Hello! The Easter event will start tomorrow, save your companion’s energy, just in case! In the past weeks we have: Updated the guards ranking rewards The illustrations The explorations (work in progress) We have added Blobbette and Zarali to the Companions Video Spin-off #3 Guide Spin-off #3 (Italian Only) WeContinue Reading

The third spin-off “Double edged” is available! As a side note, the guide has been on https for a few weeks, let me know if you have any issue or find any broken link. I would also like to answer the people who asked about Blobbette. Blobbette, like Blobby, isContinue Reading

We are still working on the guide, [here]. It’s in English even on the Italian page, for now. Please remember the guide is a stub, update the page often and do not trust everything you read, yet. XDContinue Reading

Let me start with something somewhat personal. The Valentine Event (I’ve just posted a review on Tumblr) was a mind-blowing disaster, but I also received a lot of support from a lot of people, and this made my job as Cicero for this game somewhat more bearable (Should I sayContinue Reading

The alchemy minigame is out! Check this link for more info We are working on a guide, for now please note that the old alchemy scrolls have been revamped and now sport new icons; make sure you don’t already have them before buying any scroll on the market. While weContinue Reading

Is this a new minigame? The annoouncement was briefly online on eldaryaBT, it shouldn’t take long to come out. If you are curious, you can see a screenshot of the announcement here on @Aikomlc‘s tumblr.Continue Reading