Special Thanks to @Conny and @Miuna for their contribution! Thank you~!
Total Maana: 2400-3000, 2460-2860 according to Maana necessari
Clothes: None
Companions: None
Items required None
Items received: None
Illustrations: 2, no replays needed.
Unlocked areas: Mount Sizhe, Main Square
Unlocked companions:None
Video: [N/A]
!! Spoilers Ahead !!
(0) L’O’M doesn’t change ⊗ High chances to find someone here (99% chance) The episode will start where the previous one left us. Objective: Go back to camp to inform the others about your encounter with the dragon. At the, well, camp. After some dialogue, the first choice you will have is who you want to spend time with, you can pick between: Objective: Find [Chosen one] to spend time with them. Once you’ve chosen, you’ll have to find them; you have to find the others before finding your target. I found Colaia at the academy, Keroshane in the forest, and my target, Alajea, at the square, other people have found Kero on the beach or the path, Colaia on the abandoned path, these places are not certain. You will be moved to the beach. Alajea: Colaia: Keroshane: Objective: [Boyfriend] Should be available now. Try finding him! He won’t be at the camp, I found Nevra at the library, Ezarel in the forest, Valkyon on the abandoned trail and Leiftan at the center of the village, but it could be random. You will have the following dialogues if the boy in question is not your boyfriend, and one of the others in case he is. It seems that you have to find all the others before you can find your boyfriend: Nevra: Ezarel: Valkyon Leiftan: Nevra: Ezarel: Valkyon: Leiftan: Objective: Follow him! Follow your boyfriend towards the cliff, on the way you will meet Ewelein Ewelein Objective: Ewelein’s sharp and unfair words hurt you. Isolate yourself. At the cliff. Episode 13 deja vu, anyone? Leiftan: Objective: You have a big headache. Is it a vision or something more… common? Go and see Ewelein to know! At the camp. Ewelein: Objective: The message of the Oracle is urging you to go back to the forgotten cliff, so do what she says! Back there, then back to camp again for: Objective: It’s too late to do anything now. Return to camp. You will get 3 objectives, head towards the beach. You might meet some people along the way, but this is not mandatory to proceed. Keroshane: Ezarel: Nevra (sometimes at the academy): Valkyon (sometimes at the academy): Objective: Find unsalted water At the fountain, at the center of Memoria Objective: Find berries At the forest, you’ll find the berries you need and, possibly, Leiftan along the way Leiftan Objective: Get a fish. …With your hands. yup, forreal. At the beach. There will be a QTE. XD I failed on purpose and I still got a fish.. uh. Ok? Objective: You have all the ingredients, back to the Agora (camp) You will automatically start the ritual, I will post the translation for the dragon’s speech as soon as I have a minute, °-°the dragon says: “Tyuhpuheu ò f’Auyf we Dragon, MC.” Welcome to the Dragon’s Eye, MC “V’umn ploy, nah valjm h’umn jom jlûm jael vagjluhwlu fo fohzeu alyzyhuffu.” Right, you can’t understand the Original Language yet. These 2 dialogues should have no repercussions. You’ll find yourselves in the corrupted forest from episode 9. The map of this area doesn’t seem to be fixed, but eventually you should find your way to the Dryad tree. I will explore it better next time to see if there is a default route to follow. EDIT: Try going all the way left, I will test this again in the next replay and post the route if i can confirm it. Yvoni: The second test will start. Click on the door that appears on the right. Again, I kept going forward, I cannot say if there is a fixed map. After the dialogues, click on the door that appears on the left for the last test. The dead one will talk (This sounds… ominious… ): The objective will change Objective: This time the dragons have gone too far! You can’t bear it, leave! Go back to the first room you were in to end the dream-like sequence. Objective: Go to the camp The dialogue after will change slightly if you had sex or not with your love interest, for me there were no choices as Leiftan has very deep blue uh, testicles, on my route, but don’t worry it’s just for flavor. Objective: Find Ewelein I found her in the forest, on the way to the beach. Ewelein: Objective: Return to the agora Once there they will suggest checking the cliff one more time. Objective: Follow the others to the cliff Once there, you will have to follow the Oracle Objective: Follow the oracle Go to the accademy, just to have to leave. Objective: return to camp The morning after you will have to… Objective: Find something to do while Leiftan secures the academy. If you try to go to the academy, you will be forced out of there. You will meet Kero (I found him on the path to the cliff), Valkyon (at the cliff), Nevra (on the way back to the camp…), Leiftan (path to the beach), Colaia (Forest), Ezarel (Cliff); then you’l find Ewelein (abandoned road). Ewelein: The following dialogues could happen during several objectives: Nevra (If boyfriend): Leiftan (Not boyfriend): Ezarel (Boyfriend): Valkyon (Boyfriend): Alajea: Objective: Take Ewelein to the agora It’s time to go to the academy for the next objective Objective: Go to the academy to explore the place After a brief scene, you will have to Objective: Go back to the statue of Mnemosyne. From there Objective: Go to the forgotten cliff And now you have to find one of the mermaids to ask for their help Objective: ask Alajea or Colaia if any of them can help you (I feel like I’m just listing objectives here XD) I found Colaia at the beach. Objective: Go back to the camp Objective: Find Colaia Try the cliff, you won’t be able to see much from there. On the way to the beach, I found Alajea in the forest. Try the beach, she is not there. Go back to the camp, she should be back now. Colaia: Objective: Go to the abandoned trail Go there (towards the beach) Nevra: Objective: Go to the agora. Then Objective: Go to the academy. I shall change the name of this blog from “Guide” to “Objective list”. Click here 3 times to place all the steles: Objective: Facing the truth scares you. Find a place where you can pull yourself together Erika ffffs… my maana. 🙁 Not cool. Run to the cliff. Your boyfriend will come to get you back: Valkyon: Ezarel: You really think it’s adorable? (0/+5) Object: Go back to the academy. Go there, a new location will open, follow the dots. Objective: Return to camp Objective: Find Ewelein it’s not a fixed spot, she could be at the abadoned path or the road to the cliff. AFter the dialogue Objective: Leiftain calls for you, go back to camp During the dream the dragon says: Pure heart… doors… dragons… Objective: Join the boys Go to the academy Objective: Go through the doors. The words to open the door where: For you, who have a pure heart, the doors of the dragons will open. Objective: Before facing this third and final test click on the guys °-° You will have a chance to talk to each of the boys, click on the one of your choice, you will be able to talk to the others too, after. Ezarel: Leiftan: Nevra: Valkyon: Dialogue 2 Objective: Pass the last test Go back to the room you were in last time, the one on the left. I think that you can pick any of the 3. The ones marked with (*) work for sure. Wander into the light, until you exit to a room… full of dragons. You’ll find out some juicy stuff about Valkyon. this choice is mostly for flavor. When you’re done, go to the camp for the objective… Objective: Rest Objective: Follow Valkyon To the cliff. The next choice will probably have repercussions in the future: Objective: Return to the camp before someone notices your disappearance The objectives: Return to HQ and Go rest will follow. go to your room. Objective: Find a way to talk to Miiko in private. Go to the cherry tree. This is another choice that will probably affect the future, but for now you won’t be able to tell her anything, you’ll be interrupted. The POV will pass to Ashkore as soon as you answer. The oracle says: “Help me [MC] The traitor dragon… he’s here! Objective: Go to the Crystal room aaand Cliffhanger. The creator of this site. (Not so) Secretly a cat.
(+) L’O’M increases
(-) L’O’M decreases
You really know me well… (0)
Do you think I’m predictable?
Do your best! è positiva +5!
We don’t know, maybe the dragons have the power to change the past. -5
1) Valkyon, grazie…
2) Lasciami andare Valkyon… altrimenti crollo!
3)Non lasciarmi mai, capito? Mai! (neutra/positiva)
Sono al 100 con Valkyon quindi non so davvero dire se sia positiva o neutra.
grazie ^^ questo dialogo lo cercavo da un po’! Aggiunto!
When talking to Colaia picking “I’m helpful with those who are nice to me” is -5
For Ezarel when talking to him in the cave “The problem is I’m not able to hear what it’s saying…” is +5
So when I do use the “Help Me , Oracle” it doesnt give me the second illustration. Cant tell if its a glitch or if i did something wrong. *thinks*
I’m really sorry to hear that 🙁 most people got the illustration after giving that answer but clearly it’s not the only factor in play. From what you tell me I can exclude the third test answer as a determinant factor, as I gave the same answer you did… My Crush is set on nobody so it cant be that either. But just to know what’s yours set on? I will ask around and see if anyone else had this problem.
Oh, a friend just told me that some people had your same issue but found the illustration in the gallery after the episode anyway. You probably already double-checked, but it’s worth checking your library if you haven’t tried yet. I’ll keep looking meanwhile @@.
on the leiftan, leiftan crush, die to save ded person, Alajea
on the Valkyon, no crush, happy other person survived, Kero
Ciao! la tua guida è davvero fantastica, complimenti e grazie del tuo aiuto! volevo chiederti, si sa più o meno quando uscirà il prossimo episodio? a volte può succedere che ne escano due insieme? divento pazza nell’attesa!! grazie mille ancora
Did not get second illustration. I chose not to tell Miiko anything. This may have affected it
A me la scena è apparsa cosi:
-Pensi che vogliano mangiarmi il cuore?!
-(Beh, se vogliono mangiare il mio cuore, è una perdita di tempo!) (È quella che ho scelto io)
Non penso di essere cosi tanto pura…
-O almeno credo
-(Non ho potuto fare a meno di guardare [Fidanzato] sorridendo timidamente.
(Da un altra guida ho visto che tutte e 4 le risposte sono neutre)
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