(Remember to refresh the page often, im updating atm)
Event starts on Feb 12th 2020, ends Feb 26th 23:59
- Ezarel’s Companion: Taenmil
- Ezarel’s favorite food: Honey
- Ezarel’s Height: 182cm
- Ezarel loves: sense of humor
- Amaya? A real Pest
- Leiftan: Light Guard
- Leiftan’s bd: 17 July
- Leiftan loves: our modesty
- Valkyon is the leader of: the obsidian guard
- Floppy: a musarose
- Valkyon is uneasy: because he doesn’t like to talk about himself
- Valkyon – Today you’re really… amazing (haven’t got this one in english, so I’m not sure XD)
- Nevra lived: Yaqut
- Nevra’s companion: Shaitan
- Closest person to Nevra/person who knows him best: Karenn?
- Nevra would gift you: a red rose
- If you get an answer wrong you have to end up onm any spot for that character to try again.
- You have to pick the outfit piece in order to continue. Order is: Vial, Sandals, book, crown lingerie, skirt, top, earrings, belt, sleeves, fiori
- The exploration outfit *seems* to be dropping everywhere, including the 10 energy areas. I’m mining the HQ with very good results so far.
- The valentine food, bait for the new companion and dice (!!) drop in exploration.
- Dice has a very high drop rate, it’s A LOT CHEAPER to buy potions (or use the event’s reward) and spam 10energy explorations (2 gold coins to quick explore) than buy a die on the event page. Id be surprised if with a small energy potion (30g + 10g = 40g worth of quick explorations) you didn’t get at least one die, i usually get 2-3 every 50 energy.
- Buying a die is 80g. they can keep it XD
- The 2019 outfits are available at the shop, the price is still outrageous.
- The order of the dialogues is fixed (each characters’ questions will appear in a set order) the spot you end up on determines which one you talk to.
- You can trade the exploration outfit at the markets
- The first companion will be unlocked upon opening all the presents on the board
- The illustration unlocks after clearing all the dialogues.
The first present is.an incubator!
The second present is valentine’s food
The 3rd 4th, 5th are small energy potion
6th is Valentine’s food
Second last is also an incubator
The last is also a small energy potion
Reblogging to add a very important reminder:
DO NOT BUY 2019 OUTFITS. Craft them. Even buying ALL the ingredients, it’s WAY cheaper (with maybe one or 2 exceptions but I’d have to double check). The scrolls drop in exploration.
For Example:
Dress Minimum maana (all ingredients) 60 Max Maana (Buy everything) 330 Boutique price (maana): 1080
Hair: Minimum maana (all ingredients) 60 Max Maana (Buy everything) 490 Boutique price (maana): 900
The creator of this site. (Not so) Secretly a cat.