Maana: Between 2500 and 2700 (2512-2672). You can save some maana here and there.
L’O’M requirements: YES The illustrations for this episode have LOM requirements, at the start of the episode you will need a LOM of at least 20% with Mathieu and 20% with Leiftan to unlock them. For further info check “how to unlock the illustrations”
Crush: Not required
Outfit: None
Companions: 1 Sefaun Egg
Items needed: None
Item received: The guardian’s sword (hand accessory),1 incubator
Illustrations: 3 (no replays needed)
PLEASE NOTE: Answers are not always listed in the same order. Do not base your choice on the order they’re listed here (e.g. picking the first answer because it’s listed as the first answer on this guide). They might not appear in the same order in your playthrought!
Lom, For the next episode:
I would suggest, as a general rule, to keep the loms of the love interests close together. So far the LOM, more than the choices made, has influenced which illustrations we got. This doesn’t apply to just this episode, but to the others as well.
In the next episode, you will have an illustration with the guy with the highest LOM, and you will need replays to get the others, so a difference of maximum +/-5 and careful planning is advisable. You will need at least 25% lom for the second illustration by the time you get to it.
(0) The LOM doesn’t change
(+) The LOM increases
(-) The LOM decreases
After a recap that you can either read or skip, the episode will start where the previous one left off. Please note that reading the recap will not consume maana. This sounds obvious, but it’s beemoov we are talking about.
- I’m glad you weren’t traumatized when you thought you’d lost me. (-10)
- So what about your life now… Are things going well for you? (0)
- I understand. It took everyone by surprise… (+10) Towards the Illustration*
*This is needed to reach the Lom requirement
You’ll go to bed, and in the morning you’ll decide to…
Objective: Look for Huang Hua around HQ.
You can either meet Koori at the alchemy lab or Karuto in the dining hall. They will let you know that you’re awaited in the council room (next to the Alchemy lab in the Hall of Doors), go there for the next objective:
Objective: Go to the Light Guard meeting in the Council Room.
Huang Chu:
- That would be me. The savior of this world. (-5)
- I’d prefer it if you called me by my name… (0)
- Please call me [Name]. (+5)
After the meeting you’ll get a monologue in the hall of doors; once you’re done, go to your room; I haven’t been able to locate any extra dialogue by exploring. Three days will pass; Adalric will come visit you to let you know they’re ready to give you your first mission.
Objective: Go to the Council Room to receive your first mission.
It’s time to join a guard. If you already have one, you will be asked if you want to keep it, in this case you will save aproximately 130 Maana. If you want to change your guard instead, take the test, at the end of which you will be able to either keep the guard you got, or switch to one of your choice.
There are obviously more than 3 combinations but these have worked for us:
Obsydian Absynthe Shadow
· Without hesitation, I buy the longsword.
· The assortment of test tubes is rather tempting.
· I definitely take the cape!
· Most of all, I like meeting new people.
· I love discovering new things.
· I haven’t flown very often, but I’ve always found it exhilarating…
· We need to treat the patient before anything else.
· You can deal with his injuries. I’m not as good a nurse as you are.
· We need to ask him questions right away. If we don’t know the whole story, we won’t be able to protect others from the same threat.
· I think it’s perfectly normal that he needs time.
· I think he should do whatever he wants. It’s not any of our business.
· I think it wouldn’t hurt for him to get involved in the community here at HQ.
· Even if its chances are slim, it’s not my place to decide. I help it get back on its feet.
· I end its suffering and bury it. Companions are like faeries. They deserve our respect.
· I eat it. Either way, it’s going to die. At least this way its death will serve some purpose.
Remember that, if you don’t get the result you want, you can always change it at the end.
Once you’re done, leave the room and you’ll get the objective:
After the ceremony you will be asked to name the sword. Think about it carefully, it will be called by name more than once!
You’ll leave with the objective:
And oh, Joy! Our friend the QTE is back! If you are a new player, know that you will be guided through it, so I’ll spare you the pain of hearing it from me too.
The dialogue that follows and several dialogues during the rest of the episode will change slightly depending on whether you failed or passed the QTE (which will change everytime you take it), now:
Objective: Go to bed. You deserve some rest!
There will be a scene in the hall of doors. Then you can go in your room.
Obective: Join your comrades at the Central Pavilion to leave on your mission.
You’ll meet Koori, Chrome and Mathieu, and soon you’ll be able to decide which of them you want to spend time with.
Objective: Go to the forest with your companions to investigate.
- (I find Koori fascinating. I’d like to talk to her.) (o)
- (I’d like to spend a bit of time catching up with Chrome…)(o)
- (I’d like to talk some more with Mathieu…) (o) towards the illustration, it’s necessary, even if you have enough lom already.
(This comes from my Spanish Playthrough, I apologize if the dialogues aren’t exactly the same, I had to translate these myself)
- When you say “great”, you mean besides me being dead? (-5)
- I can’t wait to explore the area, see everything that changed… (0)
- Of all the advantages a paradise on earth can have, cold cuts are by far one of the most important. (+5)
- Are you saying I’m the first catastrophe in this series? (-5)
- But if a series of catastrophes is brewing, you’ll be glad I’m here! (+5)
- I’m sure it’ll be ok. Everything will be back to normal soon. (0)
(This comes from my French Playthrough, I apologize if the dialogues aren’t exactly the same, I had to translate these myself)
- No… I find you… mysterious. (0)
- I’d rather say I find you… refreshing. (+5)
- I would have used a different word. ?(-5)
- Lie to her: These memories are personal. (-5)
- Tell her the truth, don’t talk about what it reminds you of (0)
- Tell her about the song and what it reminds you of (+5)
*As long as you have this scene and lom 30 it doesn’t matter what you answer. You’ll get the illustration. this has been tested with: Positive/positive answer, positive/neutral, Neutral/positive, Neutral/negative.
- I’m very professional. I plan to wait until the time is right…(+5)
- Um… No, that’s not exactly what I had in mind… (0)
- I have to say, the thought didn’t even cross my mind… (-5)
- Don’t you ever get tired of it? (0)
- Like some sort of mythical hero? (+5)
- Like some kind of circus freak? (-5)
Scroll to get “outside HQ” and then “Edge of the Forest”. After the conversation, go to Hallow Tree, then the circle of mushrooms.
Objective: Continue your investigation in the Deep Forest.
Go back to the Hallow tree for a chance to unlock the illustration (Lom ≥ 30 with Matheu required), if you fail, you can also unlock ANE Illustrationst by paying 200 gold coins (or with the usual replay).
Now go to deep forest.
- We’ll talk about it later. Right now we have to take care of the Seifaun! (0) Towards the illustration
- I don’t want to alarm any of you. Maybe I’m wrong. (0)
- They’re much more dangerous than your weapons. (0)
Objective: Go back to report to the Light Guard
At the Hallow tree you will be attacked.
Objective: Go to the Infirmary, you need to be cared for!
Objective: Find Huang Hua to tell her about the bullet.
In the Council Room.
Huang Hua
- Very well, Huang Hua. Keep us informed if you need us. (+5)
- Very well, keep your secrets… You’ll let us know when the time comes… (0)
- If you know something, we have the right to know what it’s about. (-5)
Objective: Go eat something with your comrades.
After the meal, you’ll decide to look for your fellow aengel.
Objective: Find Leiftan to ask him to train you.
In the Hall of Guards you’ll meet Nevra
- I understand. See you later, if you want. If you have the time. (+5) Towards the Illustration*
- Very well, I’ll let you get on with your… important things. (0)
- So much that you can’t be polite? (-5)
If he wasn’t your boyfriend
- You’re right. I should do the same. (+5) Towards the Illustration*
- If that suits you, it’s not up to me to judge. (0)
- You haven’t told yourself that it may be time to grow up a bit? (-5)
If he was your boyfriend this whole dialogue is quite a bit different:
- Maybe you should stop, in that case? (0)?
- I don’t know what to tell you, Nevra. I’m sorry. (+5) Towards the Illustration*
- Please! Don Juan’s lament, really? (-5)
Nevra & Leiftan:
- (I don’t want to get involved, but I need to intervene.) Illustration if both their loms are≥ 20
- (Nevra is much too agressive. This won’t end well.) (-5 Nevra)
- (Leiftan is trying to upset Nevra. This is going to get out of control.)(-5 Leiftan) Illustration if both their loms are≥ 20, Leiftan must be at 25 before this answer for it to work.
- You could use your powers to do good! (0)
- Are you sure this isn’t just an excuse to hide your cowardice? (-5)
- I… Very well. I can’t force you. I’ll figure something else out. (+5)
Objective: Go back to see Ewelein so that she can check your bandage.
Back to the infirmary
Once you’re done exit, and click on the alchemy lab door.
Objective: Go get the preparation at the Alchemy Lab.
Huang Chu
- Huang Chu, it’s [name]! Congratulations on your discovery! (+5)
- Huang Chu ! It’s not Mathieu, it’s [name]! Open up! (0)
- (I kicked the door, hard.) (-5)
- According to him, you don’t listen to him much either… (-5)
- You have to admit that he wasn’t lucky when he took the test. (0)
- You have to forgive him, he’s still young… (+5)
- …a decoction of lucky clovers. ✓ Right Answer
- …a yucky clover micturition.
- …a lucky rover potion
Objective: Bring the decoction to Ewelein.
And back to the infirmary.
- (There were treats. Lots and lots of treats.)(0)
- (I was running across the plain, with a little furry creature.)(o) (3° Illustration)
- (I was flying over the sea, the wind in my hair…)(0)
You’ll get a Seifaun for your trouble and get to name it, make sure it’s a name you like, because it will be your companion in the game!
And the episode is over!
All the dialogues by characters:
I know it can be a bit of a mess to dig for a specific dialogue in a whole guide, so I decided to inaugurate this section, similar to the one you can see in other guides:
Please note: you might not have all the dialogues listed. For more info check the full guide.
- Are you saying I’m the first catastrophe in this series? (-5)
- But if a series of catastrophes is brewing, you’ll be glad I’m here! (+5)
- I’m sure it’ll be ok. Everything will be back to normal soon. (0)
Huang Chu:
- That would be me. The savior of this world. (-5)
- I’d prefer it if you called me by my name… (0)
- Please call me [Name]. (+5)
- Huang Chu, it’s [name]! Congratulations on your discovery! (+5)
- Huang Chu ! It’s not Mathieu, it’s [name]! Open up! (0)
- (I kicked the door, hard.) (-5)
- According to him, you don’t listen to him much either… (-5)
- You have to admit that he wasn’t lucky when he took the test. (0)
- You have to forgive him, he’s still young… (+5)
- …a decoction of lucky clovers. ✓ Right Answer
- …a yucky clover micturition.
- …a lucky rover potion
Huang Hua
- Very well, Huang Hua. Keep us informed if you need us. (+5)
- Very well, keep your secrets… You’ll let us know when the time comes… (0)
- If you know something, we have the right to know what it’s about. (-5)
- (I slowly reached for the sword. After all, he made it for me…) (-5)
- (I waited. As Zarathustra said, “When in doubt, abstain.”) (0)
- (I held my arms out with my palms facing up. Since I was still unsure, I decided it was best to copy him.) (+5)
- No… I find you… mysterious. (0)
- I’d rather say I find you… refreshing. (+5)
- I would have used a different word. (-5)
- Lie to her: These memories are personal. (-5)
- Tell her the truth, don’t talk about what it reminds you of (0)
- Tell her about the song and what it reminds you of (+5)
- We’ll talk about it later. Right now we have to take care of the Seifaun! (0) Towards the illustration
- I don’t want to alarm any of you. Maybe I’m wrong. (0)
- They’re much more dangerous than your weapons. (0)
The creator of this site. (Not so) Secretly a cat.
Ferma sostenitrice della filosofia di vita "Dormi e lascia dormire".
Alla fine ti chiedono di dare un nome anche al famiglio dopo aver sbloccato l’illustrazione (non so se è importante XD)
Poi volevo chiedere: Se non indosso la tenuta non ottengo le illustrazioni? Sapete se è un requisito oltre al lovvometro?
(Anche per gli episodi seguenti 3 e 4 visto che indossa la stessa tenuta).
Lo chiedo perche nell’episodio 6 di The Origins non ho messo la tenuta e mi ha comunque sbloccato l’illustrazione (quella dove lei tiene in braccio il Kappa con il libro)
E poi avrei una domanda di curiosità per quanto riguarda il test della guardia:
Se gioco l’episodio 3 di The Origins, faccio il test e finisco nell’Assenzio per esempio, poi mi fanno fare il test del famiglio e poi ce l’obbiettivo “vai a dire a tutti che sei finita nella guardia Assenzio”.
Ma se prima di andare a dire a tutti che sono finita nella guardia Assenzio mi fermo perche la guardia a cui sono stata assegnata non mi piace, gioco a New Era faccio l’episodio 2 e scelgo l’Ombra, che da quello che capisco dovrebbe essere la mia guardia definitiva, la mia scelta ufficiale, il test che conta di piu dei due e che quindi prevale sull’altro, cosa succede nell’episodio 3 di The Origins? Si bugga tutto? Perche appunto dovevo dire a Ezarel di essere finita nella sua guardia ma poi in realta ce un cambio e dovrei invece dire a Nevra che sono finita nella sua. È una cosa che mi sono chiesta XD
Ah e poi tra l’altro: Se faccio un replay history dell’episodio 2 me la fa cambiare la guardia? O è come in The Oringins che puoi fare l’episodio 3 solo la prima volta e anche se fai i replay history rimani in quella guardia definitivamente?
Se io appunto gioco l’episodio 2 e scelgo l’Ombra ma poi cambio idea e voglio ritornare nell’Assenzio, posso fare un replay e me la cambia? O è definitivo anche quel test?Comunque immagino che se faccio un replay history posso almeno cambiare il nome della spada e del famiglio (?)
Oppure ancora: Se prima di tutto faccio il test dell’episodio 2 scegliendo l’Ombra, e solo in seguito gioco l’episodio 3 di The Origins per la prima volta, cosa succede al momento del risultato del test? Mi dicono “Sei adatta per la guardia Assenzio ma dato che in passato hai gia fatto il test rimani nella guardia in cui gia sei, Ombra”? Perche come dicevo sopra, il test di New Era è quello ufficiale che conta di piu e quello in cui puoi scegliere a differenza di The Origins?
Che è quello che mi dicono quando faccio il replay history appunto, perche non me la fanno cambiare.
Scusa per questi complessi esistenziali XD
Chiedo a te/a voi queste curiosita perche so che avete fatto molte prove e molti replay in tutte le maniere possibili e immaginabili e quindi forse sapete rispondere ai miei dubbi
Prima di rispondere per bene alla tua risposta, volevo segnalarti che all’inizio si può incontrare o Koori o Karuto o Adalric al ciliegio centenario. Io ho incontrato lui, poi sono andata per sicurezza nella sala d’alchimia e in mensa per vedere se incontravo anche gli altri due ma non c’era nessuno in entrambe le stanze. Allora sono andata nella sala del consiglio e ho proseguito l’episodio (comunque a me il pallino della Sala Del Consiglio è apparso gia al primo episodio la notte quando Huang Hua ci accompagna nella nostra stanza ma poi l’indomani quando è giorno scompare. Si vede che è un bug e hanno dimenticato di togliere il puntino quando è notte XD)
Ah e poi volevo far notare che nello scenario dove dobbiamo scegliere “Vorrei parlare ancora con Mathieu”, ce una nuvola a forma di drago che sputa fuoco…. :’)
(Vado a piangere :’) )
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