Maana Totale: about 2300-2600
Outfit: None
Companions: 2 new ones, Gallytrot in boutique (400GC) and Verdheleon on exploration (Bamboo Grove, bait: Patched plush bear)
Items needed: none
Items received: none
Illustrations: 2, no replays needed, crush will have to be set on “someone”
Episode Video: [Not yet available]
!! PLEASE NOTE !! This guide is not 100% complete yet, but it’s as much as I can do for now. We are close though; if you find any mistakes please let me know. m(__)m
!! Spoilers Ahead !!
(0) The LoM doesn’t change
(+) The LoM increases
(-) The LoM decreases
⊗ High chance to find the person here.
Objective: After the fight with Miiko, go back to your room.
As the objective says; 3 days will pass.
Objective: Exit your room and sign up for a mission. You’re tougher than this!
Go to the library; you will meet Ykhar.
You’re feeling better now, I hope?!
- Yes, don’t worry about it. (0)
- Not really, but I don’t want to talk about it… (-5)
- I’m trying. (+5)
Objective: Find Karenn to clean the HQ.
At the forge, usually.
Objective: Clean the HQ corridors and the dining hall
Go to the corridors in front of the rooms and at the dining hall to clean them; you will meet Chrome in front of your room.
Objective: Tell Karenn the mission is accomplished
On the way back you should meet Karenn, in the pantry or in the Hall of Doors.
Objective: Go to your room to get a towel and take a shower
After you’re done a few days will pass and you will find yourself talking to Leiftan.
No… We’d let you leave, if you wanted and if we were certain you’d be safe.
- Really? (+5)
- I’m having a tough time believing you. (0)
- (Of course, take me for an idiot.) (-5)
Objective: Find Kero to ask him about the history course
He is not at the library; you will have to look for him. On the way out you should find Mery:
My mom. She wants me to eat broccoli… it’s yucky poop!!!
- Nooo, it’s delicious. And, it’ll make you really strong! (0)
- (Well, I can’t tell him she’s wrong, but I can’t back her up either. That would be such an adult thing to do.) (0)
- I know how you feel, it’s really disgusting to eat. (0)
You might meet other characters on the way (as always, they don’t always appear in the order they’re listed in, or exclusively in this part of the story), but, in the end, you should meet Karenn again for a new objective; she might be in the pantry or at the Pavillon (it’s not certain but they both have a good probability).
Alajéa (This dialogue will only happen if you met Karenn before her)
Il a souvent le nez fourré dans les bouquins de la bibliothèque. Il n’y est pas ?
- Non, il n’y est pas… (0)
- Karenn m’a dit exactement la même chose, c’est drôle. (0)
- Must be dust in my eye… (0)
- (I pulled a sulky face, and seized this chance to tease him.) It’s because that was such a mean thing for you to say… (+5)
- (Je préfère lui mentir) (-5)
- (Je n’ai pas envie de lui mentire, mais je ne peux pas lui dire la vérité.) (+5)
He’s not in the library? With his nose in a book, as usual?
- Well no, not this time… (0)
- He doesn’t do that all the time. (0)
- Haha, Alajea said exactly the same thing, but no, he isn’t. (solo se avete incontratro Alajéa prima) (0)
Objective: Check in the dining hall
He is not there, but at this point, if you go back to the library you will find him.
Do you still not want to talk about it?
- Let’s just say it’s a problem I want to deal with alone. (+5)
- I’m afraid it might be too much of a blow to your innocence and your perception of people in the group. (-5)
- Not for the moment… maybe later. (0) (Dialogue 2)
- (Accept Kero’s hug) (0)
- (Refuse Kero’s hug) (0)
Objective: It look like you’re up for an evaluation, go to Kero to find out what’s about.
At the library.
Seriously… if she did that for herself, maybe she would for others too.
- We live in hope. (0)
- I hope so, especially for your sake. (+5)
- People rarely change. (-5)
The following part depends on the guard you are in; The marked answers should give the best result.
NOTE: After the first playthrough, on each free replay, you will be able to pick the guard you want to do the test with. BEWARE: Won’t work on Story replay.
- If I take peppermint, blue borage flower, chocolate cirses and moogliz milk…. I get?
- a) Something really disgusting?
- b) A happiness potion. ✓
- c) A confusion elixir.
2. On to the next question: what can we do or obtain thanks to alchemy?
- a) Mainly potions.
- b) Anything we want, as long as the ingredients are compatible. ✓
- c) Gold!!!
- (Essayer de passer sur la gauche du gallytrot) (0) ✓
- (Essaye de passer sur la droite du gallytrot) (0)
- (Courir jusqu’aux escaliers) (0)
- (Essayer de ruser) (0) ✓
- (Se reculer) (0)
- (La lasser faire) (0)
You will have to win a QTE against Valkyon; the choice you’ll have to make just before doesn’t change anything, it’s just in case you need to refresh your knowledge about QTE.
Objective: Go back to your room.
After resting, you will decide to look for Leiftan to talk to him.
Objective: Find Leiftan
Go towards Path of the Arches, where you will find him; If your crush is set on “someone” and your LoM with him is high enough the illustration will unlock automatically. On the way you might find:
No one…
- Alajea… You don’t happen to have a boyfriend you’re not talking about, do you? (+5)
- Ok, I won’t push it. (0)
- Ok. (And in any case, I don’t care.) (-5)
After you’re done you will find yourself in the dining hall.
Objective: Go to the library, you still need to study.
Once there you will have to make a choice. There isn’t a huge difference between the options but, all considered, it’s probably best to let the book be.
- Don’t open the book
- Open it
Objective: Go back to your room
The masked man will come visit.
Objective: Find the Masked Man
Objective: Go back to your room
You will meet Karuto and Ewelin and you will be able to talk to all 3 boys—the two you didn’t do episode 13 with first, then the one you made the potion with—after talking to the masked man at the cherry tree (if he isn’t there it’s probably because you didn’t meet everyone yet).
After talking to the Masked man you will have to go back to your room, escorted by the boy from episode 13.
- I can see that. (0)
- (I don’t know what to say to him.) (-5)
- What if you just let things happen? (+5)
- Rien qui ne te regarde.(+5)
- Rien du tout. (-5)
- Toi, qu’est-ce que tu fais ici? (0)
- Ce ne serait pas “Toréador, en garde” de l’opéra “Carmen” (0)
- Ce ne serait pas “Meunier, tu dors” ? (0)
- (Je doute qu’il connaisse le dernier morceau de Sia…) (0)
- Volontiers! (0)
- Sans façon, merci. (-5)
- Même pas peur ! (-5)
- (En vrai, il m’a surprise.) (+5)
- Nevra… (J’ai levé les yeux au ciel.) (0)
- (Toujours aussi bavard à ce que je vois.) (0)
- (Quelle pipelette ce Valkyon !) (0)
- C’est gentil, je te remercie. (+5)
- D’accord, merci. (0)
- Tu n’es pas obligé de te forcer. (0)
- You could at least announce yourself before you scold me, no? (-5)
- Excuse me ? (+5)
- Ah really ? And why ? (0)
You won’t sleep much; you will hear a loud noise.
Objective: Find out what’s going on
Go around the corridors; you should meet Leiftan, Chrome and Karenn and Alajea before you find Miiko in the Hall of Doors.
Objective: Talk to the other members of the guard.
You should talk to the 3 boys and Kero, who will ask you to go to the library.
Objective: Go to the library to be “interrogated”
After that you will have a chance to talk to one of the boys, you will be able to choose which one:
- Is that a challenge? (+5)
- Quit making fun of me, I already feel bad enough. (0)
- Oh, leave me alone. (-5)
- Je n’ai pas envie qu’elle m’en veuille, je l’aime bien ! (0)
- Comme si j’avais besoin qu’elle me casse encore plus les pompons… (-5)
- J’irai lui faire des yeux de chien battu pour qu’elle me pardonne. (+5)
- Ah bon ? Du genre? (+5)
- Valkyon l’implacable commet des erreurs, j’ose à peine y croire. (-5)
- Quelle est la pire de tes erreurs ? (0)
Objective: Go back to your room
The morning after you will have to decide what to do about the masked man; you can either betray him or not. The choice doesn’t have much impact on this episode, but it will affect how the maked man treats you in the episode 15.
The story will fork accordingly; if you decide to spill the beans you will be able to meet a new character.
You will only get one of these 3 dialogues, depending on who you chose:
- Eh oui, malheureusement… (+5/0)
- C’est plutôt moi qui vais devoir supporter ta présence. (-5)
- C’est vrai que tu es tellement à tomber que je ne peux pas m’empêcher de vouloir être à tes côtés… (+5)
- Je vais plutôt aller dans l’équipe d’Ezarel… (-5)
- Tu n’es pas contraignant. (+5)
- Encore heureux. (-5)
Go to the Hall of Doors, you will have to find 2 hints
You will find yourself at the forge. Go to the cave to meet a new character, after the dialogues, go to the cherry tree. Pick this up:
If you won’t spill the beans, you will decide to go help Ykhar and Kero at the library.
- I am truly sorry, and I don’t know how to make it up to you. (+5)
- It’s ok though, this kind of mistake could have happened to anyone. (0)
- I’m not responsible, you should have sealed the book and put it out of my reach. (-5)
- Same here. (0)
- The pleasure’s all mine! (0)
- Not really the same for me. (0)
Go back to the library.
In both cases, once you’re done you will find yourself in the Hall of Doors, talking to Miiko.
Go towards the Crystal room and you will be attacked by the creature; win the QTE to get the illustration.
Hmm, do you want to come with me to find her? It’ll be safer with two of us.
- Well, I’m just a foot away from the Crystal Room, I might as well take refuge. (-5)
- You’re right. Also, I could probably talk to Miiko about what I’ve seen of that thing. (+5)
- If you want, but I don’t want to be a burden. (0)
Go look for Miiko with Cameria; go to the pantry ⊗ where you should have a dialogue with her (try to go back and forth a few times if you don’t get it at first try, it can happen in different points but this one has a high chance).
The choice:
- (She seems as kind as anything, this Cameria.) (0)
- (I don’t really know why, but I don’t trust her.) (0)
- (I don’t know this girl well enough to judge her.) (0)
Doesn’t change anything for now, but will probably be used to determine some dialogues in the future.
Go towards the dining hall ⊗; they should all be there.
- Yes, why do you ask? (0)
- Yes, although my parents’ aren’t. (-5) (it’s worth all the five points you lose XDD)
- (I-I don’t understand what she’s trying to tell me…) (0)
If you haven’t picked before, you will be asked to choose a boy to do the mission with.
You will have to save Mery, Purreru (oh my love! I’d never let you face danger alone T0T) and Alajea.
Mery ⊗: Go to the village, then to the infirmary, then to the Crystal Room.
Purreru ⊗: Now go to Purreru at the market; escort him to the Crystal Room. Karenn will tell you Alajea is missing.
Alajéa ⊗: Go to the Fountain of Music then go back to the Crystal room.
The dialogue about Mery’s mom doesn’t affect the LoM.
Go to the Dining hall to talk to the boys and Miiko.
It’s time to capture the creature, in the Hall of Doors; once it’s done you will be able to talk to the boy who helped you:
- Me? I’m fine. My parents, on the other hand… (-5 with Nevra, Valkyon e Ezarel)
- (How about I mess with him a little?) B-but… who are you? (0) (dialogue 2)
- I’m fine, it didn’t have time to do anything… (0)
Dialogue 2
- (I’ll admit, I still resent them a lot.) (0)
- (I shouldn’t have been quite so… harsh.) (+5 Miiko)
- Moi? Ça va. Par contre, mes parents… (-5 with Nevra, Valkyon e Ezarel)
- Malheureusement oui… (0)
- Ça va, il n’a rien eu le temps de me faire… (0)
- Ça va. Par contre, mes parents… (-5 with Nevra, Valkyon e Ezarel)
- Ça va, je n’ai rien pour cette fois. (0)
- Ça va, il n’a rien eu le temps de me faire… (0)
Go back to the Crystal room; you will talk to
Are you still angry?
- I’m not angry. (0)
- How could I not be? (0)
POV will change to Miiko and, after a time skip, you’ll find yourself bathing a cute Maulix (I want oneee)
- It was nice to look after Companions. (+5)
- What an awful mission, though… grooming Companions for Purreru. (0)
- You could leave the guard and join the Purrekos? (0)
- I’m serious, talk to Miiko about it. (0)
- (This isn’t really my problem, I’d rather not keep talking about this.) (0)
Go to my love Purreru at the market to complete the mission. Go towards the Crystal room and, after talking to Alajea, go to the library for the report. When you come out…
The creator of this site. (Not so) Secretly a cat.
Thank you for making these guides! I’d be lost without them. I have a small question though, how high does your affinity with Leiftan have to be to get his illustration?
heya, I know people have got the illustration with a lom as low as 65, but I don’t know what’s the minimum, sorry 🙁
Nella ricerca delle prove che si svolge nella sala delle porte, si trova una traccia anche sulla balaustra davanti alla biblioteca
there’s no way i’d tell them about Ashkore, not after what they did lol
Me? It’s okay. On the other hand, my parents … ( -5 with Nevra, Valkyon e Ezarel)
this one you lose 10 points with the person who forced you to take the potion and 5 points with the other two 🙂
Quando si cerca Kero, dopo aver parlato con Karen e controllato in mensa ho dovuto comunque incontrare Alajéa e Chrome prima che Kero si facesse vivo in biblioteca xD
ouch XD buono a sapersi! stiamo rigiocando l’episodio, appena possiamo aggiorniamo dove dovuto, grazie!
Ehilà, non so se sia necessario scriverlo, ma dopo aver fatto il test, essendo della stessa guardia del ragazzo che nell’episodio precedente ha costretto a far bere la pozione (nel mio caso, per esempio, ho avuto Ezarel e sono nella guardia Assenzio), il ragazzo cercherà di parlare alla protagonista e dopo l’obbiettivo di ritornare in camera, il punto di vista passerà al ragazzo e ci faranno vedere due scene: la prima riguarda il momento del bacio e la seconda, dove il ragazzo va a confidarsi con i suoi migliori amici.
Spero di esserti stata d’aiuto in qualche modo!
scusate, qualcuna si è ritrovata questo obiettivo? io sono rimasta bloccata!
Perche’ non sono riuscita ad ottenere l’illustrazione con leiftan anche se ho il colpo di fulmine su qualcuno ed il mio love o metro con lui e’ 70?
Ciao! Ho rigiocato questo episodi per ben due volte e l’ho svolto fino alla fine, ma ogni volta che lo finisco, mi dice che l’ho completato solo al 55%! Sapresti aiutarmi? Non capisco davvero dove sbaglio perché ottengo 1 illustrazione su due alla fine e compio tutte le missioni 🙁
e niente anche io nn ho ricevuto l’illustrazione T.T
Leggendo i vari commenti ho notato che non sono l’unica a non riuscire ad ottenere l’illustrazione con Leiftan, nonostante il LOV sia al 75% ed abbia impostato il colpo di fulmne T^T
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