Episode 26

ATTENTION PLEASE!! Most of the illustrations are still missing and we are still unsure about the requirements for the necklace.

UPDATE 12/07: The illustration issue is resolved (?)… supposedly at least. I will finish this guide and the episode 25 one this weekend, if all goes according to plan. If you’ve already played this episode, you might find an illustration unlocked in the library.

Total Maana: Around 4.000.
Clothes: ???
Companions: ???
Items required ???
Items received: ???

Illustrations: 4, probably 3 replays needed, but I can’t confirm yet.
Unlocked areas: ???
Unlocked companions: ???

~ Illustrations: episode 26 ~

How to unlock the illustrations

Video: [N/A]

!! Spoilers Ahead !!

(0) L’O’M doesn’t change
(+) L’O’M increases
(-) L’O’M decreases

⊗ High chances to find someone here (99% chance)

The episode will start where the previous one left us.

Then there will be the FIRST attempt on Lance’s life. No luck so far.  Your boyfriend is also probably dead (but not really, come on.). Lance’s LOM will inexplicably be +5 at the beginning of the episode, if someone has info about this please let me know UPDATE: It could be the crush, if set on Nobody.


  • I had my reasons….
  • You were murdering my boyfriend! Did you really think I would be I’d remain unmoved? (0)
  • I’m sorry, I’ll be wiser in the future. (-5)

Objective: Let the dragon carry you wherever he pleases, you have no other choice. 

There will be only one possible direction for now, so click when you can click. :3

The lom will increase again before you choose anything, it’s now +10. This is very … weird, this time I can’t be sure it’s not just a delayed reaction to the conversation before, but it would be very weird if it went -5 THEN +5.


  • (Refuse to drink)
  • (Agree to drink) (0) (Dialogue 2?)

Lance (Dialogue 2?):

  • Try to bite him (-5)
  • Let him (0?)
  • Order him to stop. (+5)

Objective: Follow Lance’s order and head for the Kraken… or steer the ship!

You have to scroll to see the Kraken, it’s on the right. You can click to go towards it.

While Lance fights the Kraken, your shackles will come unbound, and you will be able to choose between:

  • (Go hide in the hold)
  • (Stay on the bridge) (0)

The following scene will change slightly depending on your choice.

Objective: Continue to Memoria….

In your dream, you will get the

objective: Enjoy this dream and find your boyfriend!

Go in front of his room for a dialogue choice:

  • (Maybe im not in a dream?)(0)
  • (I’ve never had such a weird dream!)(0)

Then you should have another monologue at the Pavillon (I don’t know if it’s a sure spot, yet), and another at the village (?). You should then be able to find Huang Hua at the Great door.

Objective: Follow Huang Hua and make her perceive you!

Go to the beach, then backtrack to the stairs, twice (exit and re-enter)

Huang Hua

  • (Try to hug her)
  • (Take her hand)
  • (Put your hand on her cheek) (+5)

Objective: She got the message, continue to follow her.

In front of the Crystal hall.

Objective: Miiko is preparing a ritual. To what end? If you want to understand why, follow her.

Hall of Doors.


(Ah la la, Chrome… You will never change, will you?)
(He got such a big mouth….)
(That idiot… I love him!)(0)

You will have a chance to speak to them, but they don’t understand what you are saying.

(I could mime, they’ll understand, signs are an universal language)
(I don’t know what to do…)
(I have to find a keyword that they could understand despite the language barrier.)(Dialogue 2)

(Dialogue 2)

On the Island, Miiko.

I chose Memoria, and it seemed to work, I will have to do more tests to understand the better route/what happens if you pick a different answer.


(Go talk to him)(+5)
(Do not talk to him)

Objective: Follow Lance in the forest

(Even if his behaviour disgusts me, I prefer to keep my resentment for myself)
Did you do it on purpose? (+5)
You are a horrible man!

Objective: It feels weird, but visit the island with Lance.

Go to the main square to start, then go to the academy and the cliff. Each of these areas will unlock a few lines, with the last one being a choice:

(No, I could never kill someone, not even him.)(0)
(I must seize this chance!)

Go to the beach, then back to camp (their camp, the forest :p).

(Orion has always been my favorite constellation, I don’t know why)(0)
(Carrying the name of a constellation is uncommon.)

Objective: Follow Lance to Memoria

Go to the agora, the old camp spot.


(Lead him on a wrong track)(0) (Objective 1)
(Refuse to lead him to the dragons) (0) (Objective 1-c)
(Lead him to the home of the dragons) (0)(Objective 2)

Depending on your choice you will have different objectives:

Objective 1: Make him waste time

Go to the main square, then to the path.

Objective 1-b: Lance begins to suspect something. Lead him to the lair of Marie-Anne. 

Go to the academy and then to the secret passage, follow it to the den.

(Continue to refuse to speak)(0)
(Tell him where the dragons are)(0)
(Provoke him)

Objective 1-c: Follow Lance

To the cliff. The objective 2 will follow.

Objective 2: Lead lance to the dragon’s lair.

Go to the academy, then follow the path to the Lair.

Objective: Go to the lair of the dragons.

Once you’re done

Objective: Go back to camp

Followed by:

Objective: Even if Orion is watching you, you are free to roam, enjoy this chance and look for a way to escape!

Go to the beach, then the main square, then to the cliff. On the way back, at the path to the cliff, you’ll unlock a few more lines. Go to the path for a dialogue with Orion. You have to get another, often at the path,  before you can go to the square for the last one. It will unlock a new objective:

Objective: Go to the forgotten cliff


Objective: Go to the door of the dragons to see what Lance did!


Objective: Return to camp after this explosive discovery!

At the academy:


So you have no respect for your peers?
If explosives have not opened these doors, a simple ram won’t do the trick! (0)32
Are you stupid?

Go to the camp.


(Interpose yourself) (0)
(Convince him not to harm the creatures) (0)
(Make the creatures run away) (-5)

Objective. Try to understand the message of Draflayels

Go to the academy if you want an extra dialogue, but it shouldn’t be necessary, then move towards the cliff. Once there you will get to choose, some options here seem to appear only if your crush is “no one”:

I can’t let myself have these thoughts!
I can’t help being hypnotized by his gaze
Could it be that Lance is a good person deep inside? (0)


No, and I will never understand that! (-5)
Can you repeat? I’m a little stupid. (0)
Y-yes… I understand.

Objective: Return to camp

Objective: It’s time to see Fafnir again, go to the door of the dragons.


I disagree…
I have never been confronted with such a situation, to tell the truth
You’re right… (0)

This answer might have to do with the illustration? Eeeep, I have no idea.

Objective: Fafnir wants to show you around the place.

Go to the test room first (it should be the only option available).  Keep going forward.

Go back, there is a new door you can enter.

Objective: Enter the sphere


(Enter the sphere without him)
(Convince him to enter the sphere) (+5)
(Force him to enter the sphere)(-5)

Objective: Follow Lance’s parents to the temple

Go  to the academy and enter the temple, a scene about Tia should play on the way.

Objective: Continue to explore Tia’s past.

Go through the door on the left, to where the dragon statues are.

Objective: Get out of here

Objective: Speak to Lance, he looks troubled.

I found him at the agora (it might be random).


I… I… (0)
I must be really fatigued to …

He will ask you to follow, I found him at the camp (in the forest) this time. again, I’m not sure if it’s always the case or not.

The third time he was at the cliff, for me.


It’s your actions that I hate, … not you. (0)
Yes, but it doesn’t stop me from feeling bad for you
You’re right. If you want to stay alone and mope go for it

Don’t say that! (Dialogue 2)
Do you think that would have changed anything?

(Dialogue 2)

That’s right, I do not care. (-5)
I cannot let you say that without reacting. (+5)
All life matters to me, Lance (0)

Objective: Follow Lance

To the academy.

Objective: Try to find out a little more about Lance’s mother.

Go back to the sphere (all forward).

Objective: Go to the beach

Objective: You will soon see what happened on the day of the blue sacrifice.

Go to the path to memoria. You’ll be interrupted by Lance almost dying to tell you that “the demon” probably only cares about you because he wants to uh, make lil demons with you. You’ll have to bring him outside, through the sphere.

You have a choice.

(escape) Objective A
(Go get help) Objective B

Objective B: Find Lance’s associates to help him!

Objective B-2: Go to the beach

“To go get help” will send you to the forest, at the camp. Once you get there, the objective will revert to B. Go to the cliff. The next scene should happen at the main square. After another monologue (at the path to the cliff, for me), you will meet Lance at a different location (I met him at the path to Memoria)

The POV Will change to your lover’s.

Objective: Go to the infirmary as soon as possible

Objective: Go and rest in [MC]’s room.

Objective: Follow Karenn

At the great door.

Objective: Go talk with Huang Hua

In the dining hall.

Objective: Pack your things and wait for the departure.

In your room first. The POV will go back to Erika

Objective: Return to the domain of the dragons

In the room of the test (the one with the scale)

Objective: Follow Lance, you must leave as soon as possible.

To the beach  ⊗. Then the agora, at the path to Memoria you will try to escape, to no avail (these places are not certains). Then go to the cliff.


Valkyon! What are you saying? Are you crazy?!
Valkyon! Do not sacrifice yourself for me! I beg you! (0)
Valkyon, don’t do it! He is a bad person!

Stay… Please… (0)
(I feel so bad….)
Don’t leave!

During this scene you will unlock up to 2 illustrations. We don’t know the requirements yet.

The necklace will be obtained after the end of the episode, assuming you’ve given the “right” answers.


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The creator of this site. (Not so) Secretly a cat.

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Arwen Eldarya
Arwen Eldarya
10/07/2019 2:52 pm

La frase “You were murdering my boyfriend! Did you really think I would be I’d remain unmoved?” fa guadagnare +5 punti con Lance/Ashkore. L’ho testato proprio in questo momento! =)

11/07/2019 4:39 am

hi, i dont mean to be rude but the guide for episode 25 cuts off in the middle. did it not upload fully?

17/07/2019 12:17 pm

Ciao volevo informarti che il +5 iniziale con Lance è dato dal fatto che nell’ep 25 hai deciso di avvicinarti a lui invece che chiedergli di parlare più forte. Non ha nulla a che fare con il nuovo ep.

Per le illustrazioni su una guida straniera ho trovato queste indicazioni, non so dirti se tutte le risposte date siano necessarie effettivamente all’ottenimento dell’illustrazione. Ma per il momento è l’unica che ha dato delle linee guida.
Sono in francese quindi se hai bisogno della traduzione non esitare a chiedere.

Aide illustrations: je les ai toutes obtenues en mettant ces réponses. Cela me fait aboutir à un LOM de -5 avec Lance. Est-ce la valeur du LOM ou certaines réponses qui débloquent les illustrations? Je ne sais pas mais toujours est-il que cette combinaison fonctionne 🙂

Lance: Vous étiez en train d’assassiner mon petit-ami! Vous pensiez vraiment que je resterai de marbre?
Lance: (Continuer de refuser de boire.)
Lance: (Tenter de le mordre.)
Lance: (Rester sur le pont.)
Gardienne: (Je n’avais jamais fait de rêve aussi étrange!)
Huang Hua: (Poser la main sur sa joue.)
Chrome: (Quel idiot… je l’adore!)
Gardienne: (Il faut que je trouve un mot-clef qu’elles pourraient comprendre malgré la barrière de la langue.)
Gardienne: Memoria!
Lance: (Aller lui parler.)
Lance: Vous êtes un homme horrible!
Lance: (Non, je ne pourrais jamais tuer quelqu’un, même pas lui.)
Gardienne: (Porter le nom d’une constellation, ce n’est pas commun.)
Gardienne: (Refuser de le conduire aux dragons.)
Lance: Vous êtes stupide ou inconscient?
Lance: (S’interposer.)
Lance: Vous pouvez répéter ? Je suis un peu stupide.
Fafnir: Vous avez raison…
Lance: Le forcer à rentrer dans la sphère.
Lance: Vous avez raison. Si vous voulez rester seul et vous morfondre, soit.
Lance: Pensez-vous que cela aurait changé quoi que ce soit ?
Lance: (Aller chercher de l’aide.)
Valkyon: Valkyon, ne te sacrifie pas pour moi! Je t’en supplie, reste!
Valkyon: (Je me sens tellement mal que je n’ai pas la force de lui dire quoi que ce soit…)

12/02/2020 7:56 pm

Per fare questo episodio ho seguito questo video in cui lei ottiene l immagine di Lance e quella di Nevra:

E ho ottenuto l immagine di Lance e quella del mio amore Leiftan, e a mia volta ho fatto un video:

Quindi in sostanza ci sono due video con le stesse risposte che sbloccano l immagine di 2 ragazzi diversi, quindi si puo dire che sia una “guida ufficiale” (?)

Per comodita riscrivo qui le risposte che ripeto, sono le stesse identiche in entrambi i video. (Le risposte sono simili alla guida in francese postata sopra da @Hisui, ma 4 sono diverse e le ho indicate con “<-“ )

Stavate uccidendo il mio ragazzo! Pensavate davvero che sarei rimasta immobile?!

(Continua a rifiutarti di bere)

(Lascialo fare) <-

(Restare sul ponte.)

(Non avevo mai fatto un sogno così strano!)

(Appoggiare la mano sulla sua guancia)

(Che grande bocca che ha quello…) <-

(Occorre che io trovi una parola chiave che possano capire malgrado l'ostacolo della lingua.)


(Vai a parlargli.)

Sei un uomo spregevole!

(Devo cogliere questa opportunità.) <-

(Portare il nome di una costellazione non è comune)

(Rifiutarsi di condurlo ai draghi)

Sei stupido o incosciente?


Puoi ripetere? Sono un po' stupida…

Hai ragione…

(Obbligalo a entrare nella sfera)

Aborro le tue azioni… non te. <-

Pensi che sarebbe cambiato qualcosa?

(Andare a cercare aiuto)

Valkyon, non puoi sacrificarti per me! Ti prego resta!

(Mi sento così male che non ho la forza di dirgli nulla…)

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