Episode 15

Thanks to Arcidaide for all her help on this guide.

Total Maana: around 3000
Outfit: Black Wave, 6 pieces: Bag, top, shoes, shorts, bracelets, hood
Companions:  None
Required Items: None
Received Items: 
Illustrations: 3; 3 replays needed
Exploration areas unlocked: Emerald Lake, Torii of Memories
Companions unlocked: O’orulay (epic, exploration)

~ Illustrations - episode 15 ~
How to unlock the illustrations

They will unlock automatically for this episode.

Episode Videos: [NA]

NOTE: During the replays of this episode you will be able to change the boy that made the potion with you.

!! Spoilers Ahead !!

⊗ Locations marked with ⊗ are not guaranteed but highly probable

(0) L’O’M doesn’t change
(+) L’O’M increases
(-) L’O’M decreases 

Like episode 6, this episode will start with Purreko, asking you if you want to change  boy who helped you with the potion. You can’t do it on the first try, but the option will be available starting from the first replay.


Were you happy that it was him that worked with you in that challenge?

  • Obviously not!
  • *sigh* It doesn’t matter, let’s just say it was… swell…
  • Yes!

Once you’ve listened in, you will look for Karenn, to find out more.

Objective: You know it, Karenn is Miss-I-Know-Everything of H.Q. She surely knows who got hurt, go ask her!

At the [Fountain Park] or the cherry tree you will find Floppy


  • (Oh, that’s Floppy !) (+5)
  • (Eeeek, it’s Floppy ! I hate mice!!!) (0) (Dialogue 2)
  • (Awww! It’s little Floppy ♥) (+10)

Dialogue 2

  • (La laisser faire.) (0)
  • (Refuser de la prendre avec soi.) (0)

You will go to Valkyon to bring her back anyway, but he won’t be in his room.

You might meet Cryllis, Alajéa, Chrome, or Purroy (the alchemist cat), on the way. Once you’ve found Karenn (often at the forge), the girl will leave without answering you and you will have to look for clues.

Objective: She seems to know the victim, but you didn’t get a chance to ask her. Try to find more clues

If you’ve found Karenn, Purroy and Floppy, a monologue in the Hall of Doors should unlock the cave. Go to the jail, you’ll have another monologue

  • (I hope not… Although, given that Karenn is crying, Floppy’s master is missing, and Purroy is looking after the potions instead of Ezarel…)(0)
  • (It kind of would be karma coming back to them, given what they’ve done to me)

When you meet Ewelein on the way, she will drop some medical supplies.

Objective: Ewelein dropped some medical materials. Go give them to her!

Go to the infirmary, you’ll have the chance to help her.


Gardienne, If you want to stay, you’re welcome. If not, you should leave. 

  • Will there be a lot of blood? (0)
  • I’ll stay, I’m not scared of blood! (+10)
  • What can I do to help? (+5)
  • (I looked away, a little embarassed.) (0)
  • (I watched her work, as if hypnotized by her technique.) (0)
  • (I’m watching Ewelein Maythz and Violine in turn. Please tell me everything’s going okay!)  (0)

I hope it didn’t make you feel uneasy

  • A little bit… but that’s because I’m not used to seeing so much blood… (+5)
  • No worries, it was actually pretty interesting. I hope I can help you again some time! (+10)
  • I Don’t really know, that was my first time. (+5)

Once you’re done, Miiko will join you. Follow her in the  Crystal Hall.

Objective: Follow Miiko in direction of the Crystal Room, she wants to talk to you.

You will find all of the light guard inside. You’ll talk about the attack to Enthraa.


  • (I made a gesture as if to say “don’t worry about it”.) (0)
  • (I’d rather turn my head away and not reply) (0)


It’s about the attack on Enthraa. 

  • Oh, that’s not difficult to guess. (+5)
  • You don’t say? Who would have thunk it?!!! (My voice was dripping with sarcasm) (-5)
  • Ok, and? (0)


  • (Whoa, Eweleïn… you just won points in my heart.) (+5)
  • (Ouch, Miiko can’t have liked that.)


  • What about, exactly? Because you have several things to choose from! (-5)
  • What do you mean? (0)


  • And what if *you* are Ashkore’s ally? (0)
  • Do you really think that will change anything? (0)


  • (Part of me is quite happy to see them so worried about Ashkore) (0)
  • (It can’t be easy to manage all this) (0)
  • (He must have his reasons. I shouldn’t judge him before hearing his version of the story) (0)
  • (Now I understand why they get so tense when we bring up the subject) (0)


  • (I can’t really understand this compliment… it’s actually annoying me more than anything else.) (0)
  • (I don’t think I was as good as all that, but oh well… I’ll take all the compliments I can get!)  (0)
  • (I’m delighted to know I’ve been useful to them, despite everything that certain people have done to me.) (0)

Objective: Lead the investigation on the attack on Enthraa.


Objective: Get Enthraa’s testimony

Once the meeting is over, go to your room to pick up your note pad. Then go to Ewelein, at the infirmary, to complete the objective:

Objective: Go see Ewelein and take some packets or other containers for your clues

She will send you to the [Alchemy Lab]. After collecting the containers, go to the [Prison].


  • (It’s pretty disturbing. I have to hold back a wretch.)
  • (Looking at all this,  I think I understand what happened to Enthraa)
  • (This job is repulsive… it’s work though!)

Go to the isolated beach; you might find several characters on the way. Karenn, Valkyon, and a few members of the guard don’t have multiple answers, but some do:


It’s Exhausting…

  • It’s just paperwork, it’s not a big deal. (-5)
  • I get it, but just tell yourself to keep pushing yourself through it! (+5)
  • Keep your spirits up though, Kero, it’s just a bad stage.  (+10)


  • I hadn’t thought of that… it’s stressing me out, now. (+5)
  • Oh, no, don’t stay that… I’m the queen of bait, I don’t want to be elected victim of the year.  (0)
  • The wind must be changing direction. (0) (Dialogue 2)

Dialogue 2

  • Nice! So you can dream about me giving you one in the future! (-5)
  • Fortuna clover? (0) (Dialogue 3)

Dialogo 3

  • Oh yes, that’s true. (0)
  • (I don’t remember that…) (0)


And guess what?

  • Were there H.Q. plans in amongst them? (+10)
  • What? (0)
  • I don’t know… (+5)


Yes, I am. We’ve started making certain decisions, but it could take a long time… So I’m taking some things to keep me going.

  • Good decisions this time, I hope. (0)
  • What sort of decisions? (0)


  • You could have taken something a little more substantial. (+5)
  • I hope you haven’t stolen it. Karuto is not going to be happy. (0)
  • Oh, Lordy, you and your love for honey. (+10)


  • I forgive you. I understand you were angry. (+5)
  • I’m not sure if I want to forgive you. (Dialogo 2)
  • It means a lot that you apologized! (+5)

Dialogue 2

  • (Après tout… ce qu’elle a fait est loin d’être aussi grave que cette potion d’oubli.)
  • (Ça n’est pas suffisant à mon sens, mais c’est déjà ça.)

At the beach, pick up the clues:

A monologue will follow:

  • (I’m pretty relieved… I don’t really want to bring evidence that implies him any fruther to the eyes of the Guard.)
  • (I honestly don’t think he’s guilty in all this… at least, not this time)

Go to the [Centenary Cherry Tree], on this phase you can still meet the people listed above.

You have to talk to :

  • Ezarel
  • Nevra
  • Valkyon

in order to continue.

Go to the [Hall of Doors], Enthraa woke up. Talk to her at the [Infirmary]

Objective: With everything that you know now, go back to see Miiko


  • Maybe a Kraken?
  • I’d have bet a mermaid! ✓ Right answer
  • Are there leviathans in Eldarya?
  • Even though I have major doubts about this: Charybde and Scylla!

This answers affects only your thoughts, later on.

Listen in until Jamon interrupts you. You will be moved to Hall of Doors, where your stomach will growl loudly.

Objective: Rest up a bit then go to the dining hall to eat.

Go to the dining hall and talk to Karuto. Bring your meal to the park.

Objective:It’s beautiful out. The gardens are a delightful place for you to eat in peace and quet. Go!

Go to the [Fountain Park]

Objective: It’s really the end of the day this time. Go back to your room. 

Go back to your room, the morning after you will decide to look for someone to teach you self-defense.

Objective: Try to find someone who can teach you how to defend yourself.

Go to the Library to ask Ykhar and Kero for advice; they will suggest you to go to Cameria, she is in the dining hall 


Hmm, and why do you want to be able to fight?

  • To be able to defend myself, no matter what the circumstance is. (0)
  • Because I want to be able to handle the things that could hurt me, myself. (+5)
  • Because I want to become stronger and more independent. (+10)

Go to the beach, after this dialogue:


Imagine I’m a malevolent being and I’m pointing a weapon at you, while you’re defenseless. How would you react?

  • I’d try to run away. (0)
  • I’d attack before you do. (0)
  • I’d be terrified, and I think I’d try to reason with you. ..  (0)

You will have a QTE. The choice:

  • (But how?!)
  • (I’m ready!)

is to get  an explanation on QTE (first option).

Once you’ve won you can go on with the story and finish the training. You will decide to shower.

Objective: Get rid of this “kappaesque” fragrance. Go to the showers. They’re near your room!

Go back to your room, when you’re in front of it, Ykhar will send you to Miiko, but you will still have time for a quick shower. Go to the Crystal Room.


  • (Take the scarf) (0)
  • (Catch the scarf but don’t take it) (0)
  • (Don’t catch the scarf) (0)

When you’re done go to the beach (to the cliff)

Objective: Go to the beach to capture the creature!


Stay close to me and take action when we tell you to!

  • (I then went to Valkyon’s side, listening to his warning…)(0)
  • (I didn’t want to stay close to him, and maintained a certain distance from him, though staying covered.)(0)

A QTE will follow:

  • (Control your fear… control your fear… easier said than done!) (QTE explanation)
  • (Let’s do this!)


  • Don’t touch me! (I moved away, brusquely.) (0)
  • No, I’m fine… (0)

Objective: QUICKLY go to the H.Q. before the creature awakens!

When you get to [Hall of Doors] you will be sent to [Crystal Room]

Objective: Go to the Crystal Room. Come on, go, go, go!

Miiko will ask you to find Alajéa.

Objective: Look for Alajea so she can give you her opinion. Sh’s a mermaid too.

Look for Alajéa, I went toward the [Fountain Park] and got lucky XD

You might meet Karenn or have these dialogues during your search or just after finding her:


  • (Good Lord, he went there… what a moron!) (+5)
  • (You really are just a kid. (-5)
  • … Seriously? (+10)


So congratulations. Good job.

  • (Ezarel giving praise, I’m not sure how to take this.) (Dialogue 2)
  • Thank you. (+5)

Dialogue 2

Gardienne ? Tu pourrais dire merci, je te fais un compliment là.

  • En général, quand on fait un compliment, c’est de bon cœur. Non pas pour attendre un remerciement en retour. (-5)
  • C’est quoi l’entourloupe ? Tu n’es jamais aussi « gentil ». (0)
  • Je ne cède jamais aux caprices des enfants, donc tu peux dire adieu à ton merci ♥ (+5)


  • (Go right) (Dialogue 2) (0)
  • (Go left) (0)

Dialogue 2

  • (Go right) (0)
  • (Go left) (0)

That explains it. In any case, that’s cool… that you’re getting better and better at defending yourself.

  • Given my predisposition for ending up the bait, I thought it might lend me a non insubstantial advantage. (+5)
  • yes, we never know when people are going to try and hurt me… (0)
  • You guys are good at attacking people, huh? (-5)


  • I’d have liked to be in your Guard, too. (0)
  • I’m doing just fine in my own guard, thanks (I was pretty harsh there) (Dialogue 2)
  • I’m very happy in the shadow guard. (0)

Dialogo 2

Ho detto qualcosa di male?

  • Detto, no. Fatto, sì. (0)
  • Tu te paies ma tête, là ? Tu as déjà oublié ce que vous m’avez fait subir? (-5)

After you’ve talked to the 3 boys you should be able to meet the mermaid you’re looking for:


OK… see you later then?

  • That’s a promise! (+5)
  • (Sorry Alajea, but I don’t really want to talk about what happened to me with you…) (-5)
  • I’ll see… (0)

Objective: Bring Alajea to Miiko so she can give her opinion. Fingers crossed that the captured mermaid is in good health.

Go to the [Crystal Room] then to the [Prison]

Obiettivo:  Follow Miiko to the prison.

Alajea will have a break down, follow her outside the prison.

Objective: You don’t know why, but your heart is telling you to look for Alajea.

You could meet Cryllin and Chrome outside the HQ. I found Alajea at the [Fountain Park]


No… wait… Why did you follow me?

  • I was worried about you (+10)
  • I’m a very curious person. (0)
  • I don’t know… I just did, that’s all. (+5)

Objective: Alajéa has something important to tell you. Bring her to your room.

Go to your room. Talking to Alajea will start a flashback and the POV will move to hers.

Objective: Don’t let your little sister catch up to you,. So swim!

Objective: Go back with the others.

Objective: There is nothing, nothing at all… Go look for something.

There is only one possible route, just follow it 🙂


  • Thank you, Alajea. (0)
  • Thanks, Al. (+5)
  • Thanks… Allie. (+15)
  • (The warmth she’s communicating to me means so much.) (0)
  • (I’m truly happy to be able to count her amongst my friends. Her hug is doing me a crazy amount of good. (0)

Once done go to the dining all for:

Objective: After all these emotions, a bit of relaxation! Go get some goodies from the dining hall.

Get your sweets and go back to your room:

Objective: Go back to your room to indulge in those goodies.


  • This guy must really like you! Go for it! (0)
  • If he stayed that  must be because he likes you. (0)

Karenn will bring back bad news. You’ll have a flashback in her POV.

Objective: Go to the crystal room to talk to your brother.

Go, listen in, Once you’re back in control of Gardienne, you will decide to do something about it but Alajéa is shaken up.


  • (Shake Alajea)
  • (Keep calling Alajea’s name)


Gardienne, are you with us?

  • What a question! Of course! (0)
  • Yes… (0)


  • We could use the poison from Balenvia. That sure did it for [Poisoned Guy] and me. (0)
  • (I could use the poison from Balenvia, but that’s a bit extreme…) (0)

After thinking of a plan you’ll get the objective:

Objective: It’s time for the first part of the intervention: save Colaia. Go to the infirmary. 

On the way you can find:


  • … (0)
  • Non posso parlarne, mi dispiace. (0)
  • Da quando ti interessi a Alajéa? (0)


Steal the notesMake a diversion

If you have to steal the notes go to [Hall of Doors]

Once there, go to the infirmary, you have to get this:

If you have to make a diversion go to the infirmary and take Ewelein to your room.

Then go find Karenn: go to the infirmary again then back to your room, she is there. 

Both scenarios lead to your room.

Objective: It’s time to prepare the sleeping pill. Go to the Alchemy Lab. 


  • That has always surprised me.
  • At the same time, when we know it’s the favorite hangout of that tyrant, Ezarel…
  • I don’t come here that often, either.

After talking to your accomplices go to the Alchemy shop and buy 2 Moogliz Milk.

You’ll start making the potion but Ezarel will startle you. You will have to divert his attention!

You will decide who gets the honor with a rock-paper-scissor match. It should be randomly determined.

If you winIf you lose
Alajea will take Ezarel away. You will have to help Karenn. Pick up the lavender and the sand:

If you lose, you will have to take Ezarel away. Go to the village and back. You will have this conversation with him:

Je ne doute pas que tu deviendras un des piliers de cette garde.

  • Tu es malade?
  • Tu le penses vraiment?
  • J’ai du mal à te croire.

Once you’re done the last, hardest, step:

Objective: Last mission: Convince Karuto to let you help him in the Kitchen. Good luck.

Go to the kitchen, past the dining hall.

Karuto will try the meal you prepared and drugged and… will collapse on the floor. Hide the body!

Objective: You didn’t account for this problem. Make sure no one notices.

by just exiting the kitchen.

Objective: Go back to the kitchen, quickly.

Go back to the kitchen and serve the meal. When you’re done you’ll get:

Objective: Your mission is now over. Go find Alajea and wait several hours for the last part of your plan.

Go to your room. You will get the outfit Black wave for free:


  • It’s really pretty, I love it! (+5)
  • I don’t like it at all… (-5)
  • It’s perfect! (+10)

Objective: Go around the H.Q. to make sure no one is lurking around.

Go to the Cherry tree and back, it should be enough to unlock the 2 monologues. Go in front to the Crystal Hall, Valkyon is there.

Ashkore-Rapunzel, winner of the “Best Moment” Prize.

Ashkore will knock him out with a frying pan.

Yes, you read that right.

Let’s continue.


  • Ashkore! Take me with you! (I caught him by the arm to hold him back.) (0) (dialogue 2)
  • (No, I can’t ask him if I can go with him… I don’t know him well enough for that.) (0)

Dialogue 2

  • Insist
  • Don’t insist.

Go back to [Hall of Doors].

Objective: Free Colaia from the prison.

Go to the [Prison], you will have to drug Colaia too.

Objective: Bring Colaia to the beach so she can be free.

Go toward the [Isolated Beach], you will spend all the night moving the mermaid.


Can you help me carry her to the water?

  • (I’m still too scared to approach the water…) I… (0)
  • (Come on, Gardienne, face your fears. It’s just water!!!) (0)

The Guard members will catch up to you.

Objective: Reassure Alajea as much as you can.

Go to the  rock, cliff… whatever:

  • (Force everyone away, using the advice Cameria gave me) (0)
  • (Try to find another way of dealing with the situation) (0)
  • (unsheathe your weapon) (0)
  • (don’t) (0)


  • (Was she looking for me? Well, here I am!!!)
  • (Come on now, Gardienne, violence never solves anything… even though she deserves my fist right in her face.)

If you “willingly” drank the potion there will be no reference to the kiss, and no reaction on the ladies’ part. The dialogue will just skip that scene.

Objective: After so many emotions, go back to H.Q.

Go to the [Hall of Doors].


  • But you can’t predict everything either. (0)
  • I don’t think I’m your friend. (0)
  • You were there for me, I was the one who didn’t want to take the helping hand you held out to me… (0)

Objective: You deserve a bit of rest! Go to your room!

The boy who made you drink the potion will knock at your door. The illustration unlocks here and has no prerequisites. If you drank the potion “willingly” you won’t talk about the kiss.

Objective: Quick! Go to the crystal Room!

Talk to Miiko.

Objective: Go out because Miiko has nothing to say to you.

Go out, Leiftan wants to talk. Once you’re done, go to the dining room for the objective:

Objective: You’re hungry! Go to the kitchen and fingers crossed… Karuto hopefully has something good in store for you.

A time-skip will follow.


  • Feng Zifu, is that you?  (0)
  • Zif, is that you? (0)
  • Huang Hua?! (0)

Objective: Follow Feng Zifu to find out what he’s doing here!!

Go to the Crystal Room, the dialogue that follows will conclude the episode.


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The creator of this site. (Not so) Secretly a cat.

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Lillith Chwe
20/05/2018 10:52 am

During “Lead the investigation on the attack on Enthraa“ I can’t find anyone, do you have any suggestions on where people might be?

07/09/2018 11:20 am

L’esca per il famiglio qual è?

16/02/2019 3:47 pm

Ciao! Intanto grazie per l’utilissima guida! Penso sia utile far notare che per poter prendere la testimonianza di Enthraa (dopo aver raccolto gli indizi) è necessario parlare con tutti e tre i ragazzi (io avevo incontrato solo Nevra ed Ez e non riuscivo ad avanzare, ho dovuto fare un giretto fuori dal QG per incontrare Valkyon, quindi sono potuta avanzare) 🙂

24/03/2019 10:57 pm

ciao, volevo dirti che oltre alle 2 porzioni di latte di mooglitz serve anche 1 frutto di miele.

17/04/2021 8:31 pm

I had so much second hand embarrassment, I couldn’t believe, but your guide was very helpfull, thank you!

14/09/2024 10:11 pm

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