Summer 2021

Date:  The Summer Event will be available from August 12th @ 5 AM EST/11 AM CET to August 22nd, 23:59:59


You can find the LITE version of the exploration items list [HERE]

Troubleshooting & Bugs:

No bugs reported, for now. Some pieces might be missing (exploration)

How does it work? Guide and Tips:

The event is made of 4 parts:

1 – The exploration Map:

it’s a special, time limited map that you can find here:

By sending your companion on exploration you might find some coins to use on the minigame (see below) and a few outfits:

Salty Surfer (2016)
Roving Lass (2017)
Salty Queen (2018)
Fancy Mermaid (2019)
Fearless Captain (2019)
Queen of Cups (2019)
Abyss Creature (2020)
Legend of Sea (2020)
Marvellous Manta (2020)

And 2 new outfits (2021):

Orchid Dancer (2021) (also boutique) – 11 Pieces
Summer Faery (2021)  – 9 Pieces

2- The event Page, where you can use the coins you find in exploration to play the minigame (coins can also be bought for 15gold coins a piece) and check your progress:

You can find it here:

Each time you win the minigame, by collecting 15 10 suns (the number of suns necessary to win has been decreased to 10 on August 13th) at increasing speed over a minute (max), you can unlock ONE of 10 pieces of the illustration.  Therefore, you have to win the minigame 10 times; luckily there is no limit on the amount of coins you can find per day and the difficulty of the minigame doesn’t increase over time/each game. You can also pratice first.

The minigame unlocks the illustration AND each win counts toward the collective bar to unlock the legendary event companion:

3 – The boutique

In Purriry’s and Purerru’s stores you can find exclusive summer outfits and companions:

Only at the Boutique:

Poulpa Queen (2018)
Queen of Cups (2019)
Aquamarine Diver (2021) – 7 Pieces

You can also buy the outfit Orchid Dancer (2021), also available in exploration.

4 – The bank

By purchasing gold coins or/AND maana for a value of 1500 points (1 maana = 1 point, 1 gold coin = 3 points) you can get the bank bonus: Moth Lady (2021) (10 colours + a hairstyle you can pick separately)


The illustration for the Summer 2021 event can be unlocked by playing the snake minigame.

Summer 2021


You can get the following companions:

 Nome | NameAreaAnno | Year
Blobbette (No Esca)Boutique2019
Blobbiathan (No Esca)Boutique2019
Blobby (No Esca)Boutique2017
Perlifynn (Pearly Lifebuoy)Perlifynns Creek2021
Pinchou (Palm Leaf)Sun Bath2020
Piscxolot (Prickly Star)Forgotten Natural Pool2020
Woolapiyou (Woolapiyou)Shady Rest2017

Their Bait:

 Nome | NameAreaAnno | Year
Hourglass (Woolapiyou)Artistic Sands2017
Palm Leaf (Pinchou)Playground2020
Pearly Lifebuoy (Perlifynn)Cocktail Bar2021
Pearly Lifebuoy (Perlifynn)Crystal Clear Water2021
Prickly Star (Piscxolot)Artistic Sands2020
Prickly Star (Piscxolot)Perlifynns Creek2020

For further information please check the  companion page


Items in exploration

Interactive table with filters; you can search by item, store availability, category/sub category

You can find the list of all the map drops (it’s a special map, created for this event) below.

  • – No – Can’t be bought in boutique
  • Area: Boutique can only be bought in boutique.
  • The bait/companion for that companion/bait is written next to the name.
 Nome | NameCat.Sub. C.Costo | PriceAreaAnno | Year
Abyss Creature Ankle JewelryEquip.Calze | Socks-No-Sun Bath2020
Abyss Creature Arm FinsEquip.Acc. a mano | Hand Acc.-No-Crystal Clear Water2020
Abyss Creature BeltEquip.Cinture | Belts-No-Playground2020
Abyss Creature CrabEquip.Cappelli | Hats-No-Artistic Sands2019
Abyss Creature GlovesEquip.Guanti | Gloves-No-Perlifynns Creek2020
Abyss Creature Halter TopEquip.Top/s-No-Forgotten Natural Pool2020
Abyss Creature Leg FinsEquip.Calze | Socks-No-Cocktail Bar2020
Abyss Creature Shell SoikEquip.Atmosfere | Atmospheres-No-Golden Sand2020
Abyss Creature Shoulder PadEquip.Cappotti | Coats-No-Hundred Years Palm Tree2020
Abyss Creature SkinEquip.Pelli | Skins-No-Playground2020
Abyss Creature SkirtEquip.Pantaloni | Bottoms-No-Golden Sand2020
Aquamarine DiverEquip.Top/s-(70)Boutique2021
Aquamarine Diver BootsEquip.Scarpe | Shoes-(80)Boutique2021
Aquamarine Diver GarterEquip.Calze | Socks-(30)Boutique2021
Aquamarine Diver GlovesEquip.Guanti | Gloves-(45)Boutique2021
Aquamarine Diver MaskEquip.Acc. viso | Face Acc.-(55)Boutique2021
Aquamarine Diver SuitEquip.Lingerie | Underwear-(80)Boutique2021
Blobbette (No Esca)Uova/Eggs-180(30)Boutique2019
Blobbiathan (No Esca)Uova/Eggs--(500)Boutique2019
Blobby (No Esca)Uova/Eggs-180(30)Boutique2017
Boat of the Pirate KingEquip.Sfondi | Background-(50)
Cocktail Bar2019
CalypsoEquip.Capelli | Hair-No-Playground2020
Companion Beach (Day)Equip.Sfondi | Background-No-Private Yacht2020
Companion Beach (Night)Equip.Sfondi | Background-No-Hundred Years Palm Tree2020
Deep Sea OysterCibo/Food-24(4)Sun Bath2020
Edible SandCibo/Food-18(3)Hundred Years Palm Tree2020
EistirEquip.Capelli | Hair570(95)Artistic Sands2021
ElizabethEquip.Capelli | Hair-No-Hundred Years Palm Tree2019
Exotic Ocean SprayCibo/Food-30(5)Private Yacht2020
Exotic Ocean SprayCibo/Food-30(5)Shady Rest2020
Fancy Mermaid FinEquip.Acc. a mano | Hand Acc.-No-Forgotten Natural Pool2019
Fancy Mermaid NecklaceEquip.Collane | Necklaces-No-Artistic Sands2019
Fancy Mermaid SkinEquip.Pelli | Skins-No-Crystal Clear Water2019
Fancy Mermaid TridentEquip.Acc. a mano | Hand Acc.-No-Golden Sand2019
Fearless Captain BeltEquip.Cinture | Belts-No-Bubble Falls2019
Fearless Captain BootsEquip.Scarpe | Shoes-No-Artistic Sands2019
Fearless Captain CoatEquip.Cappotti | Coats-No-Hundred Years Palm Tree2019
Fearless Captain HatEquip.Cappelli | Hats-No-Private Yacht2019
Fearless Captain LocketEquip.Collane | Necklaces-No-Bubble Falls2019
Fearless Captain PantsEquip.Pantaloni | Bottoms-No-Golden Sand2019
Fearless Captain ShirtEquip.Top/s-No-Sun Bath2019
Glowing EyesEquip.Occhi | Eyes-(60)Boutique2019
Hourglass (Woolapiyou)Esche/Bait-600(100)Artistic Sands2017
Ice Cream StickEquip.Acc. a mano | Hand Acc.-No-Bubble Falls2016
IninaEquip.Capelli | Hair-No-Golden Sand2021
KebabEquip.Acc. a mano | Hand Acc.-No-Perlifynns Creek2018
Legend Of Sea AntennaeEquip.Acc. viso | Face Acc.-No-Private Yacht2020
Legend Of Sea BarretteEquip.Cappelli | Hats-No-Playground2020
Legend Of Sea BeltEquip.Cinture | Belts-No-Crystal Clear Water2020
Legend of Sea FinsEquip.Acc. a mano | Hand Acc.-No-Artistic Sands2020
Legend Of Sea GlovesEquip.Guanti | Gloves-No-Crystal Clear Water2020
Legend of Sea NecklaceEquip.Collane | Necklaces-No-Forgotten Natural Pool2020
Legend Of Sea Over-TopEquip.Top/s-No-Private Yacht2020
Legend Of Sea SkinEquip.Pelli | Skins-No-Shady Rest2020
Legend Of Sea SkirtEquip.Pantaloni | Bottoms-No-Cocktail Bar2020
Legend of Sea SwimsuitEquip.Lingerie | Underwear-No-Cocktail Bar2020
Legend Of Sea WaveEquip.Atmosfere | Atmospheres-No-Artistic Sands2020
Made up EyesEquip.Occhi | Eyes-No-Perlifynns Creek2017
Magical DepthsEquip.Sfondi | Background-(50)
Boutique (?)
MarinaEquip.Capelli | Hair-(90)Boutique2021
Marvellous Manta AntennaeEquip.Cappelli | Hats-No-Forgotten Natural Pool2020
Marvellous Manta BackEquip.Cappotti | Coats-No-Private Yacht2020
Marvellous Manta ChainsEquip.Acc. a mano | Hand Acc.-No-Private Yacht2020
Marvellous Manta CrownEquip.Cappelli | Hats-No-Sun Bath2020
Marvellous Manta EyesEquip.Occhi | Eyes-No-Private Yacht2020
Marvellous Manta FinsEquip.Cinture | Belts-No-Golden Sand2020
Marvellous Manta GlovesEquip.Guanti | Gloves-No-Bubble Falls2020
Marvellous Manta HeaddressEquip.Cappelli | Hats-No-Sun Bath2020
Marvellous Manta MouthEquip.Bocche | Mouths-No-Bubble Falls2020
Marvellous Manta SkinEquip.Pelli | Skins-No-Forgotten Natural Pool2020
Marvellous Manta TattooEquip.Tatuaggi | Tattoos-No-Sun Bath2020
MurgeltEquip.Capelli | Hair-No-Shady Rest2018
Orchid Dancer BeltEquip.Cinture | Belts252(42)Bubble Falls2021
Orchid Dancer BraceletsEquip.Acc. a mano | Hand Acc.-No-Playground2021
Orchid Dancer NecklacesEquip.Collane | Necklaces-No-Cocktail Bar2021
Orchid Dancer PantsEquip.Pantaloni | Bottoms420(70)Artistic Sands2021
Orchid Dancer SandalsEquip.Scarpe | Shoes294(49)Bubble Falls2021
Orchid Dancer SkirtEquip.Pantaloni | Bottoms396(66)Bubble Falls2021
Orchid Dancer SleevesEquip.Acc. a mano | Hand Acc.258(43)Perlifynns Creek2021
Orchid Dancer StockingsEquip.Calze | Socks228(38)Artistic Sands2021
Orchid Dancer TopEquip.Top/s-No-Golden Sand2021
Orchid Dancer VeilEquip.Acc. viso | Face Acc.300(50)Private Yacht2021
Palm Leaf (Pinchou)Esche/Bait-420(70)Playground2020
Pearly Lifebuoy (Perlifynn)Esche/Bait-600(100)Cocktail Bar2021
Pearly Lifebuoy (Perlifynn)Esche/Bait-600(100)Crystal Clear Water2021
Perlifynn (Pearly Lifebuoy)Uova/Eggs--No-Perlifynns Creek2021
Pinchou (Palm Leaf)Uova/Eggs-1950(325)Sun Bath2020
Piscxolot (Prickly Star)Uova/Eggs--(375)Forgotten Natural Pool2020
PisinoéEquip.Capelli | Hair-No-Sun Bath2019
Poulpa Queen DressEquip.Abiti | Dresses660(110)Boutique2018
Poulpa Queen JewelryEquip.Collane | Necklaces120(20)Boutique2018
Poulpa Queen MouthEquip.Bocche | Mouths90(15)Boutique2018
Poulpa Queen SkinEquip.Pelli | Skins540(90)Boutique2018
Prickly Star (Piscxolot)Esche/Bait-540(90)Artistic Sands2020
Prickly Star (Piscxolot)Esche/Bait-540(90)Perlifynns Creek2020
Queen of Cups AuraEquip.Atmosfere | Atmospheres-(70)Boutique2019
Queen of Cups BowlsEquip.Acc. a mano | Hand Acc.-(75)Boutique2019
Queen of Cups CapeEquip.Cappotti | Coats-(140)Boutique2019
Queen of Cups CrownEquip.Cappelli | Hats-(130)Boutique2019
Queen of Cups SkirtEquip.Pantaloni | Bottoms-(75)Boutique2019
Queen of Cups TopEquip.Top/s-(100)Boutique2019
Roving Lass DressEquip.Abiti | Dresses-No-Perlifynns Creek2017
Roving Lass HeadscarfEquip.Cappelli | Hats-No-Bubble Falls2017
Roving Lass JewelryEquip.Cappelli | Hats-No-Bubble Falls2017
Roving Lass SandalsEquip.Scarpe | Shoes-No-Playground2017
Roving Lass TattoosEquip.Tatuaggi | Tattoos-No-Shady Rest2017
Roving Lass TunicEquip.Abiti | Dresses-No-Perlifynns Creek2017
Sable CookieCibo/Food-24(4)Shady Rest2017
Salty Queen BodyEquip.Lingerie | Underwear-No-Artistic Sands2018
Salty Queen FishEquip.Atmosfere | Atmospheres-No-Private Yacht2018
Salty Queen JewelryEquip.Collane | Necklaces-No-Private Yacht2018
Salty Queen SandalsEquip.Scarpe | Shoes-No-Sun Bath2018
Salty Queen SkinEquip.Pelli | Skins-No-Cocktail Bar2018
Salty Queen SkirtEquip.Pantaloni | Bottoms-No-Hundred Years Palm Tree2018
Salty Queen TattooEquip.Tatuaggi | Tattoos-No-Shady Rest2018
Salty Queen TiaraEquip.Cappelli | Hats-No-Crystal Clear Water2018
Salty Queen TopEquip.Top/s-No-Cocktail Bar2018
Salty Queen TridentEquip.Acc. a mano | Hand Acc.-No-Golden Sand2018
Salty Surfer BikiniEquip.Lingerie | Underwear-No-Perlifynns Creek2016
Salty Surfer BurnsEquip.Pelli | Skins-No-Playground2016
Salty Surfer FloatyEquip.Cinture | Belts-No-Crystal Clear Water2016
Salty Surfer Foot BraceletEquip.Calze | Socks-No-Perlifynns Creek2016
Salty Surfer Hand BraceletEquip.Acc. a mano | Hand Acc.-No-Artistic Sands2016
Salty Surfer Head FlowersEquip.Cappelli | Hats-No-Cocktail Bar2016
Salty Surfer SandEquip.Atmosfere | Atmospheres-No-Cocktail Bar2016
Salty Surfer SandalsEquip.Scarpe | Shoes-No-Private Yacht2016
Salty Surfer SarongEquip.Cinture | Belts-No-Golden Sand2016
Salty Surfer SurfboardEquip.Acc. a mano | Hand Acc.-No-Forgotten Natural Pool2016
Salty Surfer TanEquip.Pelli | Skins-No-Shady Rest2016
SelenaEquip.Capelli | Hair-No-Shady Rest2017
SiaEquip.Capelli | Hair-(120)Boutique2019
Slice of WatermelonEquip.Bocche | Mouths-No-Playground2018
Summer Faery Ankle BraceletsEquip.Calze | Socks-No-Playground2021
Summer Faery Body BlouseEquip.Lingerie | Underwear-No-Bubble Falls2021
Summer Faery BraceletsEquip.Acc. a mano | Hand Acc.-No-Forgotten Natural Pool2021
Summer Faery ButterfliesEquip.Atmosfere | Atmospheres-No-Sun Bath2021
Summer Faery DressEquip.Abiti | Dresses-No-Perlifynns Creek2021
Summer Faery FlowerEquip.Acc. a mano | Hand Acc.-No-Private Yacht2021
Summer Faery Shoulder PadsEquip.Cappotti | Coats-No-Shady Rest2021
Summer Faery WingsEquip.Cappotti | Coats-No-Playground2021
Super Blobbydelice ©Cibo/Food-36(6)Boutique2019
TehaniEquip.Capelli | Hair-No-Hundred Years Palm Tree2016
ThelxiopeEquip.Capelli | Hair-No-Forgotten Natural Pool2020
UlvaEquip.Capelli | Hair900(150)Boutique2018
UrsulaEquip.Capelli | Hair-No-Cocktail Bar2020
Woolapiyou (Woolapiyou)Uova/Eggs--(350)Shady Rest2017

A lighter version of this table, with only the basic info, can be found [HERE]


The following outfits are available:

Boutique (4)

  1. Poulpa Queen (2018)
  2. Queen of Cups (2019)
  3. Orchid Dancer (2021) (can also be bought at the boutique)
  4. Aquamarine Diver (2021)

Exploration (11):

  1. Salty Surfer (2016)
  2. Roving Lass (2017)
  3. Salty Queen (2018)
  4. Fancy Mermaid (2019)
  5. Fearless Captain (2019)
  6. Queen of Cups (2019)
  7. Abyss Creature (2020)
  8. Legend of Sea (2020)
  9. Marvellous Manta (2020)
  10. Orchid Dancer (2021) (can also be bought at the boutique)
  11. Summer Faery (2021)

Bank Bonus (1)

  1. Moth Lady (2021)

By purchasing gold coins or/AND maana for a value of 1500 points (1 maana = 1 point, 1 gold coin = 3 points) you can get the bank bonus: Moth Lady (2021) (10 colours + a hairstyle you can pick separately)

Prices for the Boutique only outfits (if it’s not here it means it can be found on exploration too, check the table above):

 Nome | NameCat.Sub. C.Costo | PriceAnno | Year
Aquamarine DiverEquip.Top/s-(70)2021
Aquamarine Diver BootsEquip.Scarpe | Shoes-(80)2021
Aquamarine Diver GarterEquip.Calze | Socks-(30)2021
Aquamarine Diver GlovesEquip.Guanti | Gloves-(45)2021
Aquamarine Diver MaskEquip.Acc. viso | Face Acc.-(55)2021
Aquamarine Diver SuitEquip.Lingerie | Underwear-(80)2021
Blobbette (No Esca)Uova/Eggs-180(30)2019
Blobbiathan (No Esca)Uova/Eggs--(500)2019
Blobby (No Esca)Uova/Eggs-180(30)2017
Glowing EyesEquip.Occhi | Eyes-(60)2019
Magical DepthsEquip.Sfondi | Background-(50)
MarinaEquip.Capelli | Hair-(90)2021
Poulpa Queen DressEquip.Abiti | Dresses660(110)2018
Poulpa Queen JewelryEquip.Collane | Necklaces120(20)2018
Poulpa Queen MouthEquip.Bocche | Mouths90(15)2018
Poulpa Queen SkinEquip.Pelli | Skins540(90)2018
Queen of Cups AuraEquip.Atmosfere | Atmospheres-(70)2019
Queen of Cups BowlsEquip.Acc. a mano | Hand Acc.-(75)2019
Queen of Cups CapeEquip.Cappotti | Coats-(140)2019
Queen of Cups CrownEquip.Cappelli | Hats-(130)2019
Queen of Cups SkirtEquip.Pantaloni | Bottoms-(75)2019
Queen of Cups TopEquip.Top/s-(100)2019
SiaEquip.Capelli | Hair-(120)2019
Super Blobbydelice ©Cibo/Food-36(6)2019
UlvaEquip.Capelli | Hair900(150)2018

To see the outfits and their various colours you can check one of these websites:

Tenue d’Eldarya

Eldarya Fittings


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16/08/2021 2:48 pm

I think the clothing exploration chart is for music day, still? Thank you for all that you do!!

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