Data di uscita:

Episodio 1 – 10/11/2020
Episodio 2 -10/11/2020
Episodio 3 – 20/01/2021
Episodio 4 – 19/04/2021

[NE] Episode 5

Maana: 2196 – 2261 (+1300 maana, only the first time, to buy the outfit) L’O’M requirements: 70 lom seems to be the minimum requirement for the illustrations. Crush: Not necessary Outfit: Pride of Hatteras, price 1300 maana Companions: – Items needed: – Item received: – Illustrations: 4, requires 3 replaysContinue Reading


[NE] Episode 4

Maana: 1402-1454 L’O’M requirements: Yes, 15% with Leiftan Nevra Mathieu (20% to be safer) and 20% Lance to unlock the last illustration. The first illustration has been tested with a minimum of 10% LoM Crush: – Outfit: None Companions: None Items needed: None Item received: None Illustrations: 2, (no replaysContinue Reading


[NE] Episodio 3

Maana: 2850-2950 ca L’O’M requirements: YES to unlock the illustration of the guy you want his LOM has to be as high as the other 2 or higher and at least 25%.  Crush: Not required Outfit: None Companions: None Items needed: None Item received: None Illustrations: 4, 2 replays needed,Continue Reading


[NE] Episodio 2

Maana: Between 2500 and 2700 (2512-2672). You can save some maana here and there. L’O’M requirements: YES The illustrations for this episode have LOM requirements, at the start of the episode you will need a LOM of at least 20% with Mathieu and 20% with Leiftan to unlock them. ForContinue Reading


[NE] Episodio 1

Maana: Il primo episodio è gratuito. L’O’M requirements: No Crush: Not requiredOutfit: Una tenuta da 4 pezzi piu’ pettinatura: Wide awake lingerie, collana, cintura e vestito E Guardian Returns (7 pezzi, top, giacca, calze, scarpe, guanti, pantaloni e collana) Companions: Nessuno Items needed: Nessuno Item received: Nessuno Illustrations: 4 (nonContinue Reading



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The creator of this site. (Not so) Secretly a cat.