Episode 18

ATTENTION PLEASE!! This guide may still have some mistakes in it; double-check important info and please let me know if you find any.


Set the crush on the boy you want to do the episode with (Valkyon, Nevra or Ezarel) NOW or it will be randomly selected!!!

Total Maana: Between 3000 and 3500
Clothes:  A necklace
Companions  none
Items required: None
Items recived:
Illustrations: 6, 3 replays are needed. you need to set the crush option BEFORE you start the episode.
Unlocked areas: none
Unlocked companions: 

~ Illustrations: episode 18 ~
How to unlock the illustrations
  1. Before starting set the Crush of the boy you like.
  2. To get the second illustration, make the following choices:
    • (Se présenter.)
    • (La prendre dans ses bras.)
    • Je suis désolée… il est plutôt adorable d’habitude.
    • Je suis sûre qu’on va le retrouver. Ne perds pas espoir.

Video: [Not yet available]

IMPORTANT: the crush is necessary to pick the guy for the episode. Set it BEFORE starting.

!! Spoilers Ahead !!

⊗ Locations marked with ⊗ are not guaranteed but highly probable

(0) L’O’M doesn’t change
(+) L’O’M increases
(-) L’O’M decreases 

IMPORTANT: If the Crush isn’t set (or is on Leiftan) you will end up doing the episode with the boy with the highest LOM (or it will be randomly selected) and you will NOT get the first illustration.

After a recap that you can either read or skip, the episode will start… in a surprising way. I’m trying to limit the numbers of spoilers so this guide will only have the basic info :3

Objective:  Go to the Crystal room to warn Miiko. 

Go to the Crystal room, the next scenes will be automatic.

Objective: Go to the dining hall to have breakfast

Once there you will find out about what happened the night before. You can choose between

  • (Je sens une angoisse certaine me gagner, il faut que je sache si Leiftan est en vie!!!) (0)
  • Non, on nous l’aurait dit. (0)

but it will make no difference.

Objective: Someone was murdered during the night, find out if it’s Leiftan

I’ve found ALL the people in the Guard corridor; try that if you want, but know that the people could appear in any part of the HQ as long as it’s inside the walls. After a few dialogues you will meet Valkyon, usually in the Hall of doors (but, again, it was in the Guard corridor for me.):


Malheureusement pour nous, oui

  • Bon sang, tous ce que nous avons fait n’a servi à rien !
  • Encore une fois, nous prouvons que nous sommes des incapables! (-5)
  • Miiko doit être affligée par ce nouvel échec… (+5)

You will smartly decide to punch the wall and Ewelein will take you to the infirmary. There you will find that Leiftan is… sort of ok.

Objective: Exit the Infirmary

Do as it asks, the scenes will follow automatically until

Objective: Go to sleep

To your room! Then

Objective: Have breakfast

In the dining hall you will have a chance to talk to Colaia (or not). Depending on the job you picked in episode 17 you will end up doing different things so don’t be surprised/worried if you don’t end up with all of these objectives, you should only have one:

Objective: Take Colai to the infirmary

You’ll talk to Eweleine:

  • Oui j’avoue que je n’aurais jamais pensé débouler ici comme ça. (?)
  • Que veux tu? Entrée exceptionnelle, personne exceptionnelle! (-5)
  • J’espère que ma prochaine entrée ne te décevra pas! (+5/10)

Objective: time to work! 

Go to the village to talk to Milo:


  • La lune? Non, je viens d’une autre planète: la Terre. (0)
  • Ah non, je ne suis pas une lorialet. Je viens de la planète Terre. (0)

After you’re done you’ll get:

Objective: You have some free time, take the chance to relax!

Usually at the Pavilion (But it could be somewhere else, like the alchemy lab), you’ll meet Chrome:

  • Ok, je ne peux rien te refuser. (+5)
  • Je sais pas, tu m’offres quoi en échange? (0)
  • Chrome, je viens juste d’arrêter le boulot, j’ai envie de me reposer… (-5)

Who will persuade you to help him.

Objective: Help Chrome 

Go to the great door, where you will have to click on both the fractures in the wall, on both sides of the door .

Then go to the beach, click twice on the rocks blocking the path: 

Chrome will give you a ring, which will become important later.

Objective: They day is over, go to your room to rest

Go back to your room, in front of the door you’ll meet a new character.


Ce n’est pas grave, j’avais un peu la tête dans les nuages.

  • (Se présenter.) (Towards the illustration)
  • (Attendre qu’elle se présente.)

Objective: Spend some time with Yeu  to find out something more about her

You will have to unlock 2 dialogues, often at the music garden and the cherry tree.

Objective: Find Ezarel/Nevra/Valkyon/Leiftan to talk about what happened.

Exit the HQ towards the beach, on the way you will find Jamon and Colaia and Karenn. You will find the boy on the shore .



  • (Se cacher encore plus.) (0)
  • (Se montrer.) (0)
  • Ce n’est PAS drôle!!! Espèce de crétin. (0)
  • Tu m’as fait une de ces peurs! (-5)
  • Très drôle. Je suis vraiment morte de rire! (J’ai simulé un rire.) (+5)
  • Même si c’est très tentant, c’est ton miel, garde-le pour toi. (0)
  • Ok, fais moi goûter ça.(J’ai pris une petite cuillère de miel.) (0)
  • (J’ai posé mes mains autour de son cou et j’ai fait une moue boudeuse pour qu’il arrête.)(0)
  • Jamais, je refuse de m’avouer vaincue!(0)
  • (Je lui ai souri en contrepartie, même si ma curiosité n’est absolument pas apaisée.)(0)
  • (Je lui ai souri en contrepartie, malgré l’angoisse qui ma gagnait…)(0)


J‘étais justement en train de me dire que cela faisait un moment que nous n’avions pas passé du temps ensemble.

  • C’est vrai? Quelle coïncidence! (0)
  • Arrête, tu me charries. (0)


  • Je ne suis pas très friande de combats, pourtant. (0)
  • Compte sur moi pour prendre les armes quand tu en auras besoin! (0)
  • Si cela peut me permettre de mieux me défendre et de ne pas être un fardeau. Je veux bien (0)

Je crois que j’ai été un peu trop rapide… et j’ai l’impression d’avoir profité de toi. Je suis désolé.

  • Mais pas du tout! Je… (J’ai attrapé son bras par instinct.) (0)
  • Tu n’as pas tort… (0)

Tu veux que nous marchions un peu au bord de l’eau?

  • Bien sûr! (0)
  • Mmh, je suis pas sûre. (0)

Objective: You have nothing to do right now, go back to your room to spoil your companion

In the corridor  you will meet Yeu again.


  • (La prendre dans ses bras.) (Towards the illustration)
  • (Je ne sais pas quoi faire tant sa réaction m’a prise au dépourvu.)

Objective: make sure he hasn’t been sent on a mission.

Go to the Hall of Doors, the library is closed. You should meet a few girls and your companion, often at the pantry (I met the companion at the cherry tree or at the village).


  • Hé! Ne sois pas méchant avec elle. Je vais me fâcher sinon!
  • Je suis désolée… il est plutôt adorable d’habitude.(Towards the illustration)


  • Je suis sûre qu’on va le retrouver. Ne perds pas espoir. (Towards the illustration)
  • (Le problème c’est que je ne sais pas quoi dire pour lui remonter le moral.)

Objective: Find info about Tinh. 

At  the market Ewelein will come talk to you, go to the Pavilion.

Objective: You’re hungry!

Go to the dining hall. You will fight with the boy you picked for this episode (or has been picked for you)

Objective: he really pissed you off, take some air to calm down.

Go to the Pavilion, then outside at the crossroad. Go back outside the HQ. The dialogues that you’ll get should unlock the next objective.

Objective: Apologize to  E/N/V

Ezarel is in the alchemy lab, Nevra in the guards corridor and Valkyon at the forge.

Objective; he understands nothing. Go away before you explode.

Go to the rock, the one on the beach.

The POV will change.

Objective Go to  Miiko to tell her what happened.

Outside the Crystal door

Objective: Spy on Gardienne to find out what’s going on

You will have to unlock 3 dialogues, one at the crossroads, one outside the HQ and one at the pavilion; then you can go back to the forge for Valkyon, to the guard corridor for Nevra and to the alchemy lab for Ezarel.

Objective: Find Gardienne!

Go to the pavilion, where you will admit that you can’t find her.


Objective: Go somewhere isolated to calm down

To the rock next to the beach.


Objective: Follow the light towards the item liked to Tinh’s soul

You’ll finally get some explanations. go to the cherry tree and pick up this:

Objective: Go back to the Crystal Hall

As it says.

Objective: Go to the library to talk to Tinh’s spirit

Objective: Find Yeu

Go outside the HQ, go to the crossroad and then downstairs, to the beach. You will unlock the second illustration and have a last dialogue with Yeu.


Merci d’avoir été mon amie pendant ces quelques jours.

  • (Yêu, attends! Je te pardonne!!!)
  • (Désolée Yêu, mais je ne pourrais jamais te pardonner.)

Objective: Now that you are yourselves again, go talk to Miiko. 

Guard corridor. Then do what the next objective says:

Objective: Go to the infirmary for a check up

You will be send to rest

Objective: Listen to Miiko, take a walk

Go outside the HQ, you should meet Miiko again (usually at the market), Kero (usually Pavilion), and Karenn (the village or the music garden are common places). Once you’re done go to the Hall of Doors.

Objective: You want to talk to him and only with him

Ezarel at the lab, Nevra in the corridor and Valkyon at the forge.

Objective: Maybe is time to rest, go to your room. 

The next scene will end the episode.


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The creator of this site. (Not so) Secretly a cat.

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29/05/2018 8:16 pm

Quindi se il colpo di fulmine è impostato “su qualcuno” non ottengo in automatico l’illustrazione? o posso ottenerla ma con uno dei ragazzi scelto casualmente?

02/11/2018 7:17 pm

Io nel episodio precedente avevo scelto di aiutare in biblioteca e mi ha dato come obiettivo in questo livello quello di riordinare i documenti, qualsiasi scelta faccio in questo passaggio è neutro, vero?

20/12/2018 10:41 pm

salve, ” esci e dai retta a miko su dai ” ho speso 400 mana e miko non la trovo da nessuna parte, aiutatemi vi prego

14/04/2019 8:20 am

Ma se a me dovesse interessare Leiftan come dovrei fare in questo episodio ed in quelli futuri?

Serena Pascucci
Serena Pascucci
01/11/2019 5:12 pm

Una domanda ma l’obbiettivo: Trova Ezarel/Nevra/Valkyon/Leiftan per parlare dell’accaduto, con quale criterio trovo il ragazzo che vorrei? In base al CDF, al lom oppure trovo automaticamente il ragazzo con cui ho avuto l’appuntamento nell’episodio precedente?

16/12/2019 8:48 am

Appena finito di giocare l episodio:
Ce un po di casino, sopratutto all inizio, ma mi ha fatta piangere come per l episodio 16 :’)

La guida è perfetta, ho sbloccato le illustrazioni e ho apprezzato che non hai voluto fare spoiler e sei rimasta molto vaga

14/09/2024 12:04 am

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