Total Maana: Around 2600-3000
Outfit: Gas Mask
Companions: None
Items required: Verre malléable (Autre, 30m), Fragments d’Oxygène (Gaz & Liquides, 40m), Caoutchouc Enchanté (Autre, 40 m).
Items received: Nessuno
Illustrations: 1
Unlocked Areas: Pointe des collines, Cascade des Roches
Companions unlocked: Boltue (legendary, exploration)
Episode Videos: [Not yet available]
NOTE: The Crush must be set to have the boy of your choice with you in some scenes. Excluding a scene, where you can only pick Valkyon, Nevra or Ezarel, Leiftan is a valid crush option. During the scene where he is not available, if you don’t have a Crush set or it’s Leiftan, the boy that comes with you will be randomly selected.
!! Spoilers Ahead !!
⊗ Locations marked with ⊗ are not guaranteed but highly probable
(0) L’O’M doesn’t change
(+) L’O’M increases
(-) L’O’M decreases
After a recap that you can either read or skip, the episode will start where the previous one left off.
- (When I saw Miiko’s expression, my excitement dimmed.) I’m guessing there’s a but… (0)
- Really? Aren’t you going to yell? (0)
- But as it’s me, that’s a no? (0)
During the meeting you will be able to pick who you want to talk to, Ykhar or Kero.
- So basically, you’re asking me to do all the work instead of you? (-5)
- But if you can’t even find a way, how am I supposed to? (+5)
- I don’t get it… (0)
- This is no a game, Miiko… You can’t let this situation slide just because nobody’s asked for help. (-10)
- I don’t think that’s fair for either side, but at least it’s not a definitive “no”. (+5)
- Count on me to succeed! (+10)
Objective: A big responsibility weighs upon your shoulders. Think of a solution to suggest to Miiko. Go back to your room.
While you think, you will ask yourself some questions that don’t alter the story:
- I wonder if it would be affected by the myconides poison.
- No, I can’t risk poisoning a creature who doesn’t deserve it.
You will also have to talk to Purral, whose mission you ditched to follow Zifu.
- Is there anything I can do to deserve your forgiveness? (0) Dialogue 2
- (Be as disappointed as you like, honeybunch, this mission is way more important than your little project.) (-10)
- (I pretended to be sad to sweeten him up a little.) Are you going to be mad at me for long (0) Dialogue 2
Dialogue 2
- See you later, pretty ginger ♥ (0)
- See you later, Purral! (0)
Objective: Go back to your room.
On the way you should find:
- Allie! How’s it going? (+5)
- Alajea, how are you? (0)
If you’ve already talked to Chrome:
- Au fait, ça se passe mieux avec Chrome? (0)
- (Ne rien dire au sujet de Chrome.) (0)
ObJective: Ask Huang Hua for advice
On the way you might meet several characters:
Elewein (Usually in the Hall of Doors):
- Uh… did we talk about this? (-5)
- No, I was just waiting to hear more about it from you! (+5)
Chrome (Usually in the alchemy lab or at the market):
- What, got a new joke? (0)
- Can you not just leave her alone for a while? You’re harsh on that girl. (-5)
I think meeting Kero and Ykhar is necessary to proceed; you then have to have another dialogue with Ykhar before you can find Huang Hua.
- Are you ok? (0)
- What happened with Kero? I saw you guys fighting just now. (0)
- I understand… I think I’d have done the same thing. (0)
- But this whole thing has nothing to do with anyone but me! (0)
You will get the sub-objective:
Talk to Kero as soon as possible, try to make him change his mind. You don’t want him to leave.
Ignore it for now, you will complete it at a later time.
When you find Huang Hua, you’ll follow her to the library for
Objective: Follow Huang Hua to the library.
She will offer to dine with you:
Obijective: Follow Huang Hua to the dining Hall.
After a meal and some brainstorming you will have a chance to apologize to Karuto once again.
- (Offer to do the dishes, as a peace gesture) (-5)
- (Say goodbye, and apologize once again) (+5)
- (Just leave) (0)
Objective: Go back to your room.
The morning after you’ll be hungry and you will be able to choose
- (Go to eat)
- (Wait a bit)
If you decide to talk to him:
- (Thank Karuto by giving him a kiss) (+10)
- (Warmly thank Karuto) (+5)
You will then meet the boy who prepared the potion with you, and have the following dialogue.
In the hall of doors you will meet the boy who prepared the potion with you and have the dialogue below.
Ewelein won’t be happy you ate.
- Je sais, je n’y ai pas pensé quand je me suis levée… (+5)
- Je sais, mais j’avais faim… (-5)
- Je sais, j’avais oublié. (0)
In both cases you’ll get the objective:
Objective: Come back later
The dialogue with the potion guy:
(He really does not look good.)
- (Hold Ezarel back) (0) Dialogue 2
- (Don’t hold Ezarel back) (0)
Dialogue 2
- (Despite all the resentment I felt for him, I was worried about him.) (+5) (Dialogue 3)
- (Oh, well, in any case, I don’t actually care whether he’s doing ok or not.) (0)
Dialogue 3
- Don’t be silly, despite everything I’ve gone through here, I care about you. (+5)
- Well, I’m a gullible gully, whatcha gonna do? (Dialogue 4)
Dialogue 4
- (Is that anger… or something else?) (0)
- (Despite everything that’s happened with him, this exchange has set something alight inside of me. My cheeks are on fire…) (0)
- (I hope he didn’t caress my hand like that on purpose. I do not want him to get any ideas, after everything he’s done to me!) (0)
- (C’est vrai… et pourtant, je n’ai pas essayé de l’éviter.) (0) (Dialogue 2)
- Je sais, je t’évitais. (0)
Dialogue 2
- Pourquoi as-tu hésité? (0) (Dialogue 3)
- D’accord. (Au final je suis bien contente qu’il ne soit pas venu me voir.) (?)
Dialogue 3
- C’est une blague ? C’est plutôt moi qui devrais ne pas me sentir bien avec toi ! (?)
- C’est … vexant! (0) (Dialogue 4)
Dialogue 4
- (J’ai posé la main sur sa joue.) (+10)
- Tu as fait des erreurs et il est de ton devoir de les assumer… alors, ne me fuis pas. (0)
- Tu ne peux t’en prendre qu’a toi même… (-5)
- (Lui parler plus longuement du problème.)(0) Dialogue 2
- (Ne pas lui parler de mes recherches.)(0)
Dialogue 2
- Je sais et j’y penserai, merci! (0) Dialogue 3
- Merci, je me débrouille toute seule. (0)
Dialogue 3
- Tout de suite? Je suis désolée, je pense que je ne suis pas encore prête pour être seule avec toi dans un autre contexte que le travail. (+10)
- Moi aussi je veux plus te connaitre Valkyon! (+5)
- Je n’ai pas spécialement envie que tu me connaisses. (0)
Dialogue 4
- (J’ai le cœur qui bat la chamade… je crois bien que je suis en train de rougir…)(0)
- (J’ai retiré ma main d’un geste vif!)(0)
Go back to the infirmary, then
Objective: Go back to your room to work.
As per objective,
Objective: You’re on the right track, talk to Ewelein.
Infirmary, round 345. You will have to draw, pick among:
- Do you want me to take care of that? I’m good at drawing.
- (Shoot, I can’t even help her, I can’t draw either!)
The only difference will be the final result (and some comments about it):
Objective: A step in the right direction was taken, keep researching.
Go out you will find Huang Hua in the hall of doors.
You’ll get the objectives:
- Talk to Keroshane about Balenvia.
- Talk to Ykhar about Balenvia.
- Talk to the guys about Balenvia.
Look for Kero in the library, it has the best chance. You can also talk to him about what you overheard.
- (Convince Kero to stay) (0) Dialogue 2
- (Don’t convince Kero to stay) (0) DIalogue 3
Dialogue 2
- Kero, you’re somebody I have great respect for, I don’t want to lose you. (0)
- I understand how disgusted you are by the Light Guard, but don’t abandon us . (0)
- I respect your choice, but don’t be mad at me for wanting you to stay. (0)
Dialogue 3
- Tu vas me manquer… (0)
- Si tu as fais ton choix, je ne peux pas m’y opposer. (0)
At the library (or the village) you might meet Ykhar.
The boys are usually at the alchemy lab. You’ll find them together.
Once you’ve talked to everyone:
Objective: Go back to your room to put the pieces together.
Do that and the morning after you’ll be ready to talk to Miiko.
Objective: It’s time for the judgment.
Go in front of the Crystal Hall; when you’re done…
Objective: Get out of here!
Once you’re out, you’ll talk to Huang Hua
Objective: Enjoy the free time!
Go to the Central Pavillon, a time skip will follow.
You will have to buy several items, for a total of 110 maana; they’re all at Purroy’s alchemy shop.
- Verre malléable (Autre/other, 30m)
- Fragments d’Oxygène (Gaz & Liquides/Gas and liquids, 40m),
- Caoutchouc Enchanté (Autre/other, 40 m).
After several cutscenes you’ll get the objective
Objective: Go to your room.
You’ll meet Alajea on the way.
Objective: Follow Alajea
Go to the Hall of Doors, and Karenn will join you. Once you’ve been at the infirmary, you can go to your room.
Objective: Go to the great door.
They wait for you there to leave; you can then pick who you’ll travel with:
- Ezarel
- Nevra
- Valkyon
- Huang Hua
You will be able to have extra dialogues with the person you pick and raise your LOM with them.
- (Hang on tight to the saddle.) (0)
- (Hang on tight to Ezarel.) (+10) Dialogue 2
Dialogue 2
- (Press myself closer to him.) (+5) (Dialogue 3)
- (Pull his hand off, and grab onto his jacket again.) (0)
Dialogue 3
- (Despite everything he’s done to me, I can’t help but smile… I like feeling his body against mine.) (0)
- (I can’t forget what he did to me. My hands are trembling at the touch of his body, but I’m hanging on fast so I don’t fall.) (0)
- (S’accrocher à la selle.) (0)
- (S’accrocher à Huang Hua.) (0) (Dialogue 2)
Dialogue 2
- (Chatouiller Huang Hua.) (+5)
- (Ne pas chatouiller Huang Hua.) (0)
- (S’accrocher à la selle.) (0)
- (S’accrocher à Nevra.) (+10) (Dialogue 2)
Dialogue 2
- D’accord! (J’ai passé mes mains autour de sa taille.) (+5) (Dialogue 3)
- Ça ira, ne t’en fais pas! (0)
Dialogue 3
- (Malgré tout ce qu’il m’a fait, je ne peux m’empêcher de sourire… j’aime sentir son corps contre le mien.) (0)
- (Je n’oublie pas ce qu’il m’a fait, mes mains tremblent au contact de son corps, mais je m’accroche solidement pour ne pas tomber.) (0)
- (S’accrocher à la selle.) (0)
- (S’accrocher à Valkyon.) (+10) (Dialogue 2)
Dialogue 2
- (Je suis restée face à lui.) (+5)
- (Je suis restée derrière lui.) (Dialogue 3)
Dialogue 3
- (Malgré tout ce qu’il m’a fait, je suis plongée dans son regard.) (0)
- (Je n’oublie pas ce qu’il m’a fait. Et même si son regard me trouble, je ne détourne pas le mien… comme pour l’affronter.) (0)
The list of people joining you for this mission
- Cameria
- Chrome
- Ewelein
- Ezarel
- Hestia
- Huang Hua
- Karenn
- Karuto
- Layi
- Lazare
- Leiftan
- Martz
- Nevra
- Sonze
- Valarian
- Valkyon
Objective: Go to the heart of the forest to reach Belenvia.
You will have to reach the (former) Twisted Tree Plain. Here is the path:
Edge of the forest > Hallow Tree > Deep Forest > Rocky Path > Elder’s Passage > Heather Den > Rigid Grove > Group of Birches > Natural Thicket > Twisted Tree Plain
After listening to an argument, go to sleep in your tent.
Objective: Go to your tent, it’s time to sleep.
There are 3 locations open at this time, ignore the infirmary and the road to the caves.
During the night, Ewelein will wake you up
- (When I heard the words “going out”, I felt my heart tighten in my chest.) (0)
- So you were together? (0)
- It’s no big deal, I personally think you’re nice. (+10)
- It’s true you weren’t always the nicest to me, but I understand why you were the way you were a bit more now. (+5)
- As long as it doesn’t happen again. (I was very sharp with her, I don’t appreciate having to pay for others’ mistakes!) (-5)
The morning after you will receive the gas mask. Go to the caves.
Objective: Go to the caves.
You’ll have to be wearing the mask to proceed.
Objective: Look for an entrance.
Go to the caves; you will decide to look for the Myconides nest with one of the boys.
Objective: Find the Myconides nest to sign the intervention contract.
Who will come with you depends on your crush or, if your crush not set or it’s Leiftan, it will be random.
- (Stay frozen in his arms.) (+5)
- Let me go! (0)
- (Rester près de Nevra.) (+5)
- (Repousser Nevra.) (0)
- (Rester dans ses bras.) (+5)
- (Lui demander de me lâcher.) (0)
When you find them, bring the signed treaty to Huang Hua.
Objective: Get out of here and bring the signed treaty to Huang Hua.
When you’re out, Leiftan will send his companion to warn the future Phoenix and, once that’s done, you will go meet her in front of the village as the objective says:
Objective: Join Huang Hua at the entrance of the village.
Go to the village (it’s the only other option beside the encampment).
Objective: Talk with the other members in Balenvia.
As you wait, you’ll be able to talk to one of the boys and Chrome:
- Do you even know what’s going on down there? The myconides are dying. So grow up a bit and stop complaining! (0)
- Do I have to remind you that I don’t belong to your world and I don’t know anything about Eldaryan geology? (0)
- You know you’re getting mad over nothing, right? (I gave him a reassuring smile.) (0) (dialogue 2)
Dialogue 2
- Should I remind you how you didn’t stay outside as planned, last time, or should I stay quiet? (0)
- I don’t think we can risk you going down there, sorry! (0)
- Ask next time! (0)
Talk to everyone and go back to the village, they should be done.
Objective: Go back to camp
If you didn’t get her while waiting, you will prolly talk to Cameria now.
Objective: Go to rest
In your tent. You can pick between listening in or not. If you want to, you’ll drag Karenn with you, if you don’t, she will ask you to come.
- No thank you, I’d rather be good! (0)
- Heck yes! (0)
Refuse and you’ll be forced 😛
In the end, you will listen in. You’ll get some more info from Huang Hua.
You’ll go to sleep, and dream of Myconides, and the oracle.
Objective: Go back to the caves, asap!
Go to the caves; you’ll have to go in, with Huang Hua and your Crush (either one of the boys or Leiftan). I’m not sure how the selection works if the crush is not set.
Objective: Go inside the caves and find the Myconides
Something is wrong.
Objective: Find what’s wrong with the caves!
Go around until you see the oracle. You will find your crush and Huang Hua again, whom you lost. You can pick:
[Crush/Random boy]:
- (D’instinct, je me suis précipitée dans ses bras.) (0)
- (D’instinct, je me suis approchée de Huang Hua.) (0)
Keep running around. After several dialogues you will find some crystals.
You have to pick them up.
- I can’t give up now, I haven’t come this far to just turn back! (ILLUSTRATION)
- (I can’t do this…it just hurts so bad.)
Objective: Find the Myconides.
Go back until you find “Croisement 2”; The map is back to normal, follow it to get to the nest.
Objective: Get out of the caves with Ethel.
Followed by:
Objective: Go to Balenvia
Go there for your happy ending… or not?
Objective: Go back to camp.
Objective: Check on [Poisoned person]… if you want.
If you go back to the infirmary you’ll find out he is okay, but he’ll be in a coma for a few days.
Objective: Go back to the village to pay homage to Haglaé.
After the funeral, you’ll leave Balenvia.
Objective: Go back to the H.Q.
Objective: Go to the Crystal Room
- Miiko… (I wanted to cry, I was so moved by what she was saying.) (0)
- Thank you Miiko. (0)
- (I wanted to tell her where to go… after all I’d suffered because of her, this apology of hers really was not going down well.) (0)
Objective: Go to your room to rest
Followed by:
Objective: Go to the library
You’ll never get there; Ykhar will be waiting for you in the Hall of Doors.
The following scenes will conclude the episode.
The creator of this site. (Not so) Secretly a cat.
I have sooo much trouble finding Kero and the boys. I looked everywhere even in cave… I spent over 500 maana on this and still no traces of anyone. 🙁
Should I go outside HQ? Or is it just a glitch? What do you guys thing?
Ciao ho come obiettivo: Non appena ne hai la possibilità, discuti con Kero e tenta di farlo ragionare. Nemmeno tu hai voglia che lasci il Q.G.
Dove trovo Huang Hua?
Ciao, la mappa non si capisce bene
Ciao, scusa la mia ignoranza >.< spero mi aiuti a risolvere questo dilemma…
Quando dici di impostare il LOM su CdF, ^^' intendi impostarlo su "nessuno" o "qualcuno"? ..E' da giorni che sbatto la testa..
Scusa ancora, e grazie in anticipo
I think you made a mistake on the first dialogue with miko
Mais si même vous, vous n’avez trouvé aucune solution, comment le pourrais-je? (+5)
instead of a +5 I got a -5
Hi.first of all thank you for your problem is im on objective Meet up with Huang Hua at the entrance of the village. But i dont have any option for that.from the cave intrance i can go to the camp and in the camp i have the infirmary and the bedroom and the path to the cave.and i was with nevra in the cave and when i was out of the cave i didnt see what can i do? Can you help me please
I am really confused about this objective
Objective: Ask Huang Hua for advice
I have looked every where and I can’t find anybody
Io non avevo il CdF impostato e alle grotte è venuto Leiftan con me e Huang Hua nonostante sia anche il ragazzo che ha il love-o-meter più basso (70). Non so se può esserti utile
Ma il cdf per Leiftan va impostato a inizio episodio? Perché io avevo il cdf impostato su qualcuno, messo poco prima di andare nelle grotte ma non mi da Leif come accompagnatore come mai? (Ovviamente mi riferisco alla seconda volta nelle grotte)
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