Episode 22

ATTENTION PLEASE!! This guide may still have some mistakes in it; double-check important info and please let me know if you find any.
Some dialogues have been translated from Italian/French/Spanish.

Total Maana: 1200-2500
Clothes: none
Companions:  none
Items required: None
Items received:
Illustrations: 4, requires 3 replays. The crush option is not needed.
Unlocked areas: Grande place, Monts Sǐzhě
Unlocked companions: Alfeli, for 400 gold coins in the shop, at the end of the episode.

~ Illustrations: episode 22 ~

How to unlock the illustrations

Please note: It’s possible to obtain Ezarel’s illustration at the same time as our boyfriend’s.


  • (Laisser sa joie prendre le pas sur la colère et lui sauter au cou.) (Towards the illustration if you’re dating him)
  • (Tenter de rester neutre malgré tout.) (Towards the illustration if you’re dating someone else)

The crush is not necessary,



  • Saurais-tu où je peux en trouver? (Towards the illustration) (Dialogue 2)
  • Je ne me suis jamais sentie aussi proche de quelqu’un, Leiftan…(Towards the illustration)


  • Bonjour ♥ (Je l’ai embrassé tendrement.)(Towards the illustration)


  • (J’ai du mal à réfréner mes envies!) (Towards the illustration)

Video: [N/A]

!! Spoilers Ahead !!

(0) L’O’M doesn’t change
(+) L’O’M increases
(-) L’O’M decreases

⊗ High chances to find someone here (99% chance)

The episode will start where the previous one left us.


  • (Prendre la défense d’Ezarel et dire à Miiko de le laisser tranquille.)( +5 ) (Dialogue 2)
  • (Ne pas intervenir.) (0)

Dialogue 2

  • … et parce que je veux te soutenir… quelles que soient les circonstances. ( +5
  • … et que ce n’est pas en te braquant que nous aurons le fin mot de cette histoire.  ( -5/-10)

Objective: Instead of waiting for Ezarel, talk with your companions about the situation.


Objective: Instead of waiting for Ezarel, talk with your companions about the situation.

You won’t find your boyfriend, so don’t worry about that, here are some *possible* places, if they don’t have a ⊗ they’re not certain:

  • Ykhar ⊗: Library
  • (Look for the source) (0)
  • (Leave discretely) (0)
  • Valkyon: In front of your room
  • (J’ai détourné le regard.) Je me suis dit que c’était peut-être autre chose… (+5)
  • Je comprends, il est dans tous les esprits. (0)
  • Je ne pouvais pas le deviner, tu as peut-être d’autres problèmes à gérer. (-5)
  • Nevra: Pantry, simple corridor, cave
  • Je demandais cela par politesse, pas besoin d’être aussi cinglant! (-5)
  • Désolée… J’ai l’impression d’avoir posé une question idiote. (+5)
  • Je ne m’attendais pas à une telle franchise. (0)
  • Ewelein ⊗: Infirmary, you’ll find the door closed
  • Leiftan: you have the chance to meet him in the Corridor in front of your room or at the pavilion
  • Huang-Hua: Eel village/refuge or fountain
  • Quand est-ce que ça ira mieux ?! J’ai l’impression que le mauvais œil est sur nous. (-5)
  • Je te comprends… (Je n’ai pas pu m’empêcher de souffler…) (+5)
  • C’est tellement injuste, tout ça ! (0)

You should then unlock a monologue, it could happen at the arches or at the great door or at the market.

Objective: take a shower

In the Guards corridor, you’ll meet Ezarel.

Objective: Go calm yourself in your room

When you’re there, your boyfriend should join you

Objective: You can’t sleep, get some air

Chrome should be just outside the door


  • Oui, toi… (0)
  • (J’ai levé les yeux au ciel.)  (0)
  • Tu vois quelqu’un d’autre ici? (+5)

You’ll get a monologue in the Hall of Doors. Go to the beach; on the way you will get several messages describing what’s happening

Objective: Twylda, Mery’s mother, seems to want to do something irrevocable. Find a way to stop it!

Move towards the dark sea.

You will stop her, getting slightly hurt in the process, once you’re back on the beach the guard leaders Miiko, Ewelein and Leiftan will approach; they were looking for her. Your crush will notice the wound but you ask him to keep quiet. After the next scene, you will get another objective.

Objective: The worst has been avoided. Take care of Twylda and return to the HQ

In the Hall of Doors. The scene will move to the dining hall.


  • Juste un chocolat chaud, merci… (0)
  • Un café avec une touche de lait, s’il te plaît. (0)
  • Comme tu le veux, j’aime tout (0)

Objective: Take Twylda to the infirmary

Once you’re there you’ll get a chance to talk to Ewelein before the next objective

Objective: Go to sleep!

In your room 😛

Objective: Take a shower and have lunch, the meeting is about to start

Go to the Hall of Doors

Objective: It’s time for the meeting, go to the Crystal room!

During the meeting, you will realize that Ezarel is not there. Ykhar will be sent to fetch him and… she won’t be able to find him!

Objective: Try to find Ezarel

Go at the market; you will be asked whether you want to question Purreru or Purral first, the order doesn’t matter. Move to the refuge, then the pavilion. Explore all of the garden, including the cherry tree and the fountain. You should get a dialogue at each of these places. When you’re done, move to the arches; Ezarel’s companion is there. If it doesn’t pop and you already visited all the above-mentioned areas, try exiting and re-entering.

Go to the great gate, you’ll decide to ask the inhabitants of the refuge.

When you’re done you’ll decide to go to rest.

Objective: Go to rest

At the market you should see Ezarel’s companion again.

Objective: Follow Ezarel’s companion!

Go to the refuge, you will have to click here:

it’s a letter from Ezarel, go…

Objective: Go wait for Miiko in front of the Crystal room

When Miiko arrives you will be able to enter the Crystal room, go inside. After the meeting you will get the objective:

Objective: Get your things ready to go to the island

In your room, pick up your clothes (the position varies slightly depending on the room you have)

Objective: Go to the infirmary to speak to Twylda

While you wait for her to wake up in the infirmary, you will talk to Ewelein:

  • C’est normal, tu t’inquiètes tellement pour nous… (0)
  • C’est normal, je t’aime beaucoup. (+15)
  • C’est normal. Qui nous soignera si tu n’es plus là? (-5)

You will be interrupted by Twylda waking up.

Objective: Find your crush! / Go to rest (If your crush is Ezarel)

Go to your room for Ezarel. Nevra is usually at the arches and Valkyon at the markets.

If your crush is Leiftan, you should find him at the pavilion.


Go to your room.

  • Es-tu prêt à relever le défi? (0/+5)
  • Connaitrais-tu un chevalier apte à remplir cette mission?  (-5)
  • Saurais-tu où je peux en trouver? (0) (Towards the illustration) (Dialogue 2)

Go to his room, now available in the Guards Corridor

  • Tu aurais pu me lâcher…  (?)
  • Je ne me suis jamais sentie aussi proche de quelqu’un, Leiftan… (0) (Leiftan’s Illustration)
  • Je suis vraiment heureuse de t’avoir à mes côtés. (0/+5)


  • Tu n’es pourtant pas venu me rejoindre durant la “nuit”… (-5)
  • Je devrais te voir moins souvent, alors… si cela te met dans un tel état. (0/+5)
  • Tu exagères à peine.. (?)


  • Alors viens par ici, j’ai quelque chose pour toi… (0)
  • C’est trop mignon, j’adore quand tu me dis ça! (+5)
  • Tu exagères! (-5)

Objective: Go back to Twylda, she will need you

Go to the hall of doors.

Objective: Go with Twylda to the burial place

To the burrow.

The next objective is self explanatory.

Objective: Go back to your room

You will have a chance to talk to Huang Hua before leaving:

  • Bien sûr… je veux retrouver la meurtrière de Mery. (0)
  • Non… mais nous devons retrouver la meurtrière de Mery. (0)

Objective: It’s time to return to the island, go to the beach to start your trip.

Once there, click on “To the island”

Objective: Move forward

There is only one possible direction.


  • Poséidon? (+5)
  • Tu n’arrives pas à traduire le reste? (-5)
  • De qui? (On dirait qu’il ne veut pas cracher le morceau.) (0)

Objective: Find a place to camp

Go both ways for some dialogues, starting with the library, on the left.

At the heart of the academy


  • Dangereux? Qu’est-ce qui te fais dire ça? (0)
  • Personnellement, ce lieu ma parait parfait. (-5)
  • Oui, les fissures sur ces colonnes ne me rassurent pas. (+5)

At the Agorà


  • Tu manges bien du pain à l’ail (+5)
  • Je ne parlais pas forcément de toi, monsieur l’égocentrique! (-5)
  • Je ne vois pas le rapport entre le fait d’être un vampire et connaître une incantation permettant de faire du feu… (0)

You will have to demostrate your skills with… fire starting. click here: 

it’s a quicktime event, enjoy XD nothing changes if you lose, you will still this dialogue with Valkyon.


  • Tu n’as pourtant pas l’air très touché, toi. (-5)
  • Désolée quand même, je ne devrais pas vous faire subir mon stress… (+5)
  • Merci de votre patience, les garçons… (0)

Obective: Follow Leiftan to the beach 

Go back to the beach with Leiftan, you will get this dialogue in the  place Mery was killed:


  • Pourquoi? Pourquoi vous avez effacé toute trace de ce qui s’est passé? (-5)
  • Leiftan, vous n’auriez pas dû… (-5)
  • (Je n’ai pas pu dire quoi que ce soit, je suis trop… touchée.) (+5)

Objective: Go back to camp

Then back to camp. You will be divided in teams in order to find Ezarel and Anna-marie hiding place.

Objective: Find Anna-marie and Ezarel

Go towards the “Path of memories” you’ll get a monologue, keep going in that direction, you will talk to Leiftan. Go back to the Heart of Academy for another dialogue, now towards the beach, until you get the message “there is no trace of mary-anne or Ezarel”. Go back to the forest, then the beach, then back to Memoria, you should get some dialogue/monologue in each of these places.


  • (J’ai haussé un sourcil me demandant ce qu’il allait dire.) (0)
  • Bien sûr qu’il ne dirait pas ça! C’était juste dans l’idée. (-5)
  • Tu vois l’idée quand même, j’espère? (Je lui ai fait les gros yeux.) (+5)

Objective: Go to camp to sleep 

You will heard something.

Objective: You’ve heard something suspicious, go to the ruins to see what it’s all about.

Go to the center of the village, it’s nothing, head back to bed.

Objective: Go back to bed

sigh… nope. Once you’re back at the camp…

Objective: Your instinct whispers that something is happening, listen to it!

Take the path of the memories, back to the cliff,  ta-daaan! Ezarel is there!


  • (Laisser sa joie prendre le pas sur la colère et lui sauter au cou.) (0) (Towards the illustration if you’re dating him, it will not unlock now)
  • (Ne pas retenir sa colère et le gifler.) (0)
  • (Tenter de rester neutre malgré tout. Towards the illustration if you’re dating someone else) (0)

You will have a fight with Marie-Anne but you will be able to defend yourself thanks to newfound powers; the others will soon arrive to your rescue.

Objective: You found Ezarel, go back to camp

In the morning, the scene that will follow your awakening will depend on your crush, in the case of Valkyon and Nevra, you’ll have a chance to unlock the illustration.



  • Allez, du nerf! (J’ai déposé un bref baiser sur ses lèvres.) (?)
  • Eh non! Dommage pour toi! (J’ai déposé un bref baiser sur son front.)  (?)
  • Bonjour ♥ (Je l’ai embrassé tendrement.)  (?) (Nevra’s Illustration)


  • J’ai du mal à réfréner mes envies!) (?)   (Valkyon’s Illustration)
  • Valkyon… On a pas le temps… (?)
  • (Je lui ai rendu son baiser, plus doucement.) (?)

Objective: Follow Ezarel, he has something to show you.

Go back to the academy, you will have to open a secret passage, click here:
After the dialogue, there wil be a new waypoint on the right, take it, and keep going forward. Once you get to the laboratory, Leiftan will.. emh, lose his cool, You will have to chase after him.

Objective: Find Anne-Marie

Go back. The torch will be estinguished, and after a while you will find yourself stumbling in the darkness. Keep moving  to make the scene resume/continue. When you are in control of your character again, click on the circle on the bottom left to open a secret passage. Follow it. 

Really, most of this episode is a straight line, keep doing what they ask you to, like this objective:

Objective: Return to the boat to put Marie-Anne in the hold

Objective: Fold the tents before going back to the HQ. 

Click on stuff:

Objective: All is ready, you can leave.

On the way to the HQ you will have a talk with Ezarel. Go towards the Hall of Doors, the episode will end at the Pavilion.


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The creator of this site. (Not so) Secretly a cat.

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13/10/2018 7:32 pm

Buonasera ^_^ una domanda per curiosità.
Seguo la versione italiana del gioco, ma ho visto che bisogna fare l’episodio 19 con Leiftan se si vuole poi ottenere la sua illustrazione nell’episodio 20 (in quanto altrimenti non è selezionabile).
In questo episodio (e mi auguro nei successivi), per Leiftan è sempre necessario avere lui come scelta o è possibile scegliere durante il replay libero all’inizio dell’episodio con chi farlo?
Grazie in anticipo per la risposta

30/10/2018 5:58 pm

Good aftenoon,

I found the solution to get Ezarel’s illustration. If he is your crush you should pick the first option: “Laisser sa joie prendre le pas sur la colère et lui sauter au cou.” If he is not, then you should choose the third one: “Tenter de rester neutre malgré tout.” Besides certain amaunt of LvM is needed to get it, at least if he is not your crush, but I cannot say which the minimum is because I have 100% with him even if my crush is Nevra.

I know this for certain, I got 2 illustrations in one single play (Nevra’s and Ezarel’s). Then I saw various gameplays and Ezarel’s route ones always get his illustration choosing the option I signaled above.

I hope this info could help!

01/11/2018 10:06 am

Ciao! mi sono bloccata alla fine dell’episodio…devo riportare marie anne alla barca ma non riesco ad arrivarci…sono al sentiero abbandonato ma ovunque io vada non riesco a tornare alla barca. Sono un po’ demoralizzata in quanto vado avanti indietro senza riuscire a completare l’obiettivo 🙁

10/12/2018 3:22 pm

non per creare scompiglio ma mi sembra strano il 22 costi solo 1400 maana come max di spesa e 1200 come minimo..Io ne ho spesi 2500 e anche tante altre ragazze ne hanno spesi attorno a questa cifra, ok che con le guide risparmi ma 1400 mi sembra u po’ troppo poco XDed era piuttosto lungo come episodio eh ..Comunque ottima guida come sempre

11/12/2018 2:29 pm

Ahahah e’ un typo, doveva essere 1200-2400 XD grazie per avermelo fatto notare, appena posso correggo!

14/12/2018 5:52 pm

ciao sono al primo dialogo per ottenere l’illustrazione di Leiftan, ma non so quale risposta scegliere perché in italiano sono leggermente diverse e non corrispondono, ho anche provato con goggle traduttore
mi da come risposte:
hai qualche idea?
capestri a chi potrei chiedere?
sei pronto a esaudire i miei desideri?

10/04/2019 11:18 am

Volevo segnalarti che, seguendo la guida, ho trovato un punto in cui le indicazioni non corrispondono a quello che ho dovuto fare. Non dico che siano errate, ma che io ho dovuto fare in altra maniera per proseguire.
Premettendo che ho Ezarel come colpo di fulmine (magari può essere per questo che il percorso è diverso), dopo l’obiettivo “Vai a riposarti” (che compare dopo averlo cercato invano per i giardini e il rifugio insieme a Leiftan), io ho effettivamente dovuto farlo. Cioè, non ho incontrato il famiglio di Ezarel al mercato come indicato nella guida, ma sono dovuta tornare in camera mia dove ho avuto un monologo e ho trovato una lettera di Ezarel sul comodino. A quel punto ho dovuto cliccare sulla lettera per poterla leggere e dopodiché ho potuto proseguire, come da guida, con l’obiettivo seguente, cioè incontrare Miiko davanti alla sala del cristallo.

Mi sono permessa di segnalarlo solo perché non vorrei che capitasse a qualcun altro di sprecare, come ho fatto io, maana entrando e uscendo più volte dal mercato in attesa di veder comparire il famiglio! 🙂

Grazie mille e come sempre complimenti per tutto il lavoro!

14/05/2020 7:25 am

I just started playing Eldarya again after a two year hiatus. I’m so happy to see that people are still making guides for it! Thank you so much!

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