Total Maana: Between 3000 and 4000
Clothes: none
Companions none
Items required: None
Items recived: none
Illustrations: 4, 4 replays are needed. The crush option must be set to get Leiftan’s illustration and route.
Unlocked areas: Vallons oubliés, Chute de l’Amphéa
Unlocked companions: Catatapillar
Video: [N/A]
ATTENTION PLEASE: At the beginning of episode 20 you will have a chance to change the boy you did this episode with but Leiftan WON’T be an option. The only way to do episode 21 with Leiftan is to do this episode with him.
!! Spoilers Ahead !!
(0) L’O’M doesn’t change
(+) L’O’M increases
(-) L’O’M decreases
⊗ High chances to find someone here (99% chance)
After a recap that you can either read or skip, Purroko will ask you if you want to change the boy you kissed in episode 18 for 200 maana.
- (Follow her orders without arguing.)(0)
- Miiko. There are probably people who need our protection, let me help you! (0) (Dialogue 2)
Dialogue 2
- Okay, I’m going back to my room. (0)
- I refuse. (0)
Objective: Go back to your room
Once there, you will hear some noises coming from behind the dresser.
Click on it (the exact position depends on your room layout) to continue:
Objective: go to….
You will have to pick
- Cave ✓
- Forge ×
- Alchemy lab. ×
The wrong answers will send you to the cave once you’ve investigated that place, so it will just make you waste 20 maana.
Objective: Take the rock off
You will find a person trapped under a rock; click on them to remove them.
Objective: Bring this person to a safety
Go back to the Hall of Doors. Miiko is there:
C’est… vrai?
- Oui, j’ai entendu sa voix à travers une fissure dans ma chambre. Je n’ai pas cherché à comprendre et je suis partie le chercher. (0)
- Non, c’est une blague. (-5)
Objective: Follow Miiko to the Great Door
On your way you can talk to her.
- Mmh, j’irais plutôt me renseigner par moi-même. C’est tellement compliqué de comprendre Jamon. (-5)
- Je n’y manquerai pas, j’aime en savoir plus sur ce monde. (+5)
Once there you will have to close the great door with the help of the boy you kissed; when it’s done, go to the village.
Objective: You have nothing left to do, go away.
At the village there will be another earthquake.
Objective: Go to Miiko in the Crystal room
After some scenes, you will find yourself alone, in a weird place.
Objective: you’re alone but why? Try to understand what’s going on, go forward into the darkness.
Follow the only path available. You will find yourself in the infirmary. The boy of the kiss will come to you and Ewelein will leave you two alone. When he leave you can talk to Ewelein.
Only if the boy is Ezarel:
- (J’hésite, je veux pas lui briser le cœur.) (+10)
- (Je préfère être honnête avec elle et ne pas tourner autour du pot.) (-5)
- Oui… enfin,nous n’étions plus vraiment nous-mêmes. (0)
- (Garder le silence.). (-5)
Only if the boy is Ezarel:
- Tu es sûre? (+5)
- Ça te rassure? Pourquoi? (+10)
Objective: Take some air.
When you exit you will have a monologue in the Hall of Doors.
Objective: Go to the beach, if you can!
Go towards the beach, you will meet some people along the way:
Alajea & Chrome:
- En quoi ça nous concerne? (0)
- Mais c’est pas grave ça. (0)
- Quoi? C’est que ça la grande nouvelle? (-5 con Alajéa)
Only if you Kissed Nevra:
- Pas de soucis, je ne t’en veux pas. (+5)
- Un coup de sang arrive à tout le monde.
- Comme je suis bienveillante et magnanime, je vais te pardonner. (-5)
You will also meet Mery and Milo.
At the beach, you can decide to affirm or deny your feelings for the boy you kissed. You need to deny them for Leiftan’s illustration.
Objective: you made up your mind, go back to the HQ.
In the Hall of Doors.
Objective: Find Chrome
Go to the Cherry tree, he isn’t there.
Objective: Chrome is not there, Try to find him and don’t lose your patience!
Go to the Arches where you will find Huang Hua
Huang Hua:
- Je n’ai pas fait exprès, pas besoin de me sermonner. (-5)
- Je sais… tu n’es pas la première à me le dire. Je suis désolée. (+5)
Now you should be able to find Chrome just outside the HQ’s walls.
- (Lui filer une tape sur le crâne.). (-5)
- (Crier pour le réveiller.). (-10)
- (Le réveiller doucement.) (+5)
- (Je préfère vérifier vu l’embrouilleur que c’est.) (-5)
- Non, ça ira. Le plus important c’est que je t’aie retrouvé et que nous accomplissions cette mission.(0)
- Je te crois, ne t’en fais pas.(+5)
Objective: Take measurements at the Forest, Fountain and Cherry tree.
Start with the Deep forest, then go to the Hollow Tree; then go to the Fountain and the Cherry tree.
Objective: Go to the Crystal Hall for the last measurements.
At the pavilion you will see the Oracle; keep going.
When you’re done, you will remember your vision and you will ask Miiko to call Huang Hua to talk. They will then ask you to leave.
Objective: go out.
Chrome is waiting for you outside the Crystal Hall.
- C’est étonnant, tu ne cries pas au complot?(+5)
- Je pense aussi… (0)
Objective: Go rest in your room
Go to your room then to the dining hall for:
Objective: Eat something
- Tu vas bien? (+5)
- Euuuuuh… Bonjour? (0)
- Du calme, tu me stresses. (-5)
- Désolée, mais c’était tellement bon. Tu m’as époustouflée. (0)
- Désolée, mais il n’y en avait pas assez… J’en veux encore! (0)
Objective: That was a good meal, go to sleep!
Go towards your room, there is a crowd at the Hall of Doors
Miiko will make an announcement and you will notice that people don’t trust the guard anymore. You can agree or disagree with them. Huang Hua will tell you she wants to talk.
Objective: follow Huang Hua
at the pavilion.
Huang Hua:
- Ça marche, j’y réfléchirai! (0)
- Je sais déjà que je veux venir avec toi. (+5)
Objective: You can finally rest, take advantage of it!
At the Hall of doors you will overhear a conversation between Ewe and Huang Hua; go to your room.
When you wake up you’ll find yourself at the library.
Objective: get ready for the trip.
You have 3 sub-objective; the order doesn’t matter. You could find Chrome, Leiftan, Valkyon, Nevra and/or Ezarel in the corridors, if you want to talk to them all go back and forth.
The only one with dialogue options is Leiftan:
- A part me mettre à moitié dans l’eau, non pas vraiment, haha! (0)
- Euh… non. Pas que je me souvienne. (0)
Objective: Go to the infirmary to get a first aid kit.
Ewelein is in the Hall of doors. go in to get this:
Objective: Help Karuto in the kitchen
Go to the dining hall then the pantry then the kitchen
- Le respect, ça te parle? (-5)
- Attends, je viens t’aider. (0)
- Je me pousse, mais… (+5)
- Un peu, oui… (-5)
- Euh Karuto… je ne suis pas aussi forte que tu sembles le penser. (0)
- Non, mets-en un autre! (+5)
Objective: do not forget to take your things
In your room, again, where depends on the layout. For Ezarel’s room:
When you’re done you’ll get:
Objective: You completed all your objectives, you have some free time, relax in the garden.
Go to the pavilion. You can pick among Kero Alajea or Karenn; the person you pick will come with you on the mission. You will also meet Kero (often at the music garden), Cameria and Cryllis (try the cherry tree or the fountain) and Karenn and Alajea (they can be at the cherry tree). When you’ve talked to them all go to the Hall of Doors.
You have to choose again, regarding the boy you kissed.
- (Maybe it’s better this way)
- (And if he doesnt’ feel the same?) (Towards the illustration)
For Leiftan the monologue will be slightly different:
- (Mais au moins, les choses sont claires.) (Towards the illustration)
- (J’ai peut-etre pris una decision trop hativement?)
Go to bed and the next morning:
Objective: Follow the others. It’s the departure day!
Go outside the Great Door. If you are on Leiftan’s route you will wish for a boy to be with you on the mission. As before, the boy you wish for will be coming with you.
Leiftan doesn’t want to talk to you, so you will talk to the boy you picked/kissed
- (Je ne préfère pas répondre, je sais que l’ignorance fonctionne bien avec lui.) (+5)
- Vas-y, je t’en prie. Ça me fera des vacances! (-5)
- Viens par ici, toi! (L’attraper et lui faire un câlin.) (0)
- Pour ma part, j’ai surtout hâte que le cristal retrouve sa santé. (0)
- Les fenghuangs? Ou les femmes fenghuangs? (-5)
- Ils ont l’air d’être un peuple admirable. (+5)
- Un peu… (-5)
- Tellement, tu n’imagines même pas! (0)
- Pas vraiment, je suis plutôt confiante. (+5)
Huang Hua:
- (J’ai secoué la tête pour reprendre mes esprits.)(0)
- (Ah tiens, on part encore une fois à dos de Shau’kobow!)(0)
Objective: it’s time to go to the temple. GO to the deep forest.
Head that way, to the Hollow Tree.
A QTE will start!
What will happen (and some dialogues in the future) will depend on your victory. Go back toward the deep forest; once you get to the hollow tree, after the dialogue, go back to the edge of the forest, where Huang Hua is waiting for you.
Go to the deep forest (just after the hollow tree)
Obiettivo: Continuate ad andare avanti
Go forward towards the plain. You should have a dialogue with Chrome and one with Ewelein. Ewelein is mandatory at least on Ezarel’s route. She is often on the left of the group of birches.
Let me remind you the way:
Edge of the forest > Hallow Tree > Deep Forest > Rocky Path > Elder’s Passage > Heather Den > Rigid Grove > Group of Birches > Natural Thicket > Plain
- Oui… tu n’as pas tort. (+5)
- C’est toi qui as tendance à mettre le bazar à chaque fois, pas moi!(-5)
- Pour une fois que ce n’était pas toi! (0)
You will also have a dialogue with the guy you have chosen:
- Quoi?! (0)
- Je t’entraînerai dans ma perte, Ezarel. (J’ai pris une voix lugubre.) (+5)
- our moi, ce sera à emporter! (-5)
- Pardon? J’ai bien entendu? (C’est quoi cette réflexion de bas étage?) (-5)
- Ne rêve pas, tu ne connaitrais jamais ce déhanché! (+5)
- Euh… merci? (0)
- Un peu… (-5)
- Tellement, tu n’imagines même pas! (0)
- Pas vraiment, je suis plutôt confiante. (+5)
Objective: Visit Patriarch Ethel
In the caves, these maps:
Are still mostly correct but it seems like Crossroad A and B, in gallery b have been switched.
Objective: Good, you wasted your maana, now go all the way back to town to waste some more. (the translation of this objective could uh, differ from the original.)
On the way back you will talk to some people, the person you wanted on the mission (Karenn, Alajea or Kero) and Chrome. Also
- En amitié, oui… Si tu attends de moi plus que ça, je crains de devoir te dire non. (0)
- (3) Je… (C’est même sûr, mais les mots refusent de sortir de ma bouche.) (0) (Towards Leiftan’s illustration?)
- Je ne sais pas, je ne suis pas prête à répondre à cette question, Leiftan. (0)
You should see answer 3 only if you have the crush set on someone; it MIGHT be needed for the illustration, but I’m still testing this.
- Je vois. Je te laisse profiter alors. (0)
- Tu n’en as pas déjà profité l’autre fois? (-5)
- Et tu as trouvé des choses intéressantes? (+5)
- Qui “ils”? (0)
- *Chuchote*. Ok, je ne t’embête pas plus. (+5)
- Un jour, tu te feras prendre… (-5)
- Eh bien, si ça fane, nous replanterons! (+5)
- Nous n’avons qu’a programmer un arrosage automatique. (0)
- Dis-toi que nous avons planté un cactus. (-5)
- Tu sais que chaque familier a sa propre nourriture? (-5)
- Oh, tu as déjà une idée du familier que tu désires?
- Il va être bien gâté avec toi. La chance! (+5)
Go to camp, it’s time for dinner
Objective: You can’t sleep, take some air.
Go out of the tent and… surprise!
Objective: join the others at the village.
Go out of the tent, again, and to the village; in front of it you will find Huang Hua.
Objective: Continue to the temple
Head towards the cave.
Once you’re there, keep following the only path available, it will take you to your room, that you’re sharing with Ewelein.
- Ça ira pour moi aussi! Merci. (0)
- J’ai toujours chaud la nuit, je risque même de ne pas utiliser la couverture que vous nous vez donnée. (0)
- Je suis plutôt frileuse… je ne dirais pas non à une couverture supplémentaire (0)
- Comme je te comprends! (0)
- Haha, j’ai l’impression de voir Miiko, pour le coup. (+5)
- J’avoue que j’ai un peu faim également… (-5)
Objective: Leave Ewelein with her unexpected patient and take advantage of that to take a look around
Go backward, you will crash into Karuto, keep going.
Objective: Go back to the temple, it’s dinner time
Go back to the temple: you’ll faint
Objective: Gardienne fainted, find Ewelein!
In your room. Well, Gardienne’s.
POV will switch again; you will have a nightmare. Depending on your previous choices, Leiftan or the boy who kissed you will be with you when you wake up.
- Tu n’es pas obligé… (+/0)
- Ezarel, j’étouffe… (-5)
- (Et je n’avais pas envie qu’il me lâche…) (+/0)
- Tu n’es pas obligé… (-5)
- Tu as une voix magnifique…(+/0)
- (Je me sens totalement envoûtée par le timbre suave de sa voix. ) (+/0)
- (A ces mots, j’ai senti mes jambes faillir malgré ma position allongée.)(+5)
- Je sais Valkyon, j’ai toute confiance en toi. (0)
- Et si ce qui me menace est plus fort que toi? (-5)
- (Je n’arrive pas à relever la tête.)(-5)
- (J’ai redressé la tête.) (+/0)
- J’ai resserré mes mains autour de son corps.) Non, je ne veux pas que tu me voies dans cet état. (+/0)
NOTE: If you prefer to avoid sexual situations (although this one is mild) you can miss the illustration and just cuddle by selecting the other choice.
- (Je ne peux pas me laisser emporter.)
- (Je n’arrive pas à contrôler mes pulsions…) Towards the illustration
Leiftan’s dialogue is slightly different.
- (Je n’arrive pas à me laisser aller.)
- (Je ne peux pas lui résister.) Towards the illustration
End of the episode.[
The creator of this site. (Not so) Secretly a cat.
Dopo 3 replay posso confermare che per avere l’illustrazione di Leiftan è necessario avere il colpo di fulmine per lui sin dall’inizio dell’episodio. Se lo abbiamo per un altro e confutiamo i nostri sentimenti per il ragazzo baciato nell’episodio scorso, subito dopo potremmo scegliere per chi confermare i nostri sentimenti tra gli altri due rimasti (Leiftan semplicemente non sarà un’opzione disponibile).
Se abbiamo il colpo di fulmine con lui la Guardiana affermerà da sola che invece ha una cotta per Leiftan.
Ciao 🙂
Credo che questa informazione che sto per darti riguardi principalmente la route di Ezarel.
Quando c’è l’obiettivo “Continuate ad andare avanti”
(riporto anche il percorso per chiarezza
Limitare della foresta > Sentiero dei cipressi > Albero Cavo > Foresta profonda > Sentiero Roccioso > Passaggio degli antichi > Tane della brughiera > Boschetto > Gruppo di betulle > Ceduo Naturale)
PRIMA di andare al Ceduo Naturale, quindi quando ci si trova a “gruppo di betulle” bisogna necessariamente andare a Sinistra (non mi ricordo il nome del luogo, aiuto c.c) e sbloccare il dialogo con Ewelein, che riguarda Ezarel appunto. In caso contrario non procede 🙁
Inoltre, all’Obiettivo: Bene hai speso maana inutilmente, fatti tutta la scarpinata indietro verso la città (Obiettivo Liberamente adattato) [LOL] al dialogo con Leiftan, se si sta giocando la route con un altro ragazzo che non è Leiftan, non è necessario rispondere “Je… (C’est même sûr, mais les mots refusent de sortir de ma bouche.)”. Io ho risposto “Come amico” (o quello che cappero dice) e ho ricevuto l’illustrazione con Ezarel comunque.
Spero di essere stata utile ♥
Ciao alla fine ho risolto nell’episodio 18 e miko l’ho trovata nella dispensa, devo stare attenta e cercare bene, evidentemente i creatori danno dei luoghi diversi per ogni persona che ci gioca, infatti ora nell’episodio 19 devo trovare karen e compagnia nei giardini e non li trovo, nemmeno al chiosco, forse se tento di nuovo nella dispensa riesco ahaha
Per andare a Balenvia bisogna incontrare tutti i personaggi (Chrome, Leiftan ed Ewelein).
If I choose Leiftan in single episode replay in ep 19, Will I be able to choose him in the single episode replay in ep 20?
i’m mad confused why doesn’t your guide show how to get to the fenghuang temple. i’m lost, i can’t find it and I’ve wasted so much money
Guida perfetta come sempre <3
Sono riuscita a sbloccare l illustrazione e il pezzo delle grotte penso sia il momento in cui ho speso meno maana!! Sono entrata ed uscita senza problemi è ho incontrato tutti O_O
Ciao! Dopo aver preso il necessario dalla stanza ho incontrato Leiftan che cerca di sapere se è successo qualcosa durante la possessione dell’episodio precedente, le opzioni di dialogo erano :
a-A parte immergermi quasi del tutto nell’acqua,no … Ahah!
b-Ehm.. che ricordi, no. (neutra)
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