Total Maana: 3000-4000
Clothes: none
Companions: none
Items required: None
Items received: Lund’Mullhingar brooch can be obtained by unlocking the second illustration
Illustrations: 3 no replay is needed. The crush option is not needed.
Unlocked areas: Path of the Pilgrim, Alter of Fire
Unlocked companions: Midnight Homonculus (Path of the Pilgrim), Homonculus de Midi (Island), Dawn Homonculus (Hill Entrance)
Video: [N/A]
!! Spoilers Ahead !!
(0) L’O’M doesn’t change
(+) L’O’M increases
(-) L’O’M decreases
⊗ High chances to find someone here (99% chance)
The episode will start where the previous one left us. You won’t get the option to change boy, but you can still do it starting from the first replay.
Depending on who is in your room:
- No, not at all. I… (I looked away, bothered.) (+5)
- To tell you the truth, yes… (0)
- With you, one never knows… (-5)
- (I threw myself into his arms to kiss him again.) (+5)
- Uh… I hadn’t really seen things like that, to say the truth. (0)
- (I don’t know what to say…) (-5)
- Do you want to come? (+5)
- I’ll join you at the dining hall. (0)
If you are sharing a bed with Leiftan:
Objective: get some air to calm yourself
To the Altar of fire
- (L’embrasser pour le rassurer.) (+5)
- Tu as cru que je t’abandonnais? (0)
- Tu n’as aucune raison de paniquer… (-5)
Objective: Go back to your room
- Je la trouve plutôt froide personnellement. (+5)
- Oui, même si je n’ai pas vraiment pris le temps de l’admirer … (0)
- Je dois bien avouer y avoir à peine prêté attention … (-5)
- Et je serai là pour t’aider à les contenir. (+5)
- Et pour être honnête… si tu veux boire mon sang, fais-le! (0)
- Même si ce ne doit pas être si dur que ça que de se contrôler. (-5)
- Mais non pas du tout…(+5/0?)
- Je le prendrais très mal si tu buvais le sang d’une autre, oui! (0)
- Non, je ne veux juste pas que tu nous attires des ennuis en mordant un fenghuang! (-5)
- D’accord, mais je veux un baiser, un vrai et long baiser avant de m’endormir! (+5)
- Mais je… j’ai encore envie de toi. (0)
- Je n’ai pas sommeil! (?)
- (Les mots s’embrouillent dans mon esprits, je ne sais pas quoi dire…) (?)
- Arrête! Tu vas me faire rougir. (+5/0?)
- Toi aussi, tu es tout ce que je cherchais… (-5)
Objective: take a shower downstairs
Go to the altar of fire.
Objective: Go to the kitchen for a last meal with the fenghuangs. It’s almost time to leave!
In the kitchen you’ll find Chrome:
- I guess, I don’t feel well rested. (+5)
- Like a log! (0)
- Yes, why do you want to know? (-5)
After breakfast you’ll get:
Objective: You’re ready to leave, but that’s not true for everyone. Kill some time
Go to the main square to continue
Objective: Say goodbye to the temple, it’s time to leave and go back to Eel
Go outside and backtrack towards Eel
Objective: There is no time to lose, go back to the HQ
It’s pretty straight forward-
Objective: Come on, you’re almost there!
You’ll find yourself at the heart of the forest, the plain. Go back to the HQ.
> Natural Thicket > Group of Birches > Rigid Grove > Heather Den > Elder’s Passage > Rocky Path > Deep Forest > Hallow Tree > Edge of the forest
After the dialogue, keep going
Objective: the crystal needs you, you shall heal it!
Once you’re in the crystal room, you will unlock the first illustration.
You’ll find yourself talking to your crush.
- Oh, is that how you are? I hope you’ll be naked at least. (+5)
- Okay, I can’t wait for tonight. (0)
- Okay, but don’t make a mess like the other night! (-5)
- (Essayer de le convaincre en l’embrassant.) (+5)
- S’il-te-plaît, dis-moi la vérité. (0)
- (Essayer de le convaincre d’une manière peu… conventionnelle.) (-5)
- Ok, magari potrei accettare la proposta di Huang Hua e andare a vivere con i Fenghuang. Poi troverò il giovane con cui ho danzato… . (0/+5)
- C’est ça, cause toujours. Allez, à ce soir! (0/+5)
- Nevra … Non mi piace l’idea che tu veda un’altra. (-5)
- Oh, accidenti! Miiko può aspettare altri cinque minuti. (+5)
- Dai, un ultimo bacio, te lo meriti. (?)
- (Non fare niente e vattene) (-5)
Where you are depends on the man with you, but the goal is always the same:
Objective: Miiko wants to see you, go to the crystal room
Followed by another self-explanatory objective.
Objective: Go to the infirmary
Objective: Give Miiko the results
In the crystal hall, again. You will be redirected towards your room. If you’re Leiftan’s girlfriend, you’ll find him at the exit, for the others, complete the objective:
Objective: Go back to your room
The following objective depends on your boyfriend:
Objective: Go study at the library
Just as it says, the game will be merciful and will let you save 10 maana once you get to the hall of doors.
Objective: is it time for dinner? Go to the dining hall.
This one doesn’t need an explanation either.
- I won’t force you to stay with me. (-5)
- My boyfriend isn’t that great either… (+5)
- (Hit Ezarel) Creep. (0)
Objective: Go to your room.
In your room you will have the choice to start a sexual intercourse. the dialogue changes slightly if it’s the first time but the result is the same. You can freely choose whether to let yourself go or not.
- (And what I wanted, was just to be in his arms… Nothing else.)(0) (No intercorse)
- (And what I wanted… Was his body. Always.)(0) (/bunny mode on)
Objective: Go with Leiftan to the beach
After a while he will leave and won’t come back. Go look for him at the HQ; in the hall of doors you will talk with Ykhar, then go to your room, followed by the dining hall, then your room again.
Objective: Leiftan didn’t come back. Go look for him
- Je t’aime aussi. (+5)
- Je sais. (0)
- (Je n’arrive pas à le lui dire… ces mots… je ne me sens pas capable de les dire pour le moment.)(0)
After the dialogue, you will have the choice to start a sexual intercourse. the dialogue changes slightly if it’s the first time but the result is the same. You can freely choose whether to let yourself go or not.
Objective: Is it time for lunch? Go to the dining hall
To the dining hall indeed.
- Je ne pense pas que cela changer grand chose. (-5)
- Tu penses que cela pourrait changer quelque chose? (0)
- Pourquoi pas? Si cela peut lui faire entendre raison… (+5)
Objective: Follow Nevra outside, to go study your mission report
Go to the beach, the choice:
- Arrête… je… je ne veux pas! (Obijective 2)
- Pas ici… on pourrait nous surprendre… (Obijective 1)
will determine the following objective
Objective: 1: Go back to your room.
Easy enough.
Objective: 2: Go to the library
Go to the library then back to the beach, the “objective 1” will follow.
In your room you will have the choice to start a sexual intercourse. the dialogue changes slightly if it’s the first time but the result is the same. You can freely choose whether to let yourself go or not.
- (Je n’arrive pas à retenir le désir que j’éprouve pour lui depuis que j’ai goûté à son corps.) (/bunny mode on)
- (Même si je connais son corps dans les moindres recoins, je ne suis pas sûre d’être prête pour aller jusque là…) (No intercorse)
Objective: Go study at the library
Just as it says, the game will be merciful and will let you save 10 maana once you get to the hall of doors.
Objective: Is it time for dinner? Go to the dining hall
No need to explain.
Objective: go to your room
In your room you will have the choice to start a sexual intercourse. the dialogue changes slightly if it’s the first time but the result is the same. You can freely choose whether to let yourself go or not.
- (J’ai envie de son corps… maintenant.) (0) (I/bunny mode on)
- (Je l’ai embrassé tendrement et me suis blottie contre son torse.) (0) (No intercorse)
The following morning you will have to go to the Eel refuge to complete:
Objective: Join your group at the Refuge of Eel, it’s time to leave.
Then go to the beach for:
Objective: Board the boat and go to the lands of the kappas
In the middle of the sea you’ll see “towards the jade lands” click there
Objective: board the ship!
And following:
Objective: Join Master Kappa at the village
The path is the same as episode 7
It’s time to investigate, your partner will follow you for
Objective: Investigate the disapparence: find clues and question everyone you meet
GO back towards the beach [Fine Sand Beach], you should meet Elliot on the way, once you’re there you’ll find:
Pick it up.
The following dialogue will unlock the second illustration
- (Look at it with interest.)(Illustration #2)
- Show it to [your partner].
At the [Rooted tree] you will find some leaves to pick up
On the way back you will meet some nomads, question them,
Objective: Go back to Master Kappa, the others might have found more clues.
Objective: Go to the beach.
If you are with Valkyon you’ll get:
If you are with Ezarel you’ll get:
Objective: Huang Hua wants to see you, go to the Kappa Village.
No explanation needed 😛
Objective: It’s time to leave, fold the tents
On the beach.
Objective: Go back to HQ!
Go to the hall of doors.
Objective: You got back late, it’s time for bed
Go to your room, if your love interest is Ezarel you’ll have some secondary objectives
Objective: Go to the crystal room
Just get to the corridor in front of it.
Objective: Gather the nomads for the departure
You’ll find them at the village, at the pavilion and at the arches. When you’re done go back to your room to pick up your stuff and complete the objective:
Objective: Take a backpack with a set of clean clothes
As usual, it depends on your room background. For Ezarel’s:
Objective: You have to go back to Balenvia to escort the nomads, go to the Great door for the departure
Nothing to add 😛
Objective: Go to the center of the village
The road to Balenvia is the same as usual.
Edge of the forest > Hallow Tree > Deep Forest > Rocky Path > Elder’s Passage > Heather Den > Rigid Grove > Group of Birches > Natural Thicket >
Go to the town square for the next dialogue.
Objective: Go to camp
Go outside the village, follow the road for the cave, it’s the same path as episode 15
Objective: Find Ykhar and Cameria
Go back to the village, you should find them both on the way, YKhar usually just after the cave, Cameria on the path; if you don’t find them there, go inside the village, sometimes Cameria is in front of the major house.
Objective: You got nothing to do, go back to camp
After talking to a npc you will get the objective:
Objective: You can’t keep your eyes open, go to bed
Go inside your tent to continue, your partner will join you
Objective: Waste maana, emn, go back to Eel
You will be able to save a whole 20? 30 maana? by appearing in the middle of the forest, go towards the Den and back home. A timeskip is waiting for you in the Hall of Doors.
Objective: Join Alajea at the market
She is actually there, for once. AFter a while Ykhar will arrive to tell you
Objective: Go immediately to the Crystal hall, it’s urgent!
You have a very important choice to make now, even if your character is not aware of it.
You will have to choose between:
- (Go to Balenvia)
- (Go to the Jade land)
Depending on what you choose a character will die and the other survive. If you go to the Kappa Village, Patriarch Ethel will die. If you go to Balenvia, the Master Kappa will die.
I’ll split the guide, click on your choice.
Once there they will tell you what happened to Patriarch Ethel, or Master Kappa.
Objective: Go to bed
The morning after you will find yourself at the dining hall, go to the hall of crystal for:
Objective: Join the meeting
You will be told to stay at the QG, unless you’re Leiftan’s girlfriend, in that case you will be sent to the Jade Land; it doesn’t really matter at the moment anyway, because Ewelein will burst inside the room, Milo, Mery and 2 more kids disappeared!
Objective: Help Ykhar to gather a searching squad
You’ll meet your partner at the pavilion or the Music garden. Then you’ll find Alajea (Try the arches) Chrome and Ykhar (sometimes at the fountain.
Objective: You have enough people for the search party, go to the hall of doors
You’ll start searching, go to the heart of the forest, you should get several clues on the way, including one at pebble hill and one in the clearing. Go back, to the entrance to the forest, where you’ll meet Elliot.
Objective: go to the beach, the kids are most surely there!
Once the scene is over, you’ll find yourself in the crystal room, ready to depart to find the missing boys.
Objective: Trust Elliot and let him guide you to his friends
Go to the beach, follow the path, you’ll find Milo first. The following dialogues will unlock the last illustration
- I should have guessed it was you…
- What are you doing here?(Towards the illustration)
E poi
- What did you do to him?!
- Let that child go! (Towards the illustration)
- Go without me, Miiko. I’ll be a weight!
- Yes… but Ezarel, I… I don’t want to leave him.(Illustration #3)
Objective: Go back to HQ
There is still only one way.
Objective:Go to the HQ, one last time.
Episode 21 ends.
The creator of this site. (Not so) Secretly a cat.
where is the location?
uh? °-°
l’ “Obiettivo: vai alla spiaggia, i bambini sono lì di sicuro!”
Per chi è della guardia dell’ombra dà “Svolgi le ricerche nella foresta, bisogna ritrovare i bambini!”
Presumo sia cosi… perchè dopo l’incontro in Sala, l’obiettivo è cambiato in questo (m non ho ancora svolto).
Lo dico, magari chi come me si ritrova un obiettivo diverso e gli sorge qualche dubbio 😉
where do i find the second clue i have looked everywhere but all i got is one clue and i have talked to master kappa
Guida perfetta come sempre, sono riuscita a sbloccare tutte e 3 le illustrazioni… Ma è un episodio abbastanza sconvolgente, sopratutto per il finale 🙁
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