Total Maana: Between 4000 and 4500, dress included
Clothes: An outfit for 750 maana. You can buy it for 500 if you have won all the Purrekos minigames
Companions 1, available on boutique if you don’t win it in the minigame
Items required: None
Items recived: One among: a common bindle, a Bowsa egg, 5 gold coins, a popsicle, a bamboo shoot or a glowing caterpillar
Illustrations: 3, no replays are needed, Crush must be set at least once
Unlocked areas: Mar de Phibea, Crique du Crapaud
Unlocked companions: Bowsa
Video: [N/A]
!! Spoilers Ahead !!
(0) L’O’M doesn’t change
(+) L’O’M increases
(-) L’O’M decreases
⊗ High chances to find someone here (99% chance)
After a recap that you can either read or skip, the episode will start where the previous one left off.
- Je suis devant toi et je te parle ? (+10)
- Rien de spécial. (+10)
- Pourquoi ça ? J’aime bien passer du temps avec toi. (0)
- Et pourquoi j’aurais dû dire non ? (0)
Once you’re done,
Objective: Talk to [Boy who gave you his mask]
You might find Leiftan and Nevra at the Kiosk, Ezarel and Valkyon in the pantry
If it was the boy who swear to protect you and/or if you’ve visited him at the camp you will have a couple of extra dialogue lines.
Objective: Go to Chrome
Go towards the arches, where you’ll find Chrome; head to the Beach, Karenn will join you.
Objective: Go to the beach.
On the beach Chrome will get sunburned XD
Objective: Go back to the HQ.
Once you’re in the Hall of Doors you’ll find out that Ykhar was looking for you. You will be moved to the Library where you’ll be able to pick among 3 jobs.
Library Assistant (with Ykhar and Kero)
- L’idée d’avoir un métier littéraire me botte bien ! (0)
- (Mouais… je suis pas convaincue.) (0)
- Pourquoi pas…(0)
Infermary Assistant, with Ewelein
- Le travail d’Eweleïn est fascinant en même temps ! (0)
- (Oh, ça non… je déteste voir du sang.) (0)
- C’est envisageable. (0)
And the last one, Teacher, for the little guys
- Je ne sais pas si je serai à la hauteur, mais j’adore les enfants ! (0)
- (Hors de question que je travaille avec des mioches, je ne supporte pas ça.) (0)
- À voir… (0)
No matter the answers given, the only one that will affect the outcome is:
- J’aimerais travailler à la bibliothèque.
- J’aimerais travailler avec Eweleïn à l’infirmerie.
- J’aimerais éduquer les plus jeunes.
- (Je me suis raclé la gorge avec désapprobation.) (-5)
- (J’ai resserré mon étreinte autour de son corps.) (+5)
Low LOM:
- I assure you I’m fine. (I moved his hand away)(0)
- Yes, I’m fine (+5)
- (Minaccialo di togliergli il cibo)
- (Cerca di ragionarci gentilmente)
changes anything.
Go to the village of Eel, where you’ll find that Cameria is a teacher too. You will have an extra dialogue with Milo, depending on your Crush.
Objective: Go back to your room
Some days will pass and you will get a few messages, one of which will let you know that MIiko is organizing a fair.
Objective: They’re organizing a fair, go take a look!
Go to the Hall of doors
Objective: Enjoy the fair!
Objective: Go to Karuto to try his special menu’
Walking around the HQ you might see some dialogues, Chrome talking to Max, Karenn talking to Alajea and Colaia, and Cameria talking to Purriry. Go to the dining hall, it’s full of people!
When you’re done, go to the Great Door to continue.
Purroy will offer you to play a game for 10 maana. It’s a QTE. You will win some baies acidulées.
Now, going to the Hall of doors you will get a monologue and you will be able to talk to Purriry who will tell you she is working on a new outfit. You will have dinner and find out that there is a minigame waiting for you at the Great Door!
Objective: Take part in Purreru’s game.
On the way you might meet Miiko and Huang Hua
- Ha ha, je te comprends, moi aussi ! (+20)
- J’aime avec modération, personnellement. (0)
- Pas moi… (-5)
There is a game in the Hall of Doors/Arches. You can pick a partner between the 3 main boys: this choice will determine who will come with you on the date, later.
- (Je me suis collée à lui avec plaisir.) (Dialogue 2) (0)
- Qu’est-ce que tu fais, là? (Je n’ai pas du tout envie d’être collée à lui.) (0)
Dialogue 2
- … je suis hilare. (0)
- Tu es incorrigible! (0)
- Tu es tellement sexy, je ne peux me retenir. (J’ai fais mine de tomber à la renverse devant son charme.) (0)
The next scene… will be embarrassing. You’ll end up at the infirmary.
- Ouais… (Je n’ai pas très envie de le revoir.(0)
- Ok! A plus tard alors! (0) (You must pick this to be able to go on a date with him)
- Ma gratitude éternelle. (0)
- (Lui donner un baiser sur la joue) (+/0)
- (Rien, tu m’as déjà volé un baiser, rappelle toi.) (0)
- Ça faisait longtemps! Tu rêves! (0)
- D’accord! (+5)
The next scene… will be embarrassing. You’ll end up at the infirmary.
- Ouais… (Finalement, je n’ai pas envie de passer plus de temps avec lui.) (0)
- Ok ! À plus tard alors ! (You must pick this to be able to go on a date with him) (0)
The next scene… will be embarrassing. You’ll end up at the infirmary.
- Ouais… (Je n’ai pas envie de le revoir.) (0)
- Bien sûr ! (You must pick this to be able to go on a date with him)
Now you can finally go to my love, Purreru, at the great door.
The game is 50 maana, you can win one among: a common bindle, a Bowsa egg, 5 gold coins, a popsicle, a bamboo shoot or a glowing caterpillar
Run around for other activities/dialogues.
You might meet Milo:
- (Prendre Milo dans ses bras pour le consoler)
- (Caresser le chapeau de Milo en douceur)
- On va aller en chercher au stand de bonbons si tu veux. (0)
Objective: Go back to the candy shop for Milo
Go to the market to buy candy for him, then go to the Kiosk for a monologue. You’ll meet Leiftan who will ask you out. If you have accepted to go out with one of the boys, you will have to choose between Leiftan and him. If you don’t pick Leiftan his LOM will go down 10 points
Objective: go to your room to change.
- (Je pense que je vais mettre celle de Miiko.) (0)
- (Je vais porter celle de Karenn.) (0)
- (Je n’ai envie de porter ni l’une, ni l’autre.) (0) (Towards the illustration)
Purriry will knock at your door and offer you the new outfit for 750maana, or 500m if you won the minigames.
- Ok, ça marche, je l’achète ! (Towards the illustration)
- Désolée, mais je préfère m’en passer.
If you decline you will have to wear either Miiko’s or Karenn’s outfit, if you accept you will be able to wear the new dress (Towards the illustration). Make sure to put it on.
Objective: Go to the beach for your date
- (Sans savoir s’il le voulait ou non, je me suis appuyée sur son bras. J’ai envie de profiter de cet instant avec lui.)
- (Même si je ne connais pas son intention, j’ai préféré avancer un peu et lui laisser un plus de place.)
- Oui, on rentre?
- (Embrasser Ezarel sur la joue pour le remercier.)
- (Je me suis alors approchée de lui et me suis accrochée à son bras.)
- (Je suis restée près de lui sans le toucher.)
- Oui, bien sûr.
- (Embrasser Nevra sur la joue pour le remercier.)
- Ah… je ne suis pas sure de vouloir en savoir plus, ha ha.
- J’imagine que ce qu’elle t’a fait t’a plu? (Je n’arrive pas à contenir la jalousie dans ma voix.)
- Elle aurait pu se contenir un peu, c’est indécent. (-5)
Ah… je n’ai pas prévu de couverture, si tu veux, tu peux venir contre moi?
- (Je me suis rapprochée de Valkyon pour me glisser dans ses bras.) (0)
- Ça ira, ne t’en fais pas! (0)
Tu as passé une bonne soirée j’espère.
- Oui, très bonne, merci. (0)
- (Embrasser Valkyon sur la joue pour le remercier.) (0)
- (Il est tellement près de moi, j’ai le cœur qui bat à cent à l’heure…) (+/0) (dialogo 2?)
- Oui, tu ne m’as pas dit la taille d’un axambys.
Dialogo 2
- Non, ça ira. Merci.
- Merci… (Je l’ai laissé mettre son manteau sur mes épaules.) (0) Dialogo 3
Dialogo 3
- (Et j’en ai profité pour me coller à lui.)
- (Puis, je me suis avancée vers la mer.)
Objective: The HQ is under attack! Go back as soon as possible!
Go back, the guy who was with you will tell you to take the civilians to safety.
Objective: look for people who need help and take them to safety.
I found both Mery with Milo and the old man at the kiosk. When you find them you will get new objectives:
- Take the old man to the HQ
- Take the kids at the HQ
Take them inside, you will find Miiko; follow her to the Crystal room
Objective: Follow Miiko
You won’t be able to find your companion inside, and you will decide to go look for them. Stop at your room first to complete:
Objective: Go to your room to make sure your companion isnt there
Go outside the HQ for some monologues. After a few of them you will find the companion, it was at the village in my playthroughs. You’ll complete:
Objective: Find your companion!
Once you’ve found the familiar you’ll hear someone laugh; the boys are in danger, look for them to complete:
Objective: The boys are in danger, find them asap!
Go to the great door, to unlock (hopefully) the first illustration.
Objective: Miiko is exhausted. Bring her back to the HQ
Go to the Hall of doors, from there, go to the Crystal Hall
Objective: Miiko has decided to tell the truth about the attack and you want to support her. Go to the Crystal room.
After a few dialogues you will have a choice:
- Ezarel, tu viens ?
- Nevra, tu viens ?
- Valkyon, tu viens ?
The boy you pick will help you escorting the civilians. Go to the end of the forest, all the way to the plain
Edge of the forest > Hallow Tree > Deep Forest > Rocky Path > Elder’s Passage > Heather Den > Rigid Grove > Group of Birches > Natural Thicket > Plain
You will find Cryllis there; after the dialogue, you will have the objective:
Objective: There is something weird on the ground, find out what it is.
Go back to the Plain, you will find a piece of crystal and end up fighting the guy who came with you.
Objective: Go back to HQ
Go to the Hall of Doors to talk to Ewe and then to Miiko and the rest of the Guard.
You will find yourself at the Great Door
Objective: Go to Ykhar to listen to her plan.
Go towards the Crystal room
You will have to make this choice
- Tentons notre chance face à Naytili. (0) (Towards the illustration)
- (Le prix à payer est trop important, mais…)
Objective: Follow Huang Hua to train
Go to the hall of doors, you will be brought to the library. You’ll find yourself inside Huang Hua’s mind
Objective: Explore Huang Hua’s soul
It’s a straight path. After a while you will get
Objective: Find Miiko, fast!!
Straight ahead, again
You will find yourself at the library again, and this time you will have to enter Miiko’s mind but you will be interrupted before you can.
Objective: Go check what’s going on outside
At the arches.
Objective: Go back to the library for the last part of your training.
As it says. After you’ll get
Objective: Tell the others you’re ready
In the Crystal room. After getting ready they’ll tell you to rest a bit. In the corridor in front of you room you might get all the boys and Huang Hua and Miiko; you will also meet the boy you went to the beach with; if you want this dialogue keep going back and forth in the corridor until you meet him.
Go to the Hall of doors, Jamon will get you and Ykhra and take you to your rooms.
Objective: Join the others in the crystal room, it’s time
In the morning go to the Crystal room. After some scenes and dialogues you’ll find yourself inside Naytil’s mind.
Objective: Guide Miiko and Huang Hua
Follow the only way available.
Objective: Go rest
Once everything is done you will be able to go rest in your room.
After a while the POV will change to… Ashkore.
Objective: Meet him in the jail
Go from the Cherry Tree to the jail to end the episode.
Change the crush again to start the next episode with the right boy, Valkyon, Nevra or Ezarel!!
If you leave “someone” or “nobody” the episode 18 guy will be randomly selected!!
The creator of this site. (Not so) Secretly a cat.
Just a normal person
Non so per quale assurdo motivo, ma non ho ottenuto l’ultima illustrazione di Leiftan… meeee in objective there is a celebration at H.Q have fun.and im already saw purreru an i won an eskimo pie.after that im running around for daaaayyyyyssss and didnt see milo or anything else.i even went to the forest and back but nothing happend for me.pleaaaaaase help meee
where is the kiosk at
Penso di aver avuto un dialogo in più con Leiftain perchè non ho fato cadere nulla, ma gli sono caduta addosso e c’è stata una situazione piuttosto divertente dove il ragazzo confessa alla guardiana di avere la zona degli addominali molto sensibile e lei cadendo ha la mano poggiata sopra essi.
A: (Ho allontanato la mia mano e mi sono alzata)
B: (Ho lasciato la mia mano dov’era e ho guardato Leiftan intensamente) +5
scegliendo la seconda segue una scena che sa di preliminari xD e la gente intorno farà da voyeur
Stranamente la mia tenuta costa 750 manas nonostante io abbia vinto entrambi i minigames, mi viene detto che questo è il prezzo da amici e che di solito costa 910 manas.
Non so se sia una nuova versione o se è quella italiana
Ho appena giocato l’ episodio e gli ultimi 10 minuti sono “Oh Mio DDeeoo!!!” Avevi ragione, non mi riprenderò mai più!
Guida perfetta come sempre <3 Sono riuscita a sbloccare tutte e 3 le illustrazioni <3
Porcaccia la pupazza!!! Parlo del finale… 😱😱😱
non capisco perchè quando arrivo alla grande porta prima dell’illustrazione mi si blocca alla frase in cui si sente attirata dalle tenebre e non va più avanti T.T
ma una volta cambiato il colpo di fulmine per “qualcuno”, possiamo farlo tornare a quello iniziale sempre pagando 100 maana?
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