San Valentino 2022

UPDATED: 10/02 -23:00 Tabella completa tranne che per due oggetti, mancano i prezzi, guida in corso d’opera (mancano i prezzi e le illustrazioni)

UPDATED: 10/02 -16:00 gran parte degli oggetti sono in tabella, la guida verrà finita in serata assieme alla versione inglese

UPDATED: 10/02/2022 – 12:00 Pagina Preliminare online. Oggi la tabella tarderà un poco, siamo tutte incasinate. 

Thanks again to Chrome for all his help with the drops list! Check his website for the list of Eldarya markables! :3

  • Data: L’evento sarà accessibile dalle 11:00 del 10/02/2022, fino al 20/02/2022, 23:59:59


Trovate la versione “Lite” della tabella [qui]

Troubleshooting & Bugs:

  1. La prima esplorazione, con cui otterrete la pietra del cuore, va a vuoto. fatela in un’area da 10 energia
  2. Ci è arrivata voce di Esche RARE per i famigli eventi; visto che sarebbe una gran bastardata, per ora la considero un bug. L’esca piumino serve per Rowtsya, Zarali e Lovigis

Come funziona l’evento? Guida e consigli:

L’evento è composto principalmente da quattro parti:

1 – La mappa per le esplorazioni

che potete trovare qui:

Mandando il famiglio in esplorazione qui potrete trovare diverse tenute degli anni precedenti:

  1. Lista in fase di preparazione

Oltre a le Heart Stones necessarie per completare l’evento e la nuova tenuta Sensual Nights e il famiglio Axoloveal.

  1. La prima esplorazione, con cui otterrete la pietra del cuore, va a vuoto. fatela in un’area da 10 energia

2- La pagina evento,

Nella pagina evento potrete controllare i vostri progressi. Lo scopo del gioco è collezionare Heart Stones, ogni giorno potrete trovarne 3.

  1. Una in esplorazione
  2. Una usando 40 maana ovunque sul sito (alla boutique o al mercato!).
  3. Una su di una pagina del sito (piu’ in basso c’è una lista dei luoghi possibili.
  4. Potete poi sempre comprare Heart Stones per 40 monete d’oro l’una.

Questi sono alcuni luoghi dove può essere trovata la Heart Stone giornaliera:

Ogni heart stone e esplorazione fatta contribuirà a riempire la barra comune dell’evento. Una volta piena, tutte le partecipanti riceveranno il famiglio leggendario: Heariver

3 – La boutique

Nella sezione speciale della boutique di Purriry, e in quella di Purreru sono presenti uova e tenute di San Valentino:

Tenute (esclusive Boutique):

  • Tempting Herbalist (2020)
  • Sky Priestess (2019)
  • Nymph Princess (2019)
  • Crystal Lover (2019)
  • Goth Valentine (2019)
  • Whanabe (2020)
  • Missing Piece  (2021)

La tenuta della banca  Succubus Ruler (2022) è disponibile in boutique se l’avete già sbloccata.

4 – La banca

E’ inoltre disponibile una tenuta bonus banca: Succubus Ruler (2022) (potrete scegliere tra 10 colorazioni + parrucca scelta a parte). Potrete ottenerla comprando maana o monete d’oro per un totale di 1500 punti (ogni moneta d’oro vale 3 punti e ogni maana 1)


Le illustrazioni 2022 sono quattro, una per crush e possono essere ottenute al termine del mini episodio speciale (che sbloccherete collezionando 7 Heart Stones.

San Valentino 2022


Sono disponibili i seguenti famigli evento:

Rowtsya (?)Flower Shop2018
Zarali (Feather Duster)Field of Ginger2019
Etheralm (Glass Comb)Cloud of Incense2020
Axoloveal (Wishing Coin)Sweet Dreams2022
Axoloveal (Wishing Coin)Path of Petals2022
Lovigis (Feather Duster)Canopy Boat2017
Loutruol (Polished Stone)Arch of Vows2021

Qui potrete trovare le esche:

Polished Stone (Loutruol)Well of Love2021
Wishing Coin (Axoloveal)Ovunque | Everywhere2022
Polished Stone (Loutruol)Candelabra Forest2021

Per maggiori informazioni consultate la pagina dei famigli


Sotto spoiler la tabella con le aree esplorabili*

Tabella delle Aree
ItemCat.Sub.Cat.Costo | PriceYearVarianti
ChibiusaEquip.Capelli/ Hair201641
VenusEquip.Capelli/ Hair201742
Warrior's Maid ShoesEquip.Scarpe/ Shoes201712
Sword and Roses SandalsEquip.Scarpe/ Shoes201812
Cherry Tree Archer GetasEquip.Scarpe/ Shoes202012
Polished Stone (Loutruol)Esche/Bait-2021-
Secret Ingredient EarringsEquip.Acc. viso/ Face acc.201712
Warrior's Maid FlaskEquip.Acc. a mano/ Hand acc.201712
Warrior's Maid TeddyEquip.Lingerie/ Underwear201712
Love Goddess LingerieEquip.Lingerie/ Underwear201812
Sword and Roses MaskEquip.Acc. viso/ Face acc.201812
Cherry Tree Archer Bow and ArrowEquip.Acc. a mano/ Hand acc.202012
Awakening Feels BootsEquip.Scarpe/ Shoes202110
Secret Ingredient SocksEquip.Calze/ Socks201712
Shadow’s Mistress DressEquip.Abiti/ Dresses201712
Love Goddess GlitterEquip.Tatuaggi/ Tattoos201812
Pure Bride CrownEquip.Acc. viso/ Face acc.201812
Awakening Feels TattooEquip.Tatuaggi/ Tattoos202110
Sensual Night CapeEquip.Cappotti/ Coats202210
Sensual Night TopEquip.Top/s202210
Wishing Coin (Axoloveal)Esche/Bait-2022-
Sweetheart TrainEquip.Cinture/ Belts201613
Love Goddess BraceletEquip.Acc. a mano/ Hand acc.201812
Pure Bride PetalsEquip.Atmosfere/ Atmospheres201812
CapucineEquip.Capelli/ Hair202042
The Matchmaker BootsEquip.Scarpe/ Shoes202110
The Matchmaker CoatEquip.Cappotti/ Coats202110
Sensual Night LingerieEquip.Lingerie/ Underwear202210
Warrior's Maid TopEquip.Top/s201712
Love Goddess TrainEquip.Cappotti/ Coats201812
Pure Bride BouquetEquip.Acc. a mano/ Hand acc.201812
Rowtsya (?)Uova/Eggs-2018-
Sword and Roses SwordEquip.Acc. a mano/ Hand acc.201812
Thorned EyesEquip.Occhi/ Eyes201812
Sweetheart HeadbandEquip.Cappelli/ Hats201613
Shadow’s Mistress FanEquip.Acc. a mano/ Hand acc.201712
Shadow’s Mistress Shoulder VeilEquip.Cappotti/ Coats201712
Warrior's Maid TattooEquip.Tatuaggi/ Tattoos201712
Sword and Roses GlovesEquip.Guanti/ Gloves201812
Zarali (Feather Duster)Uova/Eggs-2019-
The Matchmaker PantsEquip.Pantaloni/ Bottoms202110
Sensual Night BraceletEquip.Acc. a mano/ Hand acc.202210
Secret Ingredient TeddyEquip.Lingerie/ Underwear201712
Secret Ingredient Winged BeltEquip.Cinture/ Belts201712
Shadow's Mistress TopEquip.Top/s201712
Shadow’s Mistress ShoesEquip.Scarpe/ Shoes201712
Shadow’s Mistress VeilEquip.Acc. a mano/ Hand acc.201712
Love Goddess EarringsEquip.Acc. viso/ Face acc.201812
Pure Bride DressEquip.Abiti/ Dresses201812
Pure Bride JacketEquip.Cappotti/ Coats201812
Sweetheart BeltEquip.Cinture/ Belts201613
Sweetheart ShoeEquip.Scarpe/ Shoes201613
Sweetheart TopEquip.Top/s201613
EldaEquip.Capelli/ Hair201742
Pure Bride EarringsEquip.Acc. viso/ Face acc.201812
Awakening Feels GloveEquip.Guanti/ Gloves202110
PsycheEquip.Capelli/ Hair202226
Sensual Night ShortsEquip.Pantaloni/ Bottoms202210
FreyaEquip.Capelli/ Hair201742
BridinEquip.Capelli/ Hair201841
Love Goddess CloudEquip.Atmosfere/ Atmospheres201812
Love Goddess DressEquip.Abiti/ Dresses201812
Sword and Roses Shoulder PadsEquip.Cappotti/ Coats201812
The Matchmaker BagEquip.Acc. a mano/ Hand acc.202110
Secret Ingredient CorsetEquip.Top/s201712
Shadow’s Mistress EarringsEquip.Acc. viso/ Face acc.201712
Shadow’s Mistress Facial VeilEquip.Acc. viso/ Face acc.201712
Warrior's Maid NecklaceEquip.Collane/ Necklace201712
Cherry Tree Archer GartersEquip.Calze/ Socks202012
Etheralm (Glass Comb)Uova/Eggs-2020-
Awakening Feels CapeEquip.Cappotti/ Coats202110
Axoloveal (Wishing Coin)Uova/Eggs-2022-
Axoloveal (Wishing Coin)Uova/Eggs-2022-
Sensual Night StockingEquip.Calze/ Socks202210
Sweetheart Body BlouseEquip.Lingerie/ Underwear201613
Sweetheart BowEquip.Acc. a mano/ Hand acc.201613
Sweetheart CoatEquip.Cappotti/ Coats201613
Pure Bride GlovesEquip.Guanti/ Gloves201812
Cherry Tree Archer BeltEquip.Cinture/ Belts202012
Cherry Tree Archer BraceletEquip.Acc. a mano/ Hand acc.202012
Cherry Tree Archer SkirtEquip.Pantaloni/ Bottoms202012
Cherry Tree Archer TopEquip.Top/s202012
Lovigis (Feather Duster)Uova/Eggs-2017-
Warrior's Maid Winged BeltEquip.Cinture/ Belts201712
NayeliEquip.Capelli/ Hair201842
Pure Bride CapeEquip.Cappotti/ Coats201812
Pure Bride SandalsEquip.Scarpe/ Shoes201812
Sword and Roses TopEquip.Top/s201812
The Matchmaker TopEquip.Top/s202110
DeloiseEquip.Capelli/ Hair201842
Love Goddess Leg JewelryEquip.Calze/ Socks201812
Awakening Feels BodysuitEquip.Lingerie/ Underwear202110
Polished Stone (Loutruol)Esche/Bait-2021-
TindèreEquip.Cappelli/ Hats202126
Crystal Lover Body BlouseEquip.Abiti/ Dresses-(200)201912
Crystal Lover BootsEquip.Scarpe/ Shoes-(100)201912
Crystal Lover GlovesEquip.Guanti/ Gloves-(60)201912
Crystal Lover Shoulder PadsEquip.Cappotti/ Coats-(110)201912
Goth Valentine DressEquip.Abiti/ Dresses-(190)201912
Goth Valentine Magic ContaminationEquip.Acc. a mano/ Hand acc.-(60)201912
Goth Valentine Mismatched ShoesEquip.Scarpe/ Shoes-(100)201912
Goth Valentine Spiked CrownEquip.Cappelli/ Hats-(100)201912
Nymph Princess DressEquip.Abiti/ Dresses-(100)201912
Nymph Princess Flower CrownEquip.Cappelli/ Hats-(90)201912
Nymph Princess SandalsEquip.Scarpe/ Shoes-(80)201912
Nymph Princess Transparent DressEquip.Abiti/ Dresses-(180)201912
Sky Priestess EyesEquip.Occhi/ Eyes-(40)201937
Sky Priestess GownEquip.Abiti/ Dresses-(210)201912
Sky Priestess HoodEquip.Cappelli/ Hats-(100)201912
Sky Priestess SleevesEquip.Cappotti/ Coats-(130)201912
ValentineEquip.Capelli/ Hair-(150)201941
ValeriaEquip.Capelli/ Hair-(130)201941
VictoireEquip.Capelli/ Hair-(120)201942
VivianeEquip.Capelli/ Hair-(150)201941
AzaléeEquip.Capelli/ Hair-(105)202042
Tempting Herbalist BeltEquip.Cinture/ Belts-(35)202012
Tempting Herbalist CrownEquip.Cappelli/ Hats-(55)202012
Tempting Herbalist EarringsEquip.Acc. viso/ Face acc.-(35)202012
Tempting Herbalist Flower GardenEquip.Atmosfere/ Atmospheres-(80)202012
Tempting Herbalist LingerieEquip.Lingerie/ Underwear-(90)202012
Tempting Herbalist Love PotionEquip.Acc. a mano/ Hand acc.-(45)202012
Tempting Herbalist SandalsEquip.Scarpe/ Shoes-(45)202012
Tempting Herbalist SkirtEquip.Pantaloni/ Bottoms-(60)202012
Tempting Herbalist SleevesEquip.Acc. a mano/ Hand acc.-(55)202012
Tempting Herbalist SpellbookEquip.Acc. a mano/ Hand acc.-(45)202012
Tempting Herbalist TopEquip.Top/s-(50)202012
Whanabe BootsEquip.Scarpe/ Shoes-(45)202012
Whanabe DressEquip.Abiti/ Dresses-(90)202012
Whanabe EyesEquip.Occhi/ Eyes-(40)202012
Whanabe HeaddressEquip.Cappelli/ Hats-(115)202012
Whanabe SkinEquip.Pelle/ Skins-(150)202012
Whanabe SleevesEquip.Acc. a mano/ Hand acc.-(75)202012
Whanabe WingsEquip.Cappotti/ Coats-(60)202012
Missing Piece BootsEquip.Scarpe/ Shoes-(45)202110
Missing Piece BottomsEquip.Calze/ Socks-(60)202110
Missing Piece BustierEquip.Top/s-(35)202110
Missing Piece CrownEquip.Cappelli/ Hats-(30)202110
Missing Piece EyesEquip.Occhi/ Eyes-(40)202138
Missing Piece GlovesEquip.Guanti/ Gloves-(50)202110
Missing Piece JacketEquip.Cappotti/ Coats-(75)202110
Missing Piece Shoulder PadsEquip.Collane/ Necklace-(40)202110
Missing Piece SkinEquip.Pelle/ Skins-(120)202110
PallasEquip.Capelli/ Hair-(90)202121
Sweetheart GloveEquip.Guanti/ Gloves201613
Sweetheart Leg RibbonEquip.Calze/ Socks201613
Sweetheart PantsEquip.Pantaloni/ Bottoms201613
Sweetheart Shoulder PadEquip.Cappotti/ Coats201613
Secret Ingredient BraceletsEquip.Acc. a mano/ Hand acc.201712
Secret Ingredient GlovesEquip.Guanti/ Gloves201712
Secret Ingredient WingsEquip.Cappelli/ Hats201712
Love Goddess MakeupEquip.Acc. viso/ Face acc.201812
Sword and Roses Thigh BootsEquip.Calze/ Socks201812
Cherry Tree Archer NecklaceEquip.Collane/ Necklace202012
Loutruol (Polished Stone)Uova/Eggs-2021-
NappéeEquip.Capelli/ Hair202126
Warrior's Maid Arm JewelryEquip.Acc. a mano/ Hand acc.201712
Sword and Roses DressEquip.Abiti/ Dresses201812
Sensual Night NegligeeEquip.Abiti/ Dresses202212
Romantic ClearingEquip.Sfondi/ Backgrounds20191

Oggetti in esplorazione: 

Tabella interattiva con filtri; potete cercare per oggetto, disponibilità in negozio, area, categoria etc etc

Potete trovare la lista di tutti gli oggetti disponibili durante questo evento qua sotto.

  • – No – Non puo’ essere comprato in boutique
  • Area: Boutique Puo’ solo essere trovato in boutique.
  • Le esche e i famigli hanno il nome della rispettiva esca/famiglio tra parentesi.
 ItemCat.Sub.Cat.Costo | PriceAreaYearVarianti
ChibiusaEquip.Capelli/ HairWell of Love201641
VenusEquip.Capelli/ HairWell of Love201742
Warrior's Maid ShoesEquip.Scarpe/ ShoesWell of Love201712
Sword and Roses SandalsEquip.Scarpe/ ShoesWell of Love201812
Cherry Tree Archer GetasEquip.Scarpe/ ShoesWell of Love202012
Polished Stone (Loutruol)Esche/Bait-Well of Love2021-
Secret Ingredient EarringsEquip.Acc. viso/ Face acc.Sweet Dreams201712
Warrior's Maid FlaskEquip.Acc. a mano/ Hand acc.Sweet Dreams201712
Warrior's Maid TeddyEquip.Lingerie/ UnderwearSweet Dreams201712
Love Goddess LingerieEquip.Lingerie/ UnderwearSweet Dreams201812
Sword and Roses MaskEquip.Acc. viso/ Face acc.Sweet Dreams201812
Cherry Tree Archer Bow and ArrowEquip.Acc. a mano/ Hand acc.Sweet Dreams202012
Awakening Feels BootsEquip.Scarpe/ ShoesSweet Dreams202110
Secret Ingredient SocksEquip.Calze/ SocksPath of Petals201712
Shadow’s Mistress DressEquip.Abiti/ DressesPath of Petals201712
Love Goddess GlitterEquip.Tatuaggi/ TattoosPath of Petals201812
Pure Bride CrownEquip.Acc. viso/ Face acc.Path of Petals201812
Awakening Feels TattooEquip.Tatuaggi/ TattoosPath of Petals202110
Sensual Night CapeEquip.Cappotti/ CoatsPath of Petals202210
Sensual Night TopEquip.Top/sPath of Petals202210
Wishing Coin (Axoloveal)Esche/Bait-Ovunque | Everywhere2022-
ChamaloveCibo/Food-Ovunque | Everywhere--
Sweetheart TrainEquip.Cinture/ BeltsFountain of Lovers201613
Love Goddess BraceletEquip.Acc. a mano/ Hand acc.Fountain of Lovers201812
Pure Bride PetalsEquip.Atmosfere/ AtmospheresFountain of Lovers201812
CapucineEquip.Capelli/ HairFountain of Lovers202042
The Matchmaker BootsEquip.Scarpe/ ShoesFountain of Lovers202110
The Matchmaker CoatEquip.Cappotti/ CoatsFountain of Lovers202110
Sensual Night LingerieEquip.Lingerie/ UnderwearFountain of Lovers202210
Warrior's Maid TopEquip.Top/sFlower Shop201712
Love Goddess TrainEquip.Cappotti/ CoatsFlower Shop201812
Pure Bride BouquetEquip.Acc. a mano/ Hand acc.Flower Shop201812
Rowtsya (?)Uova/Eggs-Flower Shop2018-
Sword and Roses SwordEquip.Acc. a mano/ Hand acc.Flower Shop201812
Thorned EyesEquip.Occhi/ EyesFlower Shop201812
Sweetheart HeadbandEquip.Cappelli/ HatsField of Ginger201613
Shadow’s Mistress FanEquip.Acc. a mano/ Hand acc.Field of Ginger201712
Shadow’s Mistress Shoulder VeilEquip.Cappotti/ CoatsField of Ginger201712
Warrior's Maid TattooEquip.Tatuaggi/ TattoosField of Ginger201712
Sword and Roses GlovesEquip.Guanti/ GlovesField of Ginger201812
Zarali (Feather Duster)Uova/Eggs-Field of Ginger2019-
The Matchmaker PantsEquip.Pantaloni/ BottomsField of Ginger202110
Sensual Night BraceletEquip.Acc. a mano/ Hand acc.Field of Ginger202210
Secret Ingredient TeddyEquip.Lingerie/ UnderwearCupid's Rest Area201712
Secret Ingredient Winged BeltEquip.Cinture/ BeltsCupid's Rest Area201712
Shadow's Mistress TopEquip.Top/sCupid's Rest Area201712
Shadow’s Mistress ShoesEquip.Scarpe/ ShoesCupid's Rest Area201712
Shadow’s Mistress VeilEquip.Acc. a mano/ Hand acc.Cupid's Rest Area201712
Love Goddess EarringsEquip.Acc. viso/ Face acc.Cupid's Rest Area201812
Pure Bride DressEquip.Abiti/ DressesCupid's Rest Area201812
Pure Bride JacketEquip.Cappotti/ CoatsCupid's Rest Area201812
Sweetheart BeltEquip.Cinture/ BeltsCrystallized Rose201613
Sweetheart ShoeEquip.Scarpe/ ShoesCrystallized Rose201613
Sweetheart TopEquip.Top/sCrystallized Rose201613
EldaEquip.Capelli/ HairCrystallized Rose201742
Pure Bride EarringsEquip.Acc. viso/ Face acc.Crystallized Rose201812
Awakening Feels GloveEquip.Guanti/ GlovesCrystallized Rose202110
PsycheEquip.Capelli/ HairCrystallized Rose202226
Sensual Night ShortsEquip.Pantaloni/ BottomsCrystallized Rose202210
FreyaEquip.Capelli/ HairCrystal Clear Water201742
BridinEquip.Capelli/ HairCrystal Clear Water201841
Love Goddess CloudEquip.Atmosfere/ AtmospheresCrystal Clear Water201812
Love Goddess DressEquip.Abiti/ DressesCrystal Clear Water201812
Sword and Roses Shoulder PadsEquip.Cappotti/ CoatsCrystal Clear Water201812
The Matchmaker BagEquip.Acc. a mano/ Hand acc.Crystal Clear Water202110
Secret Ingredient CorsetEquip.Top/sCloud of Incense201712
Shadow’s Mistress EarringsEquip.Acc. viso/ Face acc.Cloud of Incense201712
Shadow’s Mistress Facial VeilEquip.Acc. viso/ Face acc.Cloud of Incense201712
Warrior's Maid NecklaceEquip.Collane/ NecklaceCloud of Incense201712
Cherry Tree Archer GartersEquip.Calze/ SocksCloud of Incense202012
Etheralm (Glass Comb)Uova/Eggs-Cloud of Incense2020-
Awakening Feels CapeEquip.Cappotti/ CoatsCloud of Incense202110
Axoloveal (Wishing Coin)Uova/Eggs-Sweet Dreams2022-
Axoloveal (Wishing Coin)Uova/Eggs-Path of Petals2022-
Sensual Night StockingEquip.Calze/ SocksCloud of Incense202210
Sweetheart Body BlouseEquip.Lingerie/ UnderwearChampagne Jacuzzi201613
Sweetheart BowEquip.Acc. a mano/ Hand acc.Champagne Jacuzzi201613
Sweetheart CoatEquip.Cappotti/ CoatsChampagne Jacuzzi201613
Pure Bride GlovesEquip.Guanti/ GlovesChampagne Jacuzzi201812
Cherry Tree Archer BeltEquip.Cinture/ BeltsChampagne Jacuzzi202012
Cherry Tree Archer BraceletEquip.Acc. a mano/ Hand acc.Champagne Jacuzzi202012
Cherry Tree Archer SkirtEquip.Pantaloni/ BottomsChampagne Jacuzzi202012
Cherry Tree Archer TopEquip.Top/sChampagne Jacuzzi202012
Lovigis (Feather Duster)Uova/Eggs-Canopy Boat2017-
Warrior's Maid Winged BeltEquip.Cinture/ BeltsCanopy Boat201712
NayeliEquip.Capelli/ HairCanopy Boat201842
Pure Bride CapeEquip.Cappotti/ CoatsCanopy Boat201812
Pure Bride SandalsEquip.Scarpe/ ShoesCanopy Boat201812
Sword and Roses TopEquip.Top/sCanopy Boat201812
The Matchmaker TopEquip.Top/sCanopy Boat202110
DeloiseEquip.Capelli/ HairCandelabra Forest201842
Love Goddess Leg JewelryEquip.Calze/ SocksCandelabra Forest201812
Awakening Feels BodysuitEquip.Lingerie/ UnderwearCandelabra Forest202110
Polished Stone (Loutruol)Esche/Bait-Candelabra Forest2021-
TindèreEquip.Cappelli/ HatsCandelabra Forest202126
Crystal Lover Body BlouseEquip.Abiti/ Dresses-(200)Boutique201912
Crystal Lover BootsEquip.Scarpe/ Shoes-(100)Boutique201912
Crystal Lover GlovesEquip.Guanti/ Gloves-(60)Boutique201912
Crystal Lover Shoulder PadsEquip.Cappotti/ Coats-(110)Boutique201912
Goth Valentine DressEquip.Abiti/ Dresses-(190)Boutique201912
Goth Valentine Magic ContaminationEquip.Acc. a mano/ Hand acc.-(60)Boutique201912
Goth Valentine Mismatched ShoesEquip.Scarpe/ Shoes-(100)Boutique201912
Goth Valentine Spiked CrownEquip.Cappelli/ Hats-(100)Boutique201912
Nymph Princess DressEquip.Abiti/ Dresses-(100)Boutique201912
Nymph Princess Flower CrownEquip.Cappelli/ Hats-(90)Boutique201912
Nymph Princess SandalsEquip.Scarpe/ Shoes-(80)Boutique201912
Nymph Princess Transparent DressEquip.Abiti/ Dresses-(180)Boutique201912
Sky Priestess EyesEquip.Occhi/ Eyes-(40)Boutique201937
Sky Priestess GownEquip.Abiti/ Dresses-(210)Boutique201912
Sky Priestess HoodEquip.Cappelli/ Hats-(100)Boutique201912
Sky Priestess SleevesEquip.Cappotti/ Coats-(130)Boutique201912
ValentineEquip.Capelli/ Hair-(150)Boutique201941
ValeriaEquip.Capelli/ Hair-(130)Boutique201941
VictoireEquip.Capelli/ Hair-(120)Boutique201942
VivianeEquip.Capelli/ Hair-(150)Boutique201941
AzaléeEquip.Capelli/ Hair-(105)Boutique202042
Tempting Herbalist BeltEquip.Cinture/ Belts-(35)Boutique202012
Tempting Herbalist CrownEquip.Cappelli/ Hats-(55)Boutique202012
Tempting Herbalist EarringsEquip.Acc. viso/ Face acc.-(35)Boutique202012
Tempting Herbalist Flower GardenEquip.Atmosfere/ Atmospheres-(80)Boutique202012
Tempting Herbalist LingerieEquip.Lingerie/ Underwear-(90)Boutique202012
Tempting Herbalist Love PotionEquip.Acc. a mano/ Hand acc.-(45)Boutique202012
Tempting Herbalist SandalsEquip.Scarpe/ Shoes-(45)Boutique202012
Tempting Herbalist SkirtEquip.Pantaloni/ Bottoms-(60)Boutique202012
Tempting Herbalist SleevesEquip.Acc. a mano/ Hand acc.-(55)Boutique202012
Tempting Herbalist SpellbookEquip.Acc. a mano/ Hand acc.-(45)Boutique202012
Tempting Herbalist TopEquip.Top/s-(50)Boutique202012
Whanabe BootsEquip.Scarpe/ Shoes-(45)Boutique (Bank)202012
Whanabe DressEquip.Abiti/ Dresses-(90)Boutique (Bank)202012
Whanabe EyesEquip.Occhi/ Eyes-(40)Boutique (Bank)202012
Whanabe HeaddressEquip.Cappelli/ Hats-(115)Boutique (Bank)202012
Whanabe SkinEquip.Pelle/ Skins-(150)Boutique (Bank)202012
Whanabe SleevesEquip.Acc. a mano/ Hand acc.-(75)Boutique (Bank)202012
Whanabe WingsEquip.Cappotti/ Coats-(60)Boutique (Bank)202012
Missing Piece BootsEquip.Scarpe/ Shoes-(45)Boutique (Bank)202110
Missing Piece BottomsEquip.Calze/ Socks-(60)Boutique (Bank)202110
Missing Piece BustierEquip.Top/s-(35)Boutique (Bank)202110
Missing Piece CrownEquip.Cappelli/ Hats-(30)Boutique (Bank)202110
Missing Piece EyesEquip.Occhi/ Eyes-(40)Boutique (Bank)202138
Missing Piece GlovesEquip.Guanti/ Gloves-(50)Boutique (Bank)202110
Missing Piece JacketEquip.Cappotti/ Coats-(75)Boutique (Bank)202110
Missing Piece Shoulder PadsEquip.Collane/ Necklace-(40)Boutique (Bank)202110
Missing Piece SkinEquip.Pelle/ Skins-(120)Boutique (Bank)202110
PallasEquip.Capelli/ Hair-(90)Boutique (Bank)202121
Sweetheart GloveEquip.Guanti/ GlovesArch of Vows201613
Sweetheart Leg RibbonEquip.Calze/ SocksArch of Vows201613
Sweetheart PantsEquip.Pantaloni/ BottomsArch of Vows201613
Sweetheart Shoulder PadEquip.Cappotti/ CoatsArch of Vows201613
Secret Ingredient BraceletsEquip.Acc. a mano/ Hand acc.Arch of Vows201712
Secret Ingredient GlovesEquip.Guanti/ GlovesArch of Vows201712
Secret Ingredient WingsEquip.Cappelli/ HatsArch of Vows201712
Love Goddess MakeupEquip.Acc. viso/ Face acc.Arch of Vows201812
Sword and Roses Thigh BootsEquip.Calze/ SocksArch of Vows201812
Cherry Tree Archer NecklaceEquip.Collane/ NecklaceArch of Vows202012
Loutruol (Polished Stone)Uova/Eggs-Arch of Vows2021-
NappéeEquip.Capelli/ HairArch of Vows202126
Warrior's Maid Arm JewelryEquip.Acc. a mano/ Hand acc.Field of Ginger201712
Sword and Roses DressEquip.Abiti/ DressesFountain of Lovers201812
Sensual Night NegligeeEquip.Abiti/ DressesFountain of Lovers202212
Romantic ClearingEquip.Sfondi/ Backgrounds20191

Una versione piu’ leggera della tabella con solo le informazioni indispensabili puo’ essere trovata [qui]


Sono disponibili le seguenti tenute:

Esclusiva Boutique (8)

  1. Tempting Herbalist (2020)
  2. Sky Priestess (2019)
  3. Nymph Princess (2019)
  4. Crystal Lover (2019)
  5. Goth Valentine (2019)
  6. Whanabe (2020)
  7. Missing Piece  (2021)
  8. Succubus Ruler (2022)

Esplorazione (__):

  1. In allestimento

Bonus Banca (1)

  1. Succubus Ruler

(potrete scegliere tra 10 colorazioni + parrucca scelta a parte). Potrete ottenerla comprando maana o monete d’oro per un totale di 1500 punti (ogni moneta d’oro vale 3 punti e ogni maana 1)

In totale le nuove tenute (2022) sono 2:

  1. Succubus Ruler (Banca)
  2. Sensual Night (Esplorazione)

Costi delle tenute disponibili esclusivamente in boutique (se una tenuta non appare in questa lista puo’ essere trovata anche in esplorazione, per sapere dove e/o i prezzi in boutique consultate la tabella in alto):

Boutique (Bank) Sono tenute esclusive banca degli anni passati  che vedrete solo se avete acquistato maana/mo.

 ItemCat.Sub.Cat.Costo | PriceYear
Crystal Lover Body BlouseEquip.Abiti/ Dresses-(200)2019
Crystal Lover BootsEquip.Scarpe/ Shoes-(100)2019
Crystal Lover GlovesEquip.Guanti/ Gloves-(60)2019
Crystal Lover Shoulder PadsEquip.Cappotti/ Coats-(110)2019
Goth Valentine DressEquip.Abiti/ Dresses-(190)2019
Goth Valentine Magic ContaminationEquip.Acc. a mano/ Hand acc.-(60)2019
Goth Valentine Mismatched ShoesEquip.Scarpe/ Shoes-(100)2019
Goth Valentine Spiked CrownEquip.Cappelli/ Hats-(100)2019
Nymph Princess DressEquip.Abiti/ Dresses-(100)2019
Nymph Princess Flower CrownEquip.Cappelli/ Hats-(90)2019
Nymph Princess SandalsEquip.Scarpe/ Shoes-(80)2019
Nymph Princess Transparent DressEquip.Abiti/ Dresses-(180)2019
Sky Priestess EyesEquip.Occhi/ Eyes-(40)2019
Sky Priestess GownEquip.Abiti/ Dresses-(210)2019
Sky Priestess HoodEquip.Cappelli/ Hats-(100)2019
Sky Priestess SleevesEquip.Cappotti/ Coats-(130)2019
ValentineEquip.Capelli/ Hair-(150)2019
ValeriaEquip.Capelli/ Hair-(130)2019
VictoireEquip.Capelli/ Hair-(120)2019
VivianeEquip.Capelli/ Hair-(150)2019
AzaléeEquip.Capelli/ Hair-(105)2020
Tempting Herbalist BeltEquip.Cinture/ Belts-(35)2020
Tempting Herbalist CrownEquip.Cappelli/ Hats-(55)2020
Tempting Herbalist EarringsEquip.Acc. viso/ Face acc.-(35)2020
Tempting Herbalist Flower GardenEquip.Atmosfere/ Atmospheres-(80)2020
Tempting Herbalist LingerieEquip.Lingerie/ Underwear-(90)2020
Tempting Herbalist Love PotionEquip.Acc. a mano/ Hand acc.-(45)2020
Tempting Herbalist SandalsEquip.Scarpe/ Shoes-(45)2020
Tempting Herbalist SkirtEquip.Pantaloni/ Bottoms-(60)2020
Tempting Herbalist SleevesEquip.Acc. a mano/ Hand acc.-(55)2020
Tempting Herbalist SpellbookEquip.Acc. a mano/ Hand acc.-(45)2020
Tempting Herbalist TopEquip.Top/s-(50)2020
Whanabe BootsEquip.Scarpe/ Shoes-(45)2020
Whanabe DressEquip.Abiti/ Dresses-(90)2020
Whanabe EyesEquip.Occhi/ Eyes-(40)2020
Whanabe HeaddressEquip.Cappelli/ Hats-(115)2020
Whanabe SkinEquip.Pelle/ Skins-(150)2020
Whanabe SleevesEquip.Acc. a mano/ Hand acc.-(75)2020
Whanabe WingsEquip.Cappotti/ Coats-(60)2020
Missing Piece BootsEquip.Scarpe/ Shoes-(45)2021
Missing Piece BottomsEquip.Calze/ Socks-(60)2021
Missing Piece BustierEquip.Top/s-(35)2021
Missing Piece CrownEquip.Cappelli/ Hats-(30)2021
Missing Piece EyesEquip.Occhi/ Eyes-(40)2021
Missing Piece GlovesEquip.Guanti/ Gloves-(50)2021
Missing Piece JacketEquip.Cappotti/ Coats-(75)2021
Missing Piece Shoulder PadsEquip.Collane/ Necklace-(40)2021
Missing Piece SkinEquip.Pelle/ Skins-(120)2021
PallasEquip.Capelli/ Hair-(90)2021

Per vedere le varie colorazioni vi suggeriamo uno di questi due siti: 

Tenue d’Eldarya

Eldarya Fittings


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The creator of this site. (Not so) Secretly a cat.

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