Date:  The Valentine’s Day Event will be available from Tuesday February 14 at 11 am to Wednesday February 22 at midnight. (Local EST time)


How does it work? Guide and Tips:

Great news! You can get aaaaaall the outfits by just playing daily. You don’t have to spend gold coins or extra maana (you can if you want to finish it sooner, tho).

Please note: you can only get one each of these items per day and, in exchange, 4 pieces of chocolate. Any extra chocolate per day will have to be paid with MO. If you play every day, you won’t have to spend MO for extras to get all the outfits and the companion.

First step: send your companion out on exploration to fetch Love Cocoa Beans. Any area of the map works, as far as I know. I found them even in the areas that cost 10 energy; my suggestion is to start by doing those cheap explorations until you find it, since it’s not a guaranteed drop; the best place seems to be the West plain, but the rock and the shallow waters should be equally good.

Second step: Go look for the Salty Sugar. Be aware that it can be found on any page of the site and it  usually doesn’t change during the day; you can’t just refresh  a page.  It can be in the boutique, on the item of the month, on the head of your character.


Third step: Buy something cheap (or that you need) from the market; companion food for example, or if you have less items than I do, one of those cheap 1-2 maana buyout clothes. You will get the Caramoney Jam.



Quarto Step: Play the minigames. You need a score of 7 maana (14 exp) to get the Sugary Salt.


At this point you can make the chocolate; you can make up to 4 per day by exchanging the 4 items but you can trade as many as you want per day, you will just have to pay MO for the extras. It’s 9 pieces for each boy and 5 for Leiftan for a total of 32. Don’t worry, you can do all the three boys, and it doesn’t matter who you pick first, but if you like an outfit better, do that boy first.

Give it to the boy by clicking on him.


Also known as: Questions I’ve been asked, and the answers I’ve given.

What does the new companion look like when an adult? I have no idea… if someone knows… XD

If I miss 2 days of the event can I still complete it? Unfortunately, no, not without using gold coins. The downside of this event is that it’s rather merciless; not only you need all the items all the days but the time at your disposal is barely enough to get everything. If I did the math right, missing 2 days, you will be able to get all the outfits but you won’t get the companion. The maximum number of days you can skip to get everything is one.

Where can I find the illustration pieces? On any area of the City of El or Jade Coast (for the French version); Illustration pieces can drop pretty much from any exploration place, from the HQ to the Edge of the forest. So far I haven’t noticed any difference in drop rate either, it’s pretty random, there are no places that drop illustration pieces more than others. 🙂 It’s usually better to send the companion to different places, don’t stick to the same one.

Were you unable to get an item the day before due to a bug?  If you didn’t get the item from the minigames or the market, contact the support on the forum as soon as possible! You can make, store and give as much chocolate as you want in one day, but you can only collect one ingredient of each kind per day, even if you didn’t get it the day before. Please note, the support will not help you for sure if it’s related to the Salty sugar; they’ve said it’s not a bug. If you can’t find it, you just have… to keep looking.

How can I unlock Leiftan? How do I get the companion?  Once you have given 9 pieces of chocolate to each of the 3 main guys, Leiftan will unlock and you can start giving him chocolate too. Once you have given 5 pieces of chocolate to him, he will give you the companion for free!

What happens if I finish the event early? (buying things with gold coins, for example) Nothing happens; there is no advantage in finishing the event early, except perhaps satisfying your curiosity or having more time to buy things at the shop. You will be still able to make chocolate, but you won’t be able to do anything with it. My suggestion is to wait and do the event daily, if you can. Don’t look at me, I had to use coins to make the guide, but I would have done it day by day if I that was an option for me XD

Cant’ find the Salty sugar? Make sure to check here:

Places to find the Salty Sugar

It can also be:

  • on the crush pop-up menu
  • In the bank, on the gold coins.
  • On the index page or the wardrobe, on the head of your character
  • On the head of your character at the market
  • On the oracle’s head (or the first friend in the messages’ list), on the messages page.
  • On Purral’s bindle, in the minigame.
  • On Purriry’s head in her shop.
  • On “My auction”
  • On the TOS (terms of service) page
  • In the inventory (Edit my apparence)
  • On the Goodies page
  • On “My companion” on the exploration page

Thanks to Ithuriel, for confirming a few of them and adding some others :3  And thanks to Giaddy for the picture of the Purral’s bindle. 

If you can’t find it anywhere, try switching platform and trying again. 


It’s Ezarel for this event! It’s divided in 8 pieces that you can find on exploration or you can buy for 10 gold coins each. 

Illustration: Valentine Day 2017


Companions : 

The new companion  is obtained by doing the event, thanks to Leiftan! It's called Lovigis (and it was hinted at during episode 13, when Ezarel calls you Lovigis if he finds you with Nevra 😉 and it's well.. free. You just have to play every day :3 It's a great chance to put your paws on a legendary familiar!

Companion: Valentine Day 2017

Lovigis (Legendary): 90/?? Incubation 12 hrs Evolution 10 Level, 85% affection, 35 days
Bait: None
Food: Love candies (30m/5gc)


There are 3 of them (one for each boy), and you can pick the color! After you win a piece by trading chocolate, you can see all the other colors (and buy them!) in the clothes shop.


All the outfits, divided by piece, all the colors (prices included!)





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The creator of this site. (Not so) Secretly a cat.

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14/02/2017 11:52 pm

Grazie come sempre!

Paola Gallo
Paola Gallo
16/02/2017 1:18 pm

Ho una domanda, se per caso, per problemi di bug non sono riuscita per due giorni a vincere il sale zuccherato. C’è un modo per recuperare solo questo ingrediente?

17/02/2017 2:30 pm

Sono 2 giorni che non trovo lo zucchero !
L’ho cercato dappertutto tranne nel TOS che no so dove sia , HELP!!
Ps. le tue guide per gli episodi sono super comode !

vinicius carvalho
18/02/2017 1:20 am

Hey where do I find the fragments of illustration ?? Thank you in advance

18/02/2017 7:50 am

Ma se salto 2 giorni c’è la faccio?

22/02/2017 6:48 am

L’evento è finito in anticipo di un giorno ! Perché? Mi mancava esettamente un cioccolatino per l’uovo e volevo fare acquisti nel negozio per oggi è niente evento sparito! Come può essere?se lo sapevo usavo le monete.

22/02/2017 7:34 am

i thought it will last untill today! 🙁 i didnt get the companion T_T

22/02/2017 2:28 pm

Ciao, scusami davvero per il disturbo 🙂 se compro dalla banca le monete d’oro poi posso avere tutte le tenute entro oggi? Grazie e scusami ma non sono ancora pratica nel gioco ^^”