Episode 13

Regarding the illustration controversy
The illustration for this episode regards a “forced kiss” (more like a force mouth feeding) and many gardiennes have been made uncomfortable/were bothered by it, for different reasons. If you decide to drink the potion you can skip this part of the story, and there will be no kiss. This is a solution blog and I want to keep the personal opinions to a minimum, but I just want to let you know that this option exists: to drink the potion doesn’t just mean you lose the illustration but you skip the kiss scene too. It’s not necessarily worse or better, but it’s an alternative.

Update post-episode 14 release: Deciding to drink the potion will cause you to miss a couple of cutscenes in the boys POV during episode 14; some dialogues might be slightly altered but nothing else changes

Illustrations: 3; 3 replays needed.  To get the illustration you have to:


To get the illustration you have to: Ask the boy for help with the potion; during the monologue, say you want to spend time with them; refuse to drink the potion.

Episode 13: Illustrations
Outfits: none
Maana:  2000-3000 (many objectives can be skipped and it heavily depends on the route you choose)
Companion: Sitourche, common, drops from “Boisés du lac”, bait “doudou abandonné”
Items: 12 snowflakes for 144 maana (you will get a Doudou abandonné in exchange, a bait), 2 coffee bean clusters for 36 maana, 3 royal jelly (90 maana) 5 Pistachio-strawberries (90 maana) or on exploration @Lac Tetard, 3 flasks of Lethe’s water (on the market or on exploration @Vestige des moines); see the guide for further details.

!! PLEASE NOTE !!  This guide is not 100% complete yet, but it’s as much as I can do for now. We are close though; if you find any mistakes please let me know. m(__)m


Sitourche, common, Evolution: Level 5, 70% affection, 15 days. Incubation: 90 min  Energy: 60/120
Bait: Doudou abandonné, at the shop (300 maana / 50 MO) or as a reward for helping Purreru on episode 13.
Food: Imperfect snowflake (12 maana/2MO)
Place: Boisés du lac


  • A Lorialet ? What is that? (0)
  • Oh, I know what that is! (0) (Dialogue 2)

Dialogue 2

  • Those are the Selenites, aren’t they? (-5)
  • Those are the moon elves, aren’t they? (0) (?)
  • Is that something to do with the moon? (+5)
Theory “Leiftan is human”: down the drain.

At this point you will get a notice about secondary objectives; they’re not mandatory to move on with the game.

  • Secondary Objective: Talk to Ykhar
  • Secondary Objective: Talk to Alajéa 
  • Secondary Objective: Talk to Keroshane 
  • Secondary Objective: Talk to Jamon
  • Secondary Objective: Talk to Karenn
  • Objective: Talk to Chrome, you haven’t seen him in a while. 

I’ve found them in the following places, three times in a row: Alajéa – Corridor Simple, Karenn – Guard Hall, Ykhar – Hall of Doors/library, Kero – Library and  Jamon – Pantry. Jamon I ♥ you.


Quoique… c’est peut-être toi le dopplegänger de base et j’aurais en face de moi l’original… Hmmm…

  • Tu es… fatigante. (-15)
  • Traite-moi de reptilienne, tant que tu y es. (0)
  • Du coup, ça voudrait dire que je suis gentille maintenant ? (+5)


Je suis désolé pour tout à l’heure… quand on était avec Miiko. Je n’aurais pas dû te faire cette accolade.

  • Ce n’est pas grave, au contraire. (+5)
  • J’étais un peu gênée, je t’avoue. (0)
  • Oui, tu n’aurais pas dû. (Je n’apprécie pas du tout qu’il me touche.) (-5)


This dialogue depends on a previous choice regarding Karenn, whether or not you have made inquires about her relationship with Nevra. It doesn’t affect the LOM, so don’t worry if you don’t get it.

  • JE LE SAVAIS! (0)
  • (Héhé, je le savais.) (0)
  • (Au moins, je suis fixée sur la question, maintenant.) (0)
Theory: “Karenn is Nevra’s sister” CONFIRMED. We still don’t know if she is his blood sister or not ;3

You will meet the guy you’ve saved, usually at the Alley of Arches for Nevra and the forge for Valkyon and the POV will change to Miiko.


Talking about Leiftan: “I think he has a weak spot for her” … yes? tell me more.

Karuto agrees, the dialogue is worth it :3

Objective: Go to the Crystal room. 

After the dialogue the POV switches back to Gardienne.

This part depends on episode 12; it won’t change unless you do a replay history starting from episode 12. It will always be with the guy you’ve saved. 

Episode 12 with EzarelEpisode 12 with NevraEpisode 12 with Valkyon

Objective: Go to the beach to have a talk. 

Go to the beach; after the dialogue scroll the screen on the right, you want the “Cliff” location.

Il est hideux.

  • Je ne trouve pas. (+5)
  • Je ne te le fais pas dire. (0)(?)
  • … (je n’ose pas me prononcer.) (-5)


  • (Je le trouve vraiment beau avec sa petite couette de cheveux flottant au vent.)(0)
  • (C’est rare de le voir aussi sérieux, je ferais mieux d’en profiter.)(0)

Valkyon t’en parlera en temps voulu.

  • J’ai cru comprendre que c’était un sujet sensible. Je ne veux pas le brusquer. (+5)
  • Il ne m’en parlera jamais en somme.  (-5)
  • Il n’a pas l’air d’être prêt pour le moment.  (0)

Objective: After the talk, go back to the HQ.

You will meet Valkyon on the way back.

Objective: Go to the beach to have a talk.

Go to the beach; after the dialogue scroll the screen on the right, you want the “Le Rocher” location.


Oui. À chaque fois qu’on vient, il n’est jamais à la même place. Ça se joue à quelques centimètres, mais voilà…

  • C’est sans doute la mer qui creuse un peu le sable et qui fait avancer le rocher. (0)
  • Tu crois qu’il y a des petites bestioles qui le déplacent ? (0/+5) (?)
  • Hmm, comment tu peux en être aussi sûr ? (0)

Merci, que ferais-je sans toi ?

  • Tu serais actuellement au fond d’une grotte, peut-être (0/+5) (?)
  • Tss… (0)
  • Tu errais pour l’éternité à la recherche de ton amour perdu : moi. (0) (?)

Par exemple…

  • Est-ce que tu peux m’en dire plus à ce sujet, d’ailleurs ? (0)
  • Hmm, ça a l’air d’être un sujet délicat… (0)

Objective: After the talk, go back to the HQ.

You will meet Ezarel on the way back.


Je sais.

  • Et je suis d’accord avec toi, ce rocher est immonde. (0)
  • C’était bien chez les fenghuangs ? (0)

After Gardienne remarks “What an ice cube”

Objective: Go to the beach to have a talk. 

Go to the beach; after the dialogue scroll the screen on the right, you want the “Cliff” location.


  • This is a nice spot. (+5)
  • It feels good to sense the sea air against my skin. (0)
  • (Say nothing.) (-5)

That’s why he’s an excellent advisor and right-hand-man.

  • Could you have opted for a democratic system, then? (0)
  • What about you, didn’t you want it? (0)


  • I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have brought that up. (0)
  • You know, you’re going to have to tell me what happened sooner or later. (0)
  • … (0)

Objective: After the talk, go back to the HQ.

You will meet Nevra on the way back.

After going back to the HQ, on the way to your room, you’ll find Chrome, at last.


I came to see you.

  • Oh thank you, that’s so nice of you. (+5)
  • You didn’t have to do that, I’m fine. (0)
  • Well, now that you’ve seen me, can you go, right? (0)

I don’t know what your opinion is, but… I have no idea what to think!!! 

  • Same here, I still have trouble figuring out exactly what happened, and how it could all go so wrong. (0) (Dialogue 2)
  • It’s quite simple, we carried out a mission that turned into a watery, stinky brown substance. (0) (Dialogue 2)

Dialogue 2

You know, I feel guilty about the Balenvians.

  • Me too… (0)
  • You shouldn’t, none of it was our faullt. (+5)
  • And I feel the same about the myconides. (0)

Go to your room, you’ll go to sleep and the POV will switch to … Chrome! ♥

For a short, short while. Then back to you.

Objective: Go to the library to find something to do. 


Don’t you want to continue your usual research?

  • Yes, sure I do. But this time, I need to make myself useful and spend this energy of mine! (0)
  • I still have many gaps in certain areas. Kero offered to sign me up for a lesson, so I’m waiting for his go ahead. (0)

Objective: Find Miiko to talk about the mission to the temple. 

She is not in the crystal room but go there for a few dialogue lines. She might be in front of your room but the location varies. If you don’t find her immediately, you will have the chance to talk to a few people:

Depending on who went to the temple:  

PLEASE NOTE: I think this dialogue is bugged for Nevra, you get it (and I think you shouldn’t) even if you saved Nevra, but it should appear only if you saved Valkyon.

Ezarel (Ep 12: Nevra)Nevra (Ep 12: Valkyon)Valkyon (Ep 12: Ezarel)


Oh, mais qui voilà donc…

  • Tu peux m’expliquer ce qui s’est passé tout à l’heure ? (0) (Dialogue 2)
  • Qu’est-ce que tu fais ? (0)

Dialogue 2

  • Tu as été vraiment très froid quand j’étais avec Nevra. (0)
  • (Laisse tomber.) (0)

And after Nevra being Jealous, Ezarel...

PLEASE NOTE: I think this dialogue is bugged for Nevra, you get it (and I think you shouldn't) even if you saved Nevra, but it should appear only if you saved Valkyon. This is how I got it, I hope it will be fixed soon, if it's really a bug.

I think it depends on LOM; you need a high one.


Hi there, Missy.

  • (Suite) (0) (Dialogue 2)
  • Tu peux m’expliquer ce qui s’est passé tout à l’heure ? (0)  (Dialogue 3)

Dialogue 2

Oui, mais j'ai quand même le droit d'avoir trouvé ça plaisant, non?

  • Non. C'était une corvée plutôt qu'un plaisir pour moi. (0)
  • Tu es incorrigible. (0) (Dialogue 4)
  • Tu dois, même. Je suis tellement sexy, c'était un honneur pour toi que je daigne te toucher.  (0/+5) (?)

Dialogue 4

C'est pour ça que tu m'aimes.

  • Effectivement, je ne peux cacher que j'ai pour toi un immense... hmm... coup de cœur! (0)
  • Tu n'imagines pas à quel point. (0)

Dialogue 3

  • (Insister) (0)
  • (Ne pas insister) (0)

Ok, this makes no sense:

Really, What? When? I Haven’t seen Valkyon in ages! He is on a mission!

Ok, eh? I’m happy to see you jealous, but I don’t know where it came from o_O

Must be a bug :!

Valkyon :

  • Tu peux m'expliquer ce qui s'est passé tout à l'heure? (0) (Dialogue 2)
  • Qu'est-ce que tu fais? (0)

Dialogue 2

De quoi tu parles?

  • Tu avais l'air assez énervé quand j'étais avec Ezarel... (0)
  • Non, rien... (0)

Depending on who you saved: 



  • Cela ne te regarde pas! (-5)
  • J'aimerai participer à la mission de reconstruction du temple fenhuang. (+5) (Dialogue 2)

Dialogue 2

Il y a des chances, oui.

  • C'est bien, ça me permettra de continuer à t'embêter. (0)
  • Oh, je suis sûre que tu m'adoreras quand tu apprendras à me connaitre. (0)


Salut miss.

  • (Suite) (0) (Dialogue 2)
  • Tu peux m’expliquer ce qui s’est passé tout à l’heure ? (0)  (Dialogue 3)

(Dialogue 2)

Oui, mais j'ai quand même le droit d'avoir trouvé ça plaisant, non?

  • Non. C'était une corvée plutôt qu'un plaisir pour moi. (0)
  • Tu es incorrigible. (0) (Dialogue 4)
  • Tu dois, même. Je suis tellement sexy, c'était un honneur pour toi que je daigne te toucher.  (0/+5) (?)

Dialogue 4

C'est pour ça que tu m'aimes.

  • Effectivement, je ne peux cacher que j'ai pour toi un immense... hmm... coup de cœur! (0)
  • Tu n'imagines pas à quel point. (0)

Dialogue 3

  • (Insister) (0)
  • (Ne pas insister) (0)

You seem close to her.

  • Yes, I think I can consider her as a friend… or almost. (0) (Dialogue 2) 
  • Mmm, I didn’t find there was that much to her, to be honest. (0)

Dialogue 2

Well, she’s a woman with an incredibly good heart, and she’s highly respectable.

  • Do you find her beautiful? (0) (Dialogue 3)
  • Are you interested in her? (-5)
  • You’re right. (0)

Dialogue 3

Sure she is.

  • What about me, do you think I’m beautiful? (0)
  • (Say nothing) (0)


I’ve talked to several people about giving you Eldaryan History lessons.

  • Oh, awesome! (0)
  • When do we start? (+5)
  • Finally, I was starting to think it would never happen. (-5) (Dialogue 2)

Dialogue 2

  • Scheduling problem? (?)
  • Longer? (-5)


Moi ? Pas du tout. Je prépare rien de spécial.

  • Tu prépares quoi? (0)  (Dialogue 2)
  • Tu n’as pas l’air très à l’aise. (+5)
  • Hmm… je ne te crois pas. (-5)

Dialogue 2

  • J’espère que Karenn t’as pas embarqué dans une de ses drôles d’histoires. (-5)
  • Fais attention à ce que Karuto ne te choppe pas à piquer un saucisson, cette fois. (0)
  • Tu prépares une sale blague à Ezarel ou Alajéa? (0)


Tant mieux… j’aurais au moins réussi cette potion revigorante.

  • Qu’est-ce qui ne va pas? (0) (Dialogue 2)
  • C’est vrai que tu ne t’es pas montrée très brillante à Balenvia.  (-5)
  • Une potion revigorante? (0)

Dialogue 2

  • Tu as fait du mieux que tu pouvais. (0)
  • On ne peut pas toujours réussir. (0)


  • You’re not going to cry every time I see you, are you? (+5)
  • I’m fine, stop making that face. (-5)
  • (Go console him) (0)


  • Hey, little cutie pie ♥ (0)
  • Mery, calm down now. (0)
  • (Don’t react) (0)


Oh, je vois. Je lui ai demandé moi aussi, mais elle m’a dit qu’il y avait déjà beaucoup de personnes qui ont demandé avant moi. Elle va essayer de gérer tout ça.

  • Toi, tu veux revoir Huang Hua. (+5) (Dialogue 2)
  • Le voyage ne t’effraie pas? (0)
  • Je ne crois pas qu’elle t’accorderas la mission. (-5)

Dialogue 2 (I’m not sure about the requisites for this one, working on it)

Ah bon? Tu penses?

  • J’ai meilleure réputation que toi, j’aurais sans nul doute la place. (-5)
  • Tu n’as pas très bonne réputation dans la Garde.  (0)
  • Si tu dis qu’il y a beaucoup de personnes qui ont demandé… ils prendront sûrement dans l’ordre des demandes. (0)

Objective: Find Ykhar to accept the Purrekos Mission.

You will meet the boy who is coming back from the mission, in the Hall of Doors.

(I’m most certain that the extra dialogue depends on LOM, it has to be high to see it.)


No reason. Let it go.

  • (Let it go) (0)
  • No, I’m not letting it go. (0)

Pour rien. Laisse-tomber. 

  • (Laisser tomber) (0)
  • Non, je ne laisse pas tomber. (0)


Pour rien. Laisse-tomber. 

  • (Laisser tomber) (0)
  • Non, je ne laisse pas tomber. (0)
Spoiler title

Is everyone watching Tele-Gossip around here? You just came back, HOW DO YOU KNOW THAT?!

Totally unrelated, he was talking about Nevra, he switched to Ezarel. The dialogue got fixed in my second play through:

You might meet Chrome. And now, if people are done minding my business… PURREKOS!

Ykhar is not in the library; you will find a note on her desk.

Objective: Find Ykhar in the HQ. 

You might meet Alajéa on the way:


If Ezarel is backIf Nevra is backIf Valkyon is back
  • Alajea? You look annoyed… is something wrong? (Dialogue 2)
  • (Oh no, that’s Alajea… I’d rather not talk to her.) (-5)

Dialogue 2

Vacation is over…

  • Oh yes, he’s not very nice to you, it’s true. (0)
  • At the same time, you’re not here to be on vacation. (0/-5) (?)
  • Good luck. (+5)
  • Alajéa? Tu as l’air tout enjoué.Qu’est-ce qui te met de si bonne humeur? (0) (Dialogue 2)
  • (Ah non, voilà Alajéa… Je préfère ne pas lui parler.) (-5)

Dialogue 2

Mais je ne suis pas amoureuse de lui.

  • Tu es sûre de toi? (0)
  • Je n’y crois pas un mot. (-5)
  • Tant mieux, tu me rassures. (0)  (Dialogue 3)

Dialogue 3

Eh bon? Tu craques pour lui?

  • Un peu, oui… (+5)
  • (Je vais éviter de lui dire la vérité sur mes sentiments envers Nevra.) (+5)
  • Non, juste que je n’aimerais pas qu’il te brise le cœur. (+5)

  • Coucou Alajéa ! Qu’est-ce que tu fais de beau ? ) (0) (Dialogue 2)
  • (Ah non, voilà Alajéa… Je préfère ne pas lui parler.) (-5)

Dialogue 2

Quelle coïncidence !

  • Oui, on pourrait presque croire que c’était écrit. (0)
  • Je ne crois pas trop aux coïncidences, tu sais. (+5)
  • Ne te moque pas de moi. (-5)

or Kero. 

I can’t say anything more for now… But yes.

  • Don’t talk about it then. (0)
  • I understand, don’t worry about it.  (0)
  • Will you guys be talking about it later? (0)

You will meet Karenn in the Hall of Guards.

(Convince her to stop this, now) (0) (Tell on her) (0) (L’accompagner) (0)(La laisser faire) (0)

The LOM won’t change but she will stop.

Objective: Go to the Crystal room to denounce Karenn. 


Gardienne, merci de nous avoir prévenu.

  • Je n’ai fait que ce que je pensais être juste. (0) (Dialogue 2)
  • Je me sens un peu mal à l’idée d’avoir fait ma balance. (0)
  • Elle n’a que ce qu’elle mérite. (-5 Karenn)

Dialogue 2

Et ça l’était, même si tu as dû “trahir” la confiance de ton amie…

  • Ce n’est pas mon amie… (-5 Karenn)
  • Mmm, j’espère qu’elle comprendra. (+5 Karenn)

Objective: Spy on Miiko in the Crystal room. 

  • (Je sens l’adrénaline monter en moi.)  (0)
  • (Bon sang, qu’est-ce qui m’a pris ? J’ai les chocottes maintenant.) (?)

You’ll get caught by Jamon, but you will be able to catch some info.

LOM won’t change.

Objective: Go back to the Library 

Ykhar is now there; you will be able to pick among 3 missions, with 3 different rewards:

  • (Mission de Purroko) Reward: 200 purro’pass
  • (Mission de Purriry) Reward: 50 purro’pass (? can anyone confirm the quantity?) 
  • (Mission de Purreru) Reward: Bait for the new companion (Value: 300m)

PLEASE NOTE: You will receive the rewards again during a replay!

Obviously, my first choice was Purreru. You can check them all before choosing; Purreru is the most expensive in terms of maana, Purriry the least.


Objective: Find Purreru at the market. 

He will ask you to…

Objective: Go to the 100 year old cherry tree to feed the Sitourches.

After the dialogue you will have to buy 12 imperfect snowflakes for 144 maana; once you got them, the dialogue will continue. When you’re done, go back to Purreru at the market.


They’re adorable, aren’t they?

  • Yes, they sure are! (0)
  • No, I don’t really like things that are too hairy…(?)
  • They’re a little invasive, haha. (0)

The reward is the bait for the new Companion: Abandoned Plushie

Objective: Find Purroko at the market. 

All you have to do is some math:

Roots: Answer  B, 225 maana

Acidic Grass: Answer  B, 552 maana

If you picked the right answers the total will be 777 maana. Add 1/7 to it, 111 maana.

Total: Answer C 888 maana.

No LOM changes on Purroko’s dialogue.

  • (Tant mieux, j’adore les maths!)
  • (Je n’ai jamais été très douée en maths…)
  • (Quand faut y aller, faut y aller.)

Objective: Give the goods to Karuto.

Go to Karuto at the dining hall then back to Purroko. The reward is 200 Purro’pass.

Objective: Find Purriry at the market.

There are no extra dialogues, you will just get the reward after going to the market.

Go back to the HQ; Ykhar will tell you Miiko wants to talk to you.

Objective: Go to Miiko.

In the Crystal Room 


What do you know about Eldarya ?

  • Nothing more than what I’ve learned since my arrival. (0)
  • (It’s an online game combining fantasy, romance and cute boys?) (0) (I had to try this one…)

POV will briefly switch to Miiko, then back to you.


Thanks for trying, Ez.

Objective: Find Kero to find out if there have been humans at the HQ before you.

At the dining hall .

You’ll get 4 new objectives, to make it short:

Objective: Find the boys and talk to them about the “human” matter.

I found Nevra in the pantry, Ezarel in the alchemy lab and Valkyon at the cherry tree.


ELLE? What do you mean by Elle? D: ohhhhh

Objective: Go back to your room.

I met Karenn, Alajéa and Ykhar on the way.

Objective: Go back to Miiko. 

In the Crystal room. You might find Chrome on the way.


Which do you prefer between the red and the black?

  • Stendhal ! (-5)
  • Red! (0)
  • Black! Although, red… actually. (0)
  • Can I say both? (+5)
  • I don’t like either of those, sorry. (-5)

It’s time to choose which boy you want to be helped by. That’s the one you can get the illustration with.

I usually divide this in tabs but there are no extra dialogues and the objectives are pretty much the same, I’ll keep them together. 

Objective: Ask Ezarel/Nevra/Valkyon for help with the potion.

I found them in the Library (5/5) 

Objective: Find the ingredients for the potion.

  • 5 pistachio strawberries: Companion shop, under “food” (90 maana) o @Lac Tetard (25 energy, 30 minutes)
  • 3 royal jelly: Alchemy shop, under “others” (90 maana)
  • 2 coffee bean clusters: Alchemy shop, under “plants” (36 maana)
  • 3 flasks of Lethe water: At the market or on exploration @Vestige des moines

Go to the Alchemy Lab.

And now, 349304930 secondary objectives.


ObJective: While Ezarel/Nevra/Valkyon completes the preparations, talk to your friends.

GOTTA CATCH ‘EM ALL! (You won’t have to find the boy who is helping you, clearly). Unfortunately, they can be anywhere, but you can keep looking until you go back to the alchemy lab.

  • Secondary Objective: Talk to Cryllis.
  • Secondary Objective: Talk to Ezarel
  • Secondary Objective: Talk to Nevra.
  • Secondary Objective: Talk to Valkyon
  • Secondary Objective: Talk to Chrome.
  • Secondary Objective: Talk to Keroshane.
  • Secondary Objective: Talk to Alajéa.
  • Secondary Objective: Talk to Eweleïn.
  • Secondary Objective: Talk to  Leiftan.
  • Secondary Objective: Talk to Karenn.
  • Secondary Objective: Talk to Jamon.
  • Secondary Objective: Talk to Mery.

They’re too cute XD

Objective: Go to the dining hall.

  • (I’m so delighted we can spend more time together, you know!) (0) Towards the illustration.
  • (I’d rather have spent this time with someone else.) (0)

How can I adopt him?

You can pick the guy you want to talk to first, among the 2 who didn’t help you.


  • Ça me fait plaisir de te voir ici ! (0)
  • (Ne rien ajouter) (0)

Then you can talk to the other. I suspect the “happy to see you” answer is a + only if you have low LOM but I have no means to prove it 🙁



  • It’s so nice to hear you tell me that. I’m happy you’re here. (0)
  • (Say nothing back) (0)


  • C’est adorable de t’entendre me dire ça, je suis contente que tu sois là. (0)
  • (Ne rien ajouter) (0)


This great moment made of win leads to this monologue:

  • (But I didn’t mean to mom-zone him! He’s way too cute for that!!!) (0)
  • (At the same time, I don’t like him that much…) (0) (?)
  • (I hope he didn’t notice that…) (0) (?)

After the party, and sleeping, and 2 days of nothingness, it’s time to go back to your room, to feed the companion.

Objective: Go back to your room to feed the companion.

You’ll find this note:


It will unlock a new objective:

Objective: Go to the library to find out when the waters of river Lethe are used.

When you’re done:

Objective: Go to Ezarel/Nevra/Valkyon in the alchemy lab and put an end to this farce! 

You’ll have a choice:

  • (Drink the potion) (0)
  • (Don’t drink the potion) (0) Towards the illustration

Then another:

  • (Fight him off) (0)
  • (Let him kiss me) (0)

And a third:

  • (Push him off) (0)
  • (Let him kiss me a little longer) (0)
  • (Gently push him off me) (0)

Unfortunately there is no option to kick them in the balls.

Objective: Go to Miiko.

You’ll find her in the hall of guards.


  • (Tell her how angry I am.) (0)
  • (Yell at her to vent my rage) (0)
  • (Let my anger overcome me) (0)


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The creator of this site. (Not so) Secretly a cat.

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21/01/2017 12:19 pm

Avrei una domanda (: ma se scegliessimo semplicemente di bere la pozione, come si evolve la questione? Non ho letto/sentito nessuno che abbia provato quell’opzione. Sarei curiosa di saperlo se qualcuno ci ha provato.

21/01/2017 9:42 pm

Capisco! Io sono ancora all’episodio 11, quindi non posso aiutarti ): se dovessi riuscire a finire il 13 prima che tu abbia già fatto tutto ti saprò dire cosa succede 😀

22/01/2017 1:00 pm

Guarda, darei un’occhiata ai tuoi ovetti molto volentieri ma sto andando avanti di minigiochi e 50 maana al giorno ahah sono poverissima, infatti sto finendo gli episodi a rallentatore perchè hanno tolto il mio operatore dalla banca e non posso più comprare altro maana ;_; e le mie offerte al mercato non vanno proprio alla grande.

23/01/2017 1:37 pm

Grazie mille per il link! E per esserti sbattuta nei vari replay XD mi aspettavo una situazione diversa sinceramente. Adesso sono indecisa quale delle due opzioni tenere nella storia… bere o non bere? questo è il problema. Dipende tutto da come si svilupperà l’episodio 14 ò.o

17/03/2017 12:00 pm

Ma io non ho capito una cosa se salvo Ezarel nell’episodio 12 dopo ho la sua illustrazione nell’ep. 13 o quella di qualcun’ altro?

17/08/2017 8:58 pm

Objective: Find Miiko to talk about the mission to the temple.
I went to the crystal room to look for Miiko. Then I went to the pantry and met Alajea:
Alajea: “Oh, verstehe. Ich habe sie auch schon gefragt, aber sie meinte, es hätten schon viele Leute vor mir denselben Wunsch geäußert. Sie versucht, alle zu berücksichtigen.” (Oh, I see. I asked her before, but a lot of people have asked her the same question. She tries to consider everyones wishes.)
1) “Du möchtest Huang Hua wiedersehen.” (You want to see Huang Hua again.) +5 (tested with: 55 -> 60)
2) “Hast du keine Angst vor der Reise?” (Aren’t you scared of the travel?)
3) “Ich glaube nicht, dass sie dir diese Mission anvertraut.” (I don’t think, she will give this mission to you.)

02/12/2017 5:55 pm

Per la missione di Purreru i Fiocchi di neve imperfetti da comprare sono solo 10

01/04/2018 3:12 am

I don’t know why but I have a soft spot for Chrome… He’s so adorable!! (I didn’t even meet him yet)

Lillith Chwe
02/04/2018 6:54 am

We have to buy the items and not find them?

07/05/2018 6:39 am

I can’t seem to find the answer to this episode, I assume I got lost in translation. But I saved Valkyon and Ezarel went on the mission to the temple. He, Ezarel comes back and I tell him to go see Miiko, but my guardian catches him saying something in a “tone” and calls him out on it. Ezarel says it’s nothing and to let it go. My choices are to (let it go) or “No, I’m not letting it go”. Which do I choose to not get a negative impact?

05/07/2018 3:23 pm

Ykhar: O magari ho sempre incontrato il dopplegänger e adesso mi trovo di fronte all’originale… Mmm

28/07/2018 2:17 pm

ciao, volevo solo aggiungere che io nelle missioni facoltative ho incontrato karenn nella piazza del mercato e kero al chiosco centrale

07/09/2018 7:35 am

Pitresti tradurre un po’ meglio alcuni dialoghi sono ancora in francese

03/01/2019 12:13 pm

Hi thank you for your help❤ i have a question i am on the objective Find the ingredients for the potion.and i have to buy 3 royal jelly.its not in the Alchemy shop, under “others or any other places.its just not there .what can i do?

03/01/2019 11:30 pm

Io ho un problema la pappa reale non c’è nella boutique dell alchimista in “altro” e non c’è da nessuna parte, e non ho capito come trovare l’acqua di lethe😅. Un piccolo aiutino per favore?✌🏻🌹

28/09/2020 10:28 pm

io non so come non riesco a trovare l’acqua di Lethe,l’ho cercata ovunque ma non so dove sia,al mercato non la trovo da nessuna parte

04/01/2021 9:16 am

hey, scusa il disturbo ma avrei una domanda.
Se io ho già nell’inventario, ad esempio le fragole pistacchiose, non si possono usare quelle? perchè non me le conta, è come se non le avessi, l’obiettivo me lo da lo stesso

09/12/2023 2:09 am

hii anybody in 2023?? well almost 2024. Well imma try anyway, so basically i’ve redone ep 12 not 2 not 3 but 4 times and ep 13 is always ezarel no matter what i do and i’m running out of maana

25/10/2024 12:32 pm

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17/12/2024 2:16 pm

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05/01/2025 4:10 am

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13/01/2025 12:47 am

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19/01/2025 6:15 am

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22/02/2025 1:00 am

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03/03/2025 3:25 am

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06/03/2025 11:51 pm

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