Episode 12

llustrations: 3 (3 replays needed);  the Crush option doesn’t need to be set in order to get the illustrations.

Episode's 12: Illustrations
Outfits: None
Maana: 2000-3000
Exploration areas: 2 new areas in Jade Coast
Companion: 1 can be captured during the episode; bait: Éclat de statuette (Chemin des grandes feuilles, Jade Coast) PLEASE NOTE: The bait is hard to find, make sure to farm and store one (or more) in advance


NOTE: This episode is similar to My candy love episode 9, in a way. The Crush doesn’t affect the selection of the boy you will play the episode with. The only way to get the boy you want, if you aren’t lucky on the first try, is the replay.

NOTE: During episode 13 you will have a special scene with the guy you did this episode it. Take it into consideration when replaying this one.

Note: (10/27) I have got all the illustrations. I’m just not sure how to get them. This mean that you will find “Towards the illustration” on more things that they’re needed, probably. When I know more about this, I’ll make a  better selection; but for now, this should lead you to the illustration, even if there are a few more steps than truly necessary, probably.

If you have LOM results I don’t have PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE leave me a message.

During the episode you will have a chance to capture a Companion in the cave, but only before the objective “Get out the cave before you get trapped”

To catch it, once you’re in the cave, go to [Inside the pillar] > [Passerelle] > Passerelle du l’horizon > Scrolla a destra > Galerie > Click on the rocks to remove them


Then go toward “Demeure du solitaire”. You will find the companion there.


The bait is Éclat de statuette (R) (Chemin des grandes feuilles, Jade Coast or market)


  • Hey! Calm down, it’s not worth getting mad at me like that. (-5)
  • Take a deep breath,calm down… (+5)
  • (Leave him alone to his cursing). ) (0) (Some reported a +5 here, +0 has been tested on LOM = 50)

Objective: Go to the inn


  • It’s annoying. (0) (Dialogue 2)
  • You look like a beaten puppy. (-5)
  • Come on now, give me a smile. (0) (Again, some say it’s a +5) (Dialogue 3)

(Dialogue 2)

  • (Répondre de manière froide.) (-5)
  • (Répondre de manière sarcastique.) (+5)
  • (Ignorer.) (0)

(Dialogue 3)

  • (Pretend I didn’t hear anything.) (0)
  • (Jump at the chance to give him a nickname worse than Chromy.) (0)

Objective: Go to the cave

[Village Entrance] > [Country road] > [To the cave] >[To the cave]

This is where the story forks:

If you have played My candy love, this is similar to episode 9.

  1. You will play this episode with a random boy, LOM or Crush don’t matter.
  2. If you want to do it with the other 2 boys, you’ll need 2 replays.
  3. One of the 2 remaining guys will be selected for the first replay, and the last will be chosen for the third; you won’t be able to end up with the same guy until you’ve played with all of them at leas tonce.
  4. Once you’ve done the third replay, you can pick the guy you want to play it with every time you play.



  • (Castor et Pollux? Ça me dit quelque chose, ça!) Dialogue 2 Towards the Illustration(?)
  • Castor et qui? (0)

Dialogue 2:

  • (Je suis sûre qu’il fait allusion à Pollux du Manège Enchanté!) (0)
  • (Se pourrait-il qu’il parle des jumeaux de la mythologie romaine?) (0) Dialogue 3 Towards the Illustration(?)
  • (Après Twilight… se pourrait-il qu’ils aient aussi un exemplaire d’Hunger Games?) (0)
  • Comme… Père Castor? (0)
  • (En fait, non… je ne vois pas de quoi il parle) (0)

Dialogue 3:

  • “Détrompe-toi” également, j’aime beaucoup la mythologie… (+5) Towards the Illustration(?)
  • Comment ça “ce que nous définissons à tort”?! (0)


Objective: Ask the peasant about the victim and what they saw the night before

Objective: Inspect the crime scene

There is more than one point for the same hint :3

Make sure you got the dialogue that says you’ve got enough hints, you may have to exit and come back. The objective won’t be completed until you get that message and if you leave the area before it happens you will have a conversation with Chrome:


  • We already looked, and found nothing. (0)
  • Yes, let’s go back in front of the cave (0)


  • Yes, but I wanted to be sure… (0)
  • Not at all, I thought it was quite a recent world. (0)
  • Well, thanks for the false hope. (-5)
  • Can’t you just let me know when someone becomes available? (0)
  • Some other time then, it’s not very important. (+5)

Objective: Join Miiko in the Crystal room

You will have to pick up some stuff for your new mission:

  • Take a change of clothes and a backpack.

The location of the items might differ slightly depending on the room you have, but this is what you have to look for:


  • Ask Karuto for food.

Go to the Pantry and pick this up:12-cibo

  • Find some weapons at the forge.

Jamon will help you.

  • And a First Aid kit in the infirmary.12-kit

You might meet:


  • Awww, poor thing. (+5)
  • You’ll probably have loads when I return. (0)
  • Seriously, get a life. (-5)


  • J’espère qu’il ne va pas être trop lourd avec moi… (0)
  • Je sens que je vais bien m’amuser avec lui. (-5)
  • J’appréhende un peu d’ailleurs… (+5)


  • Sympa, vraiment très sympa (-5)
  • La même. J’ai le moral dans les chaussettes depuis. (0)
  • (Ignorer) (+5)


  • Oui, même si du coup je suis avec Ezarel… (-5)
  • Je risque de ne pas m’ennuyer avec Ezarel… (0)
  • J’espère qu’Ezarel ne sera pas un tyran. (+5)

Objective: Go back to the Crystal room.

Go there, it will conclude the flashback.

Back to the present, you will have to talk to several people around the village: The vendor of Moogliz milk [Country road], the brother of the victim and his wife [Mayor’s House], and the… thing, um, yoda of the village [edge of the Village]. When you get the dialogue that tells you you’re done AT LAST (You might have to wander around aimlessly for a bit after you talk to everyone, it’s quite annoying), you will find yourself outside the village with Chrome.

Objective: Report to Ezarel

After you’re done with Chrome, find Ezarel, he is usually at the [Village Entrance].

Objective: Go to the inn


  • Ce qui veut dire? (0)
  • C’est du grec ancien. (0)


  • I don’t believe that for a second… (0)
  • That seems pretty likely. (0)
  • (I don’t really know what to think.) (0)

Go get some air.

Objective: Go back to the Inn

Daily monologue (might be connected to the illustration, but personally I don’t think so):

  • (When I think about it, not at all.)
  • (I think yes, I’m sure something is up over there…)
  • (Hmm, at the same time, I understand that. I really am between a rock and a hard place.) Towards the illustration(?)

Objective: Meet Ezarel at the entrance of the village

followed by:

Objective: Now that you are with Ezarel, go to the caves.

You might find:


  • Why, should I feel something? (0)
  • The taste was horrible. (0)
  • Could I get side effects later? (0)

You can now enter the cave, where you will find Chrome. Wander around to unlock some dialogues (usually around the arches)


(This dialogue happens if you select “I don’t know what to think” when talking about the basilisk)

  • Again with this basilisk? (?)
  • I believe you.  (+5/0)
  • You should go back to the village. (0)


  • Je ne promets rien, je suis toujours très en colère. (You won’t get this unless you said you were mad during your monologue)
  • On verra bien, sois gentil et peut-être que je serai clémente ♥ (0) Towards the illustration
  • Je ne t’en veux pas… (0)
  • Enfin… merci de t’excuser, c’est gentil. (0)
  • (Ne rien ajouter) (0)

After these dialogues, go back to central pillar.

Objective: Get out the cave before you get trapped

After this objective you won’t be able to find the companion anymore.

Map 1
Map 1

Once outside, you will talk to Ezarel again.


  • J’étais pour celle du basilic, à la base… (You’ll get the dialogue again, minus this option) (0)
  • C’est peut-être un fantôme? (-5)
  • C’est peut-être un monstre-rocher ou un truc végétal…? (+5) Towards the illustration (+0 if you pick this as second option)
  • Désolée, je n’en ai aucune idée. (0)

Objective: Go back to the inn to give the samples to Eweleïn.


  • (Insist on knowing what’s troubling her) (0)
  • (Don’t insist and leave her in peace) (0) Towards the illustration (After a lot of testing I don’t think this is necessary, but just in case.)

Objective: Go at the entrance of the village

Followed by:

Objective: Check the damage caused by yesterday landslide. 

Go to the cave, Ezarel will come with you and after exploring a bit something will brush against you.


  • Désolée! (Je l’ai immédiatement lâché, gênée.) (+5) Towards the illustration
  • Réflexe, désolée… (-5)
  • (Faire comme si rien ne s’était passé) (0)
  • (Wait a little longer) Towards the illustration
  • (Set off alone to continue the quest)
  • (Call him)

A new location will open “Croisement”

Map 2

You have to get to “Croisement (C)” (Just “croisement” in the game, I numbered them to make it easier, check the map above)


I admit I laughed here. I mean, you come back from the dead just to tell me this? XD

 Objective: wait for news



  • Peut-être qu’Ewelein ne trouvera aucun remède? (-5)
  • Hmm… (0)
  • J’espère aussi… (0) (dialogue 2) Towards the illustration
  • (Ne rien ajouter.)  (0)

(Dialogue 2)

  • Que la chance s’envole et qu’un des villageois ne s’en sorte pas.  (+5) (Dialogue 5)
  • Qu’il nous arrive la même chose! (dialogue 3)  (+5) Towards the illustration
  • Qu’on ne trouve jamais la cause de cette maladie! (0) (Dialogue 4)

(Dialogue 3)

  • Qu’est ce qui peut te faire croire ça? (0)
  • Tu le promets? (+5Verso l’illustrazione
  • J’ai du mal à te croire.  (-5)

(Dialogo 4)

  • On devrait. Ça sert à quoi de donner nos services si on est incapables de tenir nos promesses? (-5)
  • Je sais. C’est un peu utopique de le penser (0)

(Dialogue 5)

  • Tu as raison. (+5)
  • Cela va être difficile. (0)

Objective: Ask the peasant about the victim and what they saw the night before

Objective: Inspect the crime scene

There is more than one point for the same hint :3

Make sure you got the dialogue that says you’ve got enough hints, you may have to exit and come back. The objective won’t be completed until you get that message and if you leave the area before it happens you will have a conversation with Chrome:


  • We already looked, and found nothing. (0)
  • Yes, let’s go back in front of the cave (0)


  • Yes, but I wanted to be sure… (0)
  • Not at all, I thought it was quite a recent world. (0)
  • Well, thanks for the false hope. (-5)
  • Can’t you just let me know when someone becomes available? (0)
  • Some other time then, it’s not very important. (+5)

Objective: Join Miiko in the Crystal room

You will have to pick up some stuff for your new mission:

  • Take a change of clothes and a backpack.

The location of the items might differ slightly depending on the room you have, but this is what you have to look for:


  • Ask Karuto for food.

Go to the Pantry and pick this up:12-cibo

  • Find some weapons at the forge.

Jamon will help you.

  • And a First Aid kit in the infirmary.12-kit

You might meet:


  • Awww, poor thing. (+5)
  • You’ll probably have loads when I return. (0)
  • Seriously, get a life. (-5)


  • Ah, non hai una missione in corso allora? (0)
  • Puoi prenderti un po’ di tempo per te (-5)
  • Mi sarebbe piaciuto andare in missione con te (+5)


  • (J’avoue que je suis jalouse, mais hors de question de lui dire.) (+5)
  • Je ne suis pas jalouse. (-5)
  • Un peu, j’aurais voulu faire la mission. (0)


  • Oui, j’ai hâte d’y être! (+5)
  • Plus ou moins, j’appréhende un peu… (0)
  • Non, je voulais faire la mission de reconstruction du temple (-5)

Objective: Go back to the Crystal room.

Go there, it will conclude the flashback.

Back to the present, you will have to talk to several people around the village: The vendor of Moogliz milk [Country Road], the brother of the victim and his wife [Mayor’s Mason], and the… thing, um, yoda of the village [edge of the Village]. When you get the dialogue that tells you you’re done AT LAST (You might have to wander around aimlessly for a bit after you talk to everyone, it’s quite annoying), you will find yourself outside the village with Chrome.

Objective: Report to Nevra

After you’re done with Chrome, find Nevra, he is usually at the [Village Entrance].

Objective: Go to the inn


  • Ce qui veut dire? (0)
  • C’est du grec ancien. (0)


  • I don’t believe that for a second… (0)
  • That seems pretty likely. (0)
  • (I don’t really know what to think.) (0)

Go get some air.

Objective: Go back to the Inn

Daily monologue (might be connected to the illustration, but personally I don’t think so):

  • (When I think about it, not at all.)
  • (I think yes, I’m sure something is up over there…)
  • (Hmm, at the same time, I understand that. I really am between a rock and a hard place.) Towards the illustration(?)

Objective: Meet Nevra at the entrance of the village

followed by:

Objective: Now that you are with Nevra, go to the caves.

You might find:


  • Why, should I feel something? (0)
  • The taste was horrible. (0)
  • Could I get side effects later? (0)

You can now enter the cave, where you will find Chrome. Wander around to unlock some dialogues (usually around the arches)


(This dialogue happens if you select “I don’t know what to think” when talking about the basilisk)

  • Again with this basilisk? (?)
  • I believe you.  (+5/0)
  • You should go back to the village. (0)


  • Après coup, je peux comprendre…. (0) (This depends on the monologue choice)
  • J’étais plus frustrée qu’en colère, en fait… (0)
  • Tu peux toujours te faire pardonner, tu sais. (0) (Dialogue 2) Towards the illustration
  • (Lui tenir tête.) (0) Towards the illustration
  • (Arrêter ce petit jeu.) (0)

If you decide to stay put you will chicken out at the last minute:


After these dialogues, go back to central pillar.

Objective: Get out the cave before you get trapped”

After this objective you won’t be able to find the companion anymore.

Map 1
Map 1

Outside you will have another conversation:


  • Et bien vas-y, sers-toi. (Dialogue 2) Towards the illustration
  • (Ne pas poursuivre la conversation.) (0)

(Dialogue 2)

  • Plus sérieusement, si tu as faim de sang, tu peux y aller… (+5) Towards the illustration
  • Pourquoi, tu as peur d’aimer? (0)
  • Je rigolais. (0)

A and B on dialogue 2 lead to:

ah-ah! 1 – 1

Objective: Go back to the inn to give the samples to Eweleïn.


  • (Insist on knowing what’s troubling her) (0)
  • (Don’t insist and leave her in peace) (0) Towards the illustration (After a lot of testing I don’t think this is necessary, but just in case.)

Objective: Go at the entrance of the village

Followed by:

Objective: Check the damage caused by yesterday landslide. 

Go back to the cave with Nevra


  • Nevra… Pas maintenant. (-5)
  • Je peux le faire dès maintenant? (0)
  • (Prendre son bras.) (+5) Towards the illustration

After exploring a bit something will brush against you.


  • (Attendre encore un peu.) (0)
  • (Partir à se recherche seule.) (0) Towards the illustration
  • (L’appeler.) (0)

A new location will open “Croisement”

Map 2

You have to get to “Croisement (C)” (Just “croisement” in the game, I numbered them to make it easier, check the map above)

Objective: wait for news



  • You look exhausted… you have huge bags under your eyes. (-5)
  • You look exhausted… are you okay? (0) Towards the illustration (?)  
  • You look exhausted… would you like to go rest? (0) (Dialogo 2)
  • (Add nothing) (0)

Dialogue 2:

  • Are you sure? (?)
  • I’m going to insist. You need rest. (Dialogue 3)
  • (Make a sulky face) (+5)(?)

Dialogue 3:

  • Valkyon… you know, I’m worried about you. (0)
  • Do you promise? (+5)
  • I’m having trouble believing you. (-5)

Objective: Ask the peasant about the victim and what they saw the night before

Objective: Inspect the crime scene

There is more than one point for the same hint :3

Make sure you got the dialogue that says you’ve got enough hints, you may have to exit and come back. The objective won’t be completed until you get that message and if you leave the area before it happens you will have a conversation with Chrome:


  • We already looked, and found nothing. (0)
  • Yes, let’s go back in front of the cave (0)


  • Yes, but I wanted to be sure… (0)
  • Not at all, I thought it was quite a recent world. (0)
  • Well, thanks for the false hope. (-5)
  • Can’t you just let me know when someone becomes available? (0)
  • Some other time then, it’s not very important. (+5)

Objective: Join Miiko in the Crystal room

You will have to pick up some stuff for your new mission:

  • Take a change of clothes and a backpack.

The location of the items might differ slightly depending on the room you have, but this is what you have to look for:


  • Ask Karuto for food.

Go to the Pantry and pick this up:12-cibo

  • Find some weapons at the forge.

Jamon will help you.

  • And a First Aid kit in the infirmary.12-kit

You might meet:


  • Awww, poor thing. (+5)
  • You’ll probably have loads when I return. (0)
  • Seriously, get a life. (-5)


  • Are you sure you haven’t forgotten anything, despite that? (-5)
  • You are very organized. (+5)
  • I don’t know how useful that is. (0)


  • You could have said “no, I can’t answer you because of blablabla”. (-5)
  • Yes, that’s true, I was just being curious. I’m sorry. (+5)
  • Let’s just say that you “saying” no, without saying anything else, left me a little surprised. (0)


  • Quite the opposite, I’ll be able to get to know Valkyon a little better. (-5)
  • Well, it’s just I always have trouble figuring Valkyon out… (0)
  • Not at all, I trust Valkyon. (+5)

Objective: Go back to the Crystal room.

Go there, it will conclude the flashback.

Back to the present, you will have to talk to several people around the village: The vendor of Moogliz milk [Country road], the brother of the victim and his wife [Mayor’s House], and the… thing, um, yoda of the village [Edge of the Village]. When you get the dialogue that tells you you’re done AT LAST (You might have to wander around aimlessly for a bit after you talk to everyone, it’s quite annoying), you will find yourself outside the village with Chrome.

Objective: Report to Valkyon

After you’re done with Chrome, find Valkyon, he is usually at the [Village Entrance].

Objective: Go to the inn


  • Ce qui veut dire? (0)
  • C’est du grec ancien. (0)


  • I don’t believe that for a second… (0)
  • That seems pretty likely. (0)
  • (I don’t really know what to think.) (0)

Go get some air.

Objective: Go back to the Inn

Daily monologue (might be connected to the illustration, but personally I don’t think so):

  • (When I think about it, not at all.)
  • (I think yes, I’m sure something is up over there…)
  • (Hmm, at the same time, I understand that. I really am between a rock and a hard place.) Towards the illustration (?)  

Objective: Meet Valkyon at the entrance of the village

followed by:

Objective: Now that you are with Valkyon, go to the caves.

You might find:


  • Why, should I feel something? (0)
  • The taste was horrible. (0)
  • Could I get side effects later? (0)

You can now enter the cave, where you will find Chrome. Wander around to unlock some dialogues (usually around the arches)


(This dialogue happens if you select “I don’t know what to think” when talking about the basilisk)

  • Again with this basilisk? (?)
  • I believe you.  (+5/0)
  • You should go back to the village. (0)


  • I was really angry after yesterday’s conversation… (0)
  • I should have been more understanding about our conversation yesterday… (+5Towards the illustration
  • I wanted to thank you for going above and beyond for us. (0)

After these dialogues, go back to central pillar.

Objective: Get out the cave before you get trapped”

After this objective you won’t be able to find the companion anymore.

Map 1
Map 1

Once outside, you will talk to Valkyon again.


  • Do you think it’s the basilisk? (0)
  • Have you found tracks? (0)
  • What do you mean? (0)


  • Like a dryad? (0)
  • Like a sort of rock monster? (0)
  • Don’t apologize, for once you’re talking! (-5)
  • I understand, sometimes it makes it easier to think that way. (0)
  • It doesn’t bother me, I like hearing the sound of your voice. (+5Towards the illustration(?)

Objective: Go back to the inn to give the samples to Eweleïn.


  • (Insist on knowing what’s troubling her) (0)
  • (Don’t insist and leave her in peace) (0) Towards the illustration (After a lot of testing I don’t think this is necessary, but just in case.)

Objective: Go at the entrance of the village

Followed by:

Objective: Check the damage caused by yesterday landslide. 


  • It’s cute how Chrome obeys you without question.. (+5)
  • You get on really well with Chrome. (-5)(?)
  • Shall we go then, boss? (0) Towards the illustration (?)

Go to the cave, Valkyon will come with you and after exploring a bit something will brush against you but there won’t be any extra dialogue choice.


  • (Wait a little longer)
  • (Set off alone to continue the quest)
  • (Call him) Towards the illustration

A new location will open “Croisement”

Mappa 2
Mappa 2

You have to get to “Croisement (C)” (Just “croisement” in the game, I numbered them to make it easier, check the map above)

Objective: wait for news

Wander around until you meet the peasants, 3 times, then Chrome.


  • (Tell the truth) (0)
  • (Lie) (0)

Then, Eweleïn.

Objective: Go back to the cave.

Explore the cave, many relocations will happen automatically. Go back to  [Galerie A] (The point where you enter Map 2),  move around until you meet the mushroom who asks for your help, usually in [Galerie B] (Map 2) from there go to [“Croisement C”] (where you found the boy), there is a new location open: [Azure cavity]. After the dialogue go towards the end of the cave.

  • (Leave the benefit of the doubt)(0)
  • (Be suspicious) (0)

Exit the cave.

Objective: Go to the Crystal Room.

After talking to Miiko, you will want to go back to your room.


  • Fine, can’t you see? (I hope he can hear the sarcasm I’m lacing my voice with.) (+5)
  • Bad, very bad. (0)
  • Sorry, I don’t want to talk about it. (-5)
  • (Don’t let myself go in front of Leiftan) (+10)
  • (Let myself go in front of Leiftan) (+15/+10)

(The maximum I’ve got on this chain of dialogues is a +15)

Leiftan  has been mom-zoned. Congratulations on completing episode 12! 


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The creator of this site. (Not so) Secretly a cat.

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15/09/2017 12:05 pm

hi thanks for your guides but found this conversation missing in you guide if you please add it and say the right answer… 🙂
(its first choice at this episode)
Don’t give me that, you have been here since yesterday, you have no idea how lame it’s getting here!

– Hey! Calm down, it’s not worth getting mad at me like that.
– Take a deep breath, calm down…
– (leave him alone to his cursing)

07/04/2018 11:21 pm

Thank you for your help with the game, but I wish you put a warning about how hard finding the bait for the companion is, under the options. I didn’t have the bait when I chose the option of chasing the companion, and now I’m stuck, unable to go back or find the bait, even though I sent my companion to the big leaf path NUMEROUS times. If you have any suggestions, feel free to let me know. I’m desperate.

19/05/2018 2:14 pm

Questo dialogo serve per sbloccare l’illustrazione:


Insistere (0)
(Non stressarla e lasciarla in pace) (0) (Verso l’illustrazione)

22/05/2018 4:14 pm

Ciao! Volevo sapere se lanciando la scheggia di statuetta si ha certezza della cattura del famiglio, perché io pur lanciandola non l’ho catturato XD

Cinzia Buttironi
Cinzia Buttironi
22/05/2018 5:03 pm

ciao, nel primo dialogo con nevra dà queste risposte,, e non capisco quale di queste vada bene per l’illustrazione.. specialmente tra le prime due, non capisco qual’è quella negativa

“speriamo che ewelein riesca a trovare un rimedio.”
“(non aggiungere altro)”

22/05/2018 10:02 pm

E’ carino, come Chrome ubbidisca senza lamentarsi (0)
Vi capite bene con Chrome. (-5)(?)
Andiamo, allora, capo? (0) Verso l’illustrazione (?)

A questo ho risposto “è carino come chrome ubbidisca senza lamentarsi” e ho ricevuto lo stesso l’illustrazione con Valkyon, spero possa esserti utile ^^

23/05/2018 10:01 pm

ho provato a catturare il famiglio e non l’ha preso poi ho seguito tutti i “verso l’illustrazione” ma non me l’ha data

Cinzia Buttironi
Cinzia Buttironi
26/05/2018 10:35 am

mannaggia, non mi è uscita l’illustrazione, eppure ho seguito tutti i passaggi… 🙁

28/05/2018 9:02 am

Con Ezarel, al dialogo su Castore e Polluce ho messo “Castore e chi?” (Per sbaglio) ed ho ottenuto lo stesso l’illustrazione (seguendo la guida per gli altri dialoghi)

28/05/2018 4:23 pm

Ciao! Volevo solo informarti che ho seguito tutte e tre le route dei ragazzi e in questo dialogo:
” Eweleïn:

Insistere (0)
(Non stressarla e lasciarla in pace) (0) Verso l’illustrazione (?) ”

Ho sempre insistito e ho comunque guadagnato l’illustrazione

12/06/2018 8:50 pm

ma l’esca per il famiglio dove si trova? ho fatto viaggiare sabali in lungo e in largo piu’ volte ma non l’ho ancora trovata

18/06/2018 3:38 pm

Non ho ottenuto l’illustrazione… credo bisogni impostare il colpo di fulmine

23/06/2018 10:30 am

Non sono riuscita ad ottenere l’illustrazione con Valkyon (è la prima volta che gioco l’episodio), ma ho seguito alla lettera ogni passaggio ;__;

07/07/2018 1:02 pm

Riposto questa risposta qui per darle più visibilità:

L’episodio 12 è un dramma :\ molti non sono riusciti ad ottenere l’illustrazione anche dando le stesse risposte di altri, altri sono riusciti ad ottenerla dando risposte diverse, tanto che ha portato a pensare che ci sia un conteggio nascosto di punti per questa illustrazione, non una serie di risposte precise da dare. Purtroppo se non sei riuscita a prendere l’illustrazione alla prima, l’unica cosa da fare è scegliere di nuovo Nevra al quarto replay
:(((. Per andare sul sicuro sicuro, puoi seguire passo passo un video dove hanno ottenuto l’illustrazione, dando esattamente le stesse risposte, anche se ho sentito che alcune persone non l’hanno ottenuta neanche così X_X;;;;

Questo è il link al video sul mio canale, ma è in francese 😡 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qn06Kj8idoA&index=2&list=PLn6i054TX3JXp3i77dXTYNPjFyrbk1sXn

20/07/2018 8:51 am

Does anyone know if you can still capture the companion if you are replaying?

27/08/2018 8:34 am

Ma bisogna per forza catturare il famiglio?

02/09/2018 9:26 pm

Ciao, credo di aver risolto il mistero di questo episodio, l’immagine non la prendi se hai il colpo di fulmine attivo sul personaggio con cui fai l’episodio (es. colpo di fulmine su nevra, gioco l’ep con Nevra = Non ho l’immagine)

11/02/2019 10:48 pm

Penso sia necessario non insistere con Eweleïn, altrimenti non mi spiego come ho fatto a perdere l’illustrazione ahaha

Veronica Brown
Veronica Brown
01/04/2020 11:16 pm

ciao Jib,
mi domandavo, quando ti riferisci al Replay,
si puo anche nel replay History?
Se si, puoi capitare il boy dell’episodio precedente?

16/04/2020 12:58 pm

Dopo aver parlato con Ezarel e prima dell’obbiettivo “Esci dalla grotta prima di rimanere bloccato.” ho incontrato Chrome con cui ho avuto un dialogo, queste sono le tre possibilità che mi sono state date:

– Forse dovresti tornare al villaggio per evitare problemi.
– Io ti credo. Se avremo delle prove te le porteremo.
– Ancora questa storia del basilisco? Ma è assurdo!

Io ho scelto la seconda e non ho avuto aumenti nel Love-o-meter, magari anche questa risposta serve per l’illustrazione?

26/05/2021 1:19 am

Ho appena finito di giocare l’episodio in missione con Valkyon. Ho seguito la guida di pari passo ma purtroppo non ho sbloccato l’illustrazione. L’unico motivo plausibile che mi viene in mente è perchè non indossavo la tenuta adatta…può essere possibile? :/

24/10/2024 2:58 am

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12/02/2025 11:39 pm

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