Maana: 1100-1250 (food included)
Outfit: A free outfit (Eldarya Warmers, Eldarya Boots, Eldarya Shorty, Eldarya Cuffs, Eldarya Top, Eldarya Cape)
Items needed: 125 maana to buy Kappa’s Food
Item received: None
Illustrations: 3 (2 replays needed)
NOTE: This episode, unless you change your mind during episode 6, will determine the layout of your room. It is not possible to bring the person who is decorating your room on the mission with you, but you can choose a different one for the room, then change the design with a replay of epsode 6 for 200 maana. You can find more info about the whole process [Here]
NOTE: The dialogue choices are marked with a [V][N] or [E], it means that you can find the answer to that option in the video of the boy the letter stands for :3 So if you’re curious about a particular answer it’s faster to find it, I will try to give as many different answers as I can
!! Spoilers Ahead !!
(0) The LOM doesn’t change
(+) The LOM increases
(-) The LOM decreases
Locations marked with ⊗ are not guaranteed but highly probable
You will begin the episode in your new room. After cursing a bit thinking about it, you will decide you need a mattress, at least, and you will go look for Miiko to ask for one.
Objective: Ask Miiko for a more decent room
Go to the [Crystal Room] where you won’t find Miiko. On the way out, you will meet Ykhar.
- Awful… (+10) [E]
- It’s complicated… (-5) [V]
- Not really my taste. (0) [N]
Look for Miiko in the rooms of the H.Q; she is usually in the Library, Forge or Alchemy lab (⊗) . After talking to her, go back to the Hall of Doors (⊗) where you will meet Leiftan, who will suggest you that you find supporters.
Objective: Convince several members of the Guard to support you in front of Miiko.
Talk to:
- Kero,
- Ykhar,
- Ezarel,
- Valkyon,
- Alajéa
- Nevra.
You can’t leave the HQ grounds at this time, so they will be all inside the walls.
- Ezarel … (+5) [E]
- Do you even listen seriously when people are talking to you sometimes? (0) [N]
- I’m not ungrateful… (-5) [V]
- Haven’t I always told the truth up until now? (-5) [V]
- Well yes, why would I lie? (+5) [E]
- I would have wished it was a lie… (0) [N]
- (I think I should ask him directly for help.) (-5) [V]
- (I don’t think he is interested in helping me…) (+5) [E]
- (Well.. Where to start?) (0) [N]
- I haven’t formed an opinion yet… (0) [E]
- (It’s true he’s rather cute…) Uhh… (0) [N]
- (He’s not really my type…) Well Uhh… (0)) [V]
Objective: Return to the Crystal Room to see Miiko.
As the objective says. 😛 You now have to choose the person who will decorate your room. These are the results, which you will be able to see in Episode 6:
Note: Two words about the rooms. If you want to have the room decorated by the same person you want the illustration of you will need at least a replay.
The sixth episode usually takes less mana than the fifth (1200 vs 1500) but the cat asks for 200m to change reality. After ANE changes the cost is pretty much the same, actually, episode 6 is slightly more expensive. But to keep the +LOM with your chosen one AND have him decorate your room, the only choice remains replaying episode 6.
Objective: Walk around HQ or outside to pass the time.
You might have a talk with Kero or the boys and have these conversations (you won’t meet the one who is working on your room):
- Kero
- Valkyon
- Nevra
- Ezarel
- A little yes… (+5) [E][V]
- No, don’t worry. (0) [N]
- I didn’t want you to blame me for having given you this chore. (+5) [E]
- I don’t have faith in your “tastes”. (-5) [N]
- I chose at random… (0) [V]
- It’s true you’re such a perfect being. (0) (Dialogue 2) [E]
- I would stay modest. (-5)
- (I rolled my eyes.) (0) [N]
- No, this is actually my personality. (-5)
- Unfortunately so… Unfortunately so. (+5) [E]
- You’re not answering my question. (-5)
- Maybe, you don’t want to talk about it? (+5)
- Do you want us to change the subject again? (0) [V]
You can also talk with the “interior designer”, in your room.
You might also get this dialogue with Alajea, either now or later:
- I like birds! (+5) [E]
- I like dogs! (+5)
- I prefer rodents! (+5) [V]
- I love reptiles! (+5)
Did you understand your mission?
Yes… Well I think. (0) (Dialogue 2) [N]
No sorry… I was listening, but at some point I zoned out. (+5) [E]
Uhhh… I think you gave me way to much information at once (0) [V]
Dialogo 2
A rabbit? (-10)
A turtle? (+5)
A fox? (0)
This is when you will have to choose who to bring with you; the illustration depends on it. You won’t be able to ask the person who is decorating your room as he is quite busy.
- I see… So, I think I will ask Ezarel to help me. (Towards Ezarel Illustration)
- I see… So, I think I will ask Nevra to help me. (Towards Nevra Illustration)
- I see… So, I think I will ask Nevra to help me. (Towards Valkyon Illustration)
Objective ask someone to accompany you on your mission.
Ykhar (Hall of Doors ⊗) will then bring you to Miiko in the crystal room who has a gift for you: a whole *free* outfit!
Ah yes, she told me. You scared me… I thought you had a big problem.
- Sorry, I like to tease you. (0) (dialogue 2) [N][E]
- Well it’s extremely serious! (-5) [V]
2. Ezarel’s bad example is rubbing off on you
- I would surely love to bury the hatchet . (+5) [E]
- No, I’m trying to be as different from him as possible. (0) (Dialogue 3) [N]
3. I can undersatnd, he is sometimes… annoying.
- I won’t argue with you on that. (+5) [N]
- There’s worse, fortunately. (0)
- It’s bearable. (-5)
You might meet Leiftan:
- Go see him. (0)
- Don’t bother him. (+5) [E]
The person you choose won’t accept immediately; you will have to talk to him 3 times.
Objective: Finish the mission Ykhar gave you and find the Kappa
Ojective: Now that you have the Kappa, go back to HQ.
You might meet Mery at the Cypress Clearing or inside the village, and Ykhar on the way back. Go back to the crystal room to talk to Miiko.
Ojective: Find the infirmary to leave the Kappa.
The infirmary is in the [Hall of Doors], over the exit; go there then go back to Miiko.
Ojective: Go back to see Miiko!
The little Kappa must be taken home but…
- What? That wasn’t in Ykhar’s directions! (Ykhar -15 XD) [V]
- Before that, I would very much like that someone explain this Blackdog business to me! (0) [N][E]
- Uhh… Okay, how do we proceed? (Kero -5)
Kero will give you a letter and a list. Once you exit the Crystal room, Ykhar will tell you that Purreru is not at the market, as it’s his day off, You will have to find him.
Objective: Go find all the objects on the list.
Complete the objective: Bring Miiko’s letter to the Pantry; a dialogue will follow. Then go to the market for “Go to the market to buy a Navigation Kit”; you won’t find it, it’s sold out.
You might have some random dialogues:
- (Go and see her normally.) (0) [V]
- (Call out to her screaming.) (+10) [N]
- What species am I? (+5)
- Nothing important. Nevermind. (-5)
- Let’s talk about something else, okay? (0) [V]
Your new “faelien” nature.
- Good… (-5)
- It was bad… (+5)
- I don’t know really… (0) [N]
Objective: Search for Purreru for the Kappa’s food!
He is usually in the library or the path of the arches. Purreru is the ma—cat of my life, when can I date him? :< *cough* Anyway, you will be able to choose between 3 vegetables as Kappa food: Dandelions, Brussels sprouts and cucumbers. They’re all neutral choices, but the best one is the cucumbers (You will see why in the next episode). They all cost 125 maana.
Objective: Ask one of the guys to help you find a Navigation Kit.
They could be anywhere, but in the end, you will find the one who helped you before. I found them sometimes in the H.Q.’s and sometimes as far as the forest.
You might also find Ezarel, often in the alchemy lab, and have an extra dialogue with him.
- You know, one day you will have to make peace with it… (+5) [E]
- It’s more difficult to find excuses to hate me, right? (0)
- Whatever the case, just tell yourself you’re a good Alchemist. (-5)
Depending on the dialogue choices, you might not end up where you should be, after they accept to help you again. In that case, simply go there by yourself to go on with the story.
- What’s the joke? (-5)
- Thanks, that’s nice of you. (+5) [E]
- It’s rare to see you so … Nice. (0)
He will take you to the forge; from there, go to the market.
Ehi, Gardienne, what are you doing here?
- Nothing that concerns you. (-5)
- I’m looking for a Navigation Kit (0)
- I see you’re close to Alajea (+5) [N]
He will take you to the library; from there, go to the market.
- Buy it from them? (+5)
- Steal it? (0) [V]
- Borrow it? (-5)
Go to the cave; from there, go to the market
Go to the Grand Gate to meet Chrome.
Objective: Go back to Kero
Go back to the library to report to Kero, when you leave the room you will be done with episode 5!
All the dialogues by characters:
Please note: you might not have all the dialogues listed. For more info check the full guide.
- I like birds! (+5)
- I like dogs! (+5)
- I prefer rodents! (+5)
- I love reptiles! (+5)
- A little yes… (+5) [E][V]
- No, don’t worry. (0) [N]
Ah yes, she told me. You scared me… I thought you had a big problem.
- Sorry, I like to tease you. (0) (dialogue 2) [N][E]
- Well it’s extremely serious! (-5) [V]
2. Ezarel’s bad example is rubbing off on you
- I would surely love to bury the hatchet . (+5) [E]
- No, I’m trying to be as different from him as possible. (0) (Dialogue 3) [N]
3. I can undersatnd, he is sometimes… annoying.
- I won’t argue with you on that. (+5) [N]
- There’s worse, fortunately. (0)
- It’s bearable. (-5)
- What? That wasn’t in Ykhar’s directions! (Ykhar -15 XD) [V]
- Before that, I would very much like that someone explain this Blackdog business to me! (0) [N][E]
- Uhh… Okay, how do we proceed? (Kero -5)
- What? That wasn’t in Ykhar’s directions! (Ykhar -15 XD) [V]
- Before that, I would very much like that someone explain this Blackdog business to me! (0) [N][E]
- Uhh… Okay, how do we proceed? (Kero -5)
- Awful… (+10) [E]
- It’s complicated… (-5) [V]
- Not really my taste. (0) [N]
- I haven’t formed an opinion yet… (0) [E]
- (It’s true he’s rather cute…) Uhh… (0) [N]
- (He’s not really my type…) Well Uhh… (0)) [V]
Did you understand your mission?
Yes… Well I think. (0) (Dialogue 2) [N]
No sorry… I was listening, but at some point I zoned out. (+5) [E]
Uhhh… I think you gave me way to much information at once (0) [V]
Dialogo 2
A rabbit? (-10)
A turtle? (+5)
A fox? (0)
- What? That wasn’t in Ykhar’s directions! (Ykhar -15 XD) [V]
- Before that, I would very much like that someone explain this Blackdog business to me! (0) [N][E]
- Uhh… Okay, how do we proceed? (Kero -5)
- (Go and see her normally.) (0) [V]
- (Call out to her screaming.) (+10) [N]
The creator of this site. (Not so) Secretly a cat.
Thank you so much for help! This helped me really much! :3
i cant pass the navigation kit part? ive had the dialog with V to “buy it?” but he said he was busy and come back later, now ive spent a few months going every where i can as far as i can but still i get nothing? im i missing something?
I can’t find Valkon to help find the navigation kit. I’ve been wandering around for ages. I even went all the way to the forest after I read this guide. With only 5 moves a day this is getting really frustrating.
Queste guide mi aiutano davvero tanto, grazie!
you have “[n], [v], [e]” after some choices, what are they? do they represent the boys name? if they do then what do they mean towards the boys?
Thank you so much! I got the illustration with Nevra!
when i left the room the epiode didn’t end
nvm found out
For some reason when trying to get to the Forest with Ezarel I couldn’t (for the life of me) find the gate. It didn’t even show me the little blue dots that indicate a different room/section.
if you put someone as your crush will it eliminate all romantic scenes with other characters?
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