | |
Mysterious Enchantress Necklace | Equip. | Collane/ Necklaces | -No- | Lava Cracks | 2016 | |
Mysterious Enchantress Scepter | Equip. | Acc. a mano/ Hand Acc. | -No- | Demonic Altar | 2016 | |
Mysterious Enchantress Socks | Equip. | Scarpe/ Shoes | -No- | Thorny Forest | 2016 | |
Mysterious Enchantress Tights | Equip. | Calze/ Socks | -No- | Phoenix Castle | 2016 | |
Mysterious Enchantress Top | Equip. | Top/s | -No- | Lost Souls Labyrinth | 2016 | |
Mysterious Enchantress Veil | Equip. | Cappotti /Coats | -No- | Demonic Altar | 2016 | |
Naga Skin | Equip. | Pelle/ Skins | -No- | Demonic Altar | 2017 | |
Naia | Equip. | Capelli/ Hair | -No- | Village of the Damned | 2017 | |
Naomie | Equip. | Capelli/ Hair | -No- | Witch's Cauldron | 2018 | |
Necromancer Crown | Equip. | Cappelli/ Hats | -No- | Haunted Forest | 2019 | |
Necromancer Horns | Equip. | Cappelli/ Hats | -No- | Hangman's Tree | 2019 | |
Necromancer Sceptre | Equip. | Acc. a mano/ Hand Acc. | -No- | Thorny Forest | 2019 | |
Necromancer Skirt | Equip. | Pantaloni/ Bottoms | -No- | Witch's Cauldron | 2019 | |
Necromancer Sleeves | Equip. | Acc. a mano/ Hand Acc. | -No- | Witch's Cauldron | 2019 | |
Necromancer Top | Equip. | Top/s | -No- | Thorny Forest | 2019 | |
Necromancer Veil | Equip. | Cappelli/ Hats | -No- | Lost Souls Labyrinth | 2019 | |
Neglected Cross | Equip. | Atmosfere/ Atmospheres | -No- | Ghost Ship | 2018 | |
Nightmare Chivalry Belt | Equip. | Cinture /Belts | -No- | Lava Cracks | 2018 | |
Nightmare Chivalry Boots | Equip. | Scarpe/ Shoes | -No- | Demonic Altar | 2018 | |
Nightmare Chivalry Chest Plate | Equip. | Top/s | -No- | Well of Souls | 2018 | |
Nightmare Chivalry Dress | Equip. | Abiti/ Dresses | -No- | Lava Cracks | 2018 | |
Nightmare Chivalry Eyes | Equip. | Occhi/ Eyes | -No- | Laboratory Manor | 2018 | |
Nightmare Chivalry Gloves | Equip. | Guanti/ Gloves | -No- | Hangman's Tree | 2018 | |
Nightmare Chivalry Mask | Equip. | Acc. viso/ Face Acc. | -No- | Well of Souls | 2018 | |
Nightmare Chivalry Pants | Equip. | Pantaloni/ Bottoms | -No- | Pyramid of Doom | 2018 | |
Nightmare Chivalry Sword | Equip. | Acc. a mano/ Hand Acc. | -No- | Ghost Ship | 2018 | |
Nightmare Chivalry Veil | Equip. | Cappotti /Coats | -No- | Pumpkin Alley | 2018 | |
Osstoplasm (Haunted Rune) | Uova/Eggs | - | -No- | Ghost Ship | 2017 | |
Patchwork Blanket (Globulosaurus) | Esche/Bait | - | 300(50) | Demonic Altar | 2017* | |
Petrifying Empress Cape | Equip. | Cappotti /Coats | -No- | Demonic Altar | 2017 | |
Petrifying Empress Dress | Equip. | Abiti/ Dresses | -No- | Thorny Forest | 2017 | |
Petrifying Empress Jewelry | Equip. | Acc. a mano/ Hand Acc. | -No- | Lost Souls Labyrinth | 2017 | |
Petrifying Empress Shoes | Equip. | Scarpe/ Shoes | -No- | Laboratory Manor | 2017 | |
Petrifying Empress Shoulder Pads | Equip. | Cappotti /Coats | -No- | Ghost Ship | 2017 | |
Pirnomnom (Shining Hook) | Uova/Eggs | - | 2010(335) | Laboratory Manor | 2020 | |
Pointy ears | Equip. | Acc. viso/ Face Acc. | -No- | Thorny Forest | 2016 | |
Pointy Nails | Equip. | Acc. a mano/ Hand Acc. | -No- | Well of Souls | 2017 | |
Possesed Apple | Cibo/Food | - | 24(4) | Boutique | 2015 | |
Possessed Eyes | Equip. | Occhi/ Eyes | -No- | Lost Souls Labyrinth | 2015 | |
Pterocorvus (Centipede's Soul) | Uova/Eggs | - | 2100(350) | Pumpkin Alley | 2019 | |
Pumpkin Meeting | Equip. | Atmosfere/ Atmospheres | -No- | Phoenix Castle | 2017 | |
Pumpkin Shorts | Equip. | Pantaloni/ Bottoms | -No- | Ghost Ship | 2015 | |
Queen Spider Helmet | Equip. | Cappelli/ Hats | -No- | Witch's Cauldron | 2016 | |
Queen Spider Socks | Equip. | Calze/ Socks | -No- | Phoenix Castle | 2016 | |
Queen Spider Sword | Equip. | Acc. a mano/ Hand Acc. | -No- | Odessa Opera | 2016 | |
Queen Spider Top | Equip. | Lingerie/ Underwear | -No- | Phoenix Castle | 2016 | |
Radioactive Silk (Spadel) | Esche/Bait | - | 300(50) | Ghost Ship | 2016 | |
Rag Doll Apron | Equip. | Cinture /Belts | -No- | Phoenix Castle | 2020 | |
Rag Doll Bloomers | Equip. | Pantaloni/ Bottoms | -No- | Doll Island | 2020 | |
Rag Doll Bow | Equip. | Collane/ Necklaces | -No- | Thorny Forest | 2020 | |
Rag Doll Dress | Equip. | Abiti/ Dresses | -No- | Well of Souls | 2020 | |
Rag Doll Eyes | Equip. | Occhi/ Eyes | -No- | Thorny Forest | 2020 | |
Rag Doll Headband | Equip. | Cappelli/ Hats | -No- | Doll Island | 2020 | |
Rag Doll Plush | Equip. | Acc. a mano/ Hand Acc. | -No- | Odessa Opera | 2020 | |
Rag Doll Shadow | Equip. | Atmosfere/ Atmospheres | -No- | Village of the Damned | 2020 | |
Rag Doll Shoes | Equip. | Scarpe/ Shoes | -No- | Demonic Altar | 2020 | |
Rag Doll Skin | Equip. | Pelle/ Skins | -No- | Abandoned Cemetery | 2020 | |
Rag Doll Socks | Equip. | Calze/ Socks | -No- | Hangman's Tree | 2020 | |
Rawist (Glowing Iron) | Uova/Eggs | - | -No- | Abandoned Cemetery | 2015 | |
Reckless Adventurer Coat | Equip. | Cappotti /Coats | -No- | Lost Souls Labyrinth | 2016 | |
Red Gem (Hydracarys) | Esche/Bait | - | 600(100) | Odessa Opera | 2017* | |
Samara | Equip. | Capelli/ Hair | -No- | Pumpkin Alley | 2019 | |
Sgarkellogy (Very Special Fork) | Uova/Eggs | - | -No- | Demonic Altar | 2018 | |
Sharp Crown | Equip. | Cappelli/ Hats | -No- | Lava Cracks | 2018 | |
Shining Hook (Pirnomnom) | Esche/Bait | - | 420(70) | Thorny Forest | 2020* | |
Sibylle | Equip. | Capelli/ Hair | -No- | Odessa Opera | 2019 | |
Skel Mermaid Anchor | Equip. | Acc. a mano/ Hand Acc. | -No- | Village of the Damned | 2020 | |
Skel Mermaid Companions | Equip. | Atmosfere/ Atmospheres | -No- | Abandoned Cemetery | 2020 | |
Skel Mermaid Crown | Equip. | Cappelli/ Hats | -No- | Demonic Altar | 2020 | |
Skel Mermaid Ears | Equip. | Cappelli/ Hats | -No- | Abandoned Cemetery | 2020 | |
Skel Mermaid Make Up | Equip. | Acc. viso/ Face Acc. | -No- | Doll Island | 2020 | |
Skel Mermaid Scepter | Equip. | Acc. a mano/ Hand Acc. | -No- | Hangman's Tree | 2020 | |
Skel Mermaid Skin | Equip. | Pelle/ Skins | -No- | Abandoned Cemetery | 2020 | |
Skel Mermaid Top | Equip. | Top/s | -No- | Haunted Forest | 2020 | |
Skeleton Witch Arms | Equip. | Guanti/ Gloves | -No- | Laboratory Manor | 2016 | |
Skeleton Witch Belt | Equip. | Cinture /Belts | -No- | Lava Cracks | 2016 | |
Skeleton Witch Crown | Equip. | Cappelli/ Hats | -No- | Lost Souls Labyrinth | 2016 | |
Skeleton Witch Scythe | Equip. | Acc. a mano/ Hand Acc. | -No- | Witch's Cauldron | 2016 | |
Skeleton Witch Shoes | Equip. | Scarpe/ Shoes | -No- | Doll Island | 2016 | |
Skeleton Witch Stockings | Equip. | Calze/ Socks | -No- | Witch's Cauldron | 2016 | |
Skeleton Witch Teddy | Equip. | Lingerie/ Underwear | -No- | Hangman's Tree | 2016 | |
Skeleton Witch Top | Equip. | Top/s | -No- | Phoenix Castle | 2016 | |
Skeleton Witch Wings | Equip. | Cappotti /Coats | -No- | Laboratory Manor | 2016 | |
Skull Earrings | Equip. | Acc. viso/ Face Acc. | -No- | Thorny Forest | 2016 | |
Skull Necklace | Equip. | Collane/ Necklaces | -No- | Village of the Damned | 2016 | |
Soul Sentinel Boots | Equip. | Scarpe/ Shoes | -No- | Pyramid of Doom | 2017 | |
Soul Sentinel Crown | Equip. | Cappelli/ Hats | -No- | Well of Souls | 2017 | |
Soul Sentinel Dress | Equip. | Abiti/ Dresses | -No- | Abandoned Cemetery | 2017 | |
Soul Sentinel Fur | Equip. | Cappotti /Coats | -No- | Hangman's Tree | 2017 | |
Soul Sentinel Monocle | Equip. | Acc. viso/ Face Acc. | -No- | Abandoned Cemetery | 2017 | |
Soul Sentinel Scepter | Equip. | Acc. a mano/ Hand Acc. | -No- | Well of Souls | 2017 | |
Soul Sentinel Tights | Equip. | Calze/ Socks | -No- | Witch's Cauldron | 2017 | |
Spadel (Radioactive Silk) | Uova/Eggs | - | -No- | Haunted Forest | 2016 | |
Spectral Lamp (Bhemoth) | Esche/Bait | - | 540(90) | Phoenix Castle | 2020 | |
Spectral Skin | Equip. | Pelle/ Skins | -No- | Odessa Opera | 2016 | |
Spider Web Corset | Equip. | Lingerie/ Underwear | -No- | Well of Souls | 2016 | |
Spirited Away Belt | Equip. | Cinture /Belts | -No- | Pyramid of Doom | 2016 | |
Spirited Away Eye | Equip. | Acc. viso/ Face Acc. | -No- | Phoenix Castle | 2016 | |
Spirited Away Ghost | Equip. | Acc. viso/ Face Acc. | -No- | Village of the Damned | 2016 | |
Spirited Away Kimono | Equip. | Abiti/ Dresses | -No- | Lost Souls Labyrinth | 2016 | |
Spirited Away Mask | Equip. | Acc. viso/ Face Acc. | -No- | Haunted Forest | 2016 | |
Stained-glass Widow Belt | Equip. | Cinture /Belts | -(30) | Boutique | 2018 | |
Stained-glass Widow Crown | Equip. | Cappelli/ Hats | -(75) | Boutique | 2018 | |
Stained-glass Widow Gloves | Equip. | Guanti/ Gloves | -(40) | Boutique | 2018 | |
Stained-glass Widow Lingerie | Equip. | Lingerie/ Underwear | -(70) | Boutique | 2018 | |
Stained-glass Widow Scepter | Equip. | Acc. a mano/ Hand Acc. | -(200) | Boutique | 2018 | |
Stained-glass Widow Shoes | Equip. | Scarpe/ Shoes | -(50) | Boutique | 2018 | |
Stained-glass Widow Skirt | Equip. | Pantaloni/ Bottoms | -(80) | Boutique | 2018 | |
Stained-glass Widow Tears | Equip. | Acc. viso/ Face Acc. | (15) | Boutique | 2018 | |
Stained-glass Widow Top | Equip. | Top/s | -(55) | Boutique | 2018 | |
Starry Witch Broom | Equip. | Acc. a mano/ Hand Acc. | -(30) | Boutique | 2017 | |
Starry Witch Cane | Equip. | Acc. a mano/ Hand Acc. | -(200) | Boutique | 2017 | |
Starry Witch Hat | Equip. | Cappelli/ Hats | -(80) | Boutique | 2017 | |
Starry Witch Jacket | Equip. | Cappotti /Coats | -(75) | Boutique | 2017 | |
Starry Witch Jacket | Equip. | Top/s | -(75) | Boutique | 2017 | |
Starry Witch Shoes | Equip. | Scarpe/ Shoes | -(60) | Boutique | 2017 | |
Starry Witch Shorts | Equip. | Pantaloni/ Bottoms | -(40) | Boutique | 2017 | |
Starry Witch Skirt | Equip. | Pantaloni/ Bottoms | -(45) | Boutique | 2017 | |
Starry Witch Tights | Equip. | Calze/ Socks | -(30) | Boutique | 2017 | |
Starry Witch Top | Equip. | Top/s | -(55) | Boutique | 2017 | |
Stealth Crow Belt | Equip. | Cinture /Belts | -No- | Doll Island | 2016 | |
Stealth Crow Boots | Equip. | Scarpe/ Shoes | -No- | Lava Cracks | 2016 | |
Stealth Crow Cape | Equip. | Cappotti /Coats | -No- | Abandoned Cemetery | 2016 | |
Stealth Crow Hood | Equip. | Cappotti /Coats | -No- | Ghost Ship | 2016 | |
Stealth Crow Mask | Equip. | Acc. viso/ Face Acc. | -No- | Lost Souls Labyrinth | 2016 | |
Stealth Crow Pants | Equip. | Pantaloni/ Bottoms | -No- | Lava Cracks | 2016 | |
Stealth Crow Shoulder Pad | Equip. | Cappotti /Coats | -No- | Lost Souls Labyrinth | 2016 | |
Stealth Crow Sword | Equip. | Acc. a mano/ Hand Acc. | -No- | Doll Island | 2016 | |
Stealth Crow Top | Equip. | Top/s | -No- | Odessa Opera | 2016 | |
Stitched Eyes | Equip. | Occhi/ Eyes | -No- | Haunted Forest | 2017 | |
Sweet Mourne Bags Under Eyes | Equip. | Acc. viso/ Face Acc. | -No- | Lost Souls Labyrinth | 2016 | |
Sweet Mourne Boots | Equip. | Scarpe/ Shoes | -No- | Pumpkin Alley | 2016 | |
Sweet Mourne Dress | Equip. | Abiti/ Dresses | -No- | Lava Cracks | 2016 | |
Sweet Mourne Gloves | Equip. | Guanti/ Gloves | -No- | Demonic Altar | 2016 | |
Sweet Mourne Nail Polish | Equip. | Acc. a mano/ Hand Acc. | -No- | Witch's Cauldron | 2016 | |
Sweet Mourne Necklace | Equip. | Collane/ Necklaces | -No- | Doll Island | 2016 | |
Sweet Mourne Open Wounds | Equip. | Tatuaggi/ Tattoos | -No- | Demonic Altar | 2016 | |
Sweet Mourne Stockings | Equip. | Calze/ Socks | -No- | Odessa Opera | 2016 | |
Sweet Mourne Underwear | Equip. | Lingerie/ Underwear | -No- | Haunted Forest | 2016 | |
Talisman | Equip. | Acc. viso/ Face Acc. | -No- | Pumpkin Alley | 2015 | |
Terrifying Sweet | Cibo/Food | - | 18(3) | Boutique | 2015 | |
Thirsty | Equip. | Bocche/ Mouths | -No- | Pyramid of Doom | 2015 | |
This is Halloween | Equip. | Sfondi/ Backgrounds | -No- | Hangman's Tree | 2017 | |
Twisted Harpy Belt | Equip. | Cinture /Belts | -(35) | Haunted Forest | 2018 | |
Twisted Harpy Claws | Equip. | Scarpe/ Shoes | -(75) | Laboratory Manor | 2018 | |
Twisted Harpy Face Feathers | Equip. | Acc. viso/ Face Acc. | -(30) | Well of Souls | 2018 | |
Twisted Harpy Feathers | Equip. | Atmosfere/ Atmospheres | -(30) | Hangman's Tree | 2018 | |
Twisted Harpy Gloves | Equip. | Guanti/ Gloves | -(20) | Ghost Ship | 2018 | |
Twisted Harpy Mouth | Equip. | Bocche/ Mouths | -(25) | Laboratory Manor | 2018 | |
Twisted Harpy Pants | Equip. | Pantaloni/ Bottoms | -(30) | Lava Cracks | 2018 | |
Twisted Harpy Tights | Equip. | Calze/ Socks | -(45) | Demonic Altar | 2018 | |
Twisted Harpy Top | Equip. | Top/s | -(50) | Village of the Damned | 2018 | |
Twisted Harpy Wings | Equip. | Acc. a mano/ Hand Acc. | -(175) | Well of Souls | 2018 | |
Unwanted Guest | Equip. | Cinture /Belts | -No- | Lost Souls Labyrinth | 2016 | |
Used Leather Shorts | Equip. | Pantaloni/ Bottoms | -No- | Abandoned Cemetery | 2017 | |
Vampire Eyes | Equip. | Occhi/ Eyes | -No- | Phoenix Castle | 2015 | |
Veiled Claws Belt | Equip. | Cinture /Belts | -(50) | Abandoned Cemetery | 2018 | |
Veiled Claws Body | Equip. | Lingerie/ Underwear | -(40) | Pumpkin Alley | 2018 | |
Veiled Claws Boots | Equip. | Scarpe/ Shoes | -(60) | Lava Cracks | 2018 | |
Veiled Claws Cape | Equip. | Cappotti /Coats | -(70) | Laboratory Manor | 2018 | |
Veiled Claws Earrings | Equip. | Acc. viso/ Face Acc. | -(15) | Witch's Cauldron | 2018 | |
Veiled Claws Evil Spell | Equip. | Atmosfere/ Atmospheres | -(100) | Pumpkin Alley | 2018 | |
Veiled Claws Mask | Equip. | Acc. viso/ Face Acc. | -(30) | Laboratory Manor | 2018 | |
Veiled Claws Pants | Equip. | Pantaloni/ Bottoms | -(30) | Hangman's Tree | 2018 | |
Veiled Claws Pipe | Equip. | Acc. a mano/ Hand Acc. | -(50) | Pyramid of Doom | 2018 | |
Veiled Claws Top | Equip. | Top/s | -(65) | Witch's Cauldron | 2018 | |
Very Special Fork (Sgarkellogy) | Esche/Bait | - | 450(75) | Well of Souls | 2015 | |
Vial of Poisonous Souls | Equip. | Acc. a mano/ Hand Acc. | -No- | Abandoned Cemetery | 2016 | |
Village of the Damned | Equip. | Sfondi/ Backgrounds | 300(50) | ? | 2019 | |
Viper Tongue | Equip. | Bocche/ Mouths | -No- | Well of Souls | 2017 | |
Voodoo Priestess Corset | Equip. | Top/s | -No- | Haunted Forest | 2017 | |
Voodoo Priestess Earrings | Equip. | Acc. viso/ Face Acc. | -No- | Pumpkin Alley | 2017 | |
Voodoo Priestess Mask | Equip. | Acc. viso/ Face Acc. | -No- | Phoenix Castle | 2017 | |
Voodoo Priestess Skirt | Equip. | Pantaloni/ Bottoms | -No- | Demonic Altar | 2017 | |
Voodoo Priestess Tattoo | Equip. | Tatuaggi/ Tattoos | -No- | Ghost Ship | 2017 | |
Voodoo Priestess Top | Equip. | Top/s | -No- | Well of Souls | 2017 | |
Voodoo Priestess Top Hat | Equip. | Cappelli/ Hats | -No- | Well of Souls | 2017 | |
Wicked | Equip. | Bocche/ Mouths | -No- | Doll Island | 2016 | |
Widow Veil | Equip. | Acc. viso/ Face Acc. | -No- | Laboratory Manor | 2018 | |
Witch's Cauldron | Equip. | Sfondi/ Backgrounds | 300(50) | Witch's Cauldron? | 2018 | |
Wolf Druid Armor | Equip. | Cinture /Belts | -No- | Laboratory Manor | 2015 | |
Wolf Druid Claws | Equip. | Acc. a mano/ Hand Acc. | -No- | Ghost Ship | 2015 | |
Wolf Druid Dress | Equip. | Abiti/ Dresses | -No- | Village of the Damned | 2015 | |
Wolf Druid Gloves | Equip. | Guanti/ Gloves | -No- | Demonic Altar | 2015 | |
Wolf Druid Headdress | Equip. | Cappelli/ Hats | -No- | Abandoned Cemetery | 2015 | |
Wolf Druid Paws | Equip. | Scarpe/ Shoes | -No- | Hangman's Tree | 2015 | |
Youth Seeker Choker | Equip. | Collane/ Necklaces | 330(55) | Boutique | 2016 | |
Youth Seeker Cleaver | Equip. | Acc. a mano/ Hand Acc. | 270(45) | Boutique | 2016 | |
Youth Seeker Corset | Equip. | Lingerie/ Underwear | 600(100) | Boutique | 2016 | |
Youth Seeker Dress | Equip. | Abiti/ Dresses | 900(150) | Boutique | 2016 | |
Youth Seeker Mirror | Equip. | Acc. a mano/ Hand Acc. | 390(65) | Boutique | 2016 | |
Youth Seeker Shoes | Equip. | Scarpe/ Shoes | 360(60) | Boutique | 2016 | |
Youth Seeker Thigh Highs | Equip. | Calze/ Socks | 240(40) | Boutique | 2016 |
Costo: -No- Non venduto in negozio
Una versione piu’ leggera della tabella con solo le informazioni indispensabili puo’ essere trovata [qui]
Sono disponibili le seguenti tenute:
Boutique (8):
- Mischievous Trickster (2021)
- Demonika (2020) (Esclusiva Boutique)
- Fallen angel (2019) (Esclusiva Boutique)
- Stained-Glass Widow (2018) (Esclusiva Boutique)
- Twisted Harpy (2018)
- Veiled Claws (2018)
- Starry Witch (2017) (Esclusiva Boutique)
- Youth Seeker (2016) (Esclusiva Boutique)
Esplorazione (30):
- Bloody Countess (2015) ♦
- Lost Bride (2015) ♦
- Black Widow (2015) ♦
- Wolf Druid (2015) ♦
- Frankenstein (2015) ♦
- Evil Succubus (2015) ♦
- Santa Muerte (2015) ♦
- Queen Spider (2016) ♦
- Mysterious Enchantress (2016) ♦
- Sweet Mourne (2016) ♦
- Spirited Away (2016) ♦
- Blood-Cloaked soldier (2016) ♦
- Lost Soul (2016) ♦
- Stealth Crow (2016) ♦
- Magician (2016) ♦
- Skeleton Witch (2016) ♦
- Petrifying Empress (2017) ♦
- Evil Baroness (2017) ♦
- Voodoo Priestess (2017) ♦
- Mad Scientist (2017) ♦
- Soul Sentinel (2017) ♦
- Naga (2017) ♦
- Twisted Harpy (2018) ♦
- Veiled Claws (2018) ♦
- Nightmare Chivalry (2018) ♦
- Fortune Teller (2019)
- Necromancer (2019) ♦
- Rag Doll (2020) ♦
- Skel Mermaid (2020) ♦
- Mischievous Trickster (2021)
Bonus Banca (1):
- Origins Villain (2021)
(potrete scegliere 10 colorazioni + parrucca scelta a parte). Potrete ottenerla comprando maana o monete d’oro per un totale di 1500 punti (ogni moneta d’oro vale 3 punti e ogni maana 1)
In totale le nuove tenute (2021) sono 3: Origins Villain (banca)
Lava Child (storia evento)
e Mischievous Trickster (esplorazione e boutique)
Costi delle tenute disponibili esclusivamente in boutique (se una tenuta non appare in questa lista puo’ essere trovata anche in esplorazione, per sapere dove e/o i prezzi in boutique consultate la tabella in alto):
Cat. | Sub. C. | Costo | Price | Year /Anno | ||
Candy Corn | Cibo/Food | - | 30(5) | 2015 | |
Demonic Altar | Equip. | Sfondi/ Backgrounds | 300(50) | 2019 | |
Disenchanted Forest | Equip. | Sfondi/ Backgrounds | 300(50) | 2019 | |
Ghost Ship | Equip. | Sfondi/ Backgrounds | 300(50) | 2018 | |
Kathleen | Equip. | Capelli/ Hair | -(175) | 2018 | |
Melissa | Equip. | Capelli/ Hair | -(175) | 2017 | |
Possesed Apple | Cibo/Food | - | 24(4) | 2015 | |
Stained-glass Widow Belt | Equip. | Cinture /Belts | -(30) | 2018 | |
Stained-glass Widow Crown | Equip. | Cappelli/ Hats | -(75) | 2018 | |
Stained-glass Widow Gloves | Equip. | Guanti/ Gloves | -(40) | 2018 | |
Stained-glass Widow Lingerie | Equip. | Lingerie/ Underwear | -(70) | 2018 | |
Stained-glass Widow Scepter | Equip. | Acc. a mano/ Hand Acc. | -(200) | 2018 | |
Stained-glass Widow Shoes | Equip. | Scarpe/ Shoes | -(50) | 2018 | |
Stained-glass Widow Skirt | Equip. | Pantaloni/ Bottoms | -(80) | 2018 | |
Stained-glass Widow Tears | Equip. | Acc. viso/ Face Acc. | (15) | 2018 | |
Stained-glass Widow Top | Equip. | Top/s | -(55) | 2018 | |
Starry Witch Broom | Equip. | Acc. a mano/ Hand Acc. | -(30) | 2017 | |
Starry Witch Cane | Equip. | Acc. a mano/ Hand Acc. | -(200) | 2017 | |
Starry Witch Hat | Equip. | Cappelli/ Hats | -(80) | 2017 | |
Starry Witch Jacket | Equip. | Cappotti /Coats | -(75) | 2017 | |
Starry Witch Jacket | Equip. | Top/s | -(75) | 2017 | |
Starry Witch Shoes | Equip. | Scarpe/ Shoes | -(60) | 2017 | |
Starry Witch Shorts | Equip. | Pantaloni/ Bottoms | -(40) | 2017 | |
Starry Witch Skirt | Equip. | Pantaloni/ Bottoms | -(45) | 2017 | |
Starry Witch Tights | Equip. | Calze/ Socks | -(30) | 2017 | |
Starry Witch Top | Equip. | Top/s | -(55) | 2017 | |
Terrifying Sweet | Cibo/Food | - | 18(3) | 2015 | |
Youth Seeker Choker | Equip. | Collane/ Necklaces | 330(55) | 2016 | |
Youth Seeker Cleaver | Equip. | Acc. a mano/ Hand Acc. | 270(45) | 2016 | |
Youth Seeker Corset | Equip. | Lingerie/ Underwear | 600(100) | 2016 | |
Youth Seeker Dress | Equip. | Abiti/ Dresses | 900(150) | 2016 | |
Youth Seeker Mirror | Equip. | Acc. a mano/ Hand Acc. | 390(65) | 2016 | |
Youth Seeker Shoes | Equip. | Scarpe/ Shoes | 360(60) | 2016 | |
Youth Seeker Thigh Highs | Equip. | Calze/ Socks | 240(40) | 2016 |
Costo: -No- Non venduto in negozio
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