Halloween 2021

Thanks to Chrome for all his help with the drops list! Check his website for the list of Eldarya markables! :3

A dark potion has been added to your inventory as a compensation for yesterday’s bugs. Please make sure to completely exhaust your companion energy before using it; a potion with the same name was given in 2016, and it completely filled the energy bar of the companions.

Updated 29/10 – The exploration map is almost complete.


Date:  The Halloween Event will be available from October 28th @ 5 AM EST/11 AM CET to October 3rd, 23:59:59 EST. The exploration map will be available 4 extra days, until October 7th, 23:59:59 EST.


You can find the LITE version of the exploration items list [HERE]

Troubleshooting & Bugs:

  1. Dialogues cost 2  Maana during the event story Fixed!
  2. You can get stuck on the story Fixed!
  3. Each exploration only awards one item. Fixed!
  4. Some bait is overpriced Fixed!
  5. Some servers don’t get the option to change route
  6. Only one flame is given per day  Fixed!

How does it work? Guide and Tips:

The event is made of 4 parts:

1 – The exploration Map:

It’s a special, time limited map that you can find here:



By sending your companion on exploration you might find a few outfits from the previous years:

  1. Bloody Countess (2015)
  2. Lost Bride (2015)
  3. Black Widow (2015)
  4. Wolf Druid (2015)
  5. Frankenstein (2015)
  6. Evil Succubus (2015)
  7. Santa Muerte (2015)
  8.  Queen Spider (2016)
  9. Mysterious Enchantress (2016)
  10. Sweet Mourne (2016)
  11. Spirited Away (2016)
  12. Blood-Cloaked soldier (2016)
  13. Lost Soul (2016)
  14. Stealth Crow (2016)
  15. Magician (2016)
  16. Skeleton Witch  (2016)
  17. Petrifying Empress (2017)
  18. Evil Baroness (2017)
  19. Voodoo Priestess (2017)
  20. Mad Scientist (2017)
  21. Soul Sentinel  (2017)
  22. Naga (2017)
  23. Twisted Harpy (2018)
  24. Veiled Claws (2018)
  25. Nightmare Chivalry (2018)
  26. Fortune Teller (2019)
  27. Necromancer (2019)
  28. Rag Doll (2020)
  29.  Skel Mermaid (2020)

And 1 new outfits (2021):

  • Mischievious Trickster (2021) – 11 Pezzi

2- The event Page, where you can check your progress and play the event mini-story:

You can find it here:


Regarding the story: After a brief introduction a random guy will be selected to start telling his story, it is possible to change the guy you’re playing with for 40 gold coins but I suggest you don’t  waste them, as the order you get the item in is the same. You can pick 2 dialogues per day, whether you win or lose; if you pick the right answer you can proceed, otherwise you will have to repeat the dialogue.

It is possible to get an extra flame for 25 gold coins. There are 3 choices per route, for a total of 12 plus a final choice to make on Erika’s Story. Each correct answer you will unlock a piece of the outfit “Lava Child” in this order:

  1. Gloves
  2. Glasses
  3. Atmosphere
  4. (under costruction)


  1. I would have checked out the Pyramid of Doom. It’s full of traps, probably to protect something important…
  2. You knew how to keep a cool head!
  3. I’m usually wary of orders given by Purral.


  1. Straight? Neither the crying nor the ringing could have been good signs…
  2. Running as quickly as possible seems like a good idea, right?
  3. You hid in the tunnel from which you came, and waited for it to pass?


  1. Arcane Pits are huge nuts with a rune engraved on them…
  2. Vanoe save the girl, they fight the monster
  3. Vanhoe saved the damsel in distress, Gerrod brought down the monster… You’re jealous!


  1. I agree with Leiftan… The thing with the long neck.
  2. You came calmly out of your hiding spot so that she would see you.
  3. And you lied to her. Telling her that you had seen the Alicanto.


  1. I can’t do it, listen, this story is fake

Completing the story will award the illustration.

Each correct choice and completed exploration will be counted in the community meter. Once the meter is full, the guardians on the server will receive the Legendary Sleipnhorz


3 – The boutique

In Purriry’s and Purerru’s stores you can find exclusive Halloween outfits and companions:

  • Mischievous Trickster (2021)
  • Demonika (2020)
  • Fallen angel (2019)
  • Stained-Glass Widow (2018)
  • Twisted Harpy (2018)
  • Veiled Claws (2018)
  • Starry Witch  (2017)
  • Youth Seeker (2016)
  • Sfondi

Only at the Boutique:

  • Stained-Glass Widow (bug?)
  • Fallen Angel (bug? solo se l’avete comprata nel 2019 o nel negozio di monete antiche)
  • Demonika (solo se l’avete comprata l’anno passato o nel negozio di monete antiche)
  • Starry Witch
  • Youth Seeker

The bank outfit “Origins Villain” is available at the boutique if you’ve already unlocked it.

You can also buy the outfit  “Mischievous Trickster (2021), also available in exploration.

4 – The bank

By purchasing gold coins or/AND maana for a value of 1500 points (1 maana = 1 point, 1 gold coin = 3 points) you can get the bank bonus: Origins Villain (2021) (10 colours )



The illustration for the Halloween 2021 event can be unlocked by completing the story.

Halloween 2021



You can get the following companions:

  AreaYear /Anno
Bakhrahell (Bezoar)Lost Souls Labyrinth2018
Bhemoth (Spectral Lamp)Odessa Opera2020
Chead (Haunted Harp)Thorny Forest2016
Ciralak (Fabric Mouse)Witch's Cauldron2016
Globulosaurus (Patchwork Blanket)Doll Island2017
Greifmar (Moonstone*)Well of Souls2019
Hydracarys (Red Gem)Hangman's Tree2017
Kreafire (Mahogany Obsidian )Lava Cracks2016
Mohmiaû (Ball of Bandages )Pyramid of Doom2018
Osstoplasm (Haunted Rune)Ghost Ship2017
Pirnomnom (Shining Hook)Laboratory Manor2020
Pterocorvus (Centipede's Soul)Pumpkin Alley2019
Rawist (Glowing Iron)Abandoned Cemetery2015
Sgarkellogy (Very Special Fork)Demonic Altar2018
Spadel (Radioactive Silk)Haunted Forest2016
Gli oggetti di Halloween trovabili in esplorazione. Se un oggetto non è nell'elenco, o non è ancora stato trovato, o può solo essere comprato in negozio.

Costo: -No- Non venduto in negozio

Their Bait:

  AreaYear /Anno
Ball of Bandages (Mohmiaù)Village of the Damned2018
Bezoar (Bakharhell)Laboratory Manor2018
Centipede's Soul (Pterocorvus)Doll Island2019
Fabric Mouse (Ciralak)Lost Souls Labyrinth2016*
Glowing Iron (Rawist)Pyramid of Doom2015*
Haunted Harp (Chead)Witch's Cauldron2016
Haunted Rune (Osstoplasm)Pumpkin Alley2017*
Mahogany Obsidian (Kreafire)Abandoned Cemetery2021*
Moonstone (Greifmar)Haunted Forest2018
Patchwork Blanket (Globulosaurus)Demonic Altar2017*
Radioactive Silk (Spadel)Ghost Ship2016
Red Gem (Hydracarys)Odessa Opera2017*
Shining Hook (Pirnomnom)Thorny Forest2020*
Spectral Lamp (Bhemoth)Phoenix Castle2020
Very Special Fork (Sgarkellogy)Well of Souls2015
Gli oggetti di Halloween trovabili in esplorazione. Se un oggetto non è nell'elenco, o non è ancora stato trovato, o può solo essere comprato in negozio.

Costo: -No- Non venduto in negozio

Each correct choice and completed exploration will be counted in the community meter. Once the meter is full, the guardians on the server will receive the Legendary Sleipnhorz

For further information please check the  companions page


Items in exploration

Interactive table with filters; you can search by item, store availability, category/sub category

You can find the list of all the map drops (it’s a special map, created for this event) below.

  • – No – Can’t be bought in boutique
  • Area: Boutique can only be bought in boutique.
  • The bait/companion for that companion/bait is written next to the name.
  • If it’s missing the area it hasn’t been found yet or the table has still to be updated.
  Cat.Sub. C.Costo | PriceAreaYear /Anno
AdellaEquip.Capelli/ Hair-No-Lost Souls Labyrinth2020
Alchemist BeltEquip.Cinture /Belts-No-Abandoned Cemetery2016
Angel SmileEquip.Acc. viso/ Face Acc.-No-Doll Island2016
AnnabelleEquip.Capelli/ Hair-No-Abandoned Cemetery2020
Assassin EyesEquip.Occhi/ Eyes-No-Thorny Forest2016
Atmosphere Mad ScientistEquip.Atmosfere/ Atmospheres-No-Hangman's Tree2017
AugustineEquip.Capelli/ Hair-(150)Laboratory Manor2018
Bakhrahell (Bezoar)Uova/Eggs--(450)Lost Souls Labyrinth2018
Ball of Bandages (Mohmiaù)Esche/Bait-450(75)Village of the Damned2018
Basilisk TattooEquip.Tatuaggi/ Tattoos-No-Village of the Damned2016
Bat Thigh-HighsEquip.Calze/ Socks-No-Village of the Damned2017
Bat TightsEquip.Calze/ Socks-No-Odessa Opera2018
BathoryEquip.Capelli/ Hair-No-Pyramid of Doom2015
Bezoar (Bakharhell)Esche/Bait-600(100)Laboratory Manor2018
Bhemoth (Spectral Lamp)Uova/Eggs--No-Odessa Opera2020
Black Widow DressEquip.Abiti/ Dresses-No-Village of the Damned2015
Black Widow NecklaceEquip.Collane/ Necklaces-No-Haunted Forest2015
Black Widow ShoesEquip.Scarpe/ Shoes-No-Demonic Altar2015
Black Widow StockingsEquip.Calze/ Socks-No-Pumpkin Alley2015
Bloodstained CapeEquip.Cappotti /Coats-No-Laboratory Manor2015
Bloody Countess BeltEquip.Cinture /Belts-No-Well of Souls2015
Bloody Countess BoleroEquip.Cappotti /Coats-No-Pyramid of Doom2015
Bloody Countess BootsEquip.Scarpe/ Shoes-No-Lost Souls Labyrinth2015
Bloody Countess CapeEquip.Cappotti /Coats-No-Lava Cracks2015
Bloody Countess CorsetEquip.Cinture /Belts-No-Pumpkin Alley2015
Bloody Countess GlassEquip.Acc. a mano/ Hand Acc.-No-Pyramid of Doom2015
Bloody Countess GlovesEquip.Guanti/ Gloves-No-Abandoned Cemetery2015
Bloody Countess GownEquip.Abiti/ Dresses-No-Odessa Opera2015
Bubbling CauldronEquip.Acc. a mano/ Hand Acc.-No-Witch's Cauldron2016
CampfireEquip.Sfondi/ Backgrounds-No-Witch's Cauldron2021
Candy CornCibo/Food-30(5)Boutique2015
CassandreEquip.Capelli/ Hair-No-Hangman's Tree2017
CensoredEquip.Bocche/ Mouths-No-Doll Island2017
Centipede's Soul (Pterocorvus)Esche/Bait-480(80)Doll Island2019
Chead (Haunted Harp)Uova/Eggs--No-Thorny Forest2016
Ciralak (Fabric Mouse)Uova/Eggs--No-Witch's Cauldron2016
De La Muerte CrownEquip.Cappelli/ Hats-No-Lost Souls Labyrinth2015
De La Muerte MaskEquip.Acc. viso/ Face Acc.-No-Ghost Ship2015
De La Muerte SkinEquip.Pelle/ Skins-No-Odessa Opera2015
Deadly FlowersEquip.Atmosfere/ Atmospheres-No-Ghost Ship2018
Decorative UnderwearEquip.Lingerie/ Underwear-No-Doll Island2017
Demon EyesEquip.Occhi/ Eyes-No-Lava Cracks2015
Demonic AltarEquip.Sfondi/ Backgrounds300(50)Boutique2019
Demonic AntlersEquip.Cappelli/ Hats-No-Demonic Altar2018
Demonic HatEquip.Cappelli/ Hats-No-Demonic Altar2016
Disenchanted ForestEquip.Sfondi/ Backgrounds300(50)Boutique2019
Dizzy LingerieEquip.Lingerie/ Underwear-No-Abandoned Cemetery2018
Don't be afraid of the darkEquip. Sfondi/ Backgrounds-No-Demonic Altar2017
Double View EarringsEquip.Acc. viso/ Face Acc.-No-Phoenix Castle2018
Empty eyesEquip.Occhi/ Eyes-No-Doll Island2015
Empty Teary EyesEquip.Occhi/ Eyes-No-Haunted Forest2015
Evil Baroness CorsetEquip.Top/s-No-Lost Souls Labyrinth2017
Evil Baroness DressEquip.Abiti/ Dresses-No-Odessa Opera2017
Evil Baroness HornsEquip.Cappelli/ Hats-No-Odessa Opera2017
Evil Baroness HovesEquip.Scarpe/ Shoes-No-Lava Cracks2017
Evil Baroness NecklaceEquip.Collane/ Necklaces-No-Ghost Ship2017
Evil Baroness ScepterEquip.Acc. a mano/ Hand Acc.-No-Pumpkin Alley2017
Evil Baroness TailEquip.Cinture /Belts-No-Lava Cracks2017
Evil Baroness Thigh-HighsEquip.Calze/ Socks-No-Ghost Ship2017
Evil Succubus Body BlouseEquip.Lingerie/ Underwear-No-Odessa Opera2015
Evil Succubus NecklaceEquip.Collane/ Necklaces-No-Pyramid of Doom2015
Evil Succubus StockingsEquip.Calze/ Socks-No-Ghost Ship2015
Evil Succubus WingsEquip.Cappotti /Coats-No-Lost Souls Labyrinth2015
Fabric Mouse (Ciralak)Esche/Bait-600(100)Lost Souls Labyrinth2016*
Fake Blood-Cloaked Soldier BootsEquip.Scarpe/ Shoes-No-Well of Souls2016
Fake Blood-Cloaked Soldier CoatEquip.Cappotti /Coats-No-Odessa Opera2016
Fake Blood-Cloaked Soldier GlovesEquip.Guanti/ Gloves-No-Hangman's Tree2016
Fake Blood-Cloaked Soldier JewelryEquip.Collane/ Necklaces-No-Doll Island2016
Fake Blood-Cloaked Soldier PantsEquip.Calze/ Socks-No-Demonic Altar2016
Fake Blood-cloaked Soldier TeddyEquip.Lingerie/ Underwear-No-Hangman's Tree2016
Feather PelerineEquip.Cappotti /Coats-No-Hangman's Tree2017
FlamesEquip.Atmosfere/ Atmospheres-No-Pumpkin Alley2015
Floating CandlesEquip.Atmosfere/ Atmospheres-No-Thorny Forest2017
Fortune Teller AthameEquip.Calze/ Socks-No-Haunted Forest2019
Fortune Teller CapeEquip.Cappotti /Coats-No-Thorny Forest2019
Fortune Teller CardsEquip.Acc. a mano/ Hand Acc.-No-Village of the Damned2019
Fortune Teller CoatEquip.Cappotti /Coats-No-Haunted Forest2019
Fortune Teller DressEquip.Abiti/ Dresses-No-Laboratory Manor2019
Fortune Teller EarringsEquip.Acc. viso/ Face Acc.-No-Hangman's Tree2019
Fortune Teller HeadbandEquip.Cappelli/ Hats-No-Pyramid of Doom2019
Fortune Teller HeelsEquip.Scarpe/ Shoes-No-Odessa Opera2019
Fortune Teller NecklaceEquip.Collane/ Necklaces-No-Lava Cracks2019
Fortune Teller RingsEquip.Acc. a mano/ Hand Acc.-No-Odessa Opera2019
Fortune Teller Sage StickEquip.Acc. a mano/ Hand Acc.-No-Thorny Forest2019
FranEquip.Capelli/ Hair-No-Ghost Ship2017
Frankenstein DressEquip.Abiti/ Dresses-No-Odessa Opera2015
Frankenstein Leather Ankle CuffsEquip.Scarpe/ Shoes-No-Thorny Forest2015
Frankenstein Leather CuffsEquip.Acc. a mano/ Hand Acc.-No-Well of Souls2015
Frankenstein NecklaceEquip.Collane/ Necklaces-No-Ghost Ship2015
Frankenstein SkinEquip.Pelle/ Skins-No-Lava Cracks2015
Ghost ShipEquip.Sfondi/ Backgrounds300(50)Boutique2018
Globulosaurus (Patchwork Blanket)Uova/Eggs--No-Doll Island2017
Glowing Iron (Rawist)Esche/Bait-600(100)Pyramid of Doom2015*
Googly EyesEquip.Occhi/ Eyes-No-Village of the Damned2016
Gothic ChokerEquip.Collane/ Necklaces-No-Lava Cracks2018
Greifmar (Moonstone*)Uova/Eggs--(450)Well of Souls2019
Harpy HeaddressEquip.Cappelli/ Hats-No-Ghost Ship2015
Haunted Harp (Chead)Esche/Bait-450(75)Witch's Cauldron2016
Haunted Rune (Osstoplasm)Esche/Bait-450(75)Pumpkin Alley2017*
HorrifyingEquip.Bocche/ Mouths-No-Haunted Forest2015
Hydracarys (Red Gem)Uova/Eggs--No-Hangman's Tree2017
InariEquip.Capelli/ Hair-No-Doll Island2016
InsaneEquip.Bocche/ Mouths-No-Village of the Damned2016
Invasive ThornsEquip.Atmosfere/ Atmospheres-No-Thorny Forest2016
KathleenEquip.Capelli/ Hair-(175)Boutique2018
Kreafire (Mahogany Obsidian )Uova/Eggs-2040(340)Lava Cracks2016
LaureEquip.Capelli/ Hair-(125)Haunted Forest2018
LenaEquip.Capelli/ Hair-No-Thorny Forest2016
Living HatEquip.Cappelli/ Hats-No-Phoenix Castle2015
LoptrEquip.Capelli/ Hair570(95)Well of Souls2021
Lost Bride BustierEquip.Top/s-No-Doll Island2015
Lost Bride GarterEquip.Calze/ Socks-No-Laboratory Manor2015
Lost Bride SandalsEquip.Scarpe/ Shoes-No-Thorny Forest2015
Lost Bride SkirtEquip.Pantaloni/ Bottoms-No-Doll Island2015
Lost Bride SplattersEquip.Acc. viso/ Face Acc.-No-Lost Souls Labyrinth2015
Lost Bride VeilEquip.Cappelli/ Hats-No-Well of Souls2015
Lost Soul CamisoleEquip.Top/s-No-Well of Souls2016
Lost Soul Eye PatchEquip.Acc. viso/ Face Acc.-No-Village of the Damned2016
Lost Soul GlovesEquip.Guanti/ Gloves-No-Hangman's Tree2016
Lost Soul PantsEquip.Calze/ Socks-No-Demonic Altar2016
Lost Soul PantsEquip.Pantaloni/ Bottoms-No-Witch's Cauldron2016
Lost Soul UnderwearEquip.Lingerie/ Underwear-No-Pumpkin Alley2016
Low-cut Fluid DressEquip.Abiti/ Dresses-No-Odessa Opera2018
Luminous Spectral SkinEquip.Pelle/ Skins-No-Well of Soul2016
Mad Scientist BootsEquip.Scarpe/ Shoes-No-Abandoned Cemetery2017
Mad Scientist CoatEquip.Cappotti /Coats-No-Haunted Forest2017
Mad Scientist GlassesEquip.Acc. viso/ Face Acc.-No-Pumpkin Alley2017
Mad Scientist GlovesEquip.Guanti/ Gloves-No-Odessa Opera2017
Mad Scientist PantsEquip.Pantaloni/ Bottoms-No-Phoenix Castle2017
Mad Scientist SocksEquip.Calze/ Socks-No-Abandoned Cemetery2017
Mad Scientist TopEquip.Top/s-No-Haunted Forest2017
Magician ShoesEquip.Scarpe/ Shoes-No-Haunted Forest2016
Magician SkirtEquip.Pantaloni/ Bottoms-No-Odessa Opera2016
Magician SweaterEquip.Cappotti /Coats-No-Odessa Opera2016
Magician TopEquip.Top/s-No-Well of Souls2016
Mahogany Obsidian (Kreafire)Esche/Bait-420(70)Abandoned Cemetery2021*
MaryEquip.Capelli/ Hair-No-Phoenix Castle2016
MelissaEquip.Capelli/ Hair-(175)Boutique2017
Mischievous Trickster BeltEquip.Cinture /Belts180(30)Hangman's Tree2016
Mischievous Trickster BootsEquip.Scarpe/ Shoes300(50)Phoenix Castle2015
Mischievous Trickster CapeEquip.Cappotti /Coats468(78)Witch's Cauldron2021
Mischievous Trickster CoatEquip.Cappotti /Coats420(70)Thorny Forest2021
Mischievous Trickster GlovesEquip.Guanti/ Gloves132(22)Phoenix Castle2021
Mischievous Trickster HelmetEquip.Cappelli/ Hats420(70)Thorny Forest2021
Mischievous Trickster PantsEquip.Pantaloni/ Bottoms300(50)Lava Cracks2021
Mischievous Trickster StaffEquip.Acc. a mano/ Hand Acc.480(80)Demonic Altar2021
Mischievous Trickster TopEquip.Top/s330(55)Pyramid of Doom2021
Mohmiaû (Ball of Bandages )Uova/Eggs--(350)Pyramid of Doom2018
Moonstone (Greifmar)Esche/Bait-420(70)Haunted Forest2018
MorganeEquip.Capelli/ Hair-No-Witch's Cauldron2017
MowaEquip.Capelli/ Hair-No-Lava Cracks2017
Mummy BandagesEquip.Abiti/ Dresses-No-Pyramid of Doom2015
Munak HatEquip.Cappelli/ Hats-No-Lava Cracks2015
Mysterious Enchantress DressEquip.Abiti/ Dresses-No-Doll Island2016
Mysterious Enchantress MaskEquip.Acc. viso/ Face Acc.-No-Demonic Altar2016
Mysterious Enchantress NecklaceEquip.Collane/ Necklaces-No-Lava Cracks2016
Mysterious Enchantress ScepterEquip.Acc. a mano/ Hand Acc.-No-Demonic Altar2016
Mysterious Enchantress SocksEquip.Scarpe/ Shoes-No-Thorny Forest2016
Mysterious Enchantress TightsEquip.Calze/ Socks-No-Phoenix Castle2016
Mysterious Enchantress TopEquip.Top/s-No-Lost Souls Labyrinth2016
Mysterious Enchantress VeilEquip.Cappotti /Coats-No-Demonic Altar2016
Naga SkinEquip.Pelle/ Skins-No-Demonic Altar2017
NaiaEquip.Capelli/ Hair-No-Village of the Damned2017
NaomieEquip.Capelli/ Hair-No-Witch's Cauldron2018
Necromancer CrownEquip.Cappelli/ Hats-No-Haunted Forest2019
Necromancer HornsEquip.Cappelli/ Hats-No-Hangman's Tree2019
Necromancer SceptreEquip.Acc. a mano/ Hand Acc.-No-Thorny Forest2019
Necromancer SkirtEquip.Pantaloni/ Bottoms-No-Witch's Cauldron2019
Necromancer SleevesEquip.Acc. a mano/ Hand Acc.-No-Witch's Cauldron2019
Necromancer TopEquip.Top/s-No-Thorny Forest2019
Necromancer VeilEquip.Cappelli/ Hats-No-Lost Souls Labyrinth2019
Neglected CrossEquip.Atmosfere/ Atmospheres-No-Ghost Ship2018
Nightmare Chivalry BeltEquip.Cinture /Belts-No-Lava Cracks2018
Nightmare Chivalry BootsEquip.Scarpe/ Shoes-No-Demonic Altar2018
Nightmare Chivalry Chest PlateEquip.Top/s-No-Well of Souls2018
Nightmare Chivalry DressEquip.Abiti/ Dresses-No-Lava Cracks2018
Nightmare Chivalry EyesEquip.Occhi/ Eyes-No-Laboratory Manor2018
Nightmare Chivalry GlovesEquip.Guanti/ Gloves-No-Hangman's Tree2018
Nightmare Chivalry MaskEquip.Acc. viso/ Face Acc.-No-Well of Souls2018
Nightmare Chivalry PantsEquip.Pantaloni/ Bottoms-No-Pyramid of Doom2018
Nightmare Chivalry SwordEquip.Acc. a mano/ Hand Acc.-No-Ghost Ship2018
Nightmare Chivalry VeilEquip.Cappotti /Coats-No-Pumpkin Alley2018
Osstoplasm (Haunted Rune)Uova/Eggs--No-Ghost Ship2017
Patchwork Blanket (Globulosaurus)Esche/Bait-300(50)Demonic Altar2017*
Petrifying Empress CapeEquip.Cappotti /Coats-No-Demonic Altar2017
Petrifying Empress DressEquip.Abiti/ Dresses-No-Thorny Forest2017
Petrifying Empress JewelryEquip.Acc. a mano/ Hand Acc.-No-Lost Souls Labyrinth2017
Petrifying Empress ShoesEquip.Scarpe/ Shoes-No-Laboratory Manor2017
Petrifying Empress Shoulder PadsEquip.Cappotti /Coats-No-Ghost Ship2017
Pirnomnom (Shining Hook)Uova/Eggs-2010(335)Laboratory Manor2020
Pointy earsEquip.Acc. viso/ Face Acc.-No-Thorny Forest2016
Pointy NailsEquip.Acc. a mano/ Hand Acc.-No-Well of Souls2017
Possesed AppleCibo/Food-24(4)Boutique2015
Possessed EyesEquip.Occhi/ Eyes-No-Lost Souls Labyrinth2015
Pterocorvus (Centipede's Soul)Uova/Eggs-2100(350)Pumpkin Alley2019
Pumpkin MeetingEquip.Atmosfere/ Atmospheres-No-Phoenix Castle2017
Pumpkin ShortsEquip.Pantaloni/ Bottoms-No-Ghost Ship2015
Queen Spider HelmetEquip.Cappelli/ Hats-No-Witch's Cauldron2016
Queen Spider SocksEquip.Calze/ Socks-No-Phoenix Castle2016
Queen Spider SwordEquip.Acc. a mano/ Hand Acc.-No-Odessa Opera2016
Queen Spider TopEquip.Lingerie/ Underwear-No-Phoenix Castle2016
Radioactive Silk (Spadel)Esche/Bait-300(50)Ghost Ship2016
Rag Doll ApronEquip.Cinture /Belts-No-Phoenix Castle2020
Rag Doll BloomersEquip.Pantaloni/ Bottoms-No-Doll Island2020
Rag Doll BowEquip.Collane/ Necklaces-No-Thorny Forest2020
Rag Doll DressEquip.Abiti/ Dresses-No-Well of Souls2020
Rag Doll EyesEquip.Occhi/ Eyes-No-Thorny Forest2020
Rag Doll HeadbandEquip.Cappelli/ Hats-No-Doll Island2020
Rag Doll PlushEquip.Acc. a mano/ Hand Acc.-No-Odessa Opera2020
Rag Doll ShadowEquip.Atmosfere/ Atmospheres-No-Village of the Damned2020
Rag Doll ShoesEquip.Scarpe/ Shoes-No-Demonic Altar2020
Rag Doll SkinEquip.Pelle/ Skins-No-Abandoned Cemetery2020
Rag Doll SocksEquip.Calze/ Socks-No-Hangman's Tree2020
Rawist (Glowing Iron)Uova/Eggs--No-Abandoned Cemetery2015
Reckless Adventurer CoatEquip.Cappotti /Coats-No-Lost Souls Labyrinth2016
Red Gem (Hydracarys)Esche/Bait-600(100)Odessa Opera2017*
SamaraEquip.Capelli/ Hair-No-Pumpkin Alley2019
Sgarkellogy (Very Special Fork)Uova/Eggs--No-Demonic Altar2018
Sharp CrownEquip.Cappelli/ Hats-No-Lava Cracks2018
Shining Hook (Pirnomnom)Esche/Bait-420(70)Thorny Forest2020*
SibylleEquip.Capelli/ Hair-No-Odessa Opera2019
Skel Mermaid AnchorEquip.Acc. a mano/ Hand Acc.-No-Village of the Damned2020
Skel Mermaid CompanionsEquip.Atmosfere/ Atmospheres-No-Abandoned Cemetery2020
Skel Mermaid CrownEquip.Cappelli/ Hats-No-Demonic Altar2020
Skel Mermaid EarsEquip.Cappelli/ Hats-No-Abandoned Cemetery2020
Skel Mermaid Make UpEquip.Acc. viso/ Face Acc.-No-Doll Island2020
Skel Mermaid ScepterEquip.Acc. a mano/ Hand Acc.-No-Hangman's Tree2020
Skel Mermaid SkinEquip.Pelle/ Skins-No-Abandoned Cemetery2020
Skel Mermaid TopEquip.Top/s-No-Haunted Forest2020
Skeleton Witch ArmsEquip.Guanti/ Gloves-No-Laboratory Manor2016
Skeleton Witch BeltEquip.Cinture /Belts-No-Lava Cracks2016
Skeleton Witch CrownEquip.Cappelli/ Hats-No-Lost Souls Labyrinth2016
Skeleton Witch ScytheEquip.Acc. a mano/ Hand Acc.-No-Witch's Cauldron2016
Skeleton Witch ShoesEquip.Scarpe/ Shoes-No-Doll Island2016
Skeleton Witch StockingsEquip.Calze/ Socks-No-Witch's Cauldron2016
Skeleton Witch TeddyEquip.Lingerie/ Underwear-No-Hangman's Tree2016
Skeleton Witch TopEquip.Top/s-No-Phoenix Castle2016
Skeleton Witch WingsEquip.Cappotti /Coats-No-Laboratory Manor2016
Skull EarringsEquip.Acc. viso/ Face Acc.-No-Thorny Forest2016
Skull NecklaceEquip.Collane/ Necklaces-No-Village of the Damned2016
Soul Sentinel BootsEquip.Scarpe/ Shoes-No-Pyramid of Doom2017
Soul Sentinel CrownEquip.Cappelli/ Hats-No-Well of Souls2017
Soul Sentinel DressEquip.Abiti/ Dresses-No-Abandoned Cemetery2017
Soul Sentinel FurEquip.Cappotti /Coats-No-Hangman's Tree2017
Soul Sentinel MonocleEquip.Acc. viso/ Face Acc.-No-Abandoned Cemetery2017
Soul Sentinel ScepterEquip.Acc. a mano/ Hand Acc.-No-Well of Souls2017
Soul Sentinel TightsEquip.Calze/ Socks-No-Witch's Cauldron2017
Spadel (Radioactive Silk)Uova/Eggs--No-Haunted Forest2016
Spectral Lamp (Bhemoth)Esche/Bait-540(90)Phoenix Castle2020
Spectral SkinEquip.Pelle/ Skins-No-Odessa Opera2016
Spider Web CorsetEquip.Lingerie/ Underwear-No-Well of Souls2016
Spirited Away BeltEquip.Cinture /Belts-No-Pyramid of Doom2016
Spirited Away EyeEquip.Acc. viso/ Face Acc.-No-Phoenix Castle2016
Spirited Away GhostEquip.Acc. viso/ Face Acc.-No-Village of the Damned2016
Spirited Away Kimono Equip.Abiti/ Dresses-No-Lost Souls Labyrinth2016
Spirited Away MaskEquip.Acc. viso/ Face Acc.-No-Haunted Forest2016
Stained-glass Widow BeltEquip.Cinture /Belts-(30)Boutique2018
Stained-glass Widow CrownEquip.Cappelli/ Hats-(75)Boutique2018
Stained-glass Widow GlovesEquip.Guanti/ Gloves-(40)Boutique2018
Stained-glass Widow LingerieEquip.Lingerie/ Underwear-(70)Boutique2018
Stained-glass Widow ScepterEquip.Acc. a mano/ Hand Acc.-(200)Boutique2018
Stained-glass Widow ShoesEquip.Scarpe/ Shoes-(50)Boutique2018
Stained-glass Widow SkirtEquip.Pantaloni/ Bottoms-(80)Boutique2018
Stained-glass Widow TearsEquip.Acc. viso/ Face Acc.(15)Boutique2018
Stained-glass Widow TopEquip.Top/s-(55)Boutique2018
Starry Witch BroomEquip.Acc. a mano/ Hand Acc.-(30)Boutique2017
Starry Witch CaneEquip.Acc. a mano/ Hand Acc.-(200)Boutique2017
Starry Witch HatEquip.Cappelli/ Hats-(80)Boutique2017
Starry Witch JacketEquip.Cappotti /Coats-(75)Boutique2017
Starry Witch JacketEquip.Top/s-(75)Boutique2017
Starry Witch ShoesEquip.Scarpe/ Shoes-(60)Boutique2017
Starry Witch ShortsEquip.Pantaloni/ Bottoms-(40)Boutique2017
Starry Witch SkirtEquip.Pantaloni/ Bottoms-(45)Boutique2017
Starry Witch TightsEquip.Calze/ Socks-(30)Boutique2017
Starry Witch TopEquip.Top/s-(55)Boutique2017
Stealth Crow BeltEquip.Cinture /Belts-No-Doll Island2016
Stealth Crow BootsEquip.Scarpe/ Shoes-No-Lava Cracks2016
Stealth Crow CapeEquip.Cappotti /Coats-No-Abandoned Cemetery2016
Stealth Crow HoodEquip.Cappotti /Coats-No-Ghost Ship2016
Stealth Crow MaskEquip.Acc. viso/ Face Acc.-No-Lost Souls Labyrinth2016
Stealth Crow PantsEquip.Pantaloni/ Bottoms-No-Lava Cracks2016
Stealth Crow Shoulder PadEquip.Cappotti /Coats-No-Lost Souls Labyrinth2016
Stealth Crow SwordEquip.Acc. a mano/ Hand Acc.-No-Doll Island2016
Stealth Crow TopEquip.Top/s-No-Odessa Opera2016
Stitched EyesEquip.Occhi/ Eyes-No-Haunted Forest2017
Sweet Mourne Bags Under EyesEquip.Acc. viso/ Face Acc.-No-Lost Souls Labyrinth2016
Sweet Mourne BootsEquip.Scarpe/ Shoes-No-Pumpkin Alley2016
Sweet Mourne DressEquip.Abiti/ Dresses-No-Lava Cracks2016
Sweet Mourne GlovesEquip.Guanti/ Gloves-No-Demonic Altar2016
Sweet Mourne Nail PolishEquip.Acc. a mano/ Hand Acc.-No-Witch's Cauldron2016
Sweet Mourne NecklaceEquip.Collane/ Necklaces-No-Doll Island2016
Sweet Mourne Open WoundsEquip.Tatuaggi/ Tattoos-No-Demonic Altar2016
Sweet Mourne StockingsEquip.Calze/ Socks-No-Odessa Opera2016
Sweet Mourne UnderwearEquip.Lingerie/ Underwear-No-Haunted Forest2016
TalismanEquip.Acc. viso/ Face Acc.-No-Pumpkin Alley2015
Terrifying SweetCibo/Food-18(3)Boutique2015
ThirstyEquip.Bocche/ Mouths-No-Pyramid of Doom2015
This is HalloweenEquip.Sfondi/ Backgrounds-No-Hangman's Tree2017
Twisted Harpy BeltEquip.Cinture /Belts-(35)Haunted Forest2018
Twisted Harpy ClawsEquip.Scarpe/ Shoes-(75)Laboratory Manor2018
Twisted Harpy Face FeathersEquip.Acc. viso/ Face Acc.-(30)Well of Souls2018
Twisted Harpy FeathersEquip.Atmosfere/ Atmospheres-(30)Hangman's Tree2018
Twisted Harpy GlovesEquip.Guanti/ Gloves-(20)Ghost Ship2018
Twisted Harpy MouthEquip.Bocche/ Mouths-(25)Laboratory Manor2018
Twisted Harpy PantsEquip.Pantaloni/ Bottoms-(30)Lava Cracks2018
Twisted Harpy TightsEquip.Calze/ Socks-(45)Demonic Altar2018
Twisted Harpy TopEquip.Top/s-(50)Village of the Damned2018
Twisted Harpy WingsEquip.Acc. a mano/ Hand Acc.-(175)Well of Souls2018
Unwanted GuestEquip.Cinture /Belts-No-Lost Souls Labyrinth2016
Used Leather ShortsEquip.Pantaloni/ Bottoms-No-Abandoned Cemetery2017
Vampire EyesEquip.Occhi/ Eyes-No-Phoenix Castle2015
Veiled Claws BeltEquip.Cinture /Belts-(50)Abandoned Cemetery2018
Veiled Claws Body Equip.Lingerie/ Underwear-(40)Pumpkin Alley2018
Veiled Claws BootsEquip.Scarpe/ Shoes-(60)Lava Cracks2018
Veiled Claws CapeEquip.Cappotti /Coats-(70)Laboratory Manor2018
Veiled Claws EarringsEquip.Acc. viso/ Face Acc.-(15)Witch's Cauldron2018
Veiled Claws Evil SpellEquip.Atmosfere/ Atmospheres-(100)Pumpkin Alley2018
Veiled Claws MaskEquip.Acc. viso/ Face Acc.-(30)Laboratory Manor2018
Veiled Claws PantsEquip.Pantaloni/ Bottoms-(30)Hangman's Tree2018
Veiled Claws PipeEquip.Acc. a mano/ Hand Acc.-(50)Pyramid of Doom2018
Veiled Claws TopEquip.Top/s-(65)Witch's Cauldron2018
Very Special Fork (Sgarkellogy)Esche/Bait-450(75)Well of Souls2015
Vial of Poisonous SoulsEquip.Acc. a mano/ Hand Acc.-No-Abandoned Cemetery2016
Village of the DamnedEquip.Sfondi/ Backgrounds300(50)?2019
Viper TongueEquip.Bocche/ Mouths-No-Well of Souls2017
Voodoo Priestess CorsetEquip.Top/s-No-Haunted Forest2017
Voodoo Priestess EarringsEquip.Acc. viso/ Face Acc.-No-Pumpkin Alley2017
Voodoo Priestess MaskEquip.Acc. viso/ Face Acc.-No-Phoenix Castle2017
Voodoo Priestess SkirtEquip.Pantaloni/ Bottoms-No-Demonic Altar2017
Voodoo Priestess TattooEquip.Tatuaggi/ Tattoos-No-Ghost Ship2017
Voodoo Priestess TopEquip.Top/s-No-Well of Souls2017
Voodoo Priestess Top HatEquip.
Cappelli/ Hats-No-Well of Souls2017
WickedEquip.Bocche/ Mouths-No-Doll Island2016
Widow VeilEquip.Acc. viso/ Face Acc.-No-Laboratory Manor2018
Witch's CauldronEquip.Sfondi/ Backgrounds300(50)Witch's Cauldron?2018
Wolf Druid ArmorEquip.Cinture /Belts-No-Laboratory Manor2015
Wolf Druid ClawsEquip.Acc. a mano/ Hand Acc.-No-Ghost Ship2015
Wolf Druid DressEquip.Abiti/ Dresses-No-Village of the Damned2015
Wolf Druid GlovesEquip.Guanti/ Gloves-No-Demonic Altar2015
Wolf Druid HeaddressEquip.Cappelli/ Hats-No-Abandoned Cemetery2015
Wolf Druid PawsEquip.Scarpe/ Shoes-No-Hangman's Tree2015
Youth Seeker ChokerEquip.Collane/ Necklaces330(55)Boutique2016
Youth Seeker CleaverEquip.Acc. a mano/ Hand Acc.270(45)Boutique2016
Youth Seeker CorsetEquip.Lingerie/ Underwear600(100)Boutique2016
Youth Seeker DressEquip.Abiti/ Dresses900(150)Boutique2016
Youth Seeker MirrorEquip.Acc. a mano/ Hand Acc.390(65)Boutique2016
Youth Seeker ShoesEquip.Scarpe/ Shoes360(60)Boutique2016
Youth Seeker Thigh HighsEquip.Calze/ Socks240(40)Boutique2016
Gli oggetti di Halloween trovabili in esplorazione. Se un oggetto non è nell'elenco, o non è ancora stato trovato, o può solo essere comprato in negozio.

Costo: -No- Non venduto in negozio

A lighter version of this table, with only the basic info, can be found [HERE]


The following outfits are available:

Boutique (8)

  1. Mischievous Trickster (2021)
  2. Demonika (2020) (Boutique Only)
  3. Fallen angel (2019)(Boutique Only)
  4. Stained-Glass Widow (2018) (Boutique Only)
  5. Twisted Harpy (2018)
  6. Veiled Claws (2018)
  7. Starry Witch  (2017) (Boutique Only)
  8. Youth Seeker (2016) (Boutique Only)

Exploration (30):

  1. Bloody Countess (2015) 
  2. Lost Bride (2015) 
  3. Black Widow (2015) 
  4. Wolf Druid (2015) 
  5. Frankenstein (2015) 
  6. Evil Succubus (2015) 
  7. Santa Muerte (2015) 
  8.  Queen Spider (2016) 
  9. Mysterious Enchantress (2016) 
  10. Sweet Mourne (2016) 
  11. Spirited Away (2016) 
  12. Blood-Cloaked soldier (2016) 
  13. Lost Soul (2016) 
  14. Stealth Crow (2016) 
  15. Magician (2016) 
  16. Skeleton Witch  (2016) 
  17. Petrifying Empress (2017) 
  18. Evil Baroness (2017) 
  19. Voodoo Priestess (2017) 
  20. Mad Scientist (2017) 
  21. Soul Sentinel  (2017) 
  22. Naga (2017) 
  23. Twisted Harpy (2018) 
  24. Veiled Claws (2018) 
  25. Nightmare Chivalry (2018) 
  26. Fortune Teller (2019)
  27. Necromancer (2019) 
  28. Rag Doll (2020) 
  29.  Skel Mermaid (2020) 
  30. Mischievous Trickster (2021)

There is a total of 3 new outfits(2021): Origins Villain (bank), By purchasing gold coins or/AND maana for a value of 1500 points (1 maana = 1 point, 1 gold coin = 3 points) you can get the bank bonus: Moth Lady (2021) (10 colours + a hairstyle you can pick separately)

Lava Child (Event story)

Mischievous Trickster (Boutique And Exploration)

Prices for the Boutique only outfits (if it’s not here it means it can be found on exploration too, check the table above):

  Cat.Sub. C.Costo | PriceYear /Anno
Candy CornCibo/Food-30(5)2015
Demonic AltarEquip.Sfondi/ Backgrounds300(50)2019
Disenchanted ForestEquip.Sfondi/ Backgrounds300(50)2019
Ghost ShipEquip.Sfondi/ Backgrounds300(50)2018
KathleenEquip.Capelli/ Hair-(175)2018
MelissaEquip.Capelli/ Hair-(175)2017
Possesed AppleCibo/Food-24(4)2015
Stained-glass Widow BeltEquip.Cinture /Belts-(30)2018
Stained-glass Widow CrownEquip.Cappelli/ Hats-(75)2018
Stained-glass Widow GlovesEquip.Guanti/ Gloves-(40)2018
Stained-glass Widow LingerieEquip.Lingerie/ Underwear-(70)2018
Stained-glass Widow ScepterEquip.Acc. a mano/ Hand Acc.-(200)2018
Stained-glass Widow ShoesEquip.Scarpe/ Shoes-(50)2018
Stained-glass Widow SkirtEquip.Pantaloni/ Bottoms-(80)2018
Stained-glass Widow TearsEquip.Acc. viso/ Face Acc.(15)2018
Stained-glass Widow TopEquip.Top/s-(55)2018
Starry Witch BroomEquip.Acc. a mano/ Hand Acc.-(30)2017
Starry Witch CaneEquip.Acc. a mano/ Hand Acc.-(200)2017
Starry Witch HatEquip.Cappelli/ Hats-(80)2017
Starry Witch JacketEquip.Cappotti /Coats-(75)2017
Starry Witch JacketEquip.Top/s-(75)2017
Starry Witch ShoesEquip.Scarpe/ Shoes-(60)2017
Starry Witch ShortsEquip.Pantaloni/ Bottoms-(40)2017
Starry Witch SkirtEquip.Pantaloni/ Bottoms-(45)2017
Starry Witch TightsEquip.Calze/ Socks-(30)2017
Starry Witch TopEquip.Top/s-(55)2017
Terrifying SweetCibo/Food-18(3)2015
Youth Seeker ChokerEquip.Collane/ Necklaces330(55)2016
Youth Seeker CleaverEquip.Acc. a mano/ Hand Acc.270(45)2016
Youth Seeker CorsetEquip.Lingerie/ Underwear600(100)2016
Youth Seeker DressEquip.Abiti/ Dresses900(150)2016
Youth Seeker MirrorEquip.Acc. a mano/ Hand Acc.390(65)2016
Youth Seeker ShoesEquip.Scarpe/ Shoes360(60)2016
Youth Seeker Thigh HighsEquip.Calze/ Socks240(40)2016
Gli oggetti di Halloween trovabili in esplorazione. Se un oggetto non è nell'elenco, o non è ancora stato trovato, o può solo essere comprato in negozio.

Costo: -No- Non venduto in negozio

To see the outfits and their various colours you can check one of these websites:

Tenue d’Eldarya

Eldarya Fittings


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The creator of this site. (Not so) Secretly a cat.

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09/01/2025 11:51 pm

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08/02/2025 12:45 am

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15/02/2025 3:02 am

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