Episode 7

Illustrations: 4; 4 replays needed.
Outfits: Siren’s tail, fins (free)
Maana:  around 1134-1296; extra 100 to set the “Crush” on “Somebody” for the illustration with Leiftan.
Items: None

~ Illustrations episode 7 ~

This episode alternates between two scenes; on one side you have your character at the Jade Coast, on the other one of the girls at the HQ. Depending on the girl you choose you will be able to unlock an illustration with the corresponding boy:

Ykhar → Ezarel/Leiftan
Alajéa → Nevra
Eweleïn  → Valkyon

(0) The L’O’M doesn’t change
(+) The L’O’M increases
(-) The L’O’M decreases

NOTE: The one with Leiftan is a secret illustration that can only be unlocked by taking additional steps. The solution for this route is included in the guide and summed up at the end. To start, set the Crush on “Somebody” by going to the “Library” and paying 100 maana. The corresponding girl is Ykhar.

Jade Coast


Hmph.. Yeah, I shouldn’t get so wound up over something so…

  • Futile? (+5) [E][L]
  • Useless? (-5) [N]
  • Insignificant? (0) [V]

This has never happened to me before

  • Yet, you’re the king of prolonged missions, right? (0) [V]
  • At least it will allow you to get to know the area better.  (+5) [E][L]
  • I doubt you lose ships everyday…  (-5)[N]

Objective: Find some clues about the missing boat and ship.

Go toward the [Shore] to pick up the [Piece of Rope] (you can’t miss it), then go back and move the cursor on the right side to scroll.

Go towards the [Rooted Tree]; For Leiftan’s illustration click here: (You can skip this step if that’s not what you want and go directly to the sand beach. )


You will find a hidden rabbit. Go back.

Go to “Fine Sand Beach”, you’ll find a footprint.

  • (Compare the footprint with your foot) Towards Leiftan’s illustration. [V][L]
  • (Measure the footprint) [E][N]

If you pick the second you will realize you don’t have anything to measure it with and you will use your foot anyway.

Objective: Go to the Kappa village to meet up with Chrome.

Go to [Forest Path] > [Edge of the Village] > “Kappa Village” (You will have to scroll to the right again)


Because of you, he didn’t dare say more on the boat’s disappearance!

  • Because of me, or because of your insolence? (0) (Dialogue 2)[E][L]
  • I don’t think he would have said much more… (-5)[N]
  • What did he say about it? (0) [V]

Dialogue 2

Oh come on, no one was hurt over it… Well no turtle was haha!

  • (I couldn’t help but laugh.) (+5) [E]
  • That’s not funny… (-5) [L]

Objective: Take Chrome to see the footprint.

Go back to the footprint, it’s gone.


You’re lucky! Well, I can’t really ask you to send your companion all the way to H.Q.

  • Oh really? Why not? (0) [V]
  • Oh, you can! I’m sure that [Companion Name] would do just fine. (-5) [N]
  • I would rather not. It’s still young, I’m afraid it will get lost. (+5) [E][L]

You remember that the good food here is rationed.

  • Yes (0) [E][L]
  • No (0) [N][V]

So, why shouldn’t we eat the fruits and vegetables here?

  • Because you’re unable to grow any here. (0) (Dialogue  2) [V][L]
  • Because they aren’t any good. (0) [N]
  • Because they aren’t nutritious. (0) (Right Answer) [E]

Dialogue 2: I’m giving you a second chance

  • Because they aren’t nutritious. (0) (Right Answer) [V]
  • Because they aren’t good. (0) [L]

Objective: Find some food

Go back to the Tree’s Roots:


Then go to the [Forest Path]:

Cibo 2

Then you can go back to the [Edge of the village], where you will find Chrome. After the dialogue, a new location will appear between the path and the village: The [Pearl Waterfalls].

Objective: Go behind the Kappa village to wait for Chrome.

After going there, you will decide to keep yourself busy while waiting

Objective: Look for wood and leaves to build a shelter.

You’ll find this:

Materiali per il rifugio

At the tree you can pick up some bamboo:
Materiali per il rifugio

Objective: Go back to the waterfall to put down the wood. (divided into 2 objectives)

You will have to go from the [Forest Path] to [Pearl Waterfalls] twice, to carry everything. On the way you might find the Kappa master or Elliot (you can find him later as well)

Master Kappa:

  • I really don’t know what happened, but I’m sorry.. (+5) [E][L]
  • It’s not fair that I pay for someone else’s wrong doing that I never even meet! (-5) [N][V]

As soon as you’re done, the scene will change and you will find yourselves with one of the girls at the HQ.

  • (Nevra is probably chasing skirts.) → Alajéa → Nevra
  • (I kind of miss Ezarel’s humor…) → Ykhar → Ezarel/Leiftan
  • (With Valkyon’s calm attitude, I bet he would have handled the situation so well.)  →Eweleïn  → Valkyon


Ezarel | Nevra | Valkyon | Leiftan


HQ: Part 1

Some recurring spots (they aren’t certain!):

  • Alajéa can often be found at the fountain of music or at the pantry
  • Ewelein or Ykhar are often at the pavillion or the market or the village.
  • Kero can be in the pantry or… in emh, prison.
  • Nevra can often be found at the Pantry or at the market
  • Ezarel is often at the Path of Arches
  • Valkyon at the village
  • Leiftan in the hall of guards (After you meet the others)

Objective: Go to the Crystal Room

Objective: Question the inhabitants of H.Q. and try to find Chrome’s companion.

Talk to Ezarel, Nevra, Valkyon, Keroshane, the other 2 girls and Leiftan to find Chrome companion. Leiftan will be the last one to appear, he will send you to Purreru.

What are you doing here? You’re not locked up in the library writing reports?
  • No, for once Miiko has entrusted me with an exterior mission! Towards Ezarel’s Illustration [E]
  • You’re exaggerating, I don’t only do that! Towards Leiftan’s illustration [L] 

Objective: Go to the Crystal Room

Objective: Question the inhabitants of H.Q. and try to find Chrome’s companion.

Talk to Ezarel, Nevra, Valkyon, Keroshane, the other 2 girls and Leiftan to find Chrome companion. Leiftan will be the last one to appear, he will send you to Purreru.

  • Well, I’m trying to get information for Miiko. Towards the Illustration [N]
  • Nothing much… And you?

Objective: Go to the Crystal Room

Objective: Question the inhabitants of H.Q. and try to find Chrome’s companion.

Talk to Ezarel, Nevra, Valkyon, Keroshane, the other 2 girls and Leiftan to find Chrome companion. Leiftan will be the last one to appear, he will send you to Purreru.

Oh… I didn’t know that.

  • Do you want to go look with me?
  • Good luck. I’m looking for Schwarz, Miiko had seen him around… Towards the Illustration [V]


Jade Coast: Part 2

Objective: Go to the Kappa Village

Master Kappa:
  • Did you realize that since he likes me, I can’t be that bad of a person? (0) [L]
  • He missed me and wanted to see me again? (0)  [N]
  • Did he say something about me?  (0) [V][E]

Find Chrome again; I often found him outside the village but it could be on the [Fine Sand Beach too (or pretty much anywhere). You will have to search for the ingredients for the potion.

Objectives: Find the ingredients

  • Gillyweed Roots:


  • Pearly Concretions:


  • Elément vital of a water fairy:

Once you’ve got the first 2, go back to the [Jade Region] or the [Shore] (You might have to meet Elliot and Master Kappa – at the waterfall – first) you will get a dialogue and you will automatically move back to the waterfalls. You might have to find Chrome too, before you can proceed; sometimes you just need the first 2, sometimes you need the werewolf as well. If you’ve talked to the three of them and you still don’t see the monologue, I suggest to keep looking around the beach until it pops.

Here you will have to make a choice:

  • (Ask if someone is there.) Towards Leiftan’s illustration [L][N]
  • (Go see what is hiding in the bushes, like last time.) [V][E]

The two choices are pretty much the same (illustration aside); Elliot will give you the last ingredients. Go to the beach to talk to Chrome.


HQ: Part 2


Objective: Find my love! errr.. Purreru!

You can find him at the market; he will tell you to find his friend Purral.

Objective: Verify Purral’s information.

First you will have to find Mery and Jamon, you might meet Ezarel in the meantime; talking to your love interest is necessary to complete HQ: Part 2, but you might meet him after talking to the purrekos (although it’s rare). Purral is often inside the HQ: usually at the forge, alchemy lab or infermary.

Objective: Verify Purral’s information.

Go to the burrow to get the companion.

  • (I should look around the area, you never know?!) Towards the illustration for Leiftan [E][L]
  • (If you are on Ezarel’s route you’ll get instead:) (I should insist and search the burrow further.) Towards the illustration for Ezarel
  • (I think it’s useless to search here… I should go back to H.Q.).


  • Ooooooooooooh Ezarel is worried about [Gardienne]!  (+5) Towards the illustration   [E]
  • Chrome isn’t a moroon.

You won’t have this dialogue if you are on Leiftan’s Route.

Objective: Find my love! errr.. Purreru!

You can find him at the market; he will tell you to find his friend Purral.

Objective: Verify Purral’s information.

First you will have to find Mery and Jamon, you might meet Nevra in the meantime; talking to your love interest is necessary to complete HQ: Part 2, but you might meet him after talking to the purrekos (although it’s rare). Purral is often inside the HQ: usually at the forge, alchemy lab or infermary.

Jamon will drag you to the pantry, then you can finally go find Purral.

Objective: Verify Purral’s information.

Go to the burrow to get the companion.


  • (I’ts not use wasting more time here… I should go back to HQ) Towards the illustration [N]
  • (I should keep searching near the area…)
  • I don’t know… after all the awful things she’s said about you. (+5) Towards the illustration [N]
  • You don’t worry as much about the others.

Objective: Find my love! errr.. Purreru!

You can find him at the market; he will tell you to find his friend Purral.

Objective: Verify Purral’s information.

First you will have to find Mery and Jamon, you might meet Ezarel in the meantime; talking to your love interest is necessary to complete HQ: Part 2, but you might meet him after talking to the purrekos (although it’s rare). Purral is often inside the HQ: usually at the forge, alchemy lab or infermary but he can be at the Path of the arches.

Objective: Verify Purral’s information.

Go to the burrow to get the companion.


  • (I’m going to look around the area, maybe I’ll find something?)  Towards the illustration  [V]
  • (Maybe I should search through the burrow?)


I’m also very worried…

  • Oh really? I didn’t think you and [Gardienne] were that close.  (+5) Towards the illustration  [V]
  • Who wouldn’t be?


Jade Coast: Part 3

Objectives:  Go to the beach to board. and “Make the journey all the way to the Kappa Island.”

Go on the beach and follow the path towards the open sea.

Master Kappa

  • “So… You’re a Kappa?!” (0) [V]
  • “I was wondering… Are you the leader of the Kappa tribe?” (0) (Dialogue 2) [L][E]
  • “Excuse me, but I wanted to know, is Elliot special to you?” (0) [N]
Dialogue 2
  • (That’s so adorable. I wonder if one day, I will meet someone so I can say the same.) (0) [L]
  • (It’s disgusting… I really don’t like public displays of affection.) (-5)  
  • (That’s very touching to see that they have so much confidence in one another.) (+5) [E]

Master Kappa

  • (Bow Slightly) (-5) [N]
  • (Bow moderately) (+5) [L] [E]
  • (Bow heavily) (0)  [V]

You wil get the siren’s tail and the fins.

Abiti episodio 7

Objective: Swim all the way to the general headquarters.


Becoming a mermaid, you also got some of their abilities. They don’t need to eat that often, so… Neither do you!

  • That’s completely illogical. (-5)  [L][N]
  • Although, Alajea is always eating! (0)  [V]
  • What are their other abilities? (+5)  [E]

Keep going forward, eventually you will lose sight of Chrome.


HQ: Part 3

These aren’t certain, but you have a good chance to find:

  • Nevra in the pantry
  • Kero at the pavillion or the fountain (You’ll need Purroy, instead, for Ewelein)
  • Valkyon outside the crystal hall
  • Ezarel at the library or hall of doors or market
  • Leiftan is sometimes at the hall of guards or at the music garden.



  • Kéro, what’s going on? Towards the illustration for  Leiftan/Ezarel [L] [E]
  • (I don’t have time to talk to him!)

Objective: Go to the Crystal Room

  • Go to the prison, fast!
  • Go back to see Miiko one last time to tell her that everything is done.

Objective: Prepare for the arrival with Kero

You will have to find all the four boys plus Kero before you can proceed.

Objective: Go back to see Miiko one last time to tell her that everything is done.


  • (I should ask him what’s troubling him…) Towards the illustration [N]
  • (I really don’t want to get involved in his problems.) [N]

Objective: Go to the Crystal Room

Objective: Tell people

Talk to Nevra, Ezarel, Valkyon, Leiftan and Kero, then go back to Miiko


  • (Simply get back up.) Towards the illustration  [V]
  • (Stay on the ground a little.)

Objective: Go to the Crystal Room

Objective: Make potions

Go to the infirmary, then, after being automatically redirected to the Alchemy Lab, look for one of the purrekos who will give you the missing ingredient; on the way you will meet Valkyon, who will accept your help to look for Floppy (you will have to talk to all the 4 boys before you can complete your mission).

Obiettivo: Go back to see Miiko one last time to tell her that everything is done.

In the crystal hall.

Follow the instructions to complete the episode, go to the prison.
Objective: Go to the prison, fast!

Secret Illustration: Leiftan

To sum it up, to get Leiftan illustration you have to:
1. Before starting, change the Crush to “Somebody”
2. Find the bunny while you look for hints.
3. Compare the footprint with your foot on the beachf
4. Pick Ykhar (Ezarel)
5. Tell Ezarel “You’re exaggerating, I don’t only do that!”
6. Ask if someone is there, when you meet Elliot
8. (I should look around the area, you never know?!)
9. Ask Kero “Is something wrong?”
The steps are better explained in the guide.


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The creator of this site. (Not so) Secretly a cat.

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22/03/2017 6:13 am

Non posso ottenere sia l’illustrazione con un Valkyon sia quella speciale?

22/03/2017 10:14 am

Ma quindi l’illustrazione segreta posso ottenerla solo se sono nella guardia di Ezarel? :/

23/03/2017 1:34 pm

ho seguito la guida in ogni minimo dettaglio e ho terminato l’episodio…ma non ho avuto l’illustrazione con Nevra, è comparsa la scritta “questo ricordo non è rimasto impresso nella tua memoria” 🙁

23/03/2017 9:37 pm

Grazie davvero ^-^ ora sto provando a rifare l’episodio e l’ho quasi terminato, se dovesse accadere una seconda volta…credo di aver intuito dov’è “l’intoppo”

28/03/2017 11:22 am

Ciao eldariette io sono al punto in cui devo “verificare l’informazione di purreu” ho già incontrato mary ed eza ma sto esaurendo a trovare jamon,sto facendo un sacco di spostamenti a vuoto perdendo un sacco di maana 🙁 cm devo fare? Help

09/04/2017 3:55 pm

credo bisogna avere il colpo di fulmine

18/04/2017 9:33 am

Sono alla fine dell’episodio (Team Nevra) Ma non riesco a trovare Miiko
Devo solo trovare lei e poi recarmi alla prigione..
Help :c

18/04/2017 10:26 am

Ho controllato un sacco di volte ma non la trovo ;-;

18/04/2017 2:07 pm

Sbagliato topic, scusate…

20/04/2017 5:42 pm

Ciao! Ho provato a ottenere l’illustrazione con valkyon seguendo tutti i passaggi, e alla fine mi è uscito che questo momento non è impresso nella mia memoria…

20/04/2017 11:22 pm

Non riesco ad andare avanti nel livello 7! Sono bloccata qui:

– Obiettivi: Cerca gli ingredienti per la pozione e torna dal lupo

Ho sprecato 500 mana ma non succede niente, ho racconto sia le radici di edera branchiflora sia le concrezioni perlate. Ho anche incontrato il maestro Kappa alla spiaggi ed Eliott ma non mi hanno dato nulla e non c’è stata nessuna scelta.

Non riesco a capire quale sia il problema! Ho chiesto anche aiuto anche al supporto ma mi hanno risposto di scrivere sul forum.


21/04/2017 12:13 pm

Ciao, innanzitutto grazie per la giuda, è stata utilissima. 🙂
Purtroppo mi sono bloccata in un punto e non riesco a prosegiure, devo verificare l’informazione di Purral (sto giocando con Yakhar) ho già trovato sia Mery che Jamon che Ezarel, ma non mi blocca il nuovo obbiettivo. Avrò fatto avanti e indietro una decina di volte ma nulla 🙁

23/04/2017 5:51 pm

Ciao! Innanzitutto devo ringraziarti tantissimo perché senza la guida non sarei arrivata alla fine del 7 episodio. Comunque, sono bloccata alla fine: sto giocando con Eweleïn e sono arrivata all’obbiettivo “prepara diverse pozioni”. Ma prima di cercare uno dei Purrekos devo trovare i ragazzi… il problema è che ho trovato solo Nevra e Leiftan e sto continuando a girare a vuoto. Sapresti gentilmente come aiutarmi? ^^

26/04/2017 3:11 am

I found Nevra at the Grand Gate and Ezarel at the Fountain Park in Ezarel’s route. 🙂

28/04/2017 9:11 am

Cerca l’elemento vitale di una creatura acquatica.

Sono bloccata a questo obiettivo 🙁
Hai scritto che bisogna tornare alla spiaggia per poi essere automaticamente portati di nuovo alla cascata. Ebbene, io sono tornata sia sulla spiaggia, che sulla riva non so più quante volte; per scrupolo mi sono girata tutti i luoghi cliccabili (dal limitare, alla cascata, al villaggio dei kappa), ma niente 🙁 Continuo a sprecare maana senza che succeda nulla 🙁

Gattin Martino Gattinmartino
29/06/2017 9:50 am

Ciao! Ho un problemino
Obiettivo: Spargi la voce
Ho trovato tutti, mi manca solo Leftan ed è un po’ che giro a vuoto (un sacco… XD)
C’è un luogo diciamo comune dove trovarlo? Voi dove lo avete trovato?
Grazie per la guida

26/08/2017 4:45 am

in HQ 3 where am i most likely to find a purreko?

30/08/2017 3:53 am

Hi. I’m having a bit of trouble. I can never find Purral. I’ve talked to Nevra, Jamon and Mery and I still can’t find him! I’ve wasted so much mana trying.

02/11/2017 1:58 pm

Ho fatto un replay di questo episodio per ottenere l’illustrazione di Nevra, ma mi dice che “il momento non si è impresso nella mia memoria” (mentre la prima volta ho ottenuto l’illustrazione di Ezarel senza problemi).
L’unica cosa che ho trovato diversa e che penso sia il problema, è che non ho trovato Nevra nella missione finale di Alajea di dover cercare tutti per dare la notizia del nostro ritorno, e anche se non l’ho trovato per parlarci (come scritto nella guida), mi ha comunque fatta proseguire.
Ammetto di aver sprecato tantissimi maana per questo episodio perché non trovavo Jamon e ancor prima ho girato tantissimo dopo aver trovato i primi due ingredienti, e non ho nemmeno sbloccato l’illustrazione…
Delusione totale, e non si può nemmeno segnalare sul forum.

25/11/2017 1:23 pm

sto per diventare pazza…sono bloccata all’obbiettivo “cerca l’elemento vitale di una creatura acquatica” sto girando per tutta la mappa da giorni ma niente..non trovo nessuno

26/11/2017 11:57 am

Ho fatto tutto il necessario per avere l’illustrazione con Nevra, ma non l’ho ottenuta…

15/03/2018 6:07 am

Allora, per l’illustrazione di Leiftan, il coniglietto nella tana è importante o no?

Dr. Wisater
23/03/2018 2:01 am

Help! I’ve found everyone in HQ besides Kero, and I’ve been looking or 3 days… T^T Have any ideas where he might be?

05/06/2019 9:46 pm

Ciao, ho un problema, non riesco a finire questo episodio perché il gioco si chiude ogni volta. Sapete se si tratta di un bug?

Melissa Bubolo
Melissa Bubolo
20/07/2019 11:58 pm

Scusate io sto giocando per l illustrazione di nevra ma non riesco a trovare leiftan e l ultimo che mi manca x spargere la voce ho cercato ovunque qualcuno da dirmi dove si trova grazie mille

05/05/2020 9:59 am

Ciao! Volevo chiederti una mano per favore… io ho parlato con Elliot e con Chrome (dialogo in cui mi dice che deve aspettare sera per il suo elemento vitale) ho sprecato centinaia di manaas ma non trovo il maestro Kappa.

Alexa >.
Alexa >.
30/06/2020 8:44 am

Hey! I just started the episode and I want to get Leitftan’s illustration but I didn’t set the crush on Somebody… exactly when i started the episode but a bit after I compared my footprint to the one on the beach because I didn’t fully pay attention reading the guide :^) is it a problem? Will i still get his illustration?

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