Easter 2022

UPDATED: : 17/04 -10:30 Exploration table completed, English guide published

  • Date:  The Easter Event will be available from Apr 14th, 2022 @ 5 AM EST/11 AM CET to Apr 24th, 2022, 23:59:59 EST.


You can find the LITE version of the exploration items list [HERE]

Troubleshooting & Bugs:

  1. No bug reported, at the moment.

How does it work? Guide and Tips:

The event is made of 4 parts:

1 – The exploration Map:

It’s a special, time limited map that you can find here:

By sending your companion on exploration you might find two new outfits:

  1. Beckett’s Fun
  2. Jeanylotte’s Fluff

You will also find Chocolate Tokens, for the event minigame. The new companion Fabibi is also available on exploration.

2- The event Page, where you can check your progress and play Snake minigame.

One Chocolate Token (available on exploration or at the price of 15 gold coins) is needed to play one round of the minigame Snake. For each round you win (let the snake eat 10 food pellets), you’ll get an illustration piece.

Server’s progress are tracked on this page. When the bar will be filled, every player will receive the new legendary companion: Paegolivr

3 – The boutique

In Purriry’s and Purerru’s stores you can find exclusive Easter Day outfits and companions:

Outfits (Boutique exclusive):

  • Pimpel’s Grace (2022)
  • Children’s Hero (2021)
  • Plushie Dreams (2021)
  • Children’s Nightmare (2021)

The bank outfit Bunny Leader (2022)” is available at the boutique if you’ve already unlocked it.

4 – The bank

By purchasing gold coins or/AND maana for a value of 1500 points (1 maana = 1 point, 1 gold coin = 3 points) you can get the bank bonus: Bunny Leader (2022) (10 colours + a hairstyle you can pick separately)


Complete the minigame challenge (win 10 rounds)  to get the easter illustration.

Easter 2022


You can get the following companions:

 Nome/ NameAreaAnno | Year
Fabibi (Fairy Powder)Beckett's Farm2022

Their Bait:

 Nome/ NameAreaAnno | Year
Fairy Powder (Fabibi)Egg Nests2022
Fairy Powder (Fabibi)Playful Chicks2022

For further information please check the  companions page


Items in exploration

Interactive table with filters; you can search by item, store availability, category/sub category

You can find the list of all the map drops (it’s a special map, created for this event) below.

  • – No – Can’t be bought in boutique
  • Area: Boutique can only be bought in boutique.
  • The bait/companion for that companion/bait is written next to the name.
  • If it’s missing the area it hasn’t been found yet or the table has still to be updated
 Nome/ NameCat.Sub. C.Costo | PriceAreaAnno | Year
ChocoEgg in a CupCibo/Food-24 (4)Chocolate Factory2021
ChocoEgg in a CupCibo/Food-24 (4)Rabbit Burrow2021
Chocolate CirsesCibo/Food-30 (5)Sacred Bell2019
Beckett's Fun BootsEquip.Scarpe/ Shoes390 (65)Playful Chicks2022
Beckett's Fun StaffEquip.Acc. a mano/ Hand Acc.240 (40)Rabbit Burrow2022
Jeanylotte's Fluff CapeEquip.Cappotti /Coats-No-Sacred Bell2022
Beckett's Fun NecklaceEquip.Collane/ Necklaces210 (35)Beckett's Farm2022
Beckett's Fun BagEquip.Acc. a mano/ Hand Acc.234 (39)Butterfly Whirlwind2022
JeanineEquip.Capelli/ Hair-No-Butterfly Whirlwind2022
Beckett's Fun CoatEquip.Cappotti /Coats540 (90)Chocolate Factory2022
Jeanylotte's Fluff SweaterEquip.Top/s-No-Chocolate River2022
Jeanylotte's Fluff BodysuitEquip.Abiti/ Dresses-No-Egg Nests2022
Jeanylotte's Fluff EarringsEquip.Acc. viso/ Face Acc.-No-Four-Leaf Clover Fields2022
Beckett's Fun FeathersEquip.Cappelli/ Hats150 (25)Herd of Bunnies2022
Beckett's Fun PantsEquip.Pantaloni/ Bottoms276 (46)Herd of Bunnies2022
Jeanylotte's Fluff BootsEquip.Scarpe/ Shoes-No-Playful Chicks2022
Beckett's Fun TiaraEquip.Cappelli/ Hats240 (40)Rabbit Burrow2022
Jeanylotte's Fluff VestEquip.Cappotti /Coats-No-Rainbow Bridge2022
Beckett's Fun TopEquip.Top/s330 (55)Sacred Bell2022
Jeanylotte's Fluff BowEquip.Cappelli/ Hats-No-Sacred Bell2022
Jeanylotte's Fluff GlovesEquip.Guanti/ Gloves-No-Sweet Flower Fields2022
Jeanylotte's Fluff StockingEquip.Calze/ Socks-No-Sweet Flower Fields2022
Beckett's Fun CapeEquip.Cappotti /Coats360 (60)Unknown Burrow2022
PandoreEquip.Capelli/ Hair480 (80)Unknown Burrow2022
Fairy Powder (Fabibi)Esche/Bait-480 (80)Egg Nests2022
Fairy Powder (Fabibi)Esche/Bait-480 (80)Playful Chicks2022
Fabibi (Fairy Powder)Uova/Eggs--No-Beckett's Farm2022
Pimpel's Grace CrownEquip.Cappelli/ Hats360 (60)Boutique2022
Pimpel's Grace OverdressEquip.Cinture /Belts450 (75)Boutique2022
Pimpel's Grace DressEquip.Abiti/ Dresses600 (100)Boutique2022
Pimpel's Grace BraceletEquip.Acc. a mano/ Hand Acc.150 (25)Boutique2022
Pimpel's Grace Ankle BraceletEquip.Calze/ Socks210 (35)Boutique2022
Pimpel's Grace GlovesEquip.Guanti/ Gloves180 (30)Boutique2022
Pimpel's Grace SandalsEquip.Scarpe/ Shoes240 (40)Boutique2022
JulieEquip.Capelli/ Hair510 (85)Boutique2022
Children's Hero PixelsEquip.Atmosfere/ Atmospheres390 (65)Boutique2021
Children's Hero BootsEquip.Scarpe/ Shoes330 (55)Boutique2021
Children's Hero GlovesEquip.Guanti/ Gloves290 (48)Boutique2021
Children's Hero PantsEquip.Pantaloni/ Bottoms420 (70)Boutique2021
Children's Hero VestEquip.Top/s480 (80)Boutique2021
Children's Hero Plasma PistolEquip.Acc. a mano/ Hand Acc.450 (75)Boutique2021
OasisEquip.Capelli/ Hair540 (60)Boutique2021
MashaEquip.Capelli/ Hair480 (80)Boutique2021
Plushie Dreams Starry SnowEquip.Atmosfere/ Atmospheres360 (60)Boutique2021
Plushie Dreams MaskEquip.Acc. viso/ Face Acc.318 (53)Boutique2021
Plushie Dreams SuitEquip.Abiti/ Dresses1134 (189)Boutique2021
Plushie Dreams SlippersEquip.Scarpe/ Shoes408 (68)Boutique2021
MistyEquip.Capelli/ Hair576 (96)Boutique2021
Children's Nightmare SkinEquip.Pelli/ Skins720 (120)Boutique2021
Children's Nightmare DressEquip.Abiti/ Dresses600 (100)Boutique2021
Children's Nightmare GlassesEquip.Acc. viso/ Face Acc.450 (75)Boutique2021
Children's Nightmare NecklaceEquip.Collane/ Necklaces300 (50)Boutique2021
Children's Nightmare BaloonEquip.Acc. a mano/ Hand Acc.258 (43)Boutique2021
PloomshuUova/Eggs-- (380)Boutique2021

A lighter version of this table, with only the basic info, can be found [HERE]


The following outfits are available:

Boutique (4)

  1. Pimpel’s Grace (2022)
  2. Children’s Hero (2021)
  3. Plushie Dreams (2021)
  4. Children’s Nightmare (2021)

Exploration (2):

  1. Beckett’s Fun (2022)
  2. Jeanylotte’s Fluff (2022)

Bank exclusive (1):

  1. Bunny Leader (2022)

There is a total of 4 new outfits(2022):

  1. Pimpel’s Grace (Boutique)
  2. Beckett’s Fun (Exploration map)
  3. Jeanylotte’s Fluff (Exploration map)
  4. Bunny Leader (Bank)

Prices for the Boutique only outfits (if it’s not here it means it can be found on exploration too, check the table above):

 Nome/ NameCat.Sub. C.Costo | PriceAnno | Year
Pimpel's Grace CrownEquip.Cappelli/ Hats360 (60)2022
Pimpel's Grace OverdressEquip.Cinture /Belts450 (75)2022
Pimpel's Grace DressEquip.Abiti/ Dresses600 (100)2022
Pimpel's Grace BraceletEquip.Acc. a mano/ Hand Acc.150 (25)2022
Pimpel's Grace Ankle BraceletEquip.Calze/ Socks210 (35)2022
Pimpel's Grace GlovesEquip.Guanti/ Gloves180 (30)2022
Pimpel's Grace SandalsEquip.Scarpe/ Shoes240 (40)2022
JulieEquip.Capelli/ Hair510 (85)2022
Children's Hero PixelsEquip.Atmosfere/ Atmospheres390 (65)2021
Children's Hero BootsEquip.Scarpe/ Shoes330 (55)2021
Children's Hero GlovesEquip.Guanti/ Gloves290 (48)2021
Children's Hero PantsEquip.Pantaloni/ Bottoms420 (70)2021
Children's Hero VestEquip.Top/s480 (80)2021
Children's Hero Plasma PistolEquip.Acc. a mano/ Hand Acc.450 (75)2021
OasisEquip.Capelli/ Hair540 (60)2021
MashaEquip.Capelli/ Hair480 (80)2021
Plushie Dreams Starry SnowEquip.Atmosfere/ Atmospheres360 (60)2021
Plushie Dreams MaskEquip.Acc. viso/ Face Acc.318 (53)2021
Plushie Dreams SuitEquip.Abiti/ Dresses1134 (189)2021
Plushie Dreams SlippersEquip.Scarpe/ Shoes408 (68)2021
MistyEquip.Capelli/ Hair576 (96)2021
Children's Nightmare SkinEquip.Pelli/ Skins720 (120)2021
Children's Nightmare DressEquip.Abiti/ Dresses600 (100)2021
Children's Nightmare GlassesEquip.Acc. viso/ Face Acc.450 (75)2021
Children's Nightmare NecklaceEquip.Collane/ Necklaces300 (50)2021
Children's Nightmare BaloonEquip.Acc. a mano/ Hand Acc.258 (43)2021
PloomshuUova/Eggs-- (380)2021

To see the outfits and their various colours you can check one of these websites:

Tenue d’Eldarya

Eldarya Fittings


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The creator of this site. (Not so) Secretly a cat.

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