Episode 23

ATTENTION PLEASE!! This guide may still have some mistakes in it; double-check important info and please let me know if you find any. Some sentences are translated from French

Total Maana: 3100-4600 (+ 800 for the outfit, 400 in the following replay) Cost between 3000 and 3790 according to  Maana necessari
Clothes: Wind traveler (800 maana): Body, dress, sleeves, pants, stockings, belt, sandals, armguards and ring
Companions:  none
Items required: None
Items received:
Illustrations: 4, requires 4 replays. The crush option is not needed.
Unlocked areas: Yang and Ying rice fields
Unlocked companions: Lapy, Molecat

~ Illustrations: episode 23 ~

How to unlock the illustrations


  • (I don’t know why, but I sense I can trust this entity.)(Towards the illustration)

Then, during the objective: Go back to the cliff, you will find your answers there!

  • (As if under a spell, I walked towards it slowly)(Towards the illustration)

Video: [N/A]

!! Spoilers Ahead !!

(0) L’O’M doesn’t change
(+) L’O’M increases
(-) L’O’M decreases

⊗ High chances to find someone here (99% chance)

The episode will start where the previous one left us.

Objective: Twylda collapsed, take her to the infirmary!

As the objective says.


  • Oh, I see. Wasn’t that predictable? You ran a lot of tests. (-10)
  • Yes, my grand-father died from it a few years ago. (+5)
  • Oh, I see. Most probably because of the emotion. (0)

Objective: Get out of here.


  • You’re not making sense. (0) (Dialogue 2)
  • (I don’t get Valkyon’s logic here. However, I don’t have the strenght to get into the debate) (0)
  • Do what I say but not what I do, right? (+5)

Dialogue 2

  • Are you still looking for them? Maybe you’ll never find them… (0)
  • Then, I hope that day never comes (-10)
  • The day you will meet the killer of your brother, promise me you will think before acting. (-5)

Objective: Listen to Valarian and meet Leiftan in the Crystal room.


  • (I held my breath thinking of a possible execution) (0)
  • And you’re going to listen to them without giving it a thought? (I’m trying to remain calm but inside I’m enraging.) (+5)
  • That is out of question! You can’t take a life just because of the public opinion! (-10)

Objective: Get some rest.

Outside the door you will talk to the boys, then you will be able to go to your room.

At this point, the objective will change depending on who your boyfriend is



  • In which case, I don’t know what I’m doing with you…   (?)
  • Don’t we say that opposites attract? (0/+5)
  • Ah ah… very funny. (?)

Objective: Your brain is overheating, go out for some air to cool down.

Go outside, in the Hall of Doors you will meet Ewelein, then you will have a monologue at the Eel refuge .


  • I decided to show compassion. (-5)
  • And also, I put myself in his shoes… I would hope that the would do the same for me if I experienced somethign similar. (0)
  • I’m stupid, I know… and yet, I still want to believe in us. (+5)

Go to the Cherry tree and from there outside the doors, where you’ll meet Ezarel.


  • That is aweful, you should have never accepted to do such a thing. (-5)
  • Sacrifices ought to be done sometimes during times of war… (+5)
  • I imagine you’ve also done good things… Right? (0)

Objective: Go back to bed.

The next morning you will have the choice to start  a sexual intercourse. The dialogue changes slightly if it’s the first time but the result is the same. You can freely choose whether to let yourself go or not.

Objective: Get some breakfast, you deserve it!

In the dining hall

Objective: Your brain is overheating, go out for some air to cool down.

At the central pavillon you should have a monologue.

Objective: You think you saw a companion. Go look for it

At the great door ; go outside, you’ll meet Leiftan.

Objective: Go back to bed.

You’ll wake up with your lover that, in this case, means to Amaya vomiting all over your room.

Objective: Amaya was sick tonight, buy new sheet from Purriry. 

At the market. You will end up having to pay the outfit for 800 maana, or another 400, on the first replay. You can now curse loudly, that’s what I did.

Objective: Change your sheets

In your room.

Once in your room, you will be interrupted by Alajea: Karenn needs her brother! Go to her room, you’ll have to pass a QTE in order to open the door, but she isn’t there.

Objective: Find Karenn!

You’ll meet Chrome (it could happen at the Refuge), and you will find her at the Cherry Tree, with Nevra

  • I’m just worried about you, Karenn. (-15)
  • I didn’t want to bother you… (-5)
  • Is it you saying such a thing? (-10)

Objective: Go back to bed.

In your room you will have the chance of having an intimate moment with Nevra:

  • (I don’t know if I’m ready to be bitten by him.) (0)
  • Bite me… (0)

You will be interrupted anyway.

Objective: Get some breakfast, you deserve it!

At the dining hall

Objective: You’re full, leave the dining hall

Go to the hall of doors


  • (I stayed quiet for a while.) (-5)
  • Yes. I can’t stop thinking about all that happened. (+5 Leiftan +0 Valkyon)
  • I don’t really feel like talking right now… (0)

Objective: Your brain is overheating, go out for some air to cool down.

At the Eel refuge .

Objective: Go to the beach to spend some time with Valkyon

Once there, you’ll find out someone took your spot.

Objective: Follow Valkyon

At the Cherry Tree


  • Ah? You seemed pretty sure about it. (0) (Dialogue 2)
  • I really don’t want to talk about that, Valkyon…  (-5)

Dialogue 2

  • You don’t have to, I don’t want to force you to change your mind, Valkyon. (+5)
  • Really? You’d do that for me? (0)

Objective: Go back to bed.

The next morning you will have the choice to start  a sexual intercourse. The dialogue changes slightly if it’s the first time but the result is the same. You can freely choose whether to let yourself go or not.

Objective: Find Valkyon

Usually at the Cherry Tree with Kero (it’s worth entering and exiting a few times if you don’t find him at the first one)

Objective: It has been a while since you last trained. Try to find Jamon or Cameria!

Outside the door you might find Alajea (or at the cherry tree).


  • [Only if Nevra is your lover] I bet. I’m tired as hell after last night too. (0?)
  • [Only if you didn’t help Karenn] Nevra is probably not feeling so great either.. (-5)
  • You know, even if she’s your friend, you should take care of yourself. Okay? (+5)

You might also meet Chrome (I found him a the cherry tree, or in front of our room), Karuto (In front of our room for me, Nyx found him at the Arches, others at the cherry tree). Finding them is mandatory to continue.

  • Chrome
  • Alajea
  • Karuto


  • You’re really sweet. (+5)
  • That’s an excellent idea! (0)

Go towards the beach, you should find them at the Crossroads . You can pick who to train with:

  • (Train with Cameria)
  • (Train with Jamon)

It doesn’t change much.

Objective: You don’t have much time before the meeting. Use it to get some rest.

Go to the Hall of Doors. If your lover ISN’T Leiftan, you will now be forced to buy the outfit from Purriry, for 800 maanas, or another 400 if this is a replay.

Objective: It’s time for the meeting, go!

Crystal Room .

Objective: The meeting is over, get out of this room.

Once out, after a short dialogue, you’ll get your next objective

Objective: Huang Hua is about to leave. FInd her to bid farewell to her before it’s too late!

You can meet

  • Karenn and Colaia (I met them at the market),
  • Cameria or Jamon (Music Garden or Cherry tree),
  • Kero (Pavillon),
  • Ewelein (Market or refuge),
  • Chrome (Arches),

they all should be necessary to proceed, except Cameria, or Jamon, you will only find the one you haven’t trained with. The locations are unfortunately NOT certain.

After meeting the people on the list, you will be asked to pick what to do (at the Eel refuge, try exiting and re-entering in case it doesn’t happen on the first try, or the Arches):

  • (Above all, I would like to speak to Huang Hua.)
  • (I don’t want her to go before I get a chance to say goodbye.)
Huang HuaYkhar

If you pick Huang Hua, go to the Pavillon for another monologue, you will have to choose between:

  • (Maybe I’ll find her at the fountain.)
  • (She is probably in her room.)

Pick the fountain and go there, you will meet her.

Objective: Go visit your companion in your room.

In the corridor ouside your room you will decide to:

Objective: It’s your last chance to see Huang Hua before she leaves. Go to the Grand Gate!

If you picked Ykahr instead, go to the Library.

Once you’re done, go to your room to get a monologue on the way and the objective:

Objective: It’s your last chance to see Huang Hua before she leaves. Go to the Grand Gate!

Go just outside the gate to continue.

Objective: Go inside the HQ

At the Path of the Arches you will find a Companion with a secret message for you from Miiko (it’s worth to exit and reenter the area if you don’t see it at the first try)

Objective: Follow the note instruction and find Miiko.

Go to the Heart of the forest ; you will have several monologues on the way. The conversation won’t be the most pleasant but it will give you some interesting new info. And don’t worry, the name she will make is your boyfriend’s, every time.

Objective: Miiko’s words have shaken you. Go back to HQ.

At the pavillon you will talk to the Oracle.

Objective: Something strange is happening. Try to find your friends!

You should have some monologues at the camp, on the road towards the forest, and on the road towards the cliff, 3 of them, after you got them, you will find the oracle at the cliff .

Objective: Let him take you to the infirmary after what you’ve just been through

After the dialogue you’ll get the objective

Objective: You need to talk to your boyfriend, find him!

I found him at the cherry tree, or the music garden; once he was a the path of the arches.



  • Don’t call me that, we don’t know anything yet (0)
  • No, not really… (+5)
  • Tha’ts not funny… (-5)

The scene will change to your room.

Objective: Follow Leiftan in his room

His room is in front of the Crystal Room.


  • Soon or later we will have to talk about this. (0)
  • You’re really too sexy… (+5)
  • You are so handsome… I understand why all the girls look at you with desire! (-5)

You will have the choice to start  a sexual intercourse. The dialogue changes slightly if it’s the first time but the result is the same. You can freely choose whether to let yourself go or not.

  • (I let myself go… at the beginning at least, then, tired to wait, I take off my bra and offer myself to him.)
  • (I let myself go, at the beginning at least, then, I fall prey of doubt, I’m not ready to offer him my body yet.)

After finding him you’ll get the objective:

Objective: Join Nevra at the cave

In front of the prison .


  • Valkyon… When will you get rid of this carapace? (+5)
  • Tell me please… (?)
  • I don’t like secrets! (-5?)

The POV will change

Objective: Lance is waiting for you at the Cherry Tree.

Once you’re there the POV will change again, but not before giving us some juicy info.

Objective: Kero needs your support, help him

In the Hall of Doors .

Objective: You have a rendezvous at  the beach, Go there!

Go on the beach, you’ll have to pick between

  • (Stay with my friends and endure their never ending questioning.)
  • (Find an excuse to leave.)

If you pick the first one, Ewelein will force them to let you be. If you pick the second, you’ll have a chance to see the new companion at the cherry tree .

Objective: it’s past midnight. It’s time to go back!

Go to your bedroom, in the Hall of Doors you will say goodnight to everyone (If you didn’t chase after the companion).

If your boyfriend is Nevra (only for him), you will have the choice to start  a sexual intercourse. The dialogue changes slightly if it’s the first time but the result is the same. You can freely choose whether to let yourself go or not.

The morning after you’ll find yourself in the dining hall.


  • Bet on the dragons! (0)
  • Bet on the mermaids! (?)
  • Bet on something else, I really don’t think i’m a satyr… (0)

Objective: Go to the beach, it’s time to go.

Once you’re on the beach, go towards Memoria

Objective: To Memoria, now!

When you get there go to the plaza, then to the camp.

Objective: Explore the island, you will most probably find the answers to your questions!

Go to the accademy, then to the beach, then to the cliff for 3 small dialogues; once you got them, go to the camp.

During the vision/dream, go back to the cliff . You’ll have to pick:

  • (Something is tellling me I should remain suspicious… I could be facing a daemon!)
  • (I don’t know why, but I sense I can trust this entity.)(Towards the illustration)

Objective: there is only darkness around you. Look for answers and try to find the light!

Cliffhanger. You’ll find yourself surrounded by darkness, keep clicking on that blue dot until you snap out of it.

Objective: Return to the forgotten cliff. you might find your answers there!

You’ll see the entity again, and you’ll have a choice:

  • (I stepped back, frightned.)
  • (As if under a spell, I walked towards it slowly)(Towards the illustration)
  • (I froze seeing it coming towards us.)

Illustration and end of the episode!


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11/01/2019 6:16 am

While looking for my training partner I found Karuto at the fountain! 🙂

Charmmy Kitty
Charmmy Kitty
11/01/2019 1:14 pm

Grazie per le vostre guide **
Per caso, sapete dirmi quando uscirà l’episodio 24? La fine di questo episodio 23 mi ha lasciato sulle spine >.<

01/03/2019 12:39 am

“Si, non riesco a smettere di pensare a tutto quello che è successo. (+5) +0? Giurerei che mi è salito il LOM di … LEIFTAN”

Non ci credo ahahah mi è salito il LOV di Leiftan di 5 punti XD

05/05/2019 4:51 pm

Sono nella route di Nevra… e dopo il ritrovamento di Karren e il ritorno in camera e il venire ri-interotti di nuovo (-_-).
E dopo ci sono altri due obiettivi:

1. Fai colazione, te la meriti!
Vanno in sala mensa a fare colazione

2. Sei sazia, esci dalla mensa.
Direzione spiaggia (e ancora devo continuare).

Io te li segnalo, nel caso possa essere di aiuto o meno…
Dato che non li trovo nella guida 😉

05/05/2019 4:55 pm

Sono nella route di Nevra… e vorrei segnalare altri due obiettivi dopo il ritrovamento di Karren, dato che non li vedo nella guida… magari possono essere utili o magari no 😉

Dopo essere stati interrotti per la seconda volta (-_-)

1.Fai colazione, te la meriti!
Vanno in sala mensa

2.Sei sazia, esci dalla mensa.
Direzione spiaggia (e io non ho ancora continuato)

25/05/2019 4:53 pm

Ciao, durante i replay liberi, se non è una nuova modifica, la tenuta se si indossa non si paga ulteriormente.

02/08/2019 9:19 am

ciao scegliendo questa risposta con Alajea mi ha tolto 5 punti con lei.


[Solo se Nevra è il vostro compagno] Ci credo. Anch’io sono stanca morta dopo questa notte così movimentata. (0?)

grazie mille per le tue guide!!

17/01/2020 6:04 am

Appena giocato l episodio… giuro, la vera maledizione di eldarya è il famiglio di Leiftan! Cioe è allucinante!! T_T

25/04/2020 8:08 pm

Ciao, sono arrivata alla parte dove devo salutare Huang hua dopo aver salutato yhkar. Ho fatto avanti e indietro per un sacco di volte e non riesco a trovarla né davanti alla grande porta né fuori. Sai come posso fare? Ho girato praticamente qualsiasi posto tranne l’interno della foresta

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