Episode 6

Maana: (about 1350 if you skip the first illustration, 1402-1508) +72 soap and becker, the fish is not included (it can be obtained for free).
Companions: None
Items needed: 54 maana for the soap, 18 maana for the becker, and a Dragonfly fish (On explorations at the beach or buyable at the market). You will get the background item of your room for free.
Items received: None
Illustrations: 2; No replay needed.

Episode 6 ~ Illustrations

How to get the illustrations



The [-] next to the dialogue choices indicates which video you can find that answer in. [E] is the “Ezarel” take (Valkyon Room), [R] stands for the first retake (Nevra Room),  [R2] for the second (Ezarel Room) . Click here for the videos: [E] [R] [R2]

!! Spoilers Ahead !!

(0) The LoM doesn’t change
(+) The LoM increases
(-) The LoM decreases

⊗ This location is not always certain, but it’s highly probable.

At the beginning, a cat will explain to you that by giving him 200 maana on a replay of episode  6, you will be able to change the guy who made your room. If you’re happy with your choice, decline; if not, it’s a good way to have the illustration of the guy you like, the LOM from the mission AND the room decorated by him. You can find more information about the room [here]

Your room

Objective: Go see the Kappa

He is in the infirmary; you can talk to him. If Valkyon decorated your room, you should go check it.

Objective: Go see the bedroom Valkyon has prepared for you.

If he didn’t, you won’t have this objective and you will be able to do directly to the infirmary.


  • (I spent some time talking to him as if he were a… Kitten.) (0) [E]
  • (I spent some time talking to him as if he were a… Child.) (0) [R2]
  • (I spent some time talking to him since there was nothing else for me to do.) (0) [R]

As far as I know they’re all equally good. I might suggest the second one as slightly better, for Lore reasons.


A baby even… I wonder how he was even able to find himself in our region.

  • Don’t turtles know how to swim? (-5) [R]
  • Did he use the circle of mushrooms? (+5)  [E]
  • Maybe he was captured by poachers? (0) [R2]


Gardienne, would you mind taking care of the little one now that he’s awake? The two of you seem to have bonded.

  • No problem, I’ll take care of him. (0)  [E]
  • Sorry, but I don’t really want to… (0) (Dialogue 2) [R]

Dialogue 2

Take this little one away from me, he’s breaking my eardrums!

  • He’s breaking my eardrums too! (0) [R]
  • I don’t know how to calm kids down!  (0) [R2]

Now you will have 3 objectives:

  1. (I think I’ll give him a bath first!) [E]
  2. (I think I will give him some food first!) [R]
  3. (I think I’ll go on a walk with him first!) [R2]

It doesn’t matter which one you pick first, you will have to do them all.

First things first, regardless of the task you picked, you will have to name the Kappa (halls of doors):

  • What if we named you Elliot? (0) (he likes it) [E]
  • What if we named you Liam? (0) (doesn’t like it) [R]
  • What if we named you Franklin? (0) (doesn’t like it) [R2]

All the options will have the same result.

Wash the KappaFeed himWalk

Objective: Go wash the Kappa.

Objective: Find the showers to wash the Kappa.

Wander a bit, you will meet Ezarel (you might have to meet him more than once). He will suggest you wash him at the fountain.

Objective: Buy soap at the Alchemy Shop.

At the alchemy shop (“Others”); then go to the [Central Pavillion]

Objective: Go to the Fountain Park to wash the Kappa.

From there you can go to the [Music Garden] then to the [Fountain Park].


I make a lot of mistakes… I’m very clumsy.

  • Don’t say that… (+5) [E]
  • Maybe no one takes the time to really explain things? (-5) [R]
  • (I don’t know what to say to her…) (0) [R2]

What version do you prefer?

  • When she turns into foam instead of killing the man she loves. (0) Dialogue 2 [R]
  • The one where she ends up marrying the prince. The continuation with her daughter isn’t that great, but at least it ends well! (0) [E]

Dialogue 2:

But that’s terrible!

  • Don’t worry, she becomes a girl of the air for her act of bravery. (0) [R]
  • Yes, it’s one of the darkest versions of the tale… (0) [R2]

Now you can move to the next objective or, if you have washed, fed, and you took the a walk with the kappa, you can move on.

Objective: Go to the library to get food for the Kappa.

Objective: Feed the Kappa.

Kero is not there, but you will be sent to the pantry. If the food you picked in episode 5 was the wrong kind (the right option were the cucumbers), Ykhar will offer to help you. You might have this conversation with her, if you picked the wrong food:


  • Oh yes, let’s talk about my new mattress ♥.  (+10)
  • Oh well, it’s done now. (0)
  • (Go back to the market to change the food) (0)
  • (Don’t change the food) (0)
You might have to go to the market, if the food was the wrong kind and you decide to replace it.  Purral will accept to trade the old food for the correct one. The dialogue with him doesn’t have consequences.

Objective: Get the gruel for the Kappa.


If it’s not the cucumbers it will have a different color, but it will be in the same spot.

Objective: Find a quiet place for Elliot to eat.

You can meet Ezarel again at this point; the conversation you will have with him depends on the ones you had before and on the order you wash, feed and go for a walk with Elliot, so don’t worry if some options are missing or the order is different.

Go to the central pavilion; If you picked the wrong food in episode 5, Elliot won’t like it.

Now you can move to the next objective or, if you have washed, fed, and you took the a walk with the kappa, you can move on.

Objective: Show Elliot around H.Q.

Wander around, you might have several conversations before you decide to take him for a tour (this dialogue often happens at market, or in the hall of guards); you will move automatically.

Objective: Go take a walk with the Kappa.

Once you get to the burrow, you will have a choice to make:

  • (Slide an arm down to see if you can grab him) (0) [R]
  • (Don’t move and continue to call out for him.) (0) [R2]
  • (Look inside) (+5) [E]

Objective:  Go back inside H.Q.

Go back to the HQ, on the way you will find Jamon (I keep reading it as Jambon, ham. >_>;), at the  Arches

Obiettivo: Vai a fare una passeggiata con il kappa.

Now you can move to the next objective or, if you have washed, fed, and you took the a walk with the kappa, you can move on.

You will have the chance to talk to several people and to listen to some dialogues during any of the objective above, and meet Alajea and Miiko and/or Ykhar.

Miiko and Chrome:

This conversation (like the others) can happen pretty much any time, you will have the option to:

  • (I shouldn’t continue to listen in.) (0) [E]
  • (Godness! I’m way too curious!) (0) [R] [R2]

Nothing bad happens if you listen in, you get a bit more info and an extra dialogue later.


You look distraught all of a sudden.

  • Yes… I’m realizing that I’ve been quite irresponsible with him…  (+5) [E]
  • Their situation is quite sad… (-5) [R]
  • (Don’t say anything more.) (0) [R2]


That’s what he is, right?

  • If that’s how you see it, elf. (-5) [R]
  • That’s true… (0) [R2]
  • I never called my cat, Cat. (+5) [E]


Out of curiosity, what do you know about this species?

  • That they like playing a game called Shogi. (0) (Dialogue 2) [E]
  • That you have to be very careful of the water on their head.(0) (Dialogue 2) [R]
  • That they don’t live in this region. (0)

Dialogue 2

Is that all?

  • No, I also know that the water on their head is vital to them. (0) [E]
  • No, I also know that they are one of the rarest tribes that eat food from here. (0) [R]


  • No, I also know that they are one of the rarest tribes that eat food from here. (0)
  • Non, je sais aussi qu’ils peuvent apprendre quelques mots même s’ils ne parlent pas notre langue. (0)

Objective: Find something else to do!

Once at the HQ, you will have to decide what to do next. This dialogue will often unlock at the Village, the Hall of Doors or the Pavilion, but always after seeing Miiko and Chrome, not earlier. If you haven’t seen them, you must look for them first (often at the forge or the Pavilion).

  • I know that your people like to play Shogi. (0) (Dialogue 2) [E]
  • I know you want to play, but I’m not really motivated. (0) (Dialogue 2) [R]
  • I know that I liked playing hopscotch when I was young. (0) [R2]

Dialogue 2:

  • You can be a really annoying child when you want to be! (-10) [R]
  • (+5)  [E]

You will go play outside, but Elliot will trip.

Objective: Find help!

Head towards the HQ. After talking to Miiko you will have to…

Objective: Go find Alajéa.

at the fountain, where you washed the Kappa. You will now have to buy a dragonfly fish at the companions store (or send your companion to explore the  beachEnergy: 15 Time: 20 minutes) and a becker, 18 maana [Alchemy Shop > Containers].

If you already have everything, you’ll have an extra line of dialogue but nothing will change.

Objective: Find Ezarel in the Alchemy Lab.

to finish the potion, then you can go see your new room.

Objective: Go to your bedroom.

Room decorated by Ezarel
  • What is this fountain for? (0) [R2]
  • It’s like a little piece of paradise, I love it! (+5)
  • That’s a lot of pink, I don’t like it… (-5)

Stanza arredata da Ezarel

Room decorated by Nevra
  • It’s like gothic and baroque all at the same time, how interesting! (+5)
  • I don’t really like black… (-5)
  • Where did you find the stained glass? (0) [R]Stanza arredata da Nevra

Room decorated by Valkyon
  • Especially the fur… I’m not completely convinced but okay… (0)
  • It’s like a melting pot of so many different tastes, it’s weird. (-5)
  • The room seems so much bigger now!  (+5) [E]
    Arredata da Valkyon (Risultato finale)
    Final result
    Arredata da Valkyon
    Before they all chipped in

Great! Too bad Nevra made a copy of the keys, no matter who decorated it.


  • Where I come from we call that harassment. (0) [E]
  • You may be very cute, but that doesn’t allow you to do everything you want! (0) [R]
  • (I blushed… Without saying another word.) (0) [R2]
  • He’s a bit rough around the edges. (-5) [R2]
  • He’s very… “Flirty”.  (-5) [E]
  • He really thinks he’s irresistible… (-10) [R]


Well, since Nevra knows that they’re popular in the human world, his ego has become something else.

  • Nevra is a vampire? (0) [E]  (Dialogue 2, you’ll get a few more info)
  • I knew it! Nevra is a vampire! (0) [R2]

Dialogue 2:

You didn’t know?

  • Uhh… I never noticed. (0) [E]
  • I had other hypothesises. (0) [R]


Not that much. He knows how to choose his targets.

  • Well, he was wrong about me though! (0) [E] [R2]
  • It’s true that he doesn’t really let you stay indifferent, but it’s not a reason to keep on insisting! Valkyon (-5), Ezarel (-5) [R]

Objective: Go find Nevra to get your keys back.

He is often in the Hall of Guards or at the village, although it’s not guaranteed.


  • (Go after Nevra.) (+5)  [R2]
  • (Let him leave.) (+10) [E]

… obviously we will forget the keys so…

Objective: Continue to try to find Nevra…

Go to Hall of Doors, you won’t be able to find him and eventually you will forget.

Objective: Go back to see Miiko.

After the dialogue, go to Miiko, in the Crystal Room.

Objective: Go sleep to be prepared for tomorrow’s journey.

Once you get to your room Elliot will come visit you.

Objective: Bring the Kappa back to the infirmary.

You might meet Leiftan. Go toward the infirmary to unlock a dialogue with Alajéa.

Haha, you deserve it after the whole mattress debacle. It really wasn’t nice of Miiko. You were right to have insisted.

  • (That’s not what I understood last time…) (0) [R] [R2]
  • (Don’t say anything.) (0) [E]

Not much changes (for now at least); the first one is literally 2 more balloons.

You will bring the Kappa back to the infirmary, but he doesn’t want to leave you. Can he sleep with you?


Do you think you could sleep with him?

  • No… I  would like to sleep in peace. (0) [R]
  • Yes, okay. (0) Illustration [E] [R2]

Illustrazione Episodio 6

If you don’t want to sleep with the Kappa (and get the illustration go here to save some maana) Go back to the hall of guards to complete the objective: “Go see Ykhar to find a book.


I think one of these will do the trick.

  • I’ll see… I have to admit I don’t know any of these… (0)
  • I know all three of these tales!  (+10) [E]
  • This should be fine, I know one of these tales! (0) (Dialogue 2) [R2]

Dialogue 2: Which one?

  • The Golden Key. (+5) [R2]
  • The Three Wishes (0)
  • The Queen Bee! (-5)

Objective:  Read to the Kappa.


  • (Read “The Golden Key”) (0) [R2]
  • (Read “The Three Wishes”) (0) (Dialogue 2) [E]
  • (Read “The Queen Bee”) (0)

Dialogue 2


  • You’re too cute. (+5)  [E]
  • (I don’t want to keep this Kappa around ad vitam æternam…) (0)

It’s time to leave:

Objective: Go to the Crystal Room to go to the Jade Region.

Do just that :3

Objective:  it’s time for your journey, while at sea, go in the direction of the Jade Region.



  • Okay then, if that makes you happy! (0) Towards the illustration [E][R2]
  • Hmm, I really don’t want to waste any time Chrome…(0)


Shall we go?

  • I would rather not, let’s continue our route! (0) (dialogue 3) It’s not needed for the illustration but it’s faster. You won’t see the Kraken tho. [E]
  • Yes, I want to take a closer look at this thing. (0) (dialogue 2) [R][R2]

Dialogue 2

Move the mouse on the Right border of the screen to see “the thing”. Go there.

That way!

  • (Follow Chrome’s directions.)(0) Towards the illustration [R][R2]
  • (Don’t follow Chrome’s directions.)(0)

Dialogue 3

Trust me!

  • Hmm… Okay… Towards the illustration (0) [E][R2]
  • No, sorry, I prefer to trust the compass. (0)


  • Please, come back, I have to feed Elliot… (0) [R]
  • You know I’m hungry too right? (-5[E]
  • You’re worse than a child. (0)[R2]


The fact that you said I was a child? Or the subject of food?

  • The subject of food… Illustration (0) [E][R]
  • You just threw a temper tantrum, that’s very childish…(0)[R2]Episodio 6 - Chrome

Just a note about the illustration. You will see in the video called R2 that i still got it, even if I picked the second answer. I believe the is a number of “right” answers you have to give in order to get it more than a path to it, but I’d rather give you the “easy” route than list all the options.


Yes, a whole flock of them.

  • What are they doing? (0)
  • That would have come in handy last week haha! (0)


Do you think you’re in some kind of bad romance novel?

  • I… I’ve always dreamt of saying that! (0) [R2]
  • Oh well yeah! Okay! (+5)


Stop it, will you?!

  • Sorry…  (0)[E][R]
  • I’m just trying to help… (+5 if you didn’t spy on him and Miiko, otherwise 0) [R2]
  • I’m trying to help you avoid getting sent back from the Guard of El. (0) (if you didn’t spy you won’t see this option)

Scroll to the right to see the next area dot; follow the path.

You will be able to ask the Kappa a question, no changes on the L’o’M

Which one?

  • Do you have any clues as to who abducted Elliot? [R]
  • May I see Elliot again one day? [E]
  • Why not ask for help from the Guard of El after the incident happened? [R2]


+ posts

The creator of this site. (Not so) Secretly a cat.

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25/01/2017 6:34 am

Thank you SO much for the guides! You have no idea how grateful I am. I love that you provide directions on where to go, because I would of lost loads of maana trying to find someone.

Thanks for all your guides, help, maps, etc. And for all your hard work!

02/02/2017 10:08 pm

“La chiave d’oro” non gli è piaciuto al kappa 🙁

15/02/2017 3:40 am

Durante un replay all’ultima risposta di Chrome ho scelto la prima opzione che avrebbe dovuto dare +5 ma ho avuto 0 ç.ç e non avevo spiato, ora non ricordo bene il primo replay ma mi sembrava che desse davvero +5?

13/03/2017 4:46 pm

scusate che risposta bisogna dare al kappa adulto?? sapete quale sia quella giusta??

22/03/2017 6:43 pm

Scusate, ma per cosa stanno “[r]” e “[v]”? Dx

23/04/2017 10:34 am

il pesce libelulla oltre all’esplorazione dove si puo rovare grz in anticipo per la risposta cmq questo blog è fantastico mi aiuta tantissimo

21/11/2017 12:56 pm

scusate sono l’unica a non trovare un pesce-libellula?….

13/02/2018 1:03 pm

I have a little problem. I chose first to feed the Kappa, and now my task is to get the gruel for the Kappa. Still, the gruel is not appearing on the table from the pantry!!! And I’ve been trying for days, using like 600 maana, moving around and it haven’t appeared.

28/06/2018 8:04 pm

Non mi ha sbloccato l’illustrazione quando prendo il kappa in braccio… Eppure seguo la guida passo a passo….

28/09/2018 9:50 am

Quale replay devo scegliere? History o Libero?

10/11/2018 9:14 pm

Hey! Thank you so much for your guides! I have a question tho. I’m in the part where we’ve gone to the burrow with the Kappa and we have to go back to the HQ. But when I try to go back I can’t because there isn’t any blue circuled-button to click on towards inside the HQ.. Do you have any idea what happened? 🙁 I just can’t move forward from there….

22/11/2018 5:22 am

thank you so much for the guide.

27/12/2018 5:42 pm

Sono al capitolo 6 il Kappa ha avuto un incidente mentre era sotto la mia responsabilitá, Ezarel mi ha chiesto di trovare il pesce libellula, ho mandato tante volte il mio famiglio in esplorazione alla spiaggia ma non lo ha mai trovato… il mercato giocatori non mi fa entrare, cioè l’icona del mercato é oscurata. Cosa devo fare ? Sono settimane che non posso andare avanti !

Grazie tante.

04/01/2019 12:31 pm

Hi! Sorry to be asking such an unrelated question to the post itself, but I didn’t know where else to do it… Since we know now that Leiftan is fully dateable, I’d like to do his route. The thing is, he turns dateable very late in the episodes, right? And, before, I must “choose” another guy. My question is: which one should I choose? Does it affect my chances of getting with Leiftan whatsoever if I get together (temporarily) with Nevra, Ezarel or Valkyon? Because I assume there are no ways of not dating anyone before I get to date Leiftan.
Ay, this seems confusing, but it’s because I’m really confused myself! I hope you can help me.

03/11/2024 2:21 am

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