[Guards Ranking] May Reward
Reward for the month of May: Tinkle lily Won by the Obsydian Guard Congratulations!Continue Reading
Reward for the month of May: Tinkle lily Won by the Obsydian Guard Congratulations!Continue Reading
Reward for the month of April: Wild Liane Won by the Shadow Guard Congratulations!Continue Reading
Reward for the month of March: Gold Rain Won by the Shadow Guard Congratulations!Continue Reading
The guide should hopefully follow soon.Continue Reading
I haven’t posted in ages, have I? It has been a year since I got swamped by work and I decided to put this project on hiatus; to be fair, in the meantime my passion for Eldarya withered, mostly because the Italian server gets an episode once every 10 thousandContinue Reading
As soon as I can I’ll post the illustrations and the guide :3Continue Reading
The winners of the Gattoniglio are: PG07 PG16 Congratulations!Continue Reading
This give-away is only for players with an Italian snail mail address and an Italian Eldarya account. If you qualify, even if you don’t speak English, and you want to know more about it or to participate, send me a message :3Continue Reading
L’evento è iniziato a mezzanotte. spero di poter pubblicare una versione light della guida oggi, ma, se non ne avessi modo, ho comunque preparato una pagina dove poter parlare dell’evento, se l desiderate. vi auguro anche una buona Pasqua, anche se in ritardo 🙂Continue Reading